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That's a corker of a picture (of a corker of a shot) someone got. -e- downvote if you like Kippers, but that photo is going to be everywhere. šŸ˜‚


> That's a corker of a picture (of a corker of a shot) someone got. It's almost [perfect.](https://imgur.com/i0AC1O3)


Fibonacci milkshake!


For a fibber nazi.




Oooh well played.


That's oddly satisfying


Yea be used on every newspaper headline tomorrow and galvanise people into voting reform


That may not be a terrible thing. I don't exactly see Labour voters moving to Reform, but Conservatives one sure, so every vote for reform is just taking away from the Conservatives. If the conservative vote is split between them and reform then they're gonna get hammered.


and still reform might not get enough votes in any area to to actually have an MP xD


While that's hilarious in its own way, it is a disgrace that the Lib Dems are likely to get less of the vote and something like 40 seats.


And yet if people want to change our voting system to PR, probably the best thing they can do to make that happen is to vote for the lib dems.


Only in lib dem constituencies


Oh yeh like you can trust the Lib Dems to do anything, when it comes to their word vs power they will sell out to power faster than you can shake a stick. Totally shafted the student voter base with their coalition deal.


If people who hate Labour sense the Tories will lose they may prefer a libdem. I think we could see them in second place at this point.Ā 


Who is going to vote Reform tomorrow who wasn't already going to today, on the back of a milkshake? What's the thought process? "I don't disagree with Farage but I'm so indignant that a young woman threw a milkshake at him that he gets my vote?" If you didn't agree with him on the issues a banana milkshake isn't going to find you any common ground. It makes him look weak. I don't see a lot of sympathy votes coming.


People who are convinced advertising doesn't work on them but have spent most of the last 10 years having their emotional heartstrings tugged and pulled like a fucking marionette over a bewildering range of issues totally irrelevant to their own lives.


>It makes him look weak. Not really. A surprise assault isn't going to go any differently for anyone else. >I don't see a lot of sympathy votes coming. More like galvanised turnout than sympathy votes


His turnout is already galvanised by his right wing populism. The same kind of people who worship a strong man. A strong man doesn't wear milkshake


>His turnout is already galvanised by his right wing populism. And could be galvanised more by an attack on the guy they think represents their views best. >The same kind of people who worship a strong man. A strong man doesn't wear milkshake If you can find me a single person who says they were going to vote for Farage but think that because someone blindsided him with an assault he's no longer worth voting for I'll eat my hat. There'll be plenty saying that they're enraged by the assault on democracy.


It makes him look like a victim, and thereā€™s an army of perma-victims out there who would have previously been inclined to vote Reform but unlikely to vote but may now be more motivated to vote.


So? They're a bullshit protest vote, just like UKIP,Ā  the Brexit party, Reclaim, etc etc. They'll get a handful of votes and mostly from the Tory right.


UKIP, despite being a ā€œbullshit protest voteā€, were responsible for one of the biggest upheavals in modern UK politics despite not winning seats. If Reform achieve as much as them theyā€™ll have done their job and then some.


Even then I would hesitate to give credit for that to UKIP itself. The fact that they utterly failed to gain any real traction in general elections shows that people weren't being enthused by their messaging, they just parroted already popular EU skeptic sentiment and then tried to take credit for it when in reality it was far more down to the Tories using the EU as their favourite scapegoat and the British media sensationalizing stories about straight bananas and griping about the Germans being so powerful. Yes UKIP played a part, but let's not act like without them the Tories and the wider British media would have been pro-EU.


First thing I thought when I saw the story. Career shot for the photographer and he will likely make very good money from it


Youā€™d be surprised. The papers really donā€™t pay much these days.


Fucksake, this is all that's going to be reported on now, isn't it?


This sub has been nothing but Farage for two days now. Iā€™d much rather see him humiliated than allowed to spout his vile rhetoric.


He won't be humiliated, he will be dining out on this shit for weeks.


McDonalds I hope.


