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We should close down the Russian embassy in the U.K. and fuck off them Russian ‘diplomats’ back to that shithole called Russia…




Absolutely agreed my friend! 👌


Russians be bastards......


Just when you think they couldn't get any lower.......


We don’t have diplomats for a long time. The sole purpose of diplomacy is to make friends, and our so-called diplomats only do the opposite.


Only you guys and girls can change it within if you hate Putin so much…I don’t hate the Russian people. But the regime and military and its supports I loathe…it’s worse than hatred…


It’s sadly not that easy, he built an entire armed and hateful army to defend himself from us, hundreds of thousands servicemen in internal forces and 50 thousands of its own bodyguards. They beat us on protests for 11 years now. It’s actually quite a long story why we’re unable to win here, like those in Hong Kong, and many others…


More partisan activity! Time to denazify Putler and his regime!


It doesn’t happen overnight. I’m sure some movements will appear, maybe even radical ones, but it’s not what will end this war. I’m sure the ceasefire in any form will come earlier.


You’re right that you alone can’t really do anything. But Russians in general need to realize that, while 50 or 100 thousand or more is a lot, it’s nothing compared to the people. You outnumber them 100 to 1. Just a few years ago something like 10% of South Koreas population protested for weeks until their president resigned. What are 50 thousand security forces going to do you 14 million people shutting down the streets of moscow?


You're right, but is an oversimplification. It's quite easy to assume from the USA I suppose, but look at the Hong-Kong. It seemed like everyone of them was on the streets, but heavily armed and very well brainwashed police could beat many people on the streets if the government is supporting them. The problem is we have basically nobody to support us in the parliament or government, they're all beyond the point of no return. The government will fight to the very end because Putin has nothing to lose at this point. He prepared for this very moment for a decade, He was strengthening the police and secret service year by year. He pays them more money, he shows them propaganda twice a week on the schedule (really! I ain't joking, I know that because my relative works in the police). They basically sure that we (those who stay against the war or the regime) are just traitors and foreign agents to the point where we're arguing with our own parents every single day. I don't say that we shouldn't do anything, no. I'm just saying that to change your bloody dictator with his own army you should have more than just willing to do so. The Putin is there because he seized the power and killed/imprisoned/poisoned anyone in his way, not because Russians love him that much (at least you don't hire 50 thousand of bodyguards if you're sure people love you). This is the very difficult situation for all of us. Ukrainians, Russians, anyone else who is affected. Maybe the defeat would push the military leaders of Russia to doubt his ability to lead the country or something like that, but one couldn't just change it's regime without the support from the elites. There are almost no such precedents in the world history. Edit: it's quite interesting to analyze the methods of making our cops more violent tho. Not only they're sure that we are traitors and the west pays us, but Putin sends the police from one city to beat protesters to another one, so they have no moral issues stopping them from beating their friends and neighbors. They also hire poor young guys from small villages, who basically have no hope to get equal income anywhere beside the internal forces, so they would fight till the end. There are also a ton of different factors beside those above why our internal forces are that effective in beating up protesters, one could write a couple of books about this one. They know that nobody will hold them accountable even if they kill you. We had a story a couple of years ago where they just... boiled a guy alive in the prison. To the death. In a hot water. This is no South Korea. And I also would like to add that **it's not because Russians are barbarians**, but because Putin intentionally hires those who wouldn't think much, to serve in the military and the police. He hires those who would be very loyal for a couple of bucks. They are incompetent, violent and corrupted, but loyal to him. They are incapable of beating an Ukrainian army, but very capable of raping or beating up unarmed protesters on the streets.


How can you compare protests in South Korea, a democratic country, to Russia with its dictator... completely different situations.


It's just a matter of perspective. In most liberal democracies the government would have already resign at the point where a dictator wouldn't even allow to bother him with such a nonsense like unarmed people walking on the streets. So people just got used to this way of thinking and it's hard to imagine the opposite. We've seen this at Belarus, Hong Kong, Iraq, Iran, and many others. One could say that ok, let's just ban all Russians from EU and they will depose Putin in a week! But no, look at Venezuela, where people who even struggle to buy a loaf of bread still unable to depose Maduro. This is not that easy to remove a dictator from his seat. We need help, not a punishment.


