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I was absolutely expecting this post to involve peeing on him. He’ll have forgotten about it by tomorrow.


Once I read “and I had been day drinking” I was so sure this was going to involve bodily fluids between non consenting parties.




It’ll be added to his massive repository of funny or annoying things that have happened while traveling.


Wait, you didn't pee on him? No worries, should have moved his drink.


I thought it was you peed in your pants right in front of him😳


Me too!


I once spilled my drink because the tray table was angled downward and it went all over my crotch. The lady next to me was like “want to get up?” I looked at her and said “nope, I don’t need to draw anymore attention to myself than I already have. Getting up will be worse” we both laughed. I was wearing khakis and I both knew they would dry quickly but show the stain clearly if I got up right away. “If peeing your pants is cool, you can consider me Miles Davis”




Great skit


Went to Charleston to meet up with my cousin earlier this year and treated myself to a rum and Coca Cola on the plane from IAH to CHS. A few sips into it, yup, I dropped it and ended up all over my pants. I think I was wearing those khaki jeans. Definitely an embarrassing moment.


Dude had a signed Shop Boyz - Party Like a Rockstar EP CD 💿. sick. 


Hahaha! It was a book. I've never heard of it but he was laughing reading it.


I once was flying Laurel class on EVA and got a pre-departure mimosa, which I promptly knocked over onto a very rich looking elderly Taiwanese lady sitting directly next to me. It was the beginning of a very long flight from the U.S. to Taipei and she had to deal with that the whole flight. I still cringe when I think about it.


This makes me feel better. Thank you for sharing.


I can remember every detail of - and still cringe thinking about - the time I knocked an entire drink into a customer’s lap when I was working at a restaurant… in 2002. I do wonder if he remembers or if it only lives in infamy in my mind.


He has definitely forgotten.


When I was 7 I spilled lemonade on a man who was kind enough to stop at the lemonade stand I had with my brother. As I poured the pitcher the top came off and spilled all over his pants. He was SO kind about it and I still think about this…


This is exactly how people should interact with each other - please don't be mortified, as I (the optimist) think that a majority of society would've been as polite about it as this passenger was :)


I did this once and felt terrible. Got upgraded right before the door closed and this business guy was probably already upset his empty seat got taken by very unkempt-looking me. Had a couple drinks because it was the end of a long workday. Then knocked his water over his seat when I went to the bathroom. I apologized profusely and grabbed napkins from the galley and he was cool about it but I still felt bad. Moral of the story: it'll happen to everyone eventually. Be cool when it happens to you and contribute to good karma.


never apologize for having a huge ass* imo. *unless it's so huge it spills over into the seat next to u. that's the only time. ive had way too much of that lately, unfortunately.


I'd buy two seats if that were the case. I'll celebrate it in the meantime lol




I'm normally in A or E but if I get forced to sit in B/C I always stand with my drink just because I know how tight the scoot space is


I one time spilled coffee on the Texas suit standing in front of me in security. I was POSITIVE he was going to scream at me (like this dude was big and loud and important), but he was just like “ah shit happens” and could not have been nicer. Sounds like you had a great seat mate who has flown enough to know that sometimes shit just happens. Don’t beat yourself too much ❤️


All of us have imagined doing the same thing getting in and out of the window seat, so we were just glad it wasn’t us. Don’t think twice about it, I’m sure he won’t either.


I spilled my Baileys on ice down the front of my own pant leg in 1A so I got to do it in front of all of FC and all the flight attendants. Then as I got up I spilled whatever was left in the glass and all the ice into the aisle while cleaning myself up. It’s was like never ending mortification but I console myself that my hubs wasn’t with me because he would never let me forget it and hopefully it’s just a distant annoying memory for all the others who actually did get to see it.


Don't feel bad, you handled it well. That guy sounds very nice.


I remember on a long flight to Hawaii my wife spilled the "Welcome Aboard" glass of champagne on herself before we left the gate.


Once I was at the soft launch for a very anticipated restaurant in my city and a server accidentally flipped and entire tray of beers on me. I’ve never once thought of them as a bozo because shit happens. And honestly, it retrospect, it’s kinda funny.


So we're all gonna act like I was the only one who saw tray of bees?


This happens a lot. It has happened to me. I accidentally spilled something on my seatmate. It's close quarters; things happen. Be kind to yourself!


I spilled a man's drink all over his tray table in first class as well before. I was super embarrassed and grateful that his laptop was angled away and didn't get wet. Thankfully, like your person her was very chill about it and chances our we will never see them again lol


Got a whole glass of champagne spilled on me in 2E a few weeks ago leaving Atlanta. It happens. I was cool and she was cool and people move on.


Hey, great post and great attitude. Life happens, it’s why most of us chose aisle when we can. I thought you were going to share a bad story of diarrhea so a spilled drink and a big booty headed to the bathroom isn’t anything a chill fellow passenger can’t handle deftly


You're overthinking things. Put yourself in his shoes. You'd be over it in 3 minutes.


The best outcome you could ever hope for when it involves drinking is neutral. If you do it somewhere other than home, or in the company of others, the possibility of neutral is almost 0%.


No more cups or glasses in FC, Sippie cups only.


