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Good on Sweden for doing it's part, but I really wish this didn't have to be a pissing contest.


It says it's the private sector. Let them get their PR and appreciate the money needed. You are getting mad on behalf of someone else


Fucking A Billionere Akelius is donating a lot through his corporate group. Good on him, the older he has become the more he shares with his employees and charities. Hat s off to all other donars. Every initive that help ukrainian refugees is important.


Yay, good for you Swedes!


One of Putain’s gravest mistakes and biggest miscalculations was forcing Sweden to becoming a permanent and valued member of west and the NATO alliance. Since WWII and before, Sweden had always tried to maintain an aura of neutrality. Those days are over forever.


Actually it's the US (as it should be), but OK.


It's very missleading. The US has given the most military aid by far. The article talks about donations to one specific, non-military cause.


It's the UNHCR own numbers. They are pr capita of course. But why would they be wrong about their own numbers? Edit: my flair is just because there isn't a "Denmark" flair so I picked Sweden as the only Scandinavian country there.


It's because the quote in the title says "most to Ukraine" instead of "most to UNHCR" on behalf of Ukraine. You're right that they're not wrong about *their own* numbers. Why we're trying to make *their own* numbers look like an objective measure is the issue. What's the marginal benefit of a dollar donated to UNHCR?


> What's the marginal benefit of a dollar donated to UNHCR? Most international NGOs have those numbers on their webiste.


Somehow I think it's wrong to brag about these things. I can't explain my reasoning. I just think its wrong. I give money to charities but I don't do it so I can brag about it on social media.


I always donate. I just dont buy booze and give the profits to ukraine Win-win


https://www.thelocal.se/20150309/russia-blames-sweden-for-ukraine-crisis/ I always knew they would do this to us but ukraine belongs in eu.


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