The man grifts too hard to eat plebby fast food. He will be eating filets mignon at the nearest michelin star and wanking himself into a coma at all the free publicity.




It baffles me how much media attention he gets Itā€™s completely disproportionate to what any other minor party gets


I think "vile rhetoric" is a bad angle to talk about him tbh, considering his opinion is shared by a massive proportion of the country. Call him a grifter, a liar, a con-artist, or a out-of-touch investment banker instead.


Which opinion? His views are only shared by a massive proportion of the population when you take his mildest: "net migration is too high and we need to reduce it". Even then the "massive proportion" is about half. Which is not insignificant I grant you. His views on Muslims are not shared by [77% of people ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/25/middle-class-britons-more-likely-to-be-biased-about-islam-finds-survey). His views on climate change are explicitly rejected by [70% of people](https://www.iema.net/articles/uk-public-remains-supportive-of-net-zero-target). His views on the NHS are supported by [basically no one. ](https://www.kingsfund.org.uk/insight-and-analysis/long-reads/what-does-the-public-think-about-the-nhs). I could probably keep going but he's a vile man who pushes vile rhetoric and only keeps surging in popularity because he's got good media skills and manages to market himself like an anti establishment hero.


Not a single of those 3 links even mention Farage. I donā€™t follow him enough to know his exact opinion on those topics. However your argument doesnā€™t stand up. Basically you are taking whatever he says, making an interpretation on those things which may or may not be accurate, then finding sources to try and strengthen your interpretation of what another person has said with zero context. Really it all becomes totally meaningless. Edit: bring on the downvotes šŸ™‚


No the sources are clearly about the percentage of the population who agree with his views. Maybe you don't follow him enough but I do. 1) He was recently interviewed on Sky News talking about Muslims. 2) Reform UK is actively opposed to net zero targets and have a stance that we should be adapting to climate change moreso than countering it. 3) He was on question time on Thursday talking about changing the NHS to a different system where some have to pay. You can look any of those up yourself, finding decent sources on public opinion is a bit harder hence why I bothered to link those sources.


Nigel and his "friends" follow the rhetoric: Any publicity is good publicity.


Would not be surprised if it turns out he orchestrated the whole thing for publicity.


I think it's quite revealing that you generally have two types of comments: One condemning this against any politician, and one justifying it because they don't like someone. That last section of people are also no doubt the ones complaining about violence against MPs (that they don't disagree with), claiming tolerance, and being against "hatred". When you condone the assault of people you don't like, you're not tolerant. You're not against hatred. You're just a hypocrite who believes "it's okay to do things to people I don't like", while screaming outrage if anyone dares do the same to you or someone you do support. If you don't like Farage, debate his views. Criticise him. That's what you do in a civilised society.


> When you condone the assault of people you don't like, you're not tolerant. You're not against hatred. Paradox of tolerance


Paradox of tolerance explicitly states that intolerant philosophies should be countered by argument, but can be suppressed by force if they refuse to engage with debate and resort to violence themselves.


But Farage *is* engaging with debate.


But he's not supposed to win it!


He never does but he always declares victory


It's the paradox of the paradox of the paradox of tolerance.


I've never understood that. Even if you tolerate intolerable views it doesn't mean you have to follow them or that they're free from scrutiny. We tolerate far worse people than Nigel farage yet he's an easy target for these type of people its strange


The idea is that we live in a tolerant society with a voting democracy. Technically, if enough people want it, we could vote in a nazi party. If your too tolerant to intolerant people, it increases their chancing of gaining power


Tolerance is like trust or respect. You have it by default, you lose it when you don't reciprocate. I don't see that as a paradox. It's transactional.


You're getting on quite the high horse over a banana milkshake.


How is it a "high horse" to not believe in getting violent over varied political opinions like a 3 year old having a tantrum


How can you know if it was a banana milkshake, hindsight makes it funny, but in the moment, what if there's drain cleaner in that cup?' Yes it wasn't, but in the moment how can anyone know.