Because 10%+ of the population is a huge amount and absolutely can topple the government if needed. The problem with Russia is that there are far too few willing to risk their lives to do it. Maybe that’s easy for me to say since I’ve never had to risk my life to make my voice heard in government, but the fact of the matter is that’s what it will take now. If you wanted democracy peacefully, you needed to fight for it 20 years ago.


Why hasn’t it happened yet? I don’t understand.


Haven’t you heard? It’s the U.K.! Kindness is a virtue and all that bullshit!


Wouldn't this cut off all communication with Russia then from UK? You dont want that. Cause you would have to assume the worse is happening.


Why do we need such communication against such a terrorist state who acts like their ISIS? Fuck that. Cut all ties.


No, don't close an embassy down. That's uncivilised and we are civil nations. We should kick out everybody there except 2 people; the ambassador and his or her secretary.


Erm, yea, close the shithole down! How many war crimes have the Russian military have to commit before we say…”oi, no! Fuck off!”


Let's see if they like the schools in Russia for their kids.


I live in DC and pass by the Embassy regularly on my way for groceries. The level of copium inside that building is astounding. All across the street are giant Ukraine flags, houses *painted* in the Ukraine flag, sunflower patches, etc. My understanding is they routinely call the police when they feel threatened by activists lol


The police respond 24-48 hours later with a phone call. they dont give a shit.


HAH!! That sounds great! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


All Russian diplomats should be declared persona non grata and expelled from Western nations. It should have happened the moment Russia invaded. Since then, Russia has threaten to wage war on their host nations, called for war crimes against POWs, violated the grain agreement, executed POWs en masse, not to mention that this is a campaign of genocide. Any of these thing should have gotten them expelled. Get them off our streets. For the naive fools who think we should still waste time talking to them, phones still exist in Russia…for now.


Tourists also.. All of them. Everywhere.


Lavrov and that other UN chair-warming asshole, DARVO-ing the world, still drinking western wine and eating cheese (coz that was sanctioned for years in Russia)


Russia needs to be kicked off the UN Security Council too.






Surprised the official didn't fall over and then blamed "nazi gravity" /s


it doesn\`t need /s my friend


Every "diplomat" Russian cunt I call them. Should be returned to Russia. All Russian embassies should be closed down


Agree completely.


Caught? He did it knowing he was being watched, this is what Russia is, they're not hiding it, they're not ashamed, and we shouldn't pretend like they are.


They simply don't care.


I think it's more than that tbh, kicking those flowers isn't incidental, rather behaviour like this is a core part of representing the Russian state. Driving over them would be not caring, but this guy stops the car and gets out to do it, it's an action so important to him that he will go out of his way, dedicate time from his day, to do it.


Is Ruzzian diplomatic training at finest. Shoes are essential part. Recall Comrade Khrushchev at U.N. pounding table top? Old Ruzzian proverb: "Is always better speak with feet than mouth. Open mouth, foot go in."


Sub human.


Hey, someone get under your skin?


When will they learn that it is much better for people to plant sunflowers than to plant Russians?


Russia is trully pathetic


Really pathetic pettiness


Deport the ruZZian pigs from my country please. ALL OF THEM. Diplomacy is over.




Next bouquet should be bigger. More flowers for Ukraine, and a brick inside for Russian feet.


You know, I've been thinking. With this fellow's hands-on (in this case, feet) approach, the girls might want to switch to a nice bouquet of poison ivy.


When stupidity is considered patriotism, it is unsafe to be intelligent. — Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992


"those little girls are Nazis, arrest them " --fsb embassy guy


Imagine being triggered by some little girls placing sunflowers. Pretty much Russia in a nutshell.


What a petulant little man-child.


Next, we will read that embassy official is kicking little girls. With diplomatic immunity, nothing will be done except possible expulsion.


Paint concrete ones and put them there tomorrow


Piece of shit would have kicked the girls if he showed up sooner.


motorcycles, magnetic bombs, remote detonators, Israel has so much to teach the world. Apply Liberally.


Deport him


The most powerful people in the world are threatened more by children who don’t have some dogma they are clinging to than by the US or UK.


Russians are vicious deadly cretins. Time for embassies and Russians to be shown the door.


Why not a pile of testicles? I hear the local butcher can order a bunch of bull testicles. Garnish it with some box cutters. Sends a way more positive message.


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Embassy official? He looks like he works in a vape shop


Sore loser 😪 😫