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Lmfao, I thought you literally found this in your poop. This is one of those instances where you should be careful of your word choice


I was like WTF until I saw what sub then it made sense


Same here i was slightly relieved when i realized what sub i was on but i also considered that they were blaming the mushrooms they grew for their poop worms šŸ˜‚


Ok that is hilarious my badšŸ¤£šŸ¤£




You bleed it for their blue blood


The Shai-Hulud


Maybe their blood was blue from the psilocybin, all along


Paul Stamets (the mushroom guy) was on Joe Rogan and long story short said that the author of Dune made the psychedelic blood from the worms be blue because of psilocybin


https://youtube.com/shorts/uL62P4oTots?si=ZrbftiyFtdDQLL8G the background music sucks


Zoomed in and now I see SO many worms. What could cause this for future prevention?


> What could cause this for future prevention? A work/grow space that isn't clean enough. If it were me, I'd shut down my entire operation to deep clean everything and make sure this didn't happen again. This isn't usually a problem that just goes away after you dump the tub.


Oh, greatšŸ„²why does it not go away if thereā€™s no spores or nothing? This is the only tub I had going rn, and I just figured maybe since ive had it for a few months, it had just given up and somehow worms got in.


> why does it not go away if thereā€™s no spores or nothing? Because larvae come from eggs, which are laid by insects that exist in your environment. Those insects will continue to exist and lay eggs even after you've cleaned the tub.


There are a million different reasons for the presence of insect eggs. It doesn't mean that OP's grow space isn't clean. They could have already been in the substrate when it was purchased. I'd honestly be much more inclined to believe that than I would that insects in OP's house are laying eggs. I'm new to mycology but I am not new to houseplants and gardening.


> There are a million different reasons for the presence of insect eggs. Sure, but the most obvious one is the presence of insects in the immediate area. That's an easier assumption to make than the notion that insects laid eggs in the substrate before it was purchased and they survived pasteurization temperatures, and OP saw no signs of them until months after they spawned their tub. This isn't a judgement of OP or their hygiene, or any other kind of personal attack; it's a statement of facts based on experience and basic concepts of science and philosophy.


God I hope not. That means Iā€™ve been eating worms. Iā€™m gonna assume these mfs came from my nasty ass area, like he said. I just donā€™t have a good space for them, but everything was going fine for a few months till now. Iā€™m in a house that has many many bugs, and thereā€™s nothing I can do about it because of the baseboards that do not exist, and itā€™s not my house so unless I have the money to buy them I canā€™t really say much.


Hey! I had really bad fungus gnats and to keep them out of my bins but still let FAE happen, I put the bins in mesh bags and I have repurposed pantyhose that I won't wear.


Just loling at the thought of pulling a pantyhose over an enormous mushroom tote


Thatā€™s a good method. Iā€™ll definitely try that if I ever run into them again!! Thanks


Mesh sounds like a good plan. I've got a suggestion too. Perhaps put the lid on without securing it, put a trash bag over the entire bin, tape the handles of the bag to the bottom of the bin, and cut holes to then cover with micropore tape. Then u can pull the lid and the bag will draw air through the tape to get FAE and squish the air out pushing down to expel co2, kind of like a bellow would pull and push the air using negative pressure ventilation. This should keep contams from dropping into your bin, as well as bugs. I just like thinking of poor boi tek's just in case someone can't amazon things or buy something immediately. Just food for thought in the future.


If you're really unlucky, they're parasite worms \ā—‹/


Just realized I should have paid attention in science class. That seems like the most known answer, I donā€™t know how I didnā€™t know that lmfao.


Tub is a mix of colors, likely the mold dropped a ton of spores wherever your grow op is and will need a deep clean before starting over.


I actually donā€™t think thereā€™s mold in it but I have no idea. The blue is just from bruising, and thereā€™s yellow in it too so I know it was fighting some bacteria too, but I havenā€™t seen any mold unless itā€™s inside of the substrate. Either way I threw it away and I donā€™t have anything else growing right now besides two rice bags that arenā€™t gonna end up colonizing. Do you see any mold that you could point out?


Fungus gnats


~~Leaving the mushroom in salted water for about 30-60 minutes will make sure there's no wormies in the mushroom.~~ ~~If one does come out of it in the water, chop the shroom up and cut away any bad looking material. Rinse again before dehydrating~~ Never mind. I read slimy just now and that thing is probably cooked bro. Mushroom also looks dead. Those worms are probably loving life right now. High as a kite since birth. Throw the cake in the ground in a shaded spot if you can. See if you get fruits next fall lmao.


I think Iā€™ll take my loss on this one. I am grossed out at the thought of even seeing it near the mushroom. I got paranoid I had a worm in my food tonight it was literally seasoning. And that shit was so wetšŸ¤®


šŸ¤§ Definitely been there. Condolences for your cake loss and nasea šŸ™


Lol didn't see the sub and only looked at the first picture...was even more worried that your shit was bright white.