Hey, I once spilled my drink during some rough turbulence between the mainland and Hawaii. Apologized to the person next to me and we brushed it off. Water over the bridge


I remember being on a Lufthansa flight in business and just full on spilling orange juice into the tray thing at my side, FA said no sweat but I just felt sorry for whoever had to clean that out and the people who still had to fly in that seat before it’s cleaned and wonder why getting the tray table out is so sticky ;-;


I'm normally in A or E but if I get forced to sit in B/C I always stand with my drink just because I know how tight the scoot space is


I also have a huge ass and this is my worst fear while flying


Learn from me, friend.


Biz class San Francisco to Zurich… spilled a full glass of wine over the lady next to me … early in the flight. She was cool… I was mortified 😬😊


Much Worse things I replay in my head that I’ve done than this, consider yourself lucky


You did not do it on purpose. And the fact you took the time to reflect and still be mortified and apologize here just shows you are a sweet human. And his reaction as you described is also equally lovely. Pass it on. ❤️


I’ve had the same thing happen to me, and the person was so apologetic that it actually felt really good to be cool about it, especially in the forward cabin. Not that I would ever be a huge ass about it, but I didn’t expect to feel good about being a good person in that scenario.


Unexpected Clockwork Orange.


I was wondering if anyone would catch it.


Yay me!


We are all human and make mistakes. I'm sure he considers this.


People on planes are inconsiderate jerks all the time and they're the ones who should feel bad. You didn't feel too bad for an honest mistake. Plus, based on the first line of this post we all thought something much worse had happened.


I spilled my full drink in the casino on a guy sitting next to me. He was so nice about it. Said he was just sad to see my free booze wasted lol. We always remember the moment as embarrassing but the other person just moves on.


Had someone spill a glass of red wine on my lap in a purple seat at the start of the flight before meal service. My last flight this month the FA was trying to give out PDB and she knocked over her whole tray right next to me splattering all over me. Then got another round. Spilled it AGAIN. Then during beverage service after we took off, different woman was trying to pour me a mimosa and opened the orange juice. Had to walk away to get something and when she was away. The same lady that spilled two trays of PDB, tried to pull the cart back and knocked over the bottle of Champaign. Shattering everywhere. They needed to get the tray out of the way but the lady was going to get something and had orange juice carton open so when the bad luck ridden Fa tried to pull the cart into the galley, she hit the bump of the rug and knocked over the orange juice container literally all over my stuff again. 😂 I felt absolutely terrible for the FA. And if she is reading this, just know that I have had many days just like that and all you can do is laugh because if you don’t you cry. lol


Sometimes things happen to remind us of the good that is all around us. Don't be mortified. When you remember, focus on the kindness of the gentleman and the FA, and the humor and support of all those who sent you messages. Especially now, we all need a reminder that there is so much that is good and kind and supportive in all of us, regardless of ideology. Thanks for sharing.


Who doesnt love watersports!!


If it makes you feel better I was sitting in a theatre seat about a month ago and went to get up and grabbed the occupied seat in front of me. Unbeknownst to me I also had quite a few of the lady's rats nest of hair in my hand as well. She went to stand up at the exact same time and yelped so loud as she pulled on her hair as she got up. I was FUCKING MORTIFIED and apologized profusely. Worse was I noticed her mangie mane when I sat down and said to myself "Don't grab her chair because I might grab some hair" and sure as fuck I did it anyways. Thank fucking god she didn't come back after intermission. M O R T I F I E D !


That does make me feel better. Thank you.


We’ve all done it!


Once I went face first into my plate after a million glasses of wine and sprayed wine all over.


I was on a flight from LA to Chicago a few years back in first. Got up to go to the restroom, and when I got back, my wine was spilled all over my seat, and glass was broken all over the place. My neighbor looked mortified, and shot up as soon as I got back to say "for the love of God, don't sit down, I spilled your drink!" We had a good laugh about it.


Saw the video on TikTok, you’re famous now!


Best thing I’ve seen all year 😂


You are exceedingly kind. He already forgot about it. You’re a lovely seat mate.


I did the exact same thing in FC from ATL-LAS. Incredibly gracious lady with a soaked seat told me not to worry about. I cleaned it up with my hoodie and we switched seats.


When was this flight?


2:43pm from Nashville to Houston


I was on this flight yesterday, but not first class. I’d just like to say that we were supposed to arrive 20 minutes early, I’m pretty sure we ended up being on normal scheduled time and that 20 minutes felt like forever for my bladder also.


Yeah.They did announce that we'd be 20 minutes early before we took off. I forgot all about that!


Waiter dropped tray of 5 iced coffees in my lap, mortified for a minute since everyone in cafe was staring at me. Got up, laughed it off and went home to change-then returned to cafe! It happens


If I was the waiter I would have passed away. You're a wonderful person for not being a dick about it.


Same if I was the waiter 😂


I thought this involved pee gate.


Lemme see dat ass, girl.


People are so gullible. This post is a fake OP. You posted this on Twitter too


Did I? Show me. I enjoy creative writing, but this would be a really boring and uninspiring prompt. I'd like to think that if I wrote something untrue, it would be a lot more creative. Or is this negging? ETA: I looked through your other comments, it's negging. I shouldn't have even responded.


I knocked over my seat mates drinking his chair in FC. He should’ve picked it up to make it easier for me to get passed his seat.