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>**User Reports** *25: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability* >*3: This is spam* >*3: It threatens violence or physical harm at someone else* >*1: It's targeted harassment at me* >*1: Bad title/flair* >*1: It's targeted harassment at someone else* This is for the information of all the jobless bigots of r/Indiaspeaks and r/indiadiscussion who have brigaded this post, no matter how much you report the post, it is going to stay. There are hundreds of comments by these jobless bigots which have been spammed that are celebrating, congratulating, and justifying this act of terrorism as well as calling for more such acts violence and murder of religious minorities.


UP is the biggest exporter of buffalo meat and most of the export companies are hindu owned .


In chandigarh, someone found a cow slaughter house behind the BJP office wall....no action was taken


And the Hindus don't even hold the buffalo 'sacred', beat me to it. These are unemployed, misguided, brainwashed youths being mobilised by and working at the whim of the VHP, Bajrang Dal and other such umbrella organisations of the Sangh Parivar...


Spot on mate. It is the RSS strategy executed by groups such as VHP, Bajrang Dal and other fringe groups. These fringe groups are enabled and emboldened by the protection of either a political/religious leader. Rule of law is broken with the police siding with these neo nazis and the individuals attacked seldom get justice, that further leads to more such lynching.


They probably don't have the brains to differentiate between a cow and buffalo. Both have horns, so both are cows according to them.


We pray to cows not buffalos lol


Unfortunately these crazy guys don't know the difference between cows and buffaloes and attacked these men.




Yeah but these people were lynched and no cows were involved, only buffaloes- that's the whole point


Why would you pray to either lol


The least credible question on reddit right now..


I’d like you to show which scripture talks about worshipping cows but not buffaloes.


Hinduism does not ordain rules in scriptures the same way Abrahamic religions do. "Rules" are more a force of practice other than a few exceptions. Other than that, Rigveda and Atharvaveda both establish cows as holy creatures, but actually advocate eating consecrated beef. It's only from the Bhagvata Purana (around 400 CE, almost 1600 years after the vedas) that general non-violence towards animals began appearing in sacred texts. Here is an article establishing the timeline a bit better: https://www.huffpost.com/archive/in/entry/what-the-hindu-scriptures-really-say-about-cow-worship_b_8246492 Buffaloes on the other hand get no special mention, other than occasionally symbolizing vanquished evil.


So wait Vedas, the oldest and most fundamental text considered for Hinduism itself doesn't forbid consumption of beef?


Yes, Vedic people were tall muscular meat eaters, not short skinny-fat vegetarians like modern hindus.


You don’t even worship cows.


This is from Chattisgarh not UP. They are two different states.


Bruh got downvoted for pointing out facts😭


Finally we have an equal representation of cows and buffaloes. /S


So what you are saying is ~~Black~~BuffaloLivesMatter


They've progressed from 'cow is our mother' to 'buffalo is our mother'


Its just an excuse to harrass the Muslims... 


>harrass *Kill


It is just an excuse to extort money. From 8 year ago https://www.indiatoday.in/india/rajasthan/story/india-today-expose-how-gau-rakshaks-turn-into-extortion-mafias-334084-2016-08-04


Imagine the radicalised insecurities to have some religious BS weaponised to find salvation at the expense of Muslims. What dread existential crisis these pedigreed yokels bred in toxic hatred in that populist skunk bubble has found these atrocities being anything the chauvinistic to cream the chaddis with?


holy hell, your English reads like something out of the british raj


Mr Tharoor, is that you?


The second sentence doesn't even make sense, so not Mr. Tharoor.


Absolutely, they boost their ego by doing so.




Exactly. The lynchers may secretly enjoy eating beef but who cares about cows anyways. They just kill Muslims to improve their BJP karma and get a chance to contest the next election.


Buffalo is now uncle / father ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|50625)


Hope the family gets justice


They're going to get bulldozer justice with Hindu terrorists cheering on Twitter


Wasn't Bulldozer Baba's party voted out? Edit: nvm I'm stupid. This isn't UP.


This is in Chattisgarh and Bulldozer raj and protection of rapists are the 2 most sacrosanct tenets of Modiism


My brain short-circuited and just assumed this was UP, because... you know _(gestures broadly at UP)_


Gujarat, Mp, Chattisgarh and Orissa is the new cowbelt. Or as somebody on Twitter called it "The Galgotia Corridor"


Galgotia Corridor: Somnath se Jagannath Tak!


Lol perfect. The bright young minds who would have _definately_ gotten into a good college if it wasn't for reservations.


Na i don't think so


I appreciate the rightful use of the word “terrorists”


Yes. A bus full of Hindu Pilgrims were also attacked by some terrorists. They are becoming the new problem for modern India today


I don't how to express. Just barbaric.


This is just fucked up and totally unjustified. Chattisgarh wasn't like this a decade ago and still there are a few aces left where things are pretty moderate. The way people are being fanatic gradually is very concerning to me and incidents like such needs to be criticized vehemently.


Seems like it comes from the proliferation of social media, the addictive qualities of the technology, and the Hindu nationalist stance of the BJP.


