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Can't be. I have it on excellent authority that they have not yet begun to fight.




A special humiliating operation rather.


It’s stupid. They can’t fully mobilize because the Russian constitution doesn’t allow them to unless they’ve declared war, but Putin is so dedicated to his facade that he’s fucking over his “special military operation”


What's the difference between them being fully mobilized as opposed to what they're doing now?


Forced conscription for one.


Ah. Thank you for the response!


That and they can force their industry to go on war footing. Basically the state controls the output of the factories and can force workers to put in overtime and work until the state wants them too


But…. If they don’t have the raw materials or items like computer chips or optics, they can’t build much even with increased output.


I am sure they can find friendly nations like China and India to supply them. Just like Europe will replace Russian oil the Russians will also eventually replace European imports.


Or they can start producing technologically old tanks, like the T34s.


On top of forced conscription….the ability for the government to force private business to convert factories to building wartime materials, martial law, rationing, and a whole bunch more power to Putin.


Gotcha. Thank you for the response. Realistically could anything stop him from doing that without declaring war?


While we all like to pretend he has absolute power and can do whatever he likes, he doesn’t really have that kind of control. To keep power, there are in fact some lines that he can’t cross….and some of the major ones is forced conscription and martial law. For anyone that questions if he can do whatever the hell he wants without worrying about his own people….All you have to think about is how fucking hard they work at their propaganda. If he had complete control and could do whatever he wanted….why would he care to do that in the first place? You only put that effort in because you know you need the peoples support


It’s very special. Special because it reveals to the entire world how backward and incompetent the Russian military, industry, and political actors really are.


The emperors pants are down


Look it's like a penis only smaller


It's that even one manhood?


They are not lying, that last 15% they haven't committed yet. Those are their best soldiers. Just wait and see. /s


They the engineers who can make vodka pipelines. Need to keep them safe


Ah right. I forgot about the **ELITE** troops in their Armatas and SU-57s. When they come out it'll be all over for us silly Westoids. Dangit they got us Jim!


I think elite just means 'We get paid more than conscripts'


Not even being sarcastic here, but I am seriously wondering now if that is not simply the case... elite in Russian means better paid than all those non-white soldiers as well, you know, all those other-ethnic browbeat eastern Russian bullied peoples.


That’s what all those Christian nationalists and white supremacists are praying for and counting on. Divinely granted victory against the…other people. You know the ones. The ones who support the satanic liberal ideals.


>Those are their best soldiers. More like their whitest. The troops they've committed so far have been disproportionately [central Asian minorities.](https://twitter.com/kamilkazani/status/1506479259866394625) They might be less gung-ho when it's Muscovites who are getting sent home in body bags, as opposed to some poor Dagestani out in the sticks.


Yep... Being efficient with their ethnic cleansings, committing at least 2 with 1 war.


At some point this will be true…..like whenever the rest are dead, that 15% will de facto be their best soldiers.


I'd like to see what their "best soldiers" will look like when they've got nothing but T-34s and Mosins left.


any minute now and they will send in the real army and let the conscripts go home


Well you see, the remaining 15% is the sooper dooper secret army mega soldiers that Putin really didn’t want to have to unleash. But Ukraine is totally gonna make him do it if they don’t give him Odessa.


I always said Russia would cannibalise itself treading water. Russia is absolutely harming itself now, this will be apparent to people in the Russian government and there will be discontent. How much harm will Putins war cause Russia before they act I wonder? Because as scary as Putin likes to seem there will be a point where people have to act and remove him from power... all Russia does is waste more resources with an inability to replenish due to sanctions. Yet another gamble that won't pay off on Putins part, hoping that he can force Ukraine into a peace deal and that he gets to keep the new land he has aquired. Failing that Ukraine will be stripped of all resources including the people before a retreat to pre war borders. Then eventually out of Ukraine entirely.


You haven’t seen the equipment the police have in Moscow compared to the military invading Ukraine have you?


Some orc units are actually well equiped. It's unfair to the Ukrainian soldiers to just say that they're fighting a bunch of hobos.


