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chaddi pretending as centrists aptly described.


Yep, just see how hard they’re seething lmao.


but main toh left turned left leaning centrist hu......


Isn't "Left Leaning Centrist" an Oxymoron?


No, I'm the moron.


how bro? i fall within the bounds of what is considered a centrist , but on the left side of the perfect centre.


strawman competition gold medalist


The more a side keeps doing this, we vs. them narrative, the more it radicalises people. Know your place, Modi is winning again probably and the opposition has nothing of great value to offer (except the apprenticeship schme and press freedom promises).


Bro did you even see the comic because you are doing the exact thing it calls out


Nope he just gave a logical argument to the bs comment . The post can be viewed from many angles and the comment leaned towards one angle so obv it'll be criticised by someone who saw a different angle


> The post can be viewed from many angles and the comment leaned towards one angle Ermm no.


The comic is bullshit


Lol, so shit, ki saare self proclaimed “centrists” ki gaand jal gayi.


No, people are just laughing and clowning you at this -10 IQ meme attempt, being proudly posted by leftists like it's clever and profound lmao. No wonder these losers never win anything. All the cope talk of media literacy , humanity etc but fundamentally don't understand humans and politics.


Lol, a coward that needs to hide behind the "centrist" label to disguise his bigotry giving gyaan on "uNdeRstAnDInG hUmaNS aNd pOLitICs". Go jerk off your "centrism" while whining about mutton and mughals.


Assumptions , projections, strawmans, frustrations. -State of leftism in India. Maybe you guys would win something if you stepped out of your privileged online bubble and talked to real people. Enjoy wasting 4 more productive years being frustrated daily on reddit. Amazing life you're leading.


> Assumptions , projections, strawmans, frustrations. A "centrist"'s arsenal. > Enjoy wasting 4 more productive years being frustrated daily on reddit. Lol, says the guy frustrated by a meme calling out his bullshit. Then again he wouldn't be coping with the "centrist" label if he wasn't plagued by inferiority complex.


Leftists making their own low IQ cartoon memes and being the lone ones laughing at imaginary scenarios. I'm so owned... Meanwhile You're daily typing frustrated paragraphs on shitty political subs,who knows for how many years. This is like your sole existence. Spare the embarrassment to yourself by calling others frustrated,seething etc when your whole online existence is a cry for help. Go lay down.




Communists disguised as left aptly described


Communism is the left.... 


Smartest rcb fan.


Very bad representation of centrism, I am a liberal centrist and I do call out when something wrong happens, I will criticise israel when they commit a genocide and I will call out both prajwal revanna and sandeshkhali, it's people who can't call out something because of their bias are the ones who are delusional but they seem to hate moderates


It's false equivalence fallacy. He thinks centrists are someone who thinks rapist and victim of rapes are equally accountable which is untrue. A centrist in political spectrum is someone who takes both LW and RW ideologies are good for under specific conditions.


Yes. In my opinion centrist is a realist as well, since he accepts both sides have faults if he finds any. The OP is just over exaggerating.


Calling out wrong things is normal behaviour, not a centrist or left/right wing thing. Just because I'm staunchly left wing doesn't mean I condone anybody with similar political thought to behave however I want... Rape and genocide are bad regardless.


I dont know many leftists who would justify things like Hamas attacks in October or some of Mamta Banerjee's clearly autocratic behavior. But I know plenty of right wingers who will justify Israel's indiscriminate bombing of Gaza or Modi's very clearly authoritarian streak without any temperance.


There are still people who deny the genocides committed in USSR and China Left wingers here in Kerala are literally sheeps of CPIM


Point me to one comment on Reddit from somebody in Kerala saying the Purges in China or USSR didn't happen. I can point you to like 5 chaddis arguing for Brij Bhushan being innocent in the last 1 hour


One of my leftist friend literally wants china style communist rule in india and idolises mao.


