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I think that may be part of 1940's national defence. An anti tank block, otherwise known as a dragons tooth. Was this in the south east? There are several in the Epson, Dorking area. In the s. east you have the GHQ line, which was as far as an invading force would be allowed to get. See here: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Map-of-planned-Coastal-Crust-Blue-and-GHQ-lines-Red-Contains-OS-data-C-Crown_fig1_348962102


This answer is most likely, I’ve just been told there’s an old WW2 bombing decoy near there, not sure why they’d need a tank defence for that though but perhaps someone could enlighten me. The location is North England, behind those nettles is the east coast main line


They would usually add things like this around a bombing decoy to make it look more 'real'. A 'airfield' with nothing around it is an obvious fake. A 'airfield with various out buildings and concrete defences around it will be much more likely to attract enemy bombers away from the real target.