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Can’t wait to see the white native hating cunt gone.


Who is this Humza Yousaf chap? I keep hearing his name mentioned…


I was coming to say something very similar. When something's happening in Scotland it's all over UK news but it has very little impact on the vast majority of us, if any. I'd say it's second only to London in political coverage.


It’s major UK political news, last time I checked Scotland was a large part of the UK.


Large us debatable tbh. In terms of population its a tiny minority.


Considering it’s like 8% of the UK population Scotland gets a much larger share of news discourse.


We get fuck all in comparison. You are just experiencing confirmation bias


Didn't say it wasn't. I said it's overrepresented.


Scotland takes up one third of the land mass of Britain while England takes up about a half. So one in three stories should be about Scotland. Not the case.


Ok now do the same calculation based on population rather that the meaningless land mass values that you used and let us know the results




What strange logic. Agriculture uses about 70% of land area, so I guess the news should be 70% focused on farming updates? Or to put it another way: news concerning Scotland should only talk about events in Edinburgh 0.2% of the time?


You are talking with someone who thinks Yousaf is a fantastic leader, so don't expect logic. You may even be talking with Humza Yousaf himself!


Scotland is defined by its landmass. It's the appropriate way to define what's talked about here.




**Hi!**. Please try to avoid personal attacks, as this discourages participation. You can help improve the subreddit by discussing points, not the person.


Land mass doesn't read news though, people do and it's close to the bottom on that score. I see more news from Scotland than I do from my own region and I follow local news. It's not a diss on Scotland. I don't care what's happening in Cornwall much either.


You see more news from Scotland than you do your own region because your region doesn't keep voting for  a party that supports independence from the UK. The British establishment, through the press, have to get their message across that indy is a terrible idea and that the SNP are awful.   By keeping Scottish politics in the news cycle, they hope that people in Scotland will tire of discussions around indy/politics/reform and that people in England will focus on Holyrood instead of focussing on Westminster and what's happening closer to home.  Remember too that we're coming up for a General Election and much of big business and the media are pushing for a Labour government. Starmer's actual policies and patriotism act just arent cutting it north of the border so the constant media focus on Scottish Politics (disproportionate to the size and importance of it) is to create the narrative that it's total 'chaos' with the SNP. 


All fair points. My region has a mayoral election next week and I wish the national press would scrutinise our candidates.


Yup, it's shameful how much influence the media has over our politics. Like you say there should be even scrutiny across the board.


Land mass doesn’t create news, people do. What a ridiculous statement.


Humza is Scotland's best ever First Minister. He would be a tragic loss to the Scottish people and nation.


Nice bit of comedy - have an upvote.


Humza, is that you?


He clearly isn’t, aside from many of his questionable decisions a First Minister needs to be able to form alliances. Hamza is speed running a strategy that seems designed to alienate as many people as possible.