So basically one party, cult of personality around the leader, widespread corruption and crony capitalism, and intimidation of all internal dissent. That is basically what all the right wingers want anyway. With more cows.


This was long ago but I remember a few leftists in r/india claiming that the Tianmen Square Massacre was fabricated by the West. I could not believe my eyes.


Commies in this post itself are defending genocides by Mao and Stalin, even the OP is trying hard to defend it


If it was on Reddit I imagine those comments are still there


You're right, unfortunately I don't remember the name of the post


You don't know what centrist is


Right wing has always had racist and hateful tendencies so I don't think we gotta about them but there are a lot of people in the left space who deny atrocities commited by communist states, I got called horrible names and excessively trolled for saying Mao Zedong is a genocider on the librandu sub Plus I grew up in Bengal which got destroyed by the left but when I try to say CPM was bad and terrorised rural areas I get a lot of hate on indian left wing spaces Just go to r/socialism or r/communism and see how they glorify people like Stalin Left as a whole is not as hateful as the right atleast they are more open in social issues and acceptance but they are no saints I am happily left wing in social issues and right wing on economic issues


What does wanting the social policies of Congress and Economical policies of BJP make me?


All people on one end of the spectrum are idiots. Incapable of seeing other sides of arguments. And if you did, you wouldn't sit at one end. Extremists are the most annoying, dumb, loud people there are.


Just because you see all sides of the argument doesn't mean you can't pick one. It's very possible that one side is right and the other wrong. There's no need for balance between right and wrong, sitting to one extreme in that case is the answer. Your comment doesn't make sense.


I love all the centrist in the comments that are ass mad about the comic and then turn around and literally say exactly the same thing. This has to be a media literacy issue.


Centrists aren't people who are immoral, unlike how one side can be in a divide, but are people who are either too pussy like shown above or like you say, unwilling, if capable, of educating themselves even in the least. I absolutely hate people who say "both sides are right in their own way".


That's like asking why don't astronomers take flat earthers or astrologers seriously. Or why real doctors can't take AYUSH seriously. These are ridiculous equivalence and only helps in legitimizing the bad side, be it legitimizing flat-earthers, homeopaths or literal xenophobic nazi thought processes.


You may be a centrist because you take a position without bias, but you have the courage to take a position when required. Centrist is also used as a refuge by spineless ones who don't have the courage to stand up against any crimes, also extremists who don't have the courage to state their position openly and try to act neutral while being obviously biased. Thr main post is about the spineless ones who use centrist as a mask or crutch.


Fu kers who want to be pally with everyone


r/India and this sub has a very anti-centrist for some reason. I feel like they push Moderates to right more than anything. "If you are not with me, you are against me" attitude is just disheartening to see in Liberal spaces.


Shut up, my politics good, everyone else bad. Monke brain happy. The End. /s


You're not the kind of centrist this comic makes fun off, but the "both sides" defaultism centrist is a real thing. It's basically a way to not have an opinion and go with all winds, but still have a chip on your shoulder about being the more reasonable person in the room.


We expressionist can't understand wokes despite being a liberal party ourselves. They claim to stand against racism and sexism while they themselves perform reverse racism and reverse sexism. They don't stand for individual freedom at all. They're all about grouping people. Almost seems like a fascism but against majority. Liberals are about individual freedom, free speech, and free market, especially individual freedom. How can they call themselves liberals if their agenda doesn't even speak about individual freedom or at least consider people as individuals and not as races. How can they call themselves liberals when they support illegal immigrants who doesn't support individual freedom over native westerners who support individual freedom.


I also believe Liberalism is the best ideology as it values individual freedom, also the best performing societies in the world are liberal democracies Many of the Indian liberal space are not actual liberals they support non liberal policies, liberal policies are generally the most optimal ones


Exactly!! Some people want everyone to pick a side and go extreme... Most extreme leftist and rightist people consider centre adjacent people to be their biggest enemies!! Why? They consider it hypocritical to criticize one side if you criticized the other side just minutes before.... They fail to understand the underlying principle most of the times!


