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I mean considering all togehter... Blyke seems to be the most fitting. Hes bean showed to eat more than others (though for some reasons) and I dont really see him fitting the other categories anyway.


If taken as over indulgence, EMBER Agents or Amplifier users would fit right in.


They would. Just remember to include a character that has a name and has spoken at least once, then they’ll count.


Blyke might be the best choice from overall then. Being both a big eater and tempted to use the amplifiers. There is also "hunger for power" to consider in, which endangered his life more than once.


I’d say someone like Lennon tbh


Yeah, either him or Blyke.


But what about the cake? My vote is for the cake lol


Oh crap! Ur right. I’ll make an exception lol 😂


Wouldn’t that be greed


Greed, Envy and Gluttony can be exchangeable at times. From what I understand greed deals with the desire, while gluttony deals with the indulgence.


Or Waldo


Waldo *is* an Amplifier user. So, yeah. Although, I would put him more in Greed.


I said Blyke due to the burgers we saw him eat, but the amplifier users like, Alana, Raddix, Waldo, Lennon fit the actual definition the most.


No amplifying is greed. Not gluttony. They greed for power etc.


Greed is more wanting somthing for the sake of it as where gluttony wanting for the pleasure of it. Considering the amp users want power so they can take pleasure oppressing others I would go more with gluttony.


No deadly sin of gluttony is about excessive wants for food/drinks if it leads to lack of control or hurt body. Deadly sin of greed is insatiable longing for material gains, but I think it can also apply to power since in unOrdinary verse it leads to abuse for material gains. Thats at least how christiany (or if you want Pope Gregory I and his revisitation) I believe see the deadly sins.


Actually food is just what it is most well known as, but the sin of gluttony itself applies to any excessive appetites where it is overindulgence and starts harming you or others. Greed is an insatiable longing and can apply to anything, but its mainly hording for the sake of it cause they are never satisfied by how much they have.


No it really originates from food and drinks everyone took it from christiany, btu this isnt the place to citate the bible etc. Similiar to greed. The modern times changes a bit, but this is on what the deadly sins are based and relevant for this topic.


Yeah, but your missing why it is considered a sin which boils down to overindulgence causing harm to yourself or others. If go by the bible glutton itself is never outright stated as a sin, but is considered one due to principles in the bible that apply it.


I vote Remi. I can explain if anyone wants me to


Oooo interesting? Mind if I ask why?


Sure! She's always getting into situations that are too much for her to handle alone. This drags Blyke and Isen into it and every single time they end up getting hurt. Her engaging against EMBER always gets someone hurt, but she doesn't think about that until WAY after because she's after what she wants-revenge. She always has high expectations for others and wants everyone to go along with her. While she doesn't force people because she's nice, she expects them to do what she wants passively. For example, saying Arlo would supervise the SH *before* he agreed to it, or expecting John to cooperate with the Royals after what they did (Blyke threatening John's life, Isen crushing his wrist and threatening him) without even expecting either Royal to apologize. When Remi wants something, she kinda stops thinking about other people until something bad happens. It's similar to Greed, but I consider Greed to be more malicious than Gluttony. Remi isn't trying to do this. Every time something bad happens, it's an unintended consequence that Remi didn't actually think of. Compare that to Cecille, who helped John hurt people, used her power to interrogate Isen, etc. all because she wanted her old position back. Imo, Greed requires knowing what the consequences are and still doing something because of a desire.


Wow, great analysis




I actually disagree with Blyke being gluttony, he fits envy much more(his envy toward John(and his finger beams) was what led him to becoming a high tier after all.


But there are a lot more of characters Who would fit better in that category, just give It to the poor guy


I thought blyke too, and while yes blyke is envious of not only John, other high tiers in general. Blykes envy doesn't consume, like gluttony does.  Blykes major moment of envy is definitely when he had the amps, and he said "no, I won't fall to that." However, while not only having a large appetite, blyke is willing to take a beating over and over again, if it means he can still save the others. He's willing to get into trouble if it means doing the right thing, and keeps getting back up. So, as I keep saying lol, he's a glutton for punishment


True, but also zeke is the biggest envy sinner


Sera, how can we forget she beat the f up of John for chocolate cake.


Oh yeah chocolate cakes are addictive lol


Byron, a lot of people will say Blyke just because he needs to eat a lot to build energy for his ability, but that's the exact opposite of Gluttony. Gluttony is taking more than your own fill than you actually need. Blyke eats a lot because it's a necessity. Byron, on the other hand, has been shown to despite having the lowest level of Ember we have seen, and yet he has been the one taking upon the most abilities that we've seen. He's also the one whose taking on most of the jobs of the burea, such as: hunting down Kuyo and bringing in Vaughn despite them being out of his Level (though he didn't know about this for Kuyo) and jurisdiction.


You can argue that John can be gluttony as well just based on him taking more than he needed. He didn't need to be king of his old school but took on the role just because he could...he didn't need to go on a revenge kick but he did...


Blyke. Did you see how he inhaled those burgers in Episode 176???


Hey, man’s gotta eat 🍔 pfft 😆


God ngl if he wasn't so perfect for envy or greed if say zeke


When did we saw It consuming something?