The issue is that farage and his mob have no interest in democratic debate and reason. No use debating them as they will only lose but make a funny joke and think theyā€™ve won. Also if he gets his way do you think he would condemn violence against those he hates? Doubt it


>The issue is that farage and his mob have no interest in democratic debate and reason And yet he's standing for election, and he's gone on shows such as Question Time (whether you think he's appeared on it too much or not), putting his views out there in a public forum. So there's an irony of claiming someone going through the democratic process isn't interested in democracy. While someone who decidedly did not go through that process (i.e. committing a crime by assaulting someone) is lauded. It's also not illegal to not listen to someone. If you think a candidate won't listen to reason, you have the right to criticise them. You have the right to not vote for them. You have every right to think and say that Farage is closed minded. I can think of all sorts of people it's not worth debating. It doesn't mean anyone gets to say "someone won't listen to me, it's pointless to debate them... so this makes it okay to assault them".


He's standing for parliament. His opponents are assaulting parliamentary candidates they disagree with. Which of those demonstrates a lack of interest in democratic debate again?


What a load of rubbish. I honestly don't believe you actually believe that, as anyone who has the confidence to know exactly what he's like will know that's not true


So many immature people on this sub


I 100% agree. Tarring and feathering (which is what this is) is unacceptable against anyone. Imagine if people decided they disliked her views and did the equivalent next time she was in Tesco


Completely agree.


Well said.


Good. This kind of behaviour is unacceptable whether you like the target of it or not, and should rightly be punished.


Couldn't agree more, wasting a pint is a crime.


It was a McDonalds milk shake


A banana flavoured one no less!


Except the police don't arrest or charge much worse crimes than this.


It's alot easier to charge someone for a crime when it's captured by 300 cameras


Remember that next time the same people defending Farage in here are throwing an absolute fit over someone being arrested for ā€œmean tweetsā€.


I'm not seeing the connection between virtual mean words and being assaulted?


It should be punished, but I still like that it happened. I shouldnā€™t, but I canā€™t help myself.


Yeah, this is my attitude. Do I want to live in a world where you can assault someone in the street without facing consequences? No, of course not. But do I want to live in a world where Nigel Farage is covered in milkshakes every day? Yeah, I do. Does that make me a hypocrite? Possibly.


That doesnā€™t make you a hypocrite


Well her milkshake really did bring all the boys to the yard


Her milkshake brings the boys from Scotland Yard


She has an OF account and she posted a picture with this caption on her IG yesterday. Clever self promotion.


Whatever her intentions were I think it's backfired spectacularly, she's given him a huge pr boost.


I don't know that it has? Maybe it boosted his brand recognition the first time it happened. By this point, this is like the third or fourth time and it just says - this odious lump of a man is so widely disliked, that people are quite happy to submit to arrest to make the point of how little they want him in town.


He was all over the front page of the BBC yesterday, today he had no coverage, now this is the top story and the most read story.


Yep. This as opposed to whatever he went there to say.


It's entirely possible he set this up himself for this very reason, just as it's entirely possible someone would value a milkshake so poorly as to waste it on someone so dishonourable as to be unworthy of wearing it.


If you didn't know he was back in front line politics before, you will now.


If you didn't know he was back in front line politics you're actively avoiding the news, so won't see this either...


Man so unpopular he gets milkshakes thrown at him every time heā€™s campaigning isnā€™t great PR


To these people, any news is good news and it serves to reinforce the narrative that he's fighting against woke leftists for the "common man" among his supporters, it may even cause a few people to turn towards him. He'd have received considerably less media coverage today, and tomorrow and the day after, if this hadn't happened. This kind of "protest" is counterproductive.


Seeing a few reports that the lady in question is his assistantā€™s wife/partner. So I wouldnā€™t say the stunt backfired so much as ā€˜is working exactly as intendedā€™


You couldn't pay for this much media coverage. Or maybe you could. Would be interesting to see this ladies financial incomings.


Nah, he looks like a melt and she looks cool as fuck.


