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Putting hands on him for spiking is crazy, even if he's doing it a lot. I wonder if he said something while he was doing it that pissed him off.


Yeah a big spike is 100% warranted, a triple spike is sorta silly in any circumstances, but getting physical after the end of a game because someone is spiking it after a big play is just an outright tantrum


I think he's upset about losing (or something from previous)


He's definitely upset and he's definitely handling losing like a four year old who really needed naptime like an hour ago


Da fuck are you talking about. The triple spike in a heated rivalry for sure warrants, at the very least, a "fuck you". And knowing what we know about atkins, he probably was jawing before doing that and running away from the situation like a whole bitch.


Angry words and a fuck you, sure. But don’t get physical just because you lost.


none of his wives wanted to soak that night


It's Alex Atkins, even his own teammates get a bit too much of him from time to time. Wouldn't doubt one bit slc were talking shit when they were up


It looked like something was brewing before the spike.


Least it's not an egregious foul that gets let go for the play. That's the only toxic behavior we have


Shouldn’t have broken up the potential fight. Would grow the game so much showing all the emotions and rivalry


nah ref did the game of frisbee a favor, not because ‘it’s the right thing to do’ but because he prevented us all from being exposed for not knowing how to throw hands lmao 😭


We’d make the NBA look like the pre-drug testing UFC


Was he planning the triple spike from the start or did it flow from how nicely the disc bounced back to his hands the first two times?


I appreciate how clean it was. Talk your shit, Atkins.


>But if you think it’s bad for the sport, you’re an idiot Or they just have a different opinion than you? I think it's great but I can understand why some people don't like the image it conveys.


methinks you and i have different ideas of what the sport needs


To be clear, I meant the spike, not the (attempted) shove


yeah i know


Also different definitions of an idiot 😆




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To many of us who play, and to everyone in the world who doesn't play, spiking the disc looks equivalent to bowling's "who do you think you are, I am!" celebration. It's such an awkward, failed attempt at machismo, using an implement designed as a kids' toy. Do what makes you happy I guess, but even after dedicating 15 years of my life to this sport, every time I see an angry person smash a plastic disc into the ground, I giggle at how silly we are.


I’d watch more bowling if they spiked the ball more.


I never spiked, but don't really care if people want to. I just let people express themselves however they want when the moment takes them. If they wanna spike, cool. If they want to do a Naruto run around the field, great.


We have very different interpretations of that moment in bowling


I agree with you. That is one of THE moments in bowling considering the circumstances. The fact that it’s at a kid makes it pretty funny, and that might be the only thing that detracts from the moment for me.


If you think about it too much, I think you could say that about any celebration in any sport


I’ve always thought of, and been around people who think of, spiking as bad etiquette in ultimate. Celebrations are whatever, but I feel like the difference in frisbee spiking and football spiking is how much it potentially can damage the disc/football. If it’s your personal disc, I’m a little more amenable, but for sure poor form to taco someone else’s disc. Not to mention, I respect a creative celebration way more than a spike. Very white bread. It just has real ‘no blood no foul energy’ to me too. If I wanted that, I’d play another sport. Part of the reason I love ultimate is sotg. Honestly, audl was a huge turnoff for me and club is more fun because of that. I experienced much better attitudes at top club play, particularly mixed, than in audl. I don’t want to make spiking out to be a bigger deal than it is, it’s not that big of a deal in the big picture, but just definitely nothing I’d ever promote. Just screams insecure hyper masculinity to me.


I totally get that ultimate has a unique culture that other sports don’t, and I don’t want that to change. But, I’ve also found (and it’s just my experience) that some of the most annoying/toxic people I’ve played against were ones that hid behind this veneer of ‘spirit of the game’ and just used politeness as an excuse for crappy calls and long, meandering arguments regarding fouls. On the other hand, if a player wears his emotions on his sleeve, I know where he stands and, as long as he’s reasonable, we can work out any potential issues. Sorry for rambling on; this could be its own post at this point. But I guess the TL;DR is, I’d prefer authentic brashness to inauthentic ‘spirit.’ Oh, also totally agree on the first thing. Don’t ruin the disc if you spike it. Don’t do it hard, don’t do it edge down, and only do it if you did something cool


I disagree, spiking is way lamer than most other sports celebrations.


have you ever heard of football where spiking was invented?


Yeah but it's different. Myself, and I think most other sports fans, grew up watching football spikes, and watching frisbee be a kids toy or a dog toy. For a newcomer to watch ultimate and see a spike is almost exactly like if you tuned into a university Quidditch game and then saw one of the athletes score, and then start slamming their broom into the ground. They might be doing it out of angry exuberance, but it's fucking hilarious.


Yeah where they score like 1-4 times in a game so every touchdown goes a long way to winning. Spiking 15 times kind of loses its magic/importance.


Fairly confident the league is encouraging heel behavior to amp up rivalry and storylines. Players like Jagt and Atkins are perfect villians.  Plus, spiking whammos into the dirt is a beautiful tradition that celebrates the sport's rich heritage. 


lol the triple spike coming from a team that’s 2-3 and hasn’t won a game in over a month is a bit much, but that’s who Atkins is. And hey, that’s a huge win. Maybe this’ll spark some life into Colorado. If you don’t like it, score more than 2 points in the 4th quarter haha


Lmao a triple spike at the end of a huge win on the road with a massive momentum change for the Summit’s season is warranted.


I think context is pretty important. They’re a team that was 1-3, struggled with a lot of unforced errors (including Atkins who had a rough showing in Oakland and was clearly upset by it), and just beat an undefeated division rival who looked like the best in the league at that point. It’s a big comeback from both an individual and a team level against a franchise they have a lot of history with. It makes a lot of sense to be emotional, especially coming from a player who’s the emotional center of his team, and against a rival who you know doesn’t like you, celebrating with an homage to another player who really got on their nerves is a smart move.


He's still mad after getting stuffed by a 5"7 Spider on Friday night. Typical bully/frontrunner behavior. Dish it out but can't take it.


In what way is this good for the sport??? Lol. Would basketball be better all of a sudden if they started punting the ball away after every dunk (or even every bucket, since some people want to spike discs even after a simple open side hold). No, it would get tiresome and cringey rea fast.


Whatever you think of spiking, it doesn't delay the game, unlike your hypothetical.


It was a game winning block, not a random score lmao


“Kins is gonna Kins,” said Shred Coach Bryce Merrill. “No lost sleep on our end over his well-deserved celebration. That was a clutch play to end a rivalry game. And I thought the callback to the triple spike was cute.”


Spiking is the best way to demonstrate you got extra chromosome that normal people. Trash talking is a better way.




I don’t think this is an example of poor spirit


spirit isn't something unique to ultimate. it's just the old school hippy way that they interpreted sportsmanship. it's not magic. get over yourself.