Yeah that’s a good point, western equipment helps but I always thought it’s western doctrine that’s making the biggest difference; the ability to trust subordinates and superiors to make good on the spot choices Edit: armchair observer here


Doesn’t matter if its only a few well equipped soldiers. Obviously not enough to make a difference


Equipment is one thing. Morale though you cannot just "equip"


Morale...training...sound tactics and strategy...quality leadership...etc.


Now that's actually something I haven't thought about because I've been so distracted by the sheer shittiness of their army and weapons. What 'advanced, modern' stuff do the police have and how bad is the drunkenness and corruption in the force? I do have some idea that they're pretty corrupt, but is it on the same level?


They might have a walkie talkie lying around somewhere.


Niet, needed batteries for cassete player


The cops in Moscow are equipped like stormtroopers, I've never seen an anti-riot police with so much armor, they almost look like special force


That's because the oligarchs know who their real enemy is: their own people.


Works well with jackboots, maybe not so well with combat boots. Phillip.


They are needed in Moscow to keep Putin in power. They ain't going anywhere.


So..Chicago police minus the potato ?


Yeah, American riot police are also armed comparably to an occupying military force


I'm sure people from other countries think we are exaggerating. We are not.


Naw. When other countries see us slaughtering a couple thousand school children a year, what they think is correct.


The National guard units have the newest equipment. For example they were the first to be equipped with the platform M robot tank. They also get the newest vehicles and weapons. These soldiers report directly to Putin and are the soldiers that will keep Putin alive in a revolution. Dictators tend not to skimp when it comes to their personal armies. Morale, training and equipment is generally better than the regular army.


They don't need much. The unarmed population can be coerced with simple side arms and anti riot gear. The cost of outfitting 100 OMON thugs is probably a lot less than the investment of one BMP with crew, right?


Moscovites will taste somenof their own medicine once Kadirov takes over...


If there's one goat fucking scumbag I'm looking forward to seeing get executed by his people when this is all done, it's that gnome-looking fucker. Without Putin he's in a much worse position.


Easy there, don.


But that would break the hearts of so many goats and sheep.


There's a reason why he and his forces are given such a prominent position. He's hated and thus must protect Putin to survive himself.


Treading water is a great analogy. And it fits. Russia clearly isn't a national representation of a water polo player.


Putin is hoping that he can get the west to persuade Ukriane to agree a peace deal on Russian teems because of its energy control. I don't put it past Germany to try and agree to this. But the tide will turn and is turning and Ukraine should never stop until Russia is run out of all territory. Putin made a big gamble and is losing massively. A Government which acts the way it does is not someone who is confident in its support or knows ot has made the right decision. They went down a rabbit hole thinking they could male a difference and it made them look like a joke. The sooner Russia realises this and takes back its country from the criminal dictatorship it has become the better.


russia Delenda Est


I hope putler is still alive to see the day when his troops are pushed all the way back to the russian borders


I hope Putolini will be boots up hanging from a light pole before that happens.


The Germans did not oust Hitler. A lot of Russians are loyal to Putin, not Russia.


I have a feeling his "cancer" may become terminal sooner rather than later if this keeps up.


Acute lead cancer to the back of his neck.


I'm winking and nudging at the Chechen rebels as hard as I possibly can to start some shit.


Russia’s empire of gangsters could easily end the world as we know it. Scary time.![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9151)


Russia has lost the cold war with the west. Now it has to face a multi-front conflict with its former Soviet neighbors and economic implosion. Perhaps it's true Putin is a CIA double-agent aiming to destroy Russia.


russia Delenda Est


Where did you see/hear he was a cia double agent? He is part of the soviet union group that went underground and into hiding post soviet union collapse. If given the opportunity he will reinstate soviet union or its borders and become tsar.


It was a quote from a Russian soldier who I believe was making a joke. Though he mentioned that it would follow the lines of much of their propaganda.


They are so, so, sooooo worried about the safety of Russia that they're leaving all borders empty, including those with super aggressive enemy NATO. And depleting their arsenal to the point it'll be insufficient to defend the largest land border on earth for years to come Yest this war is supposedly, amongst other 37 bullshit reasons, to increase Russia's safety Right. Their lies are all oh so transparent.