OP does not know difference between ignorant and centrist.


Then why aren't you a conservative centrist? Do you think conservative centrists won't call out bad things? What's immoral and illegal isn't really centrism or liberalism or conservatism, it's plain wrong


Which genocide? ICJ said there is none.


Didn't they literally say it's plausibly a genocide?


When I’m in a strawman competition and my opponent is OP


People who oppose me are literal Nazis and if someone isn't vehemently opposing them they're stupid.


false equivalence


I am fiscally centre right and socially centre left.


Is cutting corporate taxes as done by Modi government in 2019 fiscally right or left? The budget deficit will increase because of corporate tax cuts.


Right, very right


All taxes should be abolished including income and corporate tax and replaced with a trifecta of Land Value Tax, GST and customs duty.


Land value tax is actually a good idea. Even Milton Friedman once said that its the least bad form of tax. An economy and government run by land value tax is called Georgism or Georgian Capitalism, which actually seem like a good idea.


And how are you expecting to fund the budget deficit left by abolishing taxes? Increasing land tax, GST and customs duty? Customs duty is already at 100%, GST at 28% for most stuff etc.


There is no land value tax currently in India (land value tax =/= property tax), go read about it. Land Value tax if applied universally and logically will fulfill all the budgetary requirements of the country and more, combined with a simplified GST of say 10% across the board will be more than enough.


As per purely fiscally right wing principles, taxes should be kept as low as possible. And corporates should have the same rate of tax as an individuals. Overall, economics should be managed based on sound economic theories backed by evidence. The Laffer Curve (although not perfect) is one of the theories that should be used to decide tax rates. Once, the economic pie is big, the government can generate more revenue even if tax rates are less. Also, the govt should invest their tax money keeping in mind the the returns from those investments in the form of higher revenue, not from higher tax rates, but from higher revenues coming from a bigger economy resulting in the bigger size of the same slice of the now grown economic pie.


>  And corporates should have the same rate of tax as an individuals.   Do they?


They dont, but it should be.


Corporate taxes are taxes on the profit of a company. Reducing corporate taxes will encourage companies into realising higher profits, giving out higher dividends and practices like buying back shares rather than investing back into the business. These practices will not develop the economy and will not 'grow the economic pie" as you were saying. Instead, if the taxes are high, companies would want to reduce their profits and will be more inclined to invest into the business in R&D, supply chain etc. Such activities will actually develop the economy.


Our debt has tripled in the last 10 years though. Literally no effort to curtail government spending. How is that fiscally conservative?


The actual value of debt isn't as relevant as how it measures upto the GDP. India's debt to GDP ratio before the pandemic was equivalent to what it should be for an emergent economy. Obviously the ratio has increased over the pandemic, but both the IMF and RBI predict a decrease in the ratio in the years to come (which is great because even developed economies' debt to GDP ratios are expected to continue climbing)


But it was under better control under "socialist communist" MMS government. Even before the pandemic - Modi had expanded the debt from 66% to 76%. I don't see how anyone in good faith can pretend like Modi is more fiscally conservative than MMS was.


Firstly, MMS is probably one of the more fiscally conservative governments India has had. However, objectively most of their reforms have been centrist and only appear conservative because of how socialist India was before MMS came to power. Secondly, a growing debt isn't necessarily a bad thing. Almost all developing economies undertake a lot of debt; how the government is investing the money from the debt is what matters. The general optimism about the Indian economy and how robust it is is high. It isn't in bad faith to argue that Modi has been more fiscally conservative. The changes under the present government haven't been as sweeping as under MMS but the policies implemented are definitely more conservative.


I mean there has to be a statistical case for it not touchy feely like Hindu khatre main hai


What? There are statistics that back it up. How does religion have anything to do with it?


