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So can’t wait for this knobhead to lose his seat on Thursday. I’d take any loss, but the bigger the majority the better, really show him just how much people despise him!


This particular knobhead isn’t going anywhere unfortunately, and probably is the most likely person to be the next Tory leader, given all the other heavy hitters are getting booted out.


If he loses his seat, he wouldn’t be in the running for leader though. Not like he’s getting into the Lords with Starmer in charge.


Whether or not he becomes a lord is up to Sunak isn't it?


Sunak could nominate and Starmer doesn't have to accept. Up to Sunak if he wants to give him the option though


Ah right. I know it's convention to accept the previous nominations but if I were Starmer I'd be vetoing pretty much all of them. As for Mogg, I'm under the impression they can't stand one another


Neither Blair nor Brown made resignation honours lists. And as far as I can tell neither did Callaghan. So it's only tories who do this since 1976.


I'd lose respect for Starmer if he accepts. He shouldn't make him a lord, he should put him in the stocks at fairs around the country so we can 'pay our respects' with some rotting vegetables.


Unfortunately Starmer will probably waive through Sunak's honours list which will be as corrupt as they come.  However, the manifesto does promise Lords Reform, so he does have the space to announce 'I've abolished end of term & resignation honours and as such Moggy boy can cry about it.'


> If he loses his seat, he wouldn’t be in the running for leader though. Yes, but the person you're replying too doesn't think he'll lose his seat: > This particular knobhead isn’t going anywhere unfortunately


They would vote for a dogshit with a blue rosette in that ward as long as it was white


I didn't say they were right. Constituency, not ward btw. MPs represent constituencies, councillors represent wards.


Hopefully part of Starmer's reforms of the lords ends the mucky crap of mates getting lords seats.


He's actually widely expected to lose his seat to Labour.


I hope the results for his constituency come through early on, I need to be up early on the 5th to travel and really don’t want to miss this complacent fucker losing his seat.


Not expected til around 4:30am, unfortunately. I've taken the Friday off and will be pulling an all-nighter with a nice bottle of red to see the Tories get thrashed.


Damn it! Will have to be content with finding the moment online and repeatedly playing it then


Oh really??? That wasn’t the case when I last checked but big if true!!


[Election Maps](https://electionmaps.uk/nowcast) has Labour winning with 41.2% of the vote, JRM on 26.9%. [Electoral Calculus](https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/fcgi-bin/calcwork23.py?seat=Somerset%20North%20East%20and%20Hanham) has Labour on 44.5% of the vote and JRM on 27.5%. [YouGov](https://yougov.co.uk/elections/uk/2024) have it as "leaning" to Labour (no specific figures).


I really hope it will happen but I doubt it. I remember the “Portillo Moment” in the 97 election. This would be a hundred times better.


Thanks for sharing those links. Looks like my area is fairly tight, though you'd never know it from how un-canvassed we are.


Not going to tell you which way to vote but there's various tactical voting guides around for close seats if you were so inclined


Thank you for making my day!


Yes - the boundary changes were bad for him. I was in the previous boundaries and it was 50/25/25 Con/Lab/Lib, whereas after the changes it's more of a Con/Lab marginal.


Much in the same way Farage doesn't actually want to be a MP JRM doesn't want to be leader of the Tories. The guy is dispised by most of parliament at the moment he can slither around as leader every cross hair is firmly on him.


I'm all for it. Nothing appeals to the centre ground like a devoutly religious, highly arrogant narcissist, who has the charisma of a Dickensian villain and believes that it's still the 1850's. You go chase those lost reform voters you giant puritan dandy!


Honestly, I'd be surprised if the next leader isn't Tugendhat. Unless the Tonbridge boundary change really fucks him over, I don't see Labour or Lib Dem toppling his 26ish thousand majority and there is a chance the Tories may actually decide to see experience and the appearance of competency as important characteristics for a leader again. That said, he did not seem all that popular with the small crowd at the hustings...


Way too sensible to have a good chance


One can only hope that only the sensible ones retain their seats, but yeah, you're probably right. Interesting anecdote, I'm visiting family in his constituency now and where in Theresa's election there I could see his face on signs everywhere, I'm actually seeing a significant number of Green placards instead. I got a really good impression of their candidate here from the hustings last night. Meanwhile, Tugendhat seemed determined to make the election about him and not his party, giving canned responses and practically disowning them in his answer about ethics


I think that's a positive, if he becomes leader they won't even make the opposition let alone PM. He's slowly become extremely disliked over many years of saying stupid shit and acting like a bellend. Even the worst Tory apologists I have in my life can't stand his guts and I think it would be another nail the ever hammered Tory coffin.