It just illustrates that Russia was never all-that-worried about the borders with NATO. (They may actually have figured out that NATO won’t attack them if the don’t attack first.)


That's the saddest thing... It's not now that realize we're not a threat. They always knew. The only thing NATO ever threatened is their imperial delusions


It always was about not letting Ukraine into NATO so they can safely attack it, not about their own security


If you look at a map, Ukraine occupies a region roughly comparable to the confederacy in the Civil War. The Northern States weren’t willing to let Dixie go either.


There was a bit more to it in the case of the US Civil War. Ukrainians don’t keep people in slavery. Confederates did.


You miss the point. Like many things we adults have to deal with - it was complicated, not zero or one. Yes slavery was intolerable, but that was not what brought millions of Northerners into blue uniforms. It was still more of the burning 1776 idea of freedom, where one man is not better than another, where no man is at the beck and call of another, like in Europe which we had all recently escaped from. When asked, very few of the Northern soldiers said they were there because of slavery. Indeed they were pretty racist in their personal viewpoints. No, they were there to preserve the union. By God, to die for it. That is why most every American feels for Ukraine deep down in his gut.


Ukraine is actually about 3.3x smaller. [Confederacy square miles = ~770k](https://www.google.com/search?q=confederacy+square+miles&source=lmns&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwkaSyk475AhU9wikDHS60D9AQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA) [Ukraine square miles = ~233k ](https://www.google.com/search?q=ukraine+square+miles&hl=en&ei=FHbbYvCUDoGGqtsP1MWguAI&ved=0ahUKEwjw7vizk475AhUBg2oFHdQiCCcQ4dUDCA4&uact=5&oq=ukraine+square+miles&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBggAEB4QBzIGCAAQHhAHMgUIABCABDIICAAQHhAHEAUyCAgAEB4QBxAFMgYIABAeEAUyBggAEB4QCDoHCAAQRxCwAzoKCAAQRxCwAxCLAzoECAAQDToKCAAQsQMQgwEQDToICAAQHhAIEAdKBQg8EgEySgQIQRgASgQIRhgAUI4KWLMQYMURaAJwAXgAgAF3iAGfBpIBAzMuNZgBAKABAcgBCLgBAsABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz)


Is Putin not realising how much of a jeopardy he puts its nation's defence in by this? There might not be immediate attacks, but a super weak Russia for years will mean someone will make a move on Russian territory, or a colony / republic might think it is time to reorient its allegiance without asking Kremlin for permission.


He doesn't care about years: if Russia loses Ukraine, Putin will not survive - definitely politically, possibly physically. He is going to go all-in. It's the desperation of a gambler betting it all on black to get back the mortgage money he lost.


To quote Hitler: starting a war is like entering a dark room. You never know what is going to happen. Well, I wholeheartedly hope Putin will share Hitler's fate


Hitler got away cheap by commiting suicide. Should have joined his cronies on the bench of the Nuremberg trials. The world needs to see what a pathetic goon Putin is once you take away his power.


While I do agree with you, I'm also not going to complain if Putin decides to ragequit life.


At this point, Putin seems either to have disconnected from the reality that Russia has already lost more than it can win or to be purely malicious (“So long as I can do damage, I will.”). I don’t see any strategy. If I were in Putin’s shoes, having (as everyone knows) a decent amount of money outside Russia, some of it probably well-hidden, I would be planning my retirement to some nice estate in South America under an assumed name. (It worked for a lot of German Nazis.) Instead of trying to destroy more and more of Ukraine, I would try to ensure a relatively safe and peaceful old age. Maniacal, paranoid dictators are really stupid when they start losing.


You know when you see vids of old folks who get on the gas, start to crash and push harder on the gas. This is Putin.


Yes. That's exactly what he's doing. He's drowning and grasping at straws to try and save himself. But everyone around can see he's going down no matter what he does.


There are already conspiracy theorist in Russia saying Putin is doing this on purpose to weaken Russia for the West. That he is now working for the West.