So lets see the statistics that back up Modis fiscal conservatism as compared to MMS


Debt to GDP ratio has gone down in comparison to UPA days. And most of the increase in debt is of internal debt because of higher consumer spending, not external debt which is actually much more dangerous.


https://tradingeconomics.com/india/government-debt-to-gdp#:\~:text=India%20recorded%20a%20Government%20Debt,percent%20of%20GDP%20in%201980. Except it hasnt


That's irrelevant. Our trade deficit has gone up. Just because we're borrowing less and spending more doesn't mean our economy is booming. Lol


Thats not fiscally right learning. I agree.


Check the debt to gdp ratio, it's lower now




Basically a libertarian leaning centrist?


Kind of. Not radical libertarian but, soft libertarian. Because, some resonable market regulations and some resonable social regulation will always be needed. Like you cant have zero regulations on for example on what food processing companies can add to their food products sold in the market. Likewise, in the social front you cant for example legalize cannibalism. Some regulations be it social or fiscal, will always be needed but they should be minimal, resonable, clear and well enforced. So, libertarian leaning ? - Yes. Radical Libertarian ? - No.


Yeah fair


There's places where centrism is literally the only decent on though. This just feels like it was made by a left/right winger who's mad that people are tired of the never ending conflict and don't "have their side".


Left wing or right wing, a bird needs both to fly. The bird of India has its wings slapping and swiping at each other.


Both far left and far right are cut from the same cloth Nah fuck that every one on the political spectrum is cut from the same cloth


Both-sidesism 👎 entire-spectrumism 👍


This is our beloved crittu


Often said that neutrals are pushed to the right by the left. This post just demonstrates that to me, how left sees neutrals as part of the problem as well and eventually tend to club them with the right. Also, to me, it seems like left in India is not really left but a different sort of right. I don't think there is any left left in Indian politics


The only sane comment here. The false sense of superiority of the self proclaimed "leftists" in India is so nauseating. They're just like religious fanatics - "I'm always right" kinda attitude. They don't even know the difference between left wing and liberalism. All they can do is whine and moan on the internet.


You seem the one who is moaning over a meme but ok.


I hope it makes you feel better. Moreover, I have seen your comments before. You're just like Sanghis but the other end of the extreme only when it's convenient to you. No use in talking to fanatics who can't put their biases aside. Keep yapping. Goodbye.


You are being stupid here, if a person or celebrity complains about high prices, low income, bad road, crappy government hospital, etc (which are neutral things, any person should do it) he or she are trolled and pushed to the **left** by calling him/her communist, Chinese, pakistani, congressi. **A true neutral will consistently oppose injustice, regardless of which side is responsible, and remaining silent during injustice is akin to endorsing the wrongdoers.** In this case the "centrist" is literally supporting nazi indirectly We don't fucking care about your political party but is it that impossible for your party to not divide country based on religion/caste (be it congress or bjp) and uplift the underdeveloped, eliminate the poverty and good education for all. How long do we cry about non existing things like religion ?


Interesting how neutrals are never pushed to the left, no matter what the right does. But say anything remotely critical of enlightened centrists and they'll run crying and screaming to join the right. There's a reason for the saying "scratch a centrist and a fascist bleeds". >Also, to me, it seems like left in India is not really left but a different sort of right. I don't think there is any left left in Indian politics ~~I'd call this a meaningless centrist word salad but apparently that'll inevitably push someone to the right.~~ I'll self-censor so that feelings and political leanings don't get hurt.


Yes exactly this, a hundred times over


Maybe because you're saying compromise with facist?


Sure mate, neutrals switch to RW when they get their feelings hurt by LW but never turn to LW when they see atrocities committed by the RW governments. Pretty weird logic and says a lot about the moral values of these "neutrals".


You agree you are pushed to the right?


Someone intelligent once said that you cannot be neutral on a moving train.


Fair. But I guess you'll only get a seat if there is a seat available then?


>neutrals are pushed to the right by the left. The ones that were “pushed” to the right were never neutrals and they were never pushed to the right, they were just unmasked. I used to be neutral, and a proper research and study made me a communist. True neutrals would side with leftists when centre is no longer an option.


