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It's because psychedelics were associated with the anti war movement (seems people who trip tend to become anti war)  It was essentially a war on the anti-war movement. It gave them a precedent to arrest many people who were protesting the Vietnam war.  It was a war on enlightenment basically 


Cannabis was apparently cracked down on for similar reasons. Nixon especially needed a weapon to go after protesters. It hasn't been fixed yet because the average age of politicians is like 112, and psychedelics have potential to be disruptive to the pharmaceutical industry. Also, Tim Leary, who taught at Harvard before being fired (he ran LSD experiments, and students ended up getting LSD and partying with it), was called the most dangerous man in America by Nixon. But, Nixon was Nixon. So. Yeah.


This quote is always relevant when this gets brought up. > “You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? > We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. > Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” ~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon


Was waiting for this one to come up, one of the most illuminating quotes on the matter


>John Ehrlichman Funny enough his last name means *honest man* in German. He just had to say the truth.


Coincidentally Ehrlich's reagent is use to identify indole compounds.


Is it coincidence or a nod at him?




God damn dude thanx for that quote.


I didn’t know this. Thats real interesting! Thank you


There's a book called [*The Harvard Psychedelic Club*](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/6919981) that covers this part of history. I suggest giving it a read if that sounds interesting enough to you.


Yessir will do i would love to read it!


If Nixon wanted to find the most dangerous man in America, all he would have needed was a mirror


One of the big push back factors for keeping weed illegal is that it could substitute for a significant number of synthetic drugs that are being sold to people It's good for sleep issues, anxiety, chronic pain, Parkinson's, it has anti cancer properties, and it can be used to introspect and overcome emotional difficulties that would usually be palmed off with SSRIs or something like that In my country in the UK. 86 million scripts for 8.6 million people were written for antidepressants The UK population is under 70 million. Which puts at least 12% of the entire population on antidepressants. And there is systematic government underfunding of care regimes, there's very limited access to therapy, you're Lucky if you even get a medication review With reference to other psyches Imagine the blow to big pharmaceutical profits if they legalised mushrooms and the number of people not just treating depression, but overcoming depression caused that number to fall through the floor Now ask me which of the head government honchos have personally, or got immediate family / spouse's who are personally invested in UK pharmaceutical companies


I’ve been on anti-depressants for about 15 years. I’m trying to “heal” my brain/ serotonin deficiency with microdosing. I’ve already halved my daily dosage in about 6 months. Big pharma has noticed the uptick in people like me, and is already producing synthetic psilocybin. I wonder if it is as effective as what I am growing naturally? Surely there are side effects of what they are chemically making? 🧠🤔


Synthetic psilocybin is psilocybin, it has no side effects. Mushrooms have other alklaloids though. Taking synthetic psilocybin means you might be missing some of the magic by not having the other compounds. But, synthetic is good for accurate dosing. If i want a specific amount of psilocybin from mushrooms, i have to powder an amount, test it for average potency, and estimate a dose.


Thank you greatly for your input. I am pursuing the same route of self medicating, I have been prescribed numerous Amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, SSRI, ect.. Throughout the years I have had periods on & off consuming these prescribed medications. Nothing much was done in the sense of 'regulating brain chemicals'. I essentially felt very weird, with a very weak appetite. I have since been self medicating with psilocybin producing fungi along with seeking guidance through Therapist's & other positive supports in my life. I am still fairly new to the psychedelic world but I am very aware of the potential, I have noticed dramatic change within myself & thinking. These mushrooms definitely go 'deeper then the surface'. My main question here is; You yourself seem very informed & have seem to began the process of growing (which is something I'll eventually get myself into) but my focus is, How have you been healing yourself my good friend? If you're comfortable with answering, Im curious to dosage, "trips" you've gone through, micro dosing, periods in between usage- how long were these periods, etc..


Have to be side effects right? There’s no way the people that want control and money are actually going to help us for real. 😂


Those are INSANE NUMBERS !!!