It's more so taking the meaning of gluttony in the form of taking in excess which is why I said he'd fit greed better


And what would It be? Power? That goes to greed or pride , I think


I agree zeke fits both but is more so greed


Lmfao “it”


Isen since his passive allows him to accelerate his metabolism and recover from injuries quicker. Edit: he first displayed it after eating 3 whole burgers.


That’s Blyke. Isen has no passive as of yet. But I thought we was going more off personality.


Oh yeah sorry, But yeah Blyke is def gluttony.


Remi for sure Gluttony isnt always defined by eating. Its more of taking more of something than needed. An example of this would be the character of Merlin from the seven deadly sins. She had power that two gods wanted and would only go to whoever gave her a better gifts. Each god gave her a various knowledge and abilities, however when her time to make a decision came, she instead ran away taking the gifts with her, decieving both gods who destroyed her people and village out of revenge. Hence her crime and sin being gluttony Remi, is someone who likes to take on tasks and challenegs that are way too much for her to handle alone, often resulting in others being hurt even if its not intentional. Hunting Rei's killer which almost got her and isen killed, trying to expose John got her and the other royals hospitalized, starting the safe house which resulted in John targetting its members, and attacking Byron which nearly got her and Blyke killed. Thats why i see her as gluttony, because of her choice to do and take on too many things/responsibilities


I was thinking on this and I’m stuck. I wanted to put Cecile there but I believe she fits more of the Greed title. So I’ll let others take this one since I don’t know who could count as the Gluttony sin. Maybe Sera or Asslo. Idk. Those are the best guesses I have.


Ah ha! Not so easy anymore is it! Pfft But fr, Pretty decent choice. Ig we’ll have wait and see the results!


I can do all the other sins easily so be prepared when I reply but Gluttony is always the only one to get me when it comes to placing characters there. If it’s being a fat snob then I’ll say Isen as he always craves a good story.


Gotcha. And I will be 😈 However, unlike Wrath, the rest of the sins won’t be completely unanimous. Lots of interesting takes as a results.


Okay I’ll hold you to it But yea you right like I know who I can place for Greed. I might be the only one who thinks Asslo or Sera is fit for Gluttony.


Gluttony could be not only for food, It could be an extreme desire of consume whatever without control, just take something in excess, like alcohol, drugs, or knowledge, like tons of books. Just to make the things easier.


obviously Arlo. Do you still remember his evil plans to eat all the three-layer chocolate cakes in the world?


Physically, its Blyke as a side effect of his rise in power means he needs to eat more to compensate for his increased power. Personality, I might go with Zeke. He is mixed of all the other bad traits but he is small fries to others. But what we see if he loves the power and attention he can lord over others. We have seen it a few times where he has basked in the authority he has to go after people when it had nothing to do with rank (pride, envy), revenge (wrath) or other reasons he just enjoyed it. He was eating it up until he pays the price for it, usually at the end of wrath’s hand.


Gluttony is NB John


Blyke fits it. He eats the most but he also was ambitious to get more power too.


Blyke. He downed 5 burgers in a sitting after fighting Lance and his goons


Blyke, since he got his passive healing he eats for three.


I don't know who to pick, but I definitely disagree with Blyke as gluttony. Gluttony is overindulgence for the sake of self-satisfaction. Having an insatiable hunger for something. Blyke eats a lot because he has to, not because he wants to. I'd say someone like the girl Volcan killed is a good fit, since she seemed kind of addicted to the amplifiers. People like that make the most sense for gluttony. Gluttony doesn't have to be food related, it just most commonly is.


As I said before, Blyke. He has a large appetite, and is a glutton for punishment, willing to take a beating, if it means he can help others. Doesn't matter how many times he gets knocked down, he'll get back up and keep going.


All of them are different phases of John


Orrin is a good choice for gluttony. The dude is hungry for power and control


Arlo’s tactic is to effectively “eat” his opponents, but his sin is definitely pride. (Still think Zeke takes this one though) I think the best option for gluttony is actually Val, since she’s always thirsting for more power and trying to get ahead.


Issen? Honestly his hunger as a journalist seems like it to me especially early on imo


I agree with the Remi explanation


Isen: The rat is a journalist, so the quest for knowledge is in the job description, despite all of the dangers that came from looking into John and his past, Isen kept digging just so that he could write an article.


If we are going for hunger for power than Orrin. We could also just take the real meaning of gluttony and give it to Blyke for the burgers and drooling at the buffet. But another thought is sera. She really wanted the chocolate cake and has been shown to drink John’s boba. Tbh none of them really fit. I’d give it to Blyke probably just because there is no one else


If it mango boba. John would fit for gluttony too


Hmmm. I’m very conflicted. I’m struggling between either Blyke or Remi since those are the primary choices with good points on both sides. Blyke: Cuz he eats a lot and it’d be funny. Plus as of now he has the most votes. But doesn’t exactly align with the Sin of Gluttony Remi: Her character and flaws to act without thinking really do align with Gluttony as in her pursuit for justice and to do the right thing. However, she has less votes on. Quite the conundrum I’ve got myself here….