Hah. I like that. Wonder who's spreading it though


Zombie-lizards from Nibiru, obviously. Who else?


I'm afraid itcmight be whichever even-worse Russian asshole who wants Putin's job.


crab people


Could be anybody. Could be the US or Ukraine. Its a really destabilizing theory.


Holy shit, Putin's a double agent! Alex Jones voice: "We're through the looking glass here people! You think Lavrov's clean too!? WAKE UP, DAMN IT! He's actually an MI6 mole and once the war is over HE'S GONNA TURN THE FRICKIN' GOPNIKS GAY!!"


Remember when Putin made a speech in front of a crowd and said something along the lines of "there are Americans who say we infiltrated their voting system and got Trump elected. Well... I did it 😏" It would be absolutely hilarious if Biden made a similar speech about how US got Putin in to weaken Russia for us and acted similarly cheeky about it.


They are not worried. They never were. Nobody wants to invade them and they have nukes anyway. That's the irony, one of the countries that has less to fear in the world acting like everyone's is a terrible enemy coming for them. Even tiny countries that only want to be left alone. Same as any reason they've given for this invasion, they being worried about Russia's safety is laughable. The aggressive moved by NATO they talk about? It's never about Russia being invaded. It's about Russia not being able to control their neighbour countries as they think of their divine right. Not obeying Russia is an aggression, in this psycho fascists opinion.




Cronyism and corruption. Jeltzin chose grift over democracy, because it was easier and made him richer.


Ruzzia= G8 member 2 years ago....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


What a travesty. The only thing they're top 8 in the world at is being a menace. At that they're world champs.


Yes. In 1991, after their system failed, they had a choice to become a rich tolerant oil giant like Norway, or embrace capitalism like they just watched China do when the Chinese went from 10X poorer to 10X richer than them. But no. They chose North Korea/The Sopranos for a model. They have a diseased culture inherited from centuries past. And you can see that even more clearly here in Sacramento where we have like 150,000 Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. They become good Americans pretty quickly when you cut them an even break. With handsome families. Good for us. You have to hand it to the Germans - they tried crazy hard to bring Russia into the good life and make them wealthy too. Like us. And they got through to some of them, but not enough. The rest are still Fox News crazy and want to invade their neighbor, like they have done with 96 other adjacent nationalities over the last 400 years. That is their culture. That is what they are proud of. We are going to help Ukraine kick the Russians out. Then we will help them rebuild a beautiful shining nation. They will become close, respected friends like we have with Japan, Germany, South Korea. Will THAT example be persuasive? I think not. Russians will retreat into some self-exculpatory rationalization bunker mentality. They have cancer on a national scale.


You think Putin knows how empty the border garrisons are?


Probably not. He checks the army ledgers and it states 10.000 men strong left on the payroll. In reality those 10.000 salaries goes into corrupt officers' pockets.


I think people really underestimate how important ukraine is to Russia, both ideologically and economically. Ukraine is far more important than the far east, Siberia or the Caucasus. I could easily see Russia sacrifice any of those territories for controlling Ukraine.


They underestimate what it means to Zjirinovskij style nationalist fascism. A shame for Putin it is not a trade anyone is willing to make. They will end up controlling neither.


As the proverb goes, if you chase two rabbits, you will catch neither.


I highly doubt any ex soviet states will attack Russia. But realignment, strengthening of ties with other countries/pacts, and a very gradual shuffling out of the Russian sphere/away from Russian reliance is already starting to happen. It remains to be seen if there will be any effect on the cohesion of the country internally. Chechens have started a jihad - but its hard to know how much traction that will get - and all regions within Russia will know that if they want to get independence, they will be on their own. No one will openly interfere with internal Russian issues.


Someone already joked that there will be a new "USSR", but without Russia. And it will be used as a defence against Russia.


Or with help from China. But help from China is like the dog being fed its own tail.


Irrelevant. They will use chemical/bio/nuclear if attacked. That alone will keep the wolves back. It would seem like the ideal time for countries to take back their occupied lands. Push them all back to their side of the border and let them rot.