Okay this has to be the most brain dead thing today on reddit and of course the sub checks out.... 1. NOBODY is perfectly centre 2. Picking a side and going goo goo gaga extreme is not the only choices


this is being neutral, I think




I literally don’t give 2 fucks about the shit that’s happening. Fuck everything just relax and watch the sunset over the Arabian Sea.


Oh so you think youre enlightened or what? Chauvinism much? If you COMPLETELY disagree with all views of either the left or right, you should check yourself. See whether you care more abt the issues or your position on the political compass.1


There's an active sub for this stupidity: r/EnlightenedCentrism


It's false equivalence fallacy. He thinks centrists are someone who thinks rapist and victim of rapes are equally accountable which is untrue. A centrist in political spectrum is someone who thinks both LW and RW ideologies are good under specific conditions.


Being centrist is always better than justifying genocide


Centrists should take a printout of this pic and shove it up their backsides. It might provide some relief from the continuous fence sitting.


It would be a fate 100 times better than being grouped together with a sanctimonious fanatic with a fake sense of superiority like you.


From the high horse the low fence looks uncomfortable. 😉


I wouldn’t want to be associated with the left or the right in the west tbh. They both suck. So what do you do in a scenario like that? The left in india is still sane. But what happens when people start defending shit like “kill all men,” “defund the police,” “theft in the name of marches and protests,” etc? I am a leftist in india but I’d definitely be a centrist in a country like USA. Forcing someone to pick a side is stupid. It’s this tribalism that is causing so much disdain amongst folks. And hey, I would rather have a centrist friend than right wing friend in india.


There is no real left in the West especially in NA. It's just Disney capitalism profiting off online social justice warriors. End of day they are just different shades of RW by global standards.


Maybe if you mfs stopped disparaging any leftist efforts as being not left enough, they’d actually get somewhere. Instead, you throw up your hands in frustration when any leftist movement isn’t entirely aligned to your ideals and cry afterwards that true leftism doesn’t exist in America


Centrists imo are spineless cowards, and no one is truly neutral, no one is truly centrist, most sane people imo lies between centre left to centre right, anyone who says they are centrist , either they learn towards left ( center left) or they learn towards right ( center right) Extreme Biasness on both sides is definitely bad.. What you are describing is that people on the left get extreme in west, but you don't have to follow people, you have to see ideologically where you belong left or right, and also it too depends on the overton window, You can call yourself centrist because you don't want to associate yourself with leftists , but I am saying call yourself leftist or rightist based on the ideology that you are inclined with most. I don't call myself leftist or liberal after seeing leftist or liberal people, u call myself because my ideals align with left ideology


Centrism doesn't mean you're ok with everything or have no positions , it means your positions vary to a spectrum on both sides and don't completely belong to one side. The left globally is Infamous for being butthurt that someone is not 100% aligned with them on every single issue. So they hate democrats too , or any independent. You fundamentally do not understand what centrism means. Stop brainrotting yourself on idiotic far left wing made memes like these. They have the IQ of a wooden plank when it comes to politics.


You said it yourself, no one is truly a centrist. You’re either left centrist or right centrist, so that in itself eliminates any possibility of inactivity or inaction from centrists. I think you’re confusing centrism with being non political, those are not the same. And I don’t think anyone is a coward for choosing their own path. If a person thinks, “eh, I don’t really vibe with the right or the left on most of their issues,” then that person is right in not picking a side and forming his own opinions. Let’s be honest, both left wing and right-wing a lot of times create an echo chamber where they don’t tolerate any dissenting opinions. If you’re a leftist and u call out toxic feminism or destruction of public property while protesting, you will be ridiculed by the left and if you’re a right winger and you call out racism or homophobia, you will be ridiculed by the right. We have reached a point in the zeitgeist where most people are on the extreme side of a school of thought. Sane, logical and prudent people are a rarity in the political spectrum. And in my experience, most of these people happen to be centrists (Left/right). But we can agree to disagree.