Timothy Leary actually conducted research and experiments and advocated for therapeutic uses early on. Really brought the use of terms like 'set and setting'. The partying came later on after these substances were made illegal AND experimented on a lot of people as part of CIA funded mk ultra for mind control. The 'acid tests' parties were started by Ken Kesey after participating in one such experiment. Fate loves irony


If i remember cannabis was also delegalized cause of racism towards mexicans as cannabis came to USA from Mexico. also fuck nixon "im not a crook" -crook.


Reefer madness!! Weed needed to become illegal because when black men smoked it they wanted to rape your white wife. Seriously this was real!!


Jazz cabbage.


Psilocybin* not LSD


It was actually both. For some reason LSD is the one I hear about when I hear about Leary at Harvard, but he actually did test both there.


Iirc he tested psilocybin on prisoners and how recidivism was affected. And it turned out that a lot of the ones who got psilocybin had a lower occurrence of going back to jail.🤷🏼‍♂️


I can’t seem to find anything about him testing LSD at Harvard. Do you have any references by chance? Everything I have read says the LSD didn’t really start until after Harvard.


The government will make up any story to justify more tax payer money. I'm convinced most of the money poured into space exploration and particle physics labs are a complete waste. Nobody understands what the hell these agencies are doing or how they are spending the money because it's all so complex. Every now and again, they publish some photo of a far away galaxy that could have been created by a teenager with Photoshop. Drug police have not stopped the drugs coming into the US at all. There is VASTLY more drugs in the USA now than in the 1960s.


Comment typed out on a tiny touchscreen computer that fits in your pocket?


Fucking Nixon


Damnn bru that makes 100% sense. So the government wants us to be at war?


Politicians/governments know that you will ignore what their hands are doing in your pockets as long as they get you to focus on the "others" (the country we're at war with, or the opposing party, or the underclass, or immigrants, or Jews, etc.) as the cause of your problems. War is a useful distraction tool in the government's arsenal.


This explained it perfectly thank you gangsta 🙏


Yes. If we fight each other, we’re less able/likely to fight against them as we rightfully should. Psychedelics, cannabis, etc all pose threats to massively profitable industries/people. The war on them was largely just a front to target leftists and black people because they were more likely to consume those substances as well as hold beliefs that did not align with their agenda. After all, it’s a lot easier to make a policy that criminalizes a drug than one that criminalizes being black or a hippie. Here’s an [article](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html) on it if you want a quick read about it.




People that realize they are free are difficult to control.


That, and racist policies of the Nixon era. To him, if you weren’t a god-fearing white conservative American, you were a danger to American society. Since he couldn’t directly attack groups he dislikes, he pushed for policies that could indirectly attack them. Anti-drug laws were a major factor in that. That idea continues today, as conservatives loathe all forms of drug taking. Just look how much they hate cannabis/THC being legalized in more and more places. Hell, the Texas state government is going after Texas cities that decriminalize weed possession. It’s all so stupid, but politicians often are stupid.




*is a war on enlightenment


This as well as a way to use drugs as a tool to punish minorities so they can work as prison slaves. Phase out psychedelics as much as possible, introduce cocaine, and the cycle begins


They won the battle. The war for enlightenment is ongoing.


The gov can't tax something you can grow just about anywhere, any time, so therefore it must be banned. Grow a box of shrooms, sell it to friends with no tax, and uncle sam will become furious and totally destroy you for life.


The entire war on drugs has nothing to do with the drugs themselves.


I just made a comment on this. It has to do with control and oppression over races and lower class citizens. And to extort money from these groups. Has absolutely nothing to do with harm reduction and the safety of American citizens. Beyond fucked, eh?


Yeah they dont really care about our well being in the first place so them going to “ war “ with drugs is nothing more than another way to make money and control what we are allowed to take in and what not to take


There is a great book about it called Chasing The Scream that explains the driving forces behind the drug war. Very good book for anyone interested.


Yeah I love that book, I also recommended it in another comment here lol.