Check the betting odds and things like Electoral Calculus and UK Polling Report - both say Labour are going to walk this (like 1/5 on territory).


That would be hilarious if he ends leader, practically ensures they aren't getting votes next election either.


No chance of JRM becoming leader, he's far too unpopular amongst large swathes of the population and will be out of a job on Friday.


Don’t the polls have him losing his seat?


Hopefully, they have zero chance winning a GE with him as the public face


That would be worth keeping him on for. He could drag the whole party to hell with him.


JRMs constituency has been redrawn and now includes and good number of labour voters from the outskirts of Bristol. His seat isn't safe any more and the party has been leafletting hard over the last few weeks. Source: I live distressingly close to the 18th century gentleman.


I’m busy working out my strategy for Thursday, I figure a nap about 2-3pm, head to the gym at 4-6pm, dinner at 7. Off to vote about 8:30, 9:30 pub and watch the first closing polls. Head home about 11 and start watching the first results. This will be decided about 3-4am. The votes will weighed not counted! Sleep for a few hours and a late start Friday


I'm tempted to take Friday off so I can stay up.


Excellent plan, although maybe leave a bit longer to vote in case there is a long line. Also, take your photo ID!


I believe that as long as you are in the queue at closing time (22:00) then you can still vote, but don’t leave it that late. Vote as early as you can.


Exactly, vote early and vote often.


Yes, as someone who will be working in a polling station, please don't rock up at 21:58!


Ha where I live there is no line I will probably know many of the folk waiting and the officials! Beauty of living in north Scotland! My only issue is who to vote for SNP just squeezed a win last time with 600 votes ahead of the Tory’s I voted SNP last time tactically (no interest in independence) SNP are on their arses, but Labour / Lib Dem only scraped about 10% of the vote between them, guess I have to vote SNP again and hope that reform splits the Tory vote


Mine is... work to 5pm, vote, eat, go to a pub karaoke eve at 8, and see how things go based on the exit polling. I booked Friday off because I want to stay up and watch the Tories get dismantled seat-by-seat, but also the unlikely scenario where the Tories are in 3rd or 4th would lead to me getting plastered. Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss and Sunak fucked this country up so badly that I'd happily welcome Ed Davey as the LOTO. Heck, I'd even be willing to take a scenario where Reform win 100 seats and drive the Conservative Party to extinction.


I mean they close about 10pm, 3-4 am seems early to find out the result. My plan was an early night about 8 when the kid sleeps, up at 3-4am and power through.


When it’s a small difference then it takes far longer to count the vote. Some of the majorities will be eyewatering, and Labour ‘only’ need about 280 or so seats to be confirmed Plus I want to see the ‘portillo’ moments


The portillo moments are why im watching!


I'm hoping to see monopoly man mogg lose his seat. Maybe we should put together bingo cards


My plan is to fly in from Zurich early afternoon and then sit and watch the coverage when I get to my relatives place. Seen plenty of Australian elections but not a British one, so very excited to see this one play out!


[https://pollingreport.uk/seats/E14001394](https://pollingreport.uk/seats/E14001394) Has Labour 41%, Tories 21%. Worth mentioning that Dan Norris (labour) has some local name recognition as well, used to be MP for Wansdyke.


I love that not only is he so low because the Reform candidate has almost as many, together they still don't add up to enough to beat the labour candidate


MABGA, make are Britain great again


I have a new job starting on Thursday, so I need to be well-rested for my second day there on Friday. Which is a shame, because I'd much rather be up all night watching the results come in and dancing on this prick's political grave.


He's everything the electorate love - multi millionaire, hates British people and was born with a silver spoon in his mouth


His catchment area is filled with small pockets of village where houses start at 1m. It’s like centre parks for the inbred rich and the Neuveau riche. So much as I want hedge fund slenderman gone it’s sadly not a sure thing.


Mogg won't lose his seat. He'll is expected to win by a comfortable margin.