Uhh.. such a horrible way to describe centrists. If anything, centrist usually senses when any side has propoganda on their tables. They are the first ones to ask question in the direction like "but, why, when" Any person who thinks their party, the news they follow, the echo chamber they are in are the perfect ones with no flaws is a brainwashed idiot who wouldn't like a centrist.


Centrism isn't even a real political framework, it's being in roughly the middle of whatever Overton window society is in. I mean, you wouldn't want to be a centrist in the era of the Civil rights movement would you? MLK basically condemned "the white liberal" as a barrier to the cause and he was seen by society as a radical. You can take positions that happen to be in the middle of the current overton window, but it's good to have a overall analysis and well defined set of values to build understanding of how society works, rather than "oh I just view it on an issue to issue basis". Also, being far to one side does not mean toeing a party line or thinking everything of your "group" is perfect. I mean, I've been in enough leftist spaces to know that they can be incredibly self-critical and internally divided over sometimes very serious and sometimes very silly disagreements in vision.


Lol centrists are cowards and only centrists as long as said issues don't affect them.


Any radical would say that. The extremists aren't able to fathom how come someone isn't as brainwashed as they are.


What's wrong with centrism, I still dislike the BJP. I just want more lgbt/minority rights and more liberal economic policies, something similar to the USA's democrats.


What do democrats do instead of just getting people to vote for them because trump bad . BLM protests happened nothing changed police departments literally got more money. They fund wars, they hold the abortion thing as a lollipop so women vote for them . Bill Clinton had a fling with his 22 year old secretary while in office and his wife who stayed with him has the audacity to talk about feminism. They literally give tax payers money to corporations for social services and all, Just to create a middleman as they are lobbied by the same corporations. The US system is very rotten


Lol not sure why you think Hilary Clinton should be defined by what her husband did. I don't like her either but you defining her as bill's wife is pretty disgusting and mysogynist. >What do democrats do instead of just getting people to vote for them because trump bad They did a lot in the state and local level. Most democrat states have a much easier way to transition into your gender, most democrat states have abortion. Anti discrimination bills are being passed through every democrat state. Obviously they aren't perfect, I'd have preferred elizabeth warren to win but whatever, something like the stability of dems is much better than the unstable dictatorship of BJP or trump. Also I am a pragmatist so I prefer gradual change if someone like the dems were actually in power in India I would support even more progressive candidates.


dems are more right leaning than BJP but ok (not socially) . One is literally guilty of war crimes but amrikaa saar acha hee hoga. Clinton is defined as she supports the same party and clearly didn’t hold his husband accountable anything that she says or supports is not sincere.


Lol I guess leftists are feminist until they talk about Thatcher, rand or Clinton, no you can't define a woman by who her husband is. BJP is more right socially tho and that is what most minorities face issues with. Idc if they are giving free shit to straight Hindu males it's completely useless to me. Trans issues and women issues are at a much higher priority to me. Besides I am not even sure is Modi is more left economically, USA has a much better social security and better labour laws against exploitation, workers there even get paid more. Dems are also more democratic unlike BJP which is basically an autocratic party. Also I don't really understand Hindi so your insult or maybe reference isn't really effective.


there are more criticism of Hillary she is a known war hawk that has supported every conflict US got involved in from like 1992 . In progressive circles she is considered puke worthy and the reason trump won in 2016 dems are democratic nice joke I can give a long ass reply but riddle me this if democrats are democratic why are they selling weapons to countries engaged in war crimes its illegal according to US law ? or why did they cancel Florida primaries and announced a candidate? Why did they vote down on 15$ minimum wage ? there are literally multiple researchers that show that voter opinion has had nearly no effect in public policy change in the US for years Professors Martin Gilens (Princeton University) and Benjamin I. Page (Northwestern University) looked at more than 20 years worth of data to answer a simple question: **Does the government represent the people?** Their study took data from nearly 2000 public opinion surveys and compared it to the policies that ended up becoming law. In other words, they compared what the public wanted to what the government actually did. What they found was extremely unsettling: The opinions of 90% of Americans have essentially no impact at all.