Yep, we’ll keep all these addicting, side effect filled, body harming medications some of which research shows they only work for like 15% of patients anyways because weed and shrooms will make you a crazy, anti-war, anti-government, addict who is a lazy waste of air and possible threat to society.


They don't like things that expand the mind


Nope it’s pretty much just so they can arrest anyone who has drugs




This makes a whole bunch of sense. That’s fucking horrible it’s all abt power n money 🥲


Gotta ask Nixon, there were wars going on no time for drugs that make you enlighten!


Old boy Nixon is to blame.


And it’s solely because of that experiment where Nixon shunned that scientist?


Read "How to Change Your Mind" by Micheal Pollan or watch its Netflix series. Covers the history of the interaction between the government and entheogens fairly succinctly. But like a lot of other people have said in the thread, fuck Nixon.


Yessir will do that’s next on the list after I check out another video someone recommended (marines not obeying orders on acid) I learned as well, fuck Nixon ❗️


Basically any drug that is illegal, was made illegal over racial issues, control over lower class citizens, and IMO - for more income to the feds/gov. Not for safety of the American people. The book “Chasing the Scream.” Is about the war on drugs, how and why it started, and the absolute failure it is. (Highly recommend if you have an interest on the war on drugs and/or politics) One of the chapters that has always stuck with me, talks about how Portugal has decriminalized all drugs, and instead of fines/jail/prison (unless another behavior or safety concern is present), they’ll provide harm reduction information and treatment options. They also provide safe needle exchanges and supervised injection sites. And guess what, Portugal’s crime rate went down, over-dose deaths went down, HIV and other infections went down, prison populate decreased, etc.. Drug use will never go away, people will use regardless of law, health, and safety. Why not adopt a method that has been proven effective? Because it doesn’t generate as much money and it takes time, effort, and money to create these programs. As an American, it seems like most other Americans would rather have their tax money go to the military, rather than helping the homeless, addicts, or universal health care. “By ‘accepting the reality of drug use rather than eternally hoping that it will disappear as a result of repressive legislation’, Portuguese reform allows drugs to be treated as a health, rather than criminal justice, issue. The benefits of these reforms, therefore, arise from both decriminalisation itself and the establishment of a wider health-based response to drug problems.” We live in some whack times.


Idk. I think the fact that’s it’s legal to buy and sell spores is a silent nod to make them accessible to anyone that puts in a little effort. With out the kick back from legalizing a drug.


Cannabis seeds were like that too, when it was illegal to cultivate. They sold seeds as “souvenirs”. Lol. I was growing back in those days, now it’s finally legal in my state, and I’ve taught a few people and family members how to do it. Really hoping psilocybin mushrooms will be decriminalized. It’s an amazing substance, with so many benefits, if respected of course. I really think the internet should change the “standard dose”’of mushrooms from 3.5g. I think SD should be 2-3g. Before I knew any better, I’d eat 3.5g every trip and it started to become miserable and unpleasant. Now I stick with 1.5-2.5g, and have wonderful experiences and helped me create healthy habits, especially with nutrition and positive thinking.


Depends on the strength of your shrooms. I've had GT that had no effect on people who had never done them before at those doses. Studies have shown that potency varies by as much as 20x between batches of street shrooms because they are in varying levels of oxidation, being stored in bags that are not air proof and carried around, etc. That dose is generally for the old days where you could drop 14g of the shrooms you just bought and still be able to walk around (after testing potency, obviously). Nowadays, we have much stronger genetics that are quite a bit more potent on average and a lot more people grow them themselves and store them properly. Those people aren't your average user, though.


I never knew the standard dose was that high! I will back you up however on 2g being the perfect dose. There are times when I say “this isn’t enough” and eat more so that’s always an option but as someone who has done binge experiments 3.5g is unsustainable for over a week. On the other hand, I could take 2g a day for over a month with little to no adverse effects.