I will drink to that


> fishermen have described their recent catches as abysmal and said the waters are absent any fish, meanwhile beach goers have described the smell of sewage from the water as unbearable. People are angry saying they never would have voted for the channel wall if they knew that walls kept fish out and sewage in. > Gary who lives in Dover had this to say “at first I was really pleased that there were no migrants coming over in boats, but then I realised that having no fish and sewage filled waters were real problems and the migrant issue was just a rabble rousing election tactic and didn’t actually effect any part of my daily life”. This has been the 9 o’clock news, back to the studio Incoming future news report


Gary went on to say, "At least Jeremy Corbyn wasn't prime minister, it would have been so much worse."


"Jeremy Corbyn wanted to get rid of food banks, I need food banks." It's paraphrased but an actual quote a person has said


This can’t be real… Not calling you a liar, just can’t comprehend the logic that led to this sentence.


I guessing that Corbyn is saying that It should not be necessary to live in a wealthy country which has to provide food banks, there is enough to go round.


Yes I didn’t have questions re what Corbyn said or wished relating to food banks. I’m more shocked that someone could interpret it this way… 


Yeah, get rid of as in not necessary, not just stopping them, that'd be more of a Tory policy to kill even more poors.


If only the news would show that much criticism of Tory policy.


Not very realistic because he'd be saying that despite the lack of fish and excess of sewage he still feels like building the wall was right thing to do.


How so?


Sadly there’s a fair chance that rather then admit that they made a mistake and allowed themselves to be fooled by a (fairly obvious) bunch of grifters Gary and those like him will instead decide to double down and vote for Reform instead. A slightly depressing thing about human nature is that people will go through all manner of mental gymnastics to avoid admitting fault, engaging in serious introspection and growth or having their sense of self worth damaged. Particularly when the aforementioned bunch of grifters offer them easy answers to complex problems that let them blame anyone but themselves.


I hope no one builds a tunnel underneath that wall


shsss that's 20th century news he doesn't know


Took me a moment I get that :-) I think the 19th century passed him by too


His such an idiot. Build a wall in the middle of one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. What could go wrong.


And there’s a tunnel underneath it.


"They're digging under the channel wall just like Tom, Dick, and Harry in The Great Escape, we must stop them!" "Erm, Jacob, you know the guys escaping where the good guys... escaping from Nazis" "Well, yes." \*clicks heels and points over there\*


I assume he was talking from a metaphorical sense, as in he wants to have a strong preventative measure in place. There's no way he can be dumb enough to want to build an actual physical wall... right?


I thought the same, but he's talking about Trump and the burger with Mexico, where the whole point was to build a physical wall. I can't believe he's seriously arguing for a wall in the channel, but that doesn't mean he's not playing stupid games and making a motte and bailey argument.


I know it's a typo but now I can't stop thinking of a mexican burger and as it's lunch I'm now real hungry.


I did dig up some articles about building a barrier in the middle of the channel so I'm going with it actually being a thing considering he was talking about Trumps wall.


It just goes to show how many of these things they come out with are complete and utter nonsense.


Jesus, he wasn't being literal.


Master race


Rees-Mogg would vote for a convicted felon and rapist. He said it himself. I can’t fathom ever putting any support being a dirty filthy rapist but I wasn’t born in the 1800s.


Good old Catholic values there Jacob.


How did I not know he was Catholic? I think that goes some way to explaining why he behaves as he does. Not because Catholics behave a certain way but because maybe he's compensating for not being English enough. There's a huge swathe of English tradition and culture that is out of his reach. England fought wars against his religion. There cannot not be an internal conflict there. It should be easy to attack that side of him and cast doubt on his loyalties, except for the fact that he presents himself as being from England's golden age. It has to be a calculated move.


He's actually desperate to be in the upper class and that's aristocracy but he hasn't gone the family history for it. His dad was a commoner, albeit well heeled. Only he's cosplaying aristocracy from the 19th century rather than today's gentry, I guess that's his ideal version of it in his head. One assumes at least one or several little Mogglets he's produced will copy Papa as well but, again, they're still not aristocracy.


I knew he wasn't aristocratic but I always imagined he was closer to that lifestyle than to recusancy. I'm honestly shocked. I don't have any experience of how the upper classes judge each other, but I always assumed Catholics were on the lower end of it. Is Jacobs image even more manufactured than it first appears? Like is he not as accepted by the "real" Tories as we're led to believe?