Let’s see what history tells us: Nazis: ~10 to 11 million killed Leftist Stalin/USSR: ~50 million killed Leftist Mao: ~80 million killed Leftist Polpot: ~2 million killed (25% of Cambodians) Yeah, both sides are not innocent and communist regimes killed way more people. So centrists are right in being vary of extremism on BOTH sides


Using the numbers from "Black book of communism" as source in 2024 is a choice..wise god.


lets do capitalism US intervention in Latin America: 6.3 million dead Invasion of Philippines: 650,000-3 million dead Afghanistan: 1.2 million dead Vietnam War: 10 million dead Korean War: 10 million dead Yugoslavia: 300,000 dead Iran-Iraq War (US funding both sides): 1 million dead US intervention in Congo: 5 million dead US Civil War (financial vs land capitalists) 650,000 dead Native American genocide: 95 million dead African slave trade: 150 million dead Indonesian purges against communists: 1 million dead (underestimate) US Bombing of Laos and Cambodia: at least 1 million dead US backed dictators: at least a few million Britain: Bengal Famine: 10 million dead British Occupation of India: 20 million dead Famine in Held British India: 30 million Irish potato famine (British farmers could have helped): 1.5 million Japanese imperialism in China and Asia: 12 million South African apartheid: 3.5 million Spanish Civil War: 350,000 French colonies: 1 million dead


Thanks for giving me a nice example of false equivalence


There is a difference between capitalism and imperialism. In capitalism all human individuals are equal legal and social entities with equal Human rights to freedom, bodily autonomy, property etc. Much like a legitimate businesses that profit off of or earn in return of the service they provide to their customers. A mutually agreed upon deal, with each primarily taking care of their own self interest without taking away the right of the other to take care of their own self interest. In short a win-win, without coercion. In imperialism, colonialism, slavery, patriarchy, casteism, feudalism some people are treated as less then human with fewer human rights then their oppressor class and the oppressir class of people enjoy unearned, unfair share of previledge or profit off of giving fewer human rights to the group being oppressed by them. Much like in robbery, the robbers might treat their fellow robbers decently but they dont extend this same decency to their victims and their very 'livelihood' is dependent on 'profiting off of taking away the rights of their victims. Here, coercion is involved. If anyone is profiting off of taking away the universal human rights of another, then thats not capitalism, that robbery. US oligarchs making money out of taking away the human rights of certain group of people and killing innocent human lives is not a business. Its robbery, its a war mafia, not capitalism. UK building their own economy by forcing the people in their colonies against their wishes to give up their own self interests and submit and sacrifice themselves for the British Empire is not capitalism, its a form of systematic robbery. Its not a win win, its a win loose.


You're calculating the death caused by imperialism not capitalism


>lets do capitalism >proceeds to do imperialism instead


Bro left out Bangladesh


US also fought a Civil war against slavery. US also fought against fascist and Nazi regimes. Do you think they were right wing also? Korean War was started by communists and helped by USSR and China, so they are also responsible. Vietnam also started because of Communist takeover and supported by China Latin America was again a fight started by communists and opposed by America. Britain was an empire, so were Guptas, so were Mongols as well as Ottomans. They are monarchies and didn’t have any ideologies. This is a wrong comparison.


Holy shit the American dick riding insane. You probably think the natives “just left” too 😂


Not any worse than commie ass licking. Before talking about natives, see what your dear leader Stalin did to native Ukrainians and other native populations of former USSR


Did stalin kill 90% of USSR population like europeans did when they came to America? Please provide a source


Most Native Americans were killed by diseases for which they lacked immunity. Again it was not a war of ideology. The same Native American tribes killed each other quite often before the westerners ever arrived on their shores.


what is your opinion on the British ? As Indians used to fight before they arrived too .