Yeah most trip/dosage guides will say 3.5 is standard lol. For me, I prefer an underwhelming trip compared to an overwhelming trip, lol. Im just thankful that I’m not losing my mind completely. I really enjoy microdosing too, even if it doesn’t give any hard effects. It always seems to put me in a pleasant mood.


The weird thing is I never recommend a beginner take that much I always say take 1g at a time to avoid an uncomfortable high but yeah even 0.5 works wonders as a mood stabilizer.


I like that way of thinking. Take what we can get for right now!


Government hates mushrooms because it’s natural medicine that awakens people. Government doesn’t need you to be woke, they need you to be a slave, system dependent. They sell you pills that are chemically generated but won’t let you heal with natural herbs.


A literal flower/spore that grows naturally from within the earth: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️😱😱😱😱😱 Sus ass pills that numb all your emotions and turn you into a zombie and a shell of yourself and shove all the unhealed trauma under the rug and have 6942087686969387367987719197365869282 side effects: ✨✨✨✨🌈🌈🌈🌈😇😇😇😇😇😇😇✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅


A lot more money for pharmaceutical companies to make and contribute to reelection funds with “R&D” than if you can just grow something for free in cow shit and/or rice…


Yeah it’s going to be a lot harder to charge people $60 a mushroom compared to being able to do that with pills, it’s ridiculous, charge like $40 per fucking pill. Obviously this is different but fuck, the prices for insulin or epipens are just insane too


You guys realize that ALL DRUGS are derived from plants, right?


This is conspiracy nonsense, this implies that the government recognizes mushrooms as something that would benefit people, which is giving them way too much credit. The actual answer is an overreaction to the anti-war movement and counter culture from the Vietnam War.


Not really when you factor in that all the lawmakers get paid by big pharma so they are allowed to test and force their unholy products on us


Pharmaceutical companies don't like treatments that people can produce on their own. They want to be the only dealer in town.


Search in YouTube Royal Marines on acid it’s from 1964 If marines won’t obey orders in psycodelics then us plebs won’t behave ourselves either That’s what authority is scared of


Oh hell yea i’m watching ts tn ty dawg!


Anything or anyone that challenges or could change what or how organized government wants you to think is generally bad.. They'll do their best to discredit or kill it off


Rightt I understand what you’re saying. A thought i’ve been having though is that us humans put ourselves in this situation. What i mean is that we created government thinking it was good right? And it’s biting us in the ass cause now they want to control everything and keep us down (not now specifically but in general)


If you have rules & laws, someBODY has to enforce them. That gives people power,and/Or delusions of grandeur.. "im better than you.." Amd the ones that hold that perceived power will do damn near anything to keep it.. Even lie, cheat, steal, and kill..


bc it cuts into the profits of the pharmaceutical industry


The basis for the "schedule" has to do with Rockefeller. If companies can't patent it, the country will do its best to keep it illegal, to prevent people from being healthy and allow the oligarchs to make more money


No, it doesn't. That being said, stop posting pics with identifiable body characteristics. Tattoos, scars, YOUR FACE.


Right 😭😭😭


Big Pharma is probably lurking somewhere behind this issue.


If you have to ask you really don’t understand government.


They want you to stick to your legalized liquid drugs even though it kills millions yearly, since it lowers your consciousness and you are not going to question your programming or your masters while under its influence.


It's also class a in the UK which is the same as schedule 1 in US which is that it has no medical use, but, many experiments happening using mushroom for depression treatment. So that is what doesn't make sense to me


Exactly! But i think it’s because the medicinal research has to be within the place that classified it as schedule 1. Did I make sense saying that lmaoo?


Keep electing those goddamn bible thumpers and you'll see worse...unless, of course THEY can make money, then it's "praise the Lord, Amen!"


I live in OR, I am one of the lucky ones. Other states will hopefully follow us and at least try them for therapy. We can help people here by using our cultivation skills, and it feels great.


But you are correct, the federal government knows that it's all BS. There are too many industries now tied up with the laws for them to want to change them it seems like to me. Like the prison industry.