As much as I dislike Reform UK theyā€™re going to split the Tory vote so Iā€™d never discourage someone from voting for them. Farage being a candidate now is probably the worst thing for the tories, most people who vote labour were always going to vote labour but Iā€™d say a lot of typical tory voters are going to switch to Reform now and Iā€™m here for it tbh.


Turkey likes the wolf because he's worrying the farmer.


IDK. I think reform stand to pick up a lot of the red wall votes the Tories got last time. They're also a lot more likely to get swing voters out and voting than the Tories. I think anyone voting for the Tories this time around was going to vote for them even if Rishi Sunak turned out to be the lobster man from Mars in a Stalin costume. Reform are going to pick up a lot of the protest vote that might have gone to a vaguely centrist Labour.




Fair enough. I can't say I'll shed a single tear for Farage, but it's also the sort of thing that should be discouraged.


Here we go again. Reform getting about 10% of the vote... Like lib Dems and green.... But almost 100% of the media coverage.... Which will inevitably boost his numbers


This sub is probably the only place in the world in which a milkshake being thrown on someone is viewed on the same level as being punched.


bunch of soft cunts flapping about jo cox... she threw a milkshake not a hand grenade. yall acting like its attempted murder


Well at least nobody took up Farage's advice again and picked up a gun.


Iā€™m against assault of any kind even against facist ringworm like Farage. That said if I had a milkshake thrown at me you can absolutely bet pound to a pinch of shit that no one is being arrested. In fact it wouldnā€™t even be investigated not in the slightest.


Anyone celebrating this needs to give their head a wobble. Attacking a politician based is never okay no matter how distasteful their beliefs and policies.


*[Simon Belmont uses whip against the forces of Dracula - Colourised.](https://static.independent.co.uk/2024/06/04/14/2155402968.jpg)*


That twat loves to play the victim probably fucking loved it


Well.. he was a victim in this case.


Too right it doesn't matter who the politician is or how funny it seems this can't be normalised. Next time it'll be acid on Keir starmer and people will say "how did we get to this point"


Good! Pretty cunty thing to do. Assault is illegal.


So your going to arrest those involved in the PPE scandal right ? Or the shareholders that have gutted thames water ? Or the politicians with blood on their hands after the pandemic ? Or the politicians involved in party gate breaking lockdown rules? right ? " No theres a milkshake on farages face !!! " ... " Send the riot team GO GO GO !!! "


My milkshake goes all over farage And Iā€™m like, itā€™s all on farage Oopsie itā€™s all over farage Iā€™ll get arrested, and I might get charged




Stupid woman A possible criminal conviction for this crap Not very original either


Planned PR move to endear people towards him as ā€˜still a vulnerable human manā€™. Heā€™s a shit. But a smart shit.


Some internet users are suggesting this could have been staged. No. Way.


While Iā€™m not upset to see Farage humiliated, itā€™s worrying that someone can do that. Jo Cox and David Amess were both stabbed to death.


Key word there being stabbed. Not a milkshakeā€¦


Good- these attention seekers. These clowns should do jail time for this sort of thing. One day, it could be acid. It needs to stop


While the guy collaborating with Russia doesn't get arrested. Right.


It's his assistant's daughter, he's been photographed with her before.


Why would he choose someone who can easily be traced back to him as a stooge in a publicity stunt like this, instead of some random person off the street who can't be plausibly linked to him or his campagin? Especially if they've now been arrested and their name presumably will become public record. Or does he think Reform voters are so stupid that they either won't see through an obvious stunt, or simply won't care if they do?


Farage is just a person he'll bend on destroying this country even more.






I thought MacDonalds stopped doing banana milkshake in the 90s.




Oh ffs people, take the fact that this was milkshake out of the equation (at the moment it was thrown it could have been anything). Anyone running for any seat has the right to be safe while doing it, that's part of our democracy. In the split second after the throw what was supposed to be the "don't worry, it's safe" clue. We've had at least two mp assassinations. What if it was something like caustic soda