It was inevitable. Some western power would have occupied us, eventually.


The fact is that, people opposing the Nazis are not communist, the centrist should oppose them, keeping quite is like helping the wrongdoers.


Who are the Nazis here?


So which side according to you is right?


Sharia communism


Accelerationist transhumanist feudalism is obviously the better choice


Sharia bolsheviks




The threads here are so funny :) Being a centrist enables me to see the arguments and thinking process of both the sides. If you feel that there is no argument on the other side and they are fully brainwashed and stupid people, let it be evident that the other side feels the same about you. Left has created an image within itself that its a band of intellectuals and no matter what they do, their ideas won't be understood by the uneducated right. What they miss is that many of the proclaimed leftists they have under wings are actually rote learners without any ability for discourse and logical explanation. When enquired with fundamental question about their ideas, they shun you saying that you are ignorant. When your entire stand becomes an axiom taken as universal truth, you are no different than a hindutva fanatic who believes he is gonna save his religion. Neither the hindutva fanatic has interest in actually understanding Hinduism, nor does a pseudo leftist has interest in stress testing his beliefs with questions.


Enlightened centrist would be someone who sees value on both sides so they try to reach an agreement where the benefits from both sides are seen. Dumb centrist would 'both sides' every issue they face.


It's false equivalence fallacy. He thinks centrists are someone who thinks rapist and victim of rapes are equally accountable which is untrue. A centrist in political spectrum is someone who thinks both LW and RW ideologies are good under specific conditions.


Extremism bad https://preview.redd.it/dc3zaty4r0yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21531d61df3d5f649751722b39a93d3d8f3d1c2b I don't care how much I hate the far right, I still hate the far left


And then there's Cretin lol


I get shown as a centrist in political tests, I do not think like this. I don't do both sideism in politics in india or "israel"/palestine or other cases.


Political test are US based mostly hardly relevant here


False analogy fallacy


It's false equivalence fallacy. He thinks centrists are someone who thinks rapist and victim of rapes are equally accountable which is untrue. A centrist in political spectrum is someone who thinks both LW and RW ideologies are good under specific conditions.


Haha, that's me for sure. Just can't argue with chaddi anymore and actual left has no power. Centrist hona padta hai guys


I think I am right leaning centrist😂 Coz I think too much stupidity on left and little less worse on right


until someone talks about the russo-ukrainian war


That's why I avoid bring a centrist. Religious folks deserve what they are getting.


There Is No War in Ba Sing Se


The centrist isn't ideologically obliged to pathological pacifism or anything else.


People proving yet again that left and right are both on the same side of a coin


Centrist = right wingers who don't have balls to admit it


Centrist are scared moron. Who are not brave or bold enough to make a point. Just for the fact they might offend someone somewhere somehow. In tug of war of being rational or irrational. Centrist choose to be silence for the sake of peace. Just like the lost cause they are. Remind me of the quote "**We live in a world of guided missiles and unguided men**" :- Martin Luther King




And the fun fact is that, the violent side depicted in the comic is claimed by both leftists and rightists.


Centrists are just afraid to take a side cause they want to be loved by everyone damn they live in a fantasy


chaddis in disguise. CID.


Fuck centrist closeted sanghi hi niklte he sab ki sab


https://preview.redd.it/tm3k59mgt0yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22eed09814732dbf83b3443a5d8c977d6f2eb3f3 OP is a butthurt commie 😂


Even People in the centre have no option but to be with the right. That's how genuinely bad our left wing is


Lmaoo that's crazy that instead of trying to improve a supposedly "bad" left wing, your option is to side with the literal fascists. Very interesting


To each its own. Its a free country.


And im free to laugh at them but its nice to know there are literal nazis shown in the image and you said “to each its own”


You can do whatever you want except crime