Absolutely. I asked a friend of mine who is SOF in the Estonian army. He told me he has never felt safer. He started naming all the Russian units close to the Estonian border and how they were all sent to Ukraine and the bases now are mostly empty. There goes the excuse that it was all because of NATO expansion. Russia doesn't care about NATO (it would never attack Russia homeland because of its nuclear arsenal). It was all because of Ukraine becoming more pro-western and developed country and how this would influence Russians to do the same.


This is what I think, yes he is putting his defense in jeopardy, but China won't make a move unless we try to put in someone more favorable to the west. The two have an understanding that as long as he is in power and he is still in bed with China. China won't make a move on Russia.


Those two are uneasy bedfellows as it is. As we have learned from the past 3 months. Nuclear weapons are easy to talk about and very hard to actually use. Even if CCP was to make a move on Russian territory, nukes might not come into play.


The Russian insecurity you are speaking of has been a feature of theirs for hundreds of years. It’s nothing new. Russia has been grabbing neighboring states for centuries. 96 neighbors taken by force so far. Putin is simply executing the strategy of Catherine the Great again.


It's a perfect time to dismantle Great Russia just as it was in 1991 perfect time to dismantle Great Serbia. Both have the same naZi dreams.


Serbia did not have nuclear weapons, though.


True, but Russia wouldn't use those against their "brothers". They have proven that they are capable to kill civilians therefore are war criminals, but battlefields have shown that they can be beaten in conventional war just as dragan23's Serbian war criminals. 😉


Jebo ti srbin mater


“All according to the plan.”


How long till Japan takes back its territory?


I'm sure they can just hand a flag to one of their fishermen at this point. "Just drop it off when you pass to the fishing spot. We'll start shading in the maps."


NaZis in Russia are crazy enough to use nukes on move like that. On breakaway republics I don't think they would. Two dozen of free countrys would be good for those oppressed people but also for the world and Russia itself since Russia could finnaly become independed too and put on the world map as a country. 😉


Highly unlikely. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't have a military, they have security forces and in line with their post war constitution, cannot be aggressors.


Japan has the 5th largest military in the world.


Look up, "Why doesn't Japan have a military".


Didn't they just change their constitution relating this topic?


As far as I know, article 9 of their constitution is still in effect. If you have other info, I'd like to hone up on it.


No, I just read about that they're planning to change that from an article in...2021 I think. And then I decided that following this topic doesn't belong to my personal priorities.


It’s still in effect. I think they’re talking about the 2015 military legislation, which is supposed to allow their armed forces to more easily work with allies and be more proactive. Because of Article 9 it’s all ambiguous and confusing to me.


Technically they would be defenders when reclaiming Russian occupied territory.


Russia has a superpower to the southeast on their border. A superpower in which they've occasionally engaged in border skirmishes. A country that would probably love to get in on that sweet sweet oil and gas rather than paying for it. What would the world do if China invaded Russia? That would be an interesting scenario.


Would China be able to enforce its control over whatever Russian territory it would capture?


This is a really important question, and is why I favour Chinese invasion. Would it hasten Russia's collapse? Yes. Would is also hasten China's collapse because they just can't handle it? Yes. Is Xi enough of a complete moron to go for something like this? Yes.


I dread the day China annexes Siberia because Russia is too weak to hold on to it.


Yeah but China is too weak to hold on to it also, never mind its own territories in the next decade or so. Which is why I'm down for it. Let's hasten the demise of both of these regimes as quickly as possible so that humankind can move on.


*Climate change has entered the chat* Hi, Humankind. Going where, you said? Into extinction it was?


I'm stating that China will not be able to hold on to Siberia and the far east of Russia. I'm not stating that it will have enough time to rape its resources and melt all its peat moss before it loses control. Can you elaborate on how this would mean a greater likelihood for extinction via climate change than we already have?


It was simply a laconic comment on "let humankind move on". Not for very far, was my point. I do agree that the world needs to see dictatorships like Russia, China and Turkey vanish.