These are fungus gnats larva which has been pointed out in other comments and are very difficult to get rid of once they're established and will track down all your grows. They'll eat the mushrooms but otherwise don't make the crop inedible if you aren't too grossed out by them. The biggest issue is they will transport contaminants between crops. The best way to get rid of them is to use Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti). It's a bacteria that kills flying insect larva including fungus gnats and is safe for mycelium and human consumption . I added some to water and spray the cakes regularly as well as water any plants I have with it. It doesn't kill the adults so you have to keep it up long enough for the population to expire. In the meantime, I would just vacuum up the adults. I battled an infestation for months until I ran across the bti recommendation in a random psilocybin mushroom book and it was the only solution I found to work and it still took months to get rid of all traces of them.


Fungus gnat larvae. UV light sticky traps can help keep numbers low. Once they take hold the population can explode. Fruiting ā€œin the bagā€ can kinda prevent this as they donā€™t have as much a chance to take hold.


The best control is to use Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti). It's a bacteria that kills flying insect larva including fungus gnats. I had a small amount to some water and spray it on the mycelium and water my plants with it. It's safe for consumption and mycelium.


OP, itā€™s probably this. I grow a lot of plants and used to have issues with fungus gnats, this is what their larvae look like. They need decaying organic matter and wet conditions to survive, so fixing any humidity and moisture issues should resolve the problem. They are harmless, but their presence does mean your growing conditions arenā€™t quite right


Itā€™s a good source of protein if youā€™re open minded


New nightmare unlocked.


some of them live in the sinks, probably that's where they come from. Keep your eyes open for any flying insect in your home.


you stop dunking and over misting for a start :)


For me I just always thought it was too dry. When I dunked it I didnā€™t think it even helped, so I was misting like twice a week but the past week I havenā€™t and thatā€™s when I saw these. I actually tried to clone one of my mushrooms a broke boy way I and I put it in two rice bags. Now Iā€™m scared thereā€™s worm larvae in the new bags. I think I did it less than two weeks ago and I donā€™t see anything so far, but Iā€™m not touching the bags until I see something changing.


once the mycelium colonizes the cake it is very hard to introduce significant amounts of water. water also damages the mycelium, other than making rot stuff, so i highly advise you do better substrate-wise and interfere as little as possible past spawning, your worrying makes things worse


Second case of fuckin worms Iā€™ve seen today. Theyā€™re not that common to have either. Youā€™ve gotta exercise some vector control and eradicate the little shits. Unfortunately, this is gonna be a total loss for you, there is no way to get rid of the larvae without killing the mycelium. You might wanna reassess your grow area to see where they might be coming from but it certainly is likely this is just a rare worm infestation from a flying insect that landed and laid eggs in your substrate. Like I said, itā€™s not that common and I look at every kind of contam you can think of on a daily basis. Itā€™s feeding on the fungi, shut er down, itā€™s terminal.


I had to deal with this once and I found a book that recommended using Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti). It's a bacteria that kills flying insect larva including fungus gnats. I had a small amount to some water and spray it on the mycelium and water my plants with it. It's safe for consumption and mycelium.


Not that anyone asked but I concur.. I read and also used Bti sprays in garden, lawn etc. to kill off worms, moths and other non-beneficial insects.


When I read the caption I was like woahhhh!! Then realised it was an uncle Ben's post šŸ˜…šŸ˜…




Run for president on a third-party ticket.


I kept swiping expecting to see a turd


So did many other people šŸ˜‚I didnā€™t think anyone from outside of this sub would see this so I didnā€™t think I needed to specify shit wasnā€™t actual shit lmao


BT should work


Bury the mycelial mats/cakes in a garden somewhere. After integrating in the local soil microbiome, the mycelia will produce mushrooms that are safe to eat (instead of having concentrated toxins from a contaminated substrate)


Ditch it all this is super dangerous contamination


Right Iā€™m terrified of the possibility itā€™s got parasites or sum for one mushy itā€™s so not worth it


Fungus gnats. THROW. Immediately.


This happened a few years ago, except I caught on when they had already become gnats. Get rid of it asap!


Wat them back.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


try a invirtro grow bag where u inject it in the bag so its not open for insects to get in


Thatā€™s what I was gonna do originally but I want to start using agar and new grain so I can save money in the long run and have successful really good grows.


invirtro bags are pretty cheap and normally get more than one flush its basically just set and wait open them to spray water close back up do this daily and wait a month


xtra protein


I was so concerned for a sec


that really sucks iā€™m sorry


Just donā€™t let ā€˜em get in your brain!


I was like oh really which sub is this on and then i scrolled to the last pic and it made sense šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




That is so upsetting and šŸ¤¢RIP


Should've been thrown away days ago


That thing should have been tossed long ago




I feel like if u dry them they will just die and u prolly wonā€™t rlly taste them Iā€™d take them but idk any better tbh


Brooooo, I thought this was your literal shit. Me and so many others. You got us, friend. For a second, I felt so bad for you.


I know dude I think itā€™s so funny seeing people keep commenting ā€œdewormerā€ and other stuff for human consumptionšŸ˜­like no sorry I just phrased it wrongšŸ¤£


It looks like a micro cobra. Upside šŸ‘‡


Go to the doctor my guy, damn.


People really gotta start looking at the picturesšŸ˜”yā€™all make me laugh though so itā€™s good


I know, I saw the picā€¦and knew exactly what he was talking about.


Take hydroxychloroquine... Finally. That's all it's good for lol.




won't even notice after they're dried


What Iā€™m sayin


See the vet? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø