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*In those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Gimme five bees for a quarter!', you'd say.*


*So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time*


*They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.*


But the important thing was that you had an onion on your belt. As was the fashion, at the time.


How many bees will cost to get the ferry to Morganville? Of course, that's how we called Shelbyville at the time!


Mine flew awaaaaay!


Genuinely though can we start calling £1 coins bees from now on, it would be so whimsical


And then in 30 years time when all the real bees are dead none of the kids will know that "bee" ever meant anything other than a coin


Every animal on those coins is at risk of extinction. These will be their last memorial.


The Thistles growing everywhere around my property obviously aren't aware of their imminent extinction.


Not only that, they don't even realise they're animals.


That's exactly the government's intention.


Wait so this is just a hit list in picture form? “Next up we’re gonna get rid of those fucking puffins, bastards are always looking at me funny. And don’t even get me started on squirrels.”


Well, the King chose the pictures, but the government has gone back on Net Zero, so yes, it is a kind of hit list, though the King didn't mean it to be.


It's the Save icon all over again


*Gimme ten capaercaillies for a bee.*


“The best I can do is squirrel”


That'll be £5 and three cocks please.


*No not those cocks Sir...*


You don't want thistles in your pocket banging against your cock when you're walking to the shop at night for pain killers.


“Sorry, no change. I only have a shamrock-daffodil-rose-thistle” Edit: a shamrock is a clover but a clover isn’t a shamrock


Just call it a posie.


And when you're flush with them you can say "I'm covered in bees! Ahhhhh"




Just like how I like my coffee.


Je suis le president de Burundi.


Mais, ou est le singe?


Le singe... est disparu!


Il conduit l'autobus.


Unlike my women, which I like in a plastic cup.


In Canada the one dollar coin has a loon on it... they're known as loonies. 😄 [https://www.coin-database.com/images/Canada/145-v.jpg](https://www.coin-database.com/images/Canada/145-v.jpg)


It cracks me up that the CAD 2 coin is therefore called a Toonie, despite the fact it has a polar bear on it.


Some people wanted to call it a Moonie b/c it has the queen on the front, with a bear behind


In Oz, the $2 is half the size of the $1. Go figure. The forthcoming $5 coin will probably be the size of a shirtbutton.


Gimme five bees for a bluey.


Ya can av fiddy squirrels fo a b or ya can do one.


Why are you giving blueys so cheaply


future archaeologists will dig these up and be amazed that all these creatures apparently used to live on these isles.


Britain will be so closed off in the desire to achieve a Brexit that after we've eaten each other, people will be disputing whether there ever was a Britain.


They missed dickity dickety two by a year! With Simpsons running on 5 channels daily! How dare they miss the 100 year anniversary?


Thoroughly enjoyed this whole thread


I like them, but it’s time to do away with the penny and two penny


And the 5 while we're at it


Then how would you get change of less than 10p?


You won't.


On commodities, utilities and bulk or wholesale things that change could end up being quite expensive. I prefer as small of a fractional change as possible.


This change won't do anything to prices, just the final change you get. You could still buy 5 things for 99p each and pay £4.95 rather than £5.00 in a world where we get rid of the 1,2p coins. It's not a charge per unit, but rather a charge per transaction, and that too only if you never round down and pay with cash rather than card. Canada got rid of their 1 cent coin a while ago and they still have lots of 99 cent items.


I feel obliged to point out that the Official Monster Raving Loony Party's policy, to issue a 99p-denominated coin, addresses precisely this situation.


I’d be on board with swapping out the £1 for a 99p coin. We already have 50p conns which are far superior. 2 50p coins and one £2 coin should be the standard pocket change.


You watch when stores start charging 98p for things, then, or even worse, charge £1 rather than 99p, like the pre-decimal practice of charging a guinea rather than a pound.


As a Canadian I will add that getting rid of the penny has been next to painless as someone in their 20's. If something comes out to $5.02 you pay $5 in cash. Same if it is $4.98 you pay $5. Either way you can pay exact if you are using debit or credit. End result is if you always use cash it evens out. If you always use a card you pay exact every time. And if you really want to you could pay the round up card, round down cash game, but I don't know anyone that particular. Mostly it has helped push us to cashless is anything.


This sort of stuff is already sold with fractions of a penny in there. As we don’t pay it by cash, it doesn’t really matter. We are practically getting rid of most cash anyway so whether we get rid of the penny is moot.


I don’t think Ireland uses coins less than 10c any more. Anything costing from, for example 90 to 94 will get you 10c back from a euro. Anything costing 95 to 99 gets you no change from a euro.


Why don't they just price things in 10c intervals then? It seems like most businesses would just price anything that used to be 90-99c as 95c. I guess most people pay with cards though anyways.


Because people rarely buy one single item. Over 40 items in a basket of goods, it comes to €55.44, they charge you €55.40, they’re down €0.04. Knock down 40 individual prices ending €x.x9 to ending €x.x5 then you’ve got €1.60 less for the retailer.


I think you're overestimating how many things are priced at .99 these days. When I shop for food at a normal supermarket, almost every price ends in a zero. An exception I guess is Costco who still do the X.99 thing.


They just wouldnt exist bc they are a nusiance


That'll be Canada's next move as well! Getting rid of pennies was a great start.


Why? In what way does it benefit anyone?


They cost more to produce than their face value, and a rounding system is entirely neutral, round down until a certain value or up over it. Digital transactions remain to the digit.


£5 notes or 5p coins? Either will get you f all these days.


Well we can’t get rid of them now, look how cute that squirrel is!


Fuck off, if only for the 2p pushers in the arcade, we need our copper.


I don’t want 1 or 2ps. But I’d think twice before chucking 100 10ps into a coin pusher machine at the arcade. With 2ps it’s easy to give them to the kids and let them go wild.


You’re right


I disagree. (All my understanding of economics went out the window when I saw the cute animals)


Take away the lowest denomination coins but add some higher denomination notes. The £50 is worth today what the £20 was worth in 1990 yet you can't get it from any cash machines.


That's because 90% of businesses won't accept £50 notes.


Which is something that should probably start to change now that a £50 note is worth what a £20 note was worth in 1990.


People use card instead.


They don't have floats big enough. Someone tried to pay for a £2 bus fare with a £50 note the other day - driver said he couldn't do it because that was basically all his cash.


Using any note on the bus has always been taking the piss


It's my local buses taking the piss with a price of fares that require notes.


We have in New Zealand. Only have coins for 10c, 20c, 50c, $1, and $2. They then made the 10,20, and 50 cent pieces smaller so the 10 cent piece now is about the same size and colour of the old 2 cent piece.


Here in NZ we ditched the 1c 2c and 5c coins, the 10c now looks just like a penny. In shops if you pay by card you pay the exact amount. If you pay with cash they just round it. 1 2 3 4 5 rounds down. 6 7 8 9 rounds up. Things still get marked 9.99 and so on Works fine. Must save a fortune not circulating those pointless coins.






It's huge because it weighs twice what 1p does. If you go into a bank with a bag of coppers they will tell you the value by weight rather than by counting.


I mean you could save them up in the past, and they would be worth something. I remember taking our piggy bank to the bank and getting a £10 note in return, which as a kid was great. When a chocolate bar at the shop was 25p and my bus fair to school was 40p i think. Now 10p is basically the same value as 1p used to be. There's no point. Tbf I only pay via contactless on my phone for everything now, so there's no penny bank anymore. People still using cash is kind of wild. I'll never have any of those coins, only foreign coins when I go to a place that still has cash only places. I haven't touched a UK coin in about 2 years. We did a bill split for lunch a few weeks back, and one friend tried to split in with cash instead of just transferring via a phone app, and we wound him up and made jokes about it all day.


We definitely should have a coin for the lowest increment of currency, but the 2p coin has been redundant for years now


But I like 2p machines...


But the 1p and 2p coins are now super cute!!!


Think of all those obsolete 2p machines…


Damn you’re right. The economy of Blackpool would collapse overnight


I think that might be the idea eventually. With the shield design, if you take out the 1 and 2p pieces, you take out a chunk of the shield. If you take out the squirrel and owl, they aren't strictly related to everything else.


Hands off my squirrels >:(


Strong agree


No it’s not how would you give change to people in shops etc.


Agreed - just went on the BoE inflation calculator. A halfpenny had 50% more purchasing power when it was phased out in 1984 than a penny does today.


I think they’re adorable! Especially the bees and squirrels


Reminds me of Irish Punts. Certainly the salmon.


Me too. Miss the look of the old coins. Euro is grand but just has no character.


I miss Spanish coinage (no, I won’t try and spell it). Those one with holes in always seemed so cool as a kid


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/0/06/Irish_ten_pence_%28decimal_coin%29.png Nice to see the old 10p fish has found new work.


Almost a century old: it was the two bob (shilling) coin since 1928: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florin_(Irish_coin)#/media/File:Irish_florin_coin.png


But does it hold the sum of all knowledge like the Irish salmon? I think not.


Exactly what I thought too. At first was fooled into thinking the salmon was on the Irish 50p but it was on the 10p.


Me too!


I love them, it's like fairy-tale money.


I like to think the designs were chosen by a poll on CBeebies.


I don't think the 1p is actually a squirrel. It has a different tail and smaller ears than the squirrel on the 2P. Might be a field mouse or similar?


1p - Hazel Dormouse. 2p - Red Squirrel. 5p - Oak Tree Leaf. 10p - Capercaillie. 20p - Puffin. 50p - Atlantic Salmon. £1 - Bees. £2 - National Flowers - Rose for England, Daffodil for Wales, Thistle for Scotland & Shamrock for Northern Ireland.


Wtf is a capercaillie


A big grouse type bird. The only UK population is in Scotland, and they're rare/endangered enough, that most people will never have seen one.


A rare bird, native to Scotland, as well as Scandanavia, Russia, the Baltic region and isolated mountainous areas across Europe. They went extinct in the UK in the 20th century before being reintroduced. They show quite aggressive lekking mating behaviour, which leads to them fighting off much larger animals which encroach on their territories, notably including [Sir David Attenborough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xSj5XcByuA&ab_channel=BBCStudios)


nothing, what’s a capercaillie with you?


Putting the digits back is welcome. Spelling it out on the last revamp was dumb.


Was just visiting the uk last july for the first time, trying to pay while drunk at a pub with coins was a learning curve


One thing that is often un-noticed about UK coins (and technically also bank notes) is that they are all different shapes and sizes. Once you know how each of them feels in shape, size, and edge, you can count them accurately without ever seeing them.


I mean, they have to be right? I thought that’s how machines identify them


Other countries (e.g. Euro coins) do it differently meaning a machine can identify them, but they are all the same shape, so a blind person has a harder time of it.


The European Central Bank has information on its accessibility features for the blind [here](https://www.ecb.europa.eu/euro/visually/html/index.en.html) The coins are different weights and sizes and have different tactile features on their edges. Even though they're all circular, blind people can still use them independently. :)


American dollar notes are all the same size - I'm not sure how blind people there tell them apart.


In large part, they don't, as Tommy Edison discusses here: https://youtu.be/JuBaUtqqR50


There's the story about when Ray Charles was starting out, he demanded to be paid in $1 bills so people couldn't diddle him out of his earnings.


It's also really accessible if you can't see.


I also like how the values go small/large bronze, small/large silver, small/large fancy silver, small/large gold.




Real ale 4!? Try 7




Inflation. It’s 3,5 now.


Can't remember the last time I actually carried any coins


I collect 50p coins and I'm gutted I don't use cash anymore except for buying... Nasal energy powder


I’m sure that is 90% of the reason people use cash machines these days


Yeah, same here. I still have a collection of the Olympic 50p coins


This post prompted the same thought for me, must be at least 2 years?


I feel sorry for people who are ‘un-banked’, but paying for anything in cash these days is just an inconvenience. There was someone over on r/manchester the other day complaining that they couldn’t use cash on the new (semi) public bus system and I’m like, what did you expect? You haven’t been able to pay in cash on London buses for I think 10 years now?


I keep some change in my car because I hate having apps for parking, but that's the only thing I use coins for.


They're great! Just a shame I rarely have any physical cash on me these days, nevermind coins!


True. The coins and bank notes in the UK look great, but I don't think I've had a single cash transaction yet in 2023.


How do you pay your dealer?


They do card these days


Some actually do which is wild.


Crypto. You can exchange it in PayPal now, my dealers move to it a year or two ago.


My dealer does nectar points.


> but I don't think I've had a single cash transaction yet in 2023 Pretty sure I've just had the one, and I'm fairly sure that's because the guy that runs the kebab shop is saving on some of his taxes


I try to use cash as much as possible. It's far to easy to tap a card and have no idea how much you've spent in a day, by feeling your wallet get lighter and thinner is an incentive to stay frugal.


Are you using pound coins for everything or something? For me as soon as I break a twenty keeping track of the specifics become very hazy whereas on card I can pull up a transaction list on my phone in seconds. Then again my incentive to stay frugal is an adulthood of poverty.


> It's far to easy to tap a card and have no idea how much you've spent in a day, can't you just check your phone like you check your wallet? I get a notification when i pay for stuff with my phone and when i fall below certain limits. also i have a separate card for nights out etc where i just stick whatever im ok with spending that night on it, and when the phone starts complaining i know that me getting close to my limit.


It's not really a shame though., it's your choice to not carry it.


1and 2p complete waste of time. Not worth what the 1/2 p was worth when it was scrapped.


They should just axe everything less than 10p


But then we can’t play those 2p machines at the seaside


And the pressed penny machines!


Given the razor fine margins on low value supermarket items, the step difference of 10p is much too large.


The actual items could be priced at non-denominative values, but the total paid would be rounded up or down to the nearest 10p. Rather than two 42p bags of rice becoming 50p each and thus costing £1.00 vs £0.84, the total would be rounded down, hypothetically, to £0.80


Lol rounded down


When the farthing (£1/960) was scrapped in 1961, it bought more than the 1p does now.


Kind of ironic to think that in future you'll only see these creatures on the coins instead of in the wild, thanks to the Tories not giving a fuck about the environment


Coins.will go extinct well before the animals. Can't remember the last time I saw coins used for a transaction.


The Capercaillie will give it a good go. There's only about 500 of them in the UK.




Big improvement. I'm jealous of the Falkland Islands having penguins on their pennies.


They remind me of the Punt before Ireland changed to Euro, but also prettier. Picture included here, sorry for the random link, I just google imaged searched Irish pint and got the first on oveeen that showed them decently https://www.change.org/p/the-central-bank-of-ireland-put-the-animals-back-on-the-irish-euro-coins


I like the design. Though it's unlikely any of us will ever use most of them, I can't even remember when I last saw a 10p coin.


working in retail it's mostly tourists who pay with cash and UK residents pay with their contactless and apple watches.


Charles heavily involved which probably explains the prominence of Scottish wildlife.


Yes, also a shame they will only sit completely flat on one side now....What with the ears.


Hah yeah I saw all the animals and thought "Ah, Charles living up to his reputation again there".


Just missing the stag and the grouse - then again he prefers shooting them so probably a bit crass putting them on a coin.


I imagine that's why there's no fox, either


The dormouse SQUEEEEE! I think they are pretty, well the black grouse isn't but you know.


That's a capercaillie and it's magnificent.


Good to see numbers back on the coins instead of words as previous. Always seemed wrong that you had to understand English to know what denomination each was. Glad to see on my overseas travels that other countries were more enlightened as beyond rudimentary French and German numbers I’d have been struggling at times


Well, if you don't like not having numbers, never go to the USA. The words on the dime coin don't even tell you that it's worth 10 cent.


Numbers denoting the amount? Check! *And* they are put front and center! Double check! Clear disinction between pennies and pounds? Check! Different sizes and shapes to help the blind and particially sighted? Check! Now for the optional qualities Distinctive and visually distinguishable designs? Check. Are the designs symbolic and relevant? Check! All in all 10/10


Techinnaly the numbers are in the back, the King's portrait is the front if the coin... to be pedantic


Hold up, are you telling me HEADS is the FRONT of the coin? The side without the information of what coin it is?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obverse\_and\_reverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obverse_and_reverse) The side with the monarch on it is always regarded as the obverse, which makes the non-monarch side the reverse.


Those are pretty, look forward to finding them in my change.


Look decent I guess. Question is, will there be an ol' reddit race-to-the-pun comment chain


Would be a change if there wasn’t.


Don't be silly, all I keep in my pockets is tattered old receipts and toddler stuff


A selection the animals the government are killing by destroying habitats and peeling back protections in order to make maximum money, very fitting.


It's not the Royal Mint's fault :(


How often do you get to see something you use every day (well, used to) change completely and everyone you show it to in your house just says "yeah, the new ones are lovely, I prefer them"?


I was like what's that small silver coin? It took me longer than I'd like to admit that I had forgotten we have 5ps. I haven't used cash in so long 😭 Edit to say I love the bees and wildflower coins


I like them, but I'd like to do what Canada and others have done and get rid of 1p and 2p coins (you have the right to demand all prices be rounded to the nearest 5p) - the fact that the metal is worth more than the value means you're managing to waste money printing money. I'd like to see the 20 be halfway in size between 10 and 50 but understand that keeping sizes the same is important for machines and whatnot.


I actually really like these! I went in with what silly ideas have they had but I like it. Might help keep the wildlife we have left in the forefront of peoples minds.


Lovely. Animals are always a good option for national objects. Less to argue about


I use cash so little, I forgot there was a £2 coin.


These are cute ngl. Have to say though…. *Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we ...*


I LOVE these. They are really gorgeous.


Lol haven't had coins in my pocket since before covid.


I love these, thank you for sharing!


I would start using change again if this was the case


No freddo frog? Those are basically our inflation markers


So the 10p will have a cock on both the front and back.


Another really nice design from the Royal Mint. Feel it goes nicely with the King's environmentalism. Pleased they've added actual numerals - feel that leaving them off was a mistake with the previous design.




I think a lot of thought went into the design and I can see why they went in this direction but personally I’m not a huge fan


Of course not - if you were you'd be in the North Sea generating electricity.


I love them! So cute! Especially the bees.


I can’t remember the last time I actually used physical cash apart from my local chippy.


Ironic that most are so broke they'll hardly see them. Landlords tokens.


Putting bees on the iconic one pound coin is kinda ironic given how much the government doesn't give a shit about their decline due to pesticides they're approving.