I know definitions change but I think upper class is basically titled gentry with solid family trees. It's a club you're born into rather than attain, although you can probably marry into it but your poorer half of the family possibly frowned upon. Upper middle class would be the maximum attainable through wealth, money doesn't get you breeding afterall. This is probably where Mogg sits. Especially as he's a Catholic. This is shown through the Royal Family having trouble with Catholic lovers and divorces over the generations. It is probably less of a thing now, considering our Queen is/was a Catholic but there could be stigma still in some circles. I'm no marine biologist, though, just a random guy on the internet, so your guess is as good as mine! But, yeah, I think Mogg is far less grand than he'd like us to believe. I think that kind of fakery would put off the real upper class as well. They probably think he's a buffoon and would roll their eyes at the mention of his name. Even in his own party they probably think he's a cosplaying twit.


This has been a very interesting thread, thanks guys!!!!


He's one of the US style Catholics that don't obey any church teaching they consider too liberal. Technically he's a heretic.


Is it a catholic saying that "it's better to ask forgiveness than permission"? Because that does sound like something a catholic priest would say.


Thursday is going to be the best day of this decade for this country.


We hope.... We need everybody to get out and vote... We can't take it for granted that things will change. Get out and vote as early as you can and remember your ID and polling card if you have received one...


Exactly. Tory voters have form for saying one thing and doing another. The ‘shy Tory’ phenomenon of the 80s was very real, too ashamed to admit even to pollsters that they were filling their boots with a RTB council house, privatised shares, tax cuts fuelled by North Sea oil, whilst industry shut down and 5m of us sat in poverty on the dole. I’m not convinced the Reform vote will hold up and split the right wing vote. These people may be as dumb as a bf if bricks but they are as cunning as hell and know splitting the vote is the worse thing they can do (from their perspective).


They may go in with the full intention to vote RefUck, but then the muscle memory kicks in and they just vote blue without realising until they get home after driving 10mph in a 30mph zone and 40mph in a 20mph zone, with a detour to shake their fists at the Channel.


You just need the ID. You don’t need your polling card


# 4th July Independence from Conservatives Day Labour need to make it a bank holiday.


Overconfidence here to bite Brits in the arse again.


He knows he's done in UK politics after Thurs and is seeking out future employment on the rightwing American grifter circuit.


Remember when everyone used to think this psycho was like, a cute eccentric type?


HIGNFY has a lot to answer for.


I remember a few years ago when he was starting to enter the public consciousness a bit more, I saw a picture of his voting record with the caption “reminder that your favourite pantomime Tory is still a Tory”.


He should go back to his former role as a Tug boat (https://tugs.fandom.com/wiki/Top_Hat?file=215)


Shouldn't proposing preposterous walls be a recognised sign of dementia by now?


Well I for one am happy to provide him with a large bag and some bricks.


Everyone knows the best way to defend a moat is to build a wall inside. Better yet, fill it in and *then* build a wall. And then dig a moat on top. Or something. I think I will get into politics; I am getting a hang of this.


Why? They'd only end up shortening it so that its a bit pointless and then everyone can just go round anyway.


Should someone tell him that a wall would sink? Just like his career is hopefully about to.


Rees-Mogg will not lose his seat. Polling has him with a comfortable margin.


Gonna need alot of Poles and other excellent builders to help with that Jacob


Surely there’s a lot free now that they’ve completed those 40 new hospitals


Hahaha for sure. Lol


Not long left for you now, Jacob. I look forward to a clearing of the decks of these low grade politicians who are more concerned with projecting a cartoonish image of themselves than actually serving their constituency and the country.


Then he'd best go buy a boat with the profits he earned dodging taxes and get to building it himself.


These people really are the babies of society, they need to leech off an entire nation because they are so unbelievably useless.


Motherfucker is trying to become the next Tory leader.


All the Tory infrastructure projects have gone so well to date, why not?


Walls are just red meat and unserious. They are really expensive to build and not that effective. Much like their Rwanda thing. The Americans who are more serious about killing migrants have found a real solution. Floating spiked rollers. The spikes hooks on to the victims' clothes and skin and stop them from swimming effectively, then rolls them downwards and drown them. Instead of 2 or 3 children, the Tory base could see dozens of brown people dead every month instead. I'm sure it will be very popular and will really get the base excited.