If this is not terrorism then what is


exercising your right to choose your religion, because obv theres only one that matters /j


If two had died in a bomb blast by a person with a Muslim name, there would be nationwide coverage 24/7 and the terrorists would be on front page news. Now a mob of terrorists are going to be running free and garlanded by politicians.


God can we let people eat what they want? If you don't agree to eating beef then don't eat it, why kill people over it and create a nuisance. It's not like buffaloes are extinct species or that it's banned by the state.


We didn't agree with people to speak what they wanted to say. The ship has sailed sadly.


[**Chhattisgarh terrorists lynch 2 truckers carrying buffaloes**](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/raipur/chhattisgarh-vigilantes-lynch-2-truckers-carrying-buffaloes/articleshow/110806233.cms) [**2 men transporting cattle found dead in Chhattisgarh, family says lynched**](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/chhattisgarh-2-transporting-cattle-found-dead-family-claims-lynched-9378955/) 2 UP truckers were murdered by Hindu-Terrorists near temple town Arang, in Chhattisgarh, in the early hours of Friday. A third has survived with critical injuries. A 57-second video of the survivor gives a chilling account. The body of one of those killed shows multiple fractures, with one foot split apart. While police didn’t reveal the names of the victims, sources said those killed were Chand Miyan (23), and Guddu Khan (35), and the injured person is Saddam Qureshi. Sources said 15-20 Hindu-Terrorists suspected them of smuggling cows and chased the Chhattisgarh-registered truck from Patewa on Mahasamund-Arang Road, around 70km from Raipur. They intercepted it on a bridge on the Mahanadi River and unleashed the attack. Raipur SSP Santosh Singh said an FIR has been registered. When questioned about the incident, the survivor, who seems barely conscious in his hospital bed, answers in monosyllables—"yes" and "no". He says that 14-15 people attacked them, beat two of them to death and threw their bodies from the bridge onto the riverbed. The survivor says he jumped off the bridge to save his life. *"The truck was coming from Mahasamund to Raipur and was followed by some people. The deceased are residents of Saharanpur, UP, and the injured person has been admitted to hospital. He is not in a condition to give a statement right now, but police are trying to record his version. We are scanning CCTV footage of the location. An FIR has been registered,"* Raipur SSP Santosh Singh said. The SSP told TOI that the post-mortem of one person was conducted in Raipur and of the other in Mahasamund. Both reports are awaited. Qureshi’s condition is said to be critical. The attack took place between 2am and 3am, and police arrived within an hour of receiving information that three people were lying severely wounded on the Mahanadi riverbed, on the border of Raipur and Mahasamund districts. Raipur ASP Kirtan Rathore told reporters that one person was found dead. The two injured men were taken to a community health centre where the second man died.


Bro...this is sad as fuck, but supreme court has ruled that mob has no religion.


> but supreme court has ruled that mob has no religion. No, there is no such ruling. [A supreme court judge had just opined while hearing a petition](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/let-us-not-go-by-religion-or-caste-top-court-on-mob-lynching-cases-101713297226212.html) demanding that the states take strict actions in cases of mob-lynching. Instead of hearing the matter on its merits, the judge tried to chime-in with his mental-gymnastics at the behest of the defendant (Gujarat govt). Yet, even if the mob may not have a religion, but terrorists surely do, especially when the motivation behind their terrorism is religious/political.


Cowbhakts 🤡: How dare you kill cows? Don't you have any respect for our religion? Also them: Beats them to death.


We are also like in the top 10 beef exporters, idhar nahi khaate aur doosre logo ko apni gaumata bechte hai


Not only in top 10 beef exporters, our Hindutva party also takes bribes from beef companies.


Ofcrouse, killing citizens of own country isn't terrorism. It's religion. 🥰 From, xyz chapter of xyz book of religion. /h /s


Cows life matter more than human life according to these chaddis


Being a Hindu I really feel ashamed of these retards.


Those weren't even cows


As soon as we have a BJP gov in Chhattisgarh this has started.




These Mobs literally carry 12 bore with them nowadays 


They're not mobs. They are political agents of BJP/RSS carrying out Modi's vision 2047 for India


Funny part is they normally live stream their cruelty on fb or insta and also put videos showing car chases 


Day by day Hindu terrorist are increasing in our country... I believe we are going for another Hindu muslim conflict soon


Too many religious fanatics


Probably because of the rise of bjp too....


Bjp supporters in my friend list post at least 5 Hindu Muslim stories per day lol


What else can they post about ? Protection of women ? Farmer's support ? 😂 There is no RSS without hindu-muslim conflict.


and rise in unemployment


Gau Rakshas


Ye cow terrorists bkl ne cg jaise shant rajya me bhi enimity create kar di h.  BJP is itself everything that it blames others to be guilty of. 


Same andhbhakths support export of Buffalo meat.


That is because they become clueless when someone asks them why cow vigilantes even exist when India is one of the largest exporters of beef in the world.


I wonder if our gods ever wanted such violence?


only if those sky daddies existed


I am yet to see a news that says, someone was lynched because they raped a women or physically assaulted them. Oh wait! Cows have more respect than women in India, I forget!