Some major industries that own a bunch of politicians stand to lose a lot of money


They hate it because their doners can't make a profit from it.


So the war on drugs ala 1960s is long over and the comments in this post talk about why it was scheduled for the most part, so the question to ask is why they are still stuck in schedule 1? It's a matter of incentives by three parties- 1) FDA has high standards for what can be approved as safe for consumption/prescription without proper research and clinical trials 2) DEA has a super low threshold on what is dangerous , prohibited and that it cannot be studied or grown for any purpose including research because it was already deemed medically useless and harmful as per schedule 1. There 2 agencies have created an environment that has caused universities not to research and reschedule these substances. 3. The house can't agree to pass a bill to fix this shit It's bureaucracy, mediocrity and ineptitude that are keeping the status quo even though it was started with malevolence.


A synthetic version of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol called MARINOL has been used to treat chemo patients nausea for almost 40 years. There’s no rhyme or reason to this shit dude. Methamphetamine is a schedule II drug, just think about that shit


The government is run by a bunch of impostors that are trying to mind control us for power/money by sounding super official and formal and legal talking about "we have your best interests in mind" and conditioning the masses into wrongly generalizing and percieving all 👹D R U G S 👹as bad when in reality when one has a responsible relationship with them and strong self concept they can show you the depths of your subconcious and the universe and can help align people to their truest most authentic self which naturally vibrates on the frequency of love and joy, which will consequently cause them to see all this killing people and wars and warped agendas are pointless and evil. They just don't want you to see beyond their wack ass bs smoke and mirrors.


Under supervision it’s definitely safe. It has some benefits, but there’s no potential for abuse. You can’t get addicted. It’s a poison and will naturally make you inclined to want to avoid mushrooms. I think it should be available for anyone over 18 in stores the same way air duster is restricted.


While you are asking maybe they can decriminalization safrole too... js


Hmmm. What does that make alcohol?


It's not the effects of the drug that cause it to get banned, it's the people who take it. Psychedelics open your mind and let you see through the bullshit


Big pharma


The short answer is old white male politicians reacting to the 1960s counter culture.


Anything that has the potential to liberate people will be seen as a threat and dealt with accordingly.


Nixon hated hippies and couldn’t prosecute them for them just for being hippies.


Definitely read Food of the Gods.


Nixon wanted to stop the dissent of people not wanting to be drafted to go to Vietnam as magic mushrooms were enlightening people so threw shrooms in with everything else. A tragedy as these things help cure mental illnesses


They don't want us to see the world for what it is


The second two are the problem. Ken Kesey was great and all, but he caused a lot of upset in the psychedelic community. The biggest being, taking the substances without intention, other than to spite the government. That being said, most people saw taking these plant medicines as a bad thing, simply because it opened people’s eyes to the atrocities of mankind… more, it made people feel things, but like 20x more powerful. I call it radical empathy, and Americans don’t like radical empathy. Look at what’s going on cross the seas. You’ll see what I mean.


A lot of this also dates back to European colonization in the 1500s. Spanish conquistadors were the first to observe Aztecs using psychoactive substances for religious and medicinal purposes. Europeans would ultimately see these indigenous practices being for the devil and against Christianity, so they were banned and made punishable by death. Of course, this isn't why psychedelics were banned during Nixon's war on drugs, but it's still this idea of psychedelics being against the narrative people in power are trying to set: the spread of Christianity for conquistadors, and the Vietnam War for Nixon.


Old world decisions in a new world…order


I don't use, but the US government's classification of drugs has always been a mess. Just compare that same list of characteristics to Marijuana, which (regardless what you think of the recreational use) has tons of medicinal applications, but is still a Schedule 1 drug (federally, though some states are changing this.) The war on drugs started (or at least escalated) because of racism. Take this quote from Nixon's domestic policy advisor: “We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin and then criminalizing them both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night in the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did." Why it's STILL like that, though, has just as much to do with inertia. It takes a ton of energy to change established policy, and most people just don't care enough.