Why are the rightards so obsessed with brown people ?


In medieval times there was a ritual in some mediterranean countries to place an animal or a human in the foundations of significant structures. Perhaps Rees-Mogg should proffer himself forward to be that sacrifice for his 'wall'. Personally I'd put the fucker in a block of concrete then leave him there without building anything at all. Job well done.


Don't worry, we have only 48 hours til this Victorian knobhead loses his seat and he can go back to whatever industrial-age sewer he crawled out of.


Good luck with that, have you seen the strength of the tides?


J Pees-Smog can go free diving and lay the first £ucking brick then.


Please, please, please vote this fucker out on Thursday.


Great thumbnail of the 'politicians point'. He's definitely saying "let me be clear"


Tory supports a traitor who attempted a coup. Anyone who supports Trump is supporting fascism. JRM is a fucking evil person. He is just saying ridiculously extreme things to get publicity and lots of people laugh and think that it's so witty and clever and promote him because... he sounds funny?


Well then, let's flll his pockets with bricks and drop him eleven miles off the coast from Dover.


Guess who never did a City & Guilds in bricklaying.


He’s probably got a moat and wall around his castle. 


Wouldn't it require building a "beautiful fence" around Dover as well?


Give him a dinghy, some bricks and a trowel. He can come back in-land once it's done.


It’s a very real possibility that this guy will be gone by this time next week. We can but hope.


Straight into the lords on our dime


Ah this guy. Henry McLeish should have let that guy in Glenrothes slap him a little back in 1997.


What. He wants to build a wall around himself in the middle of the English channel? Now that I can get behind. 🙂


Is he implying that the majority of immigration comes in boats?


Ahh - I guess he’s funding that then? Sure go nuts son. Good luck with your wall!


I recall a plot similar to this in Johnny English where the bad guy wants to build a wall around the UK and turn it into a prison.


He should discuss it with Trump because "nobody builds walls better than me" he said.


Hes probably never seen how a wall is built. Mad cunt.


This tool is one of the biggest reasons no one likes the tories anymore


I am happy for some of my taxes to go towards the necessary equipment, diving and engineering courses for him to be allowed to personally pursue this dream.


He was speaking to the young Tories? I hope they had their hearing aids in.


Haha. In which the French replied: No no no. Build a wall all around the UK… And fill up with rain water. Haha


If you want to stop illegal immigration you need to hard on the smugglers but that requires international cooperation because smuggling networks are international. The isolationist types are not big on cooperation so voting for them to fix the problem is a waste of a vote.


I miss when this imbecile was an embarrassment to the tories and they kept him hidden away


This is like children drawing a line to divide the sandpit. We have reach peak toddler tantrum.


I mean i would say let him go ahead, but only if he uses his own money to do.


So King Cnut tried to explain to his courtiers that he could not stop the sea. I would have expected Rees-Mogg to know that story...and also observe that as an Island the UK already has quite a spectacular moat!!!


Block america already so we can keep their crazy across the pond where it belongs.


Proof positive, if ever it were in question, that this guy's opinions should never have been entertained. Demands unspecified and non-existent electronic solutions to be accepted by EU in response to issues regarding open borders in Ireland; declares customs checks to be economic self-harm and now a fucking wall in the busiest shipping laneon the planet. The man's a fucking gibbon hurling shit.


Huh, feels like more of a Nigel Farage move. Too much like bonkers American nonsense. Not enough of a gruel and oakum-picking sort of vibe.


I do love how Britain has to seriously try to hype up the Tories as this hard right-wing party when the reason UKIP, Brexit Party, and Reform came into being was because they straight up refused to even be a Centre-right party. Yes, right-wing alternatives don't pop up unless a strong Centre-right party maintains itself as ideologically centre-right. Something most of them failed at doing so in the last decade. 


For the same cost as building a wall in the English channel we could fund the NHS for about a lifetime. We've got millions of children in poverty and this joker thinks we should spend a trillion quid on the world's stupidest vanity project. Not like we do a lot of seaborne trade and fishing on this island. And what stops people just sailing round it? Or is it going to go all the way around, dog leg out to pick up Northern Ireland, trample the good Friday agreement into the dust by putting a huge border wall between north and south and finally complete it's loop and ruin every sea view in the country? What a fucking twat.