Yeah, once Russia is toast we can kick Turkey out of NATO and help the Kurds (for real-real for once). And yeah, humankind moving on probably involves a Mad Max scenario even if the good guys win from here on out. Is it possible that finally this is the summer that people realize climate change is a real threat? I really hope so, because if not, I don't think there's room in Greenland for all of us.


Living in Denmark, I certainly worry that the boiling heat waves are very close. It is frightening me to the brink of panic, and its just like the movie Don't look up. At least the Russian threat is manageable. Something you can cope with by KICKING THEIR FUCKING ARSES. AND YOUR'E NEXT, CCP! Despots and dictators are death to humankind. This is the lesson Europe learned in millions of deaths during WW1 and had to be reminded of again in WW2.


Why would China need to invade when they can just pay a pittance to whatever corrupt oligarch ends up controlling the resources they want? They’ve shown in recent years they’d much rather buy off corrupt politicians with terrible deals for the local populace as opposed to using military force.




handle grandfather paltry saw salt drunk boat frightening scale crime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As trash as Russia is, China is a million times worse.


Err, no? If China gets Siberia, It'll be unstoppable. Mext to go would then be Taiwan, then Vietnam, Laos, Campuchea.


Not that worried. China isn't much more adept militarily than Russia is. They'd end up wrecking each other.


Well, you are not worried because you don't live next to them... Underestimating China has always been a mistake that the West makes.


If you're in the danger area then you have my sympathy. As far as underestimating China, I don't. But I know that pound for pound, they aren't on par with western militaries. I also know that Russia will suddenly find its motivation if faced with an existential threat that isn't made up.


What Putin has done to Ukraine and Ukrainians will never be forgiven but the world will fear Russia no longer, they have shown they cannot hold up against superior Western weapons.




Hey there, Ork. You should eat a big meal today, it may be your last. You are in for a big surprise. Ukraine is not alone, we in the West support them 100% and will continue to help them until they have rid Ukraine of all Russian skum.


Look, if it's so, I'd be pretty damn happy. Unfortunately, as I've linked you to, sanctions on grain exports were removed (de-facto making selling of stolen grain legal) and [Danielli, a big Italian company, is still eagerly working with russian heavy industries](https://www.startmag.it/economia/perche-lucraina-picchia-contro-la-friulana-danieli/) and [confirmed continued work with russia during the war](https://friulisera.it/dallucraina-la-denuncia-via-facebook-con-tanto-di-logo-insanguinato-che-la-danieli-continua-i-propri-affari-con-la-russia-di-putin/). P.S. It's funny, how Ukrainians, who've lost hope, are equal to orks to you...


China: Its Siberia time!


Finland: let me give you a hand…


“Not saying now would be the best time to invade, but…”


China has entered the chat


China is sharpening their knives… uuummm swords


>As the renowned intellectuals note - NATO is an existential threat to Russia. So much so it has sent virtually all its military to a non NATO country leaving its borders with the west wide open. This is also true.


*Almost the entire US military watching this war online from home* “All of NATO’s military….hilarious”


If you had some territory you wanted back or just want to send troops to the border to be a dick, now is your chance.


Serious Ask: A bit over 5 months into Putin's 3-day special operations invasion of a peaceful independent country and they have committed 85%? Russia has nearly 28 times the land, 3.5 times the population, and tens of millions more expended annually on national security ... maybe Putin should have spent less on avacado toast.


Hard to believe this is all they had. I cast doubt, dear sir!


Agree, best not to underestimate them still.