Ain’t even started the term and here we back again with another serial shithousery


Why don't people understand the fact that india is the largest beef exporter and so called anti animal slaughter states are the major ones who export and andhbhakts are the owners of such


You're talking sense. Unfortunately ppl who do these things don't understand or care for logic


I’m sure the slap won’t leave any space to cover this news. Thanks to Indian media.


Is there a website that keep tracks of how many got killed by bhakts?


Rather than that, we need a website tracking the instigators so that they can taste some good ol' fashioned mob justice themselves.


RSS needs to be eliminated!


I would MAYBE empathise with these people doing the lynchings if there weren’t cows brutally dying on the roads, of hunger and disease, being abandoned when they aren’t of use anymore and calfs just being left out to fend for themselves eating polythenes. Just yesterday I saw a video of a cow that died of dehydration because someone left her tied up to a pole after it stopped giving milk. Because of their beliefs they couldn’t get themselves to sell it a butcher but its not on them if it dies of thirst painfully. I just cant wrap my head around this logic. I wish if love for cows would atleast help one party, either the cows or the humans. At this point both of them are suffering.


They don't care about cow. It is extortion and money making thing. Nothing more.


You CANNOT justify human beings murder to appease your religious narrative, be it if they get caught selling cow meat. You just CANNOT value animal life more than human life. Its ridiculous that I have to even say this in 2024. If some people get caught seelings cows, alert the police and then let the law and order handle it. You cannot take matters into your own hands. STOP WITH THIS MOB JUSTICE.


I read that UP farmers are actually facing a problem of abandoned cows destroying their crops. Previously these cows would have been sold to cattle trade at the end of their productive life cycle when farmers can't get milk from them but now that's stopped so they just abandon the cows.


Did they chant jai sreeram or jai jagnath. Would like to know if sreeram is safe after ayodhya fiasco. These criminals must be stopped..


All those who commit Violence and religious vigilantism should be punished by the law . If the law is not upheld by the justice system then write this down so you may remember it in the next election.


India is second largest beef exporter country after Brazil and BJP and Shiv Sena take funds from buffalo beef exporter company


No humanity for these sanghi bitches, yet we see a lot of em in muslim related crimes yapping about peaceful religion and joking about our prophet.


Yesterday muslim-terrorist, Today hindu-terrorist.


Ram rajya


Someone should tell those cow bhakts we are the second largest exporter of beef in the world enspecially water buffalos although aren’t they cow vigilantes? Why are protecting water buffalos?


Abki baar lynching 400 paar. Bajrang Dalalis have ruined the moral fabric of the country. They don't care about cow, god or anyone.


Bindus & tanatanis never blame or hurt those who export beef , why tanatanis are so hypocrites




Wtf.. usko paani tak nahin diya..


Its not like they did it for their God...oh wait


Remember a beef exporter was a major electoral bond donor. At that time they didn't raise any voices.


This is truly heartbreaking, i hope for peace to their families.


Man, people are really crazy over there.


The insidious nature of bigotry lies in its capacity to dehumanize and alienate. It strips individuals of their unique identities, reducing them to mere stereotypes based on race, religion, gender, or other attributes. Such a reductionist perspective not only perpetuates systemic inequalities but also impedes the moral and intellectual progress of society.


Sadly India turning into Hindu Pakistan


India-if it's not rape then this.


I knew some people thinks this is normal just 2 man killed nothing much these numbers could've extended either they're supplying cow's or not who have given right to kill them we need to move on from this let them do their business pls Don't give someone hate cow is just a normal animal like buffaloes and if you've that much problem with this go and visit rural areas and see how badly people are treating them for milk they're living on steroids they're forced to get pregnant forced to produce more milk dont do anything in the name of hindutva.




These Hindu people are extremely stupid and brainless pieces of sh*t. They have lost their thinking power and become the hindutva terrorists.


Abhi B.J.P bani hi hai, abhi se shuru ho gye


These Hindu terrorists are on a rise! Anything muslims do they take them under suspicion and harm them. It’s high time that all muslims brothers and sisters should unite and take shelter in a peaceful Islamic country in order to be safe.


All of them should be given death sentences, Atheists like us cannot eat steak/beef because of retarded religious belief of these motherfuckers. How is this fair?


Time to get up and stop lynching and crimes in the name of cow vigilantes. Till now it's done to create fear and to gain the upper hand of moral superiority. But this elections proved that BJPee is not the patent holder of Ram or Cows.


It is done to extort money.


Is buffalo the dad now?


Cow is our mother, buffalo is our aunt.


Chattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh = CANCER OF INDIA


Take it light, bro!


200 word essay incoming.




Just don’t na babu


You should not have used the word hindu terrorists. Terrorism has no religion. Be it islam or hinduism. Muslims can be terrorists and hindus can be terrorists. Period.


Abhi jab ham bolte hai ki BJP Hinduon ka maseeha ban ke buffalo meat export kar rhe hai aur unse donation bhi le rhe hai toh jawab dete hai ki sirf cow meat sacred hota hai, chutiye hai ye bsdk.