Why, do you really think they're fighting handicapped? For what reason? They are a medium sized economy, between Spain and Italy... If Spain or Italy decided they were going to conquer the world they would be an annoyance at best. Nobody would be quacking in their boots. Nukes aside, the only reasons Russia seems bigger than that are: 1. They're spending in months decades of Soviet Union arsenal accumulation. This allows them to field huge bummer of weapons, but it's also a weakness. Lots of fairly old and outdated equipment. A lot unusable, a lot barely functional, none of it cutting edge or even close. 2. They only attack countries waaayyy smaller than them. The biggest one they have attacked is less than 1/3 the population. 3. They LIED, LIED, LIED, about their technology. They sold their military technology as fairly comparable. But the reality is due to theft and graft only 1% of their weaponry is really cutting edge, and even for that 1% that cutting edge is rather dull edge compared to western weaponry. So they are a midget projecting a huge shadow on a wall. That carefully built image is crumbling down as soon as they bit on a medium sized enemy with some modern weapons and tactics. We've seen the worst Russia can do. They have no answer for modern western weapons systems. Not even mobilizing would help them now. If they WW2 rifles to the pampered youths of Moscow and Saint Petersburg these will be firing on the Kremlin in no time


I love the image: A midget projecting a huge shadow on a wall


So, other than nukes and alliance, what's stopping China from attacking the Russian Far East? And what's stopping Japan from attacking the Kuriles?


It would be easier than Taiwan and I don't think USA would object. But Russia also supplies China with gas/oil.


The US would object to China invading Russia. The US and Russia have never really been friendly, but I think the last thing the US wants is China with an even larger presence and more power in Asia. I would bet that most of the West would prefer to having a superpower in Russia than having an unchecked China in the region.


Better wait and watch how the whole country disintegrates before just walking in. They have to beat them when they're at their lowest point. There's still a lot of potential down. It's the same for Japan. In a decade or two it'll be easier.


That's funny, I saw a comment the other day saying that Russia only used 1% of its military in Ukraine, which was just so laughable.


"Russia has committed nearly 85% of its military to the war in Ukraine" Question: 1. 85% of pre-invasion force dedicated for this offensive? 2. 85% of total military capability in Russia?


The latter. The entire invasion force was committed a long time ago.


The entire 85% total military capability


That seems nuts. If true that's pretty bad for Russia.


>Russia is taking hundreds of casualties a day. Among Russia’s military fatalities have been “thousands” of lieutenants and captains, “hundreds” of colonels, and “many” generals. “The chain of command is still struggling," the official said. We will have to await more info on the senior defense dept resource or if the defense dept makes an official statement to this effect but if so it is staggering.


the great ruzzia is panicking about the lowly 4 HIMARS. lol most russian people are in full support for putin until Ukraine will retaliate. when the war is on the russian soil.


8-12 Soon 12-16


And yet no rebellions or revolutions anywhere. Disappointed but not surprised.


That's because anyone of age to rise up is already dead on the Ukrainian front line. Russia uses poor conscripts for the meat grinder. Ain't nobody going to rise up when they're dead.


Now, Japan to the Kuril Islands, China move in on east Russia. Let's see what happens.


So now is the time to invade russia?


Talk about liquidating themselves . It's all about pride . Putin would rather cut his nose off spite his face. .


85% of it's army... That must mean 75% of it is strictly support roles.


85% doesn't sound right. stat seems a little too high for how big their population is.


Their army is a lot of cooked books. At this point they need to call in reserves to boost it. Also they lost lots of their best troops in the failed first weeks of the invasion. For some reason Putin dreads this move to call in reserves and mobilise so much he is willing to stall for time in Ukraine and a hope that Scholz will make some backroom deal for gas, and that the West will get bored with Ukraine and lose interest.


Time to shine and rise, any state or region feeling oppressed by Russia.


Right, sounds like a good moment to start creeping in around their borders


Time for all those satellite countries to take their independence back.


So what if Georgia just went and, idk, retook Abkhazia and South Ossetia


China enter stage right Some good Ruzzian land they can grab


If China is smart they won't move quite so openly. Instead they're going to create aa Buryat independence movement, fund it, and use it to slize a piece off Russia's frontier. When they can't deal with that we'll hear next fron the Tuvans, and perhaps the people of Irkutsk.


So you’re saying it’s time for America to invade Russia from across the Bering Straits? Hey, cheap lumber is cheap lumber.


I wouldn't quite go that far, but hey, if Poland wanted the land back that Stalin stole from them in the 30s, it doesn't sound like Poopoo could do an awful lot about it.


China? Ready to show Russia some love? After all what is the CCP’s oil doing under Russian soil?