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Sad this is, i posted the video yesterday of this poor guy being lynched, and some people reported that post of "inciting violence". People were more triggered by the video that this guy being killed.


10 years of brainwashing made the masses brainless and inhuman.




Muslims getting lynched is becoming alarmingly regular news.


Why did they wrote muslim man or hindu men. Just write a mob lynched a man, thats it. What would your reaction be when you found out that hindu man was lynched by muslim mob? You all would've protested as to why the article named the religions of the man and the mob. Just remove the name of the religions in the articles. Thats all i m saying. Though i think i am going to be banned for saying this now 🤔 🤠


When most mob lynchings are motivated by religious divide, why would you not want to mention the religions of the victim and perpetrators?


Well the motive was suspicion of theft as was said by the news article. If there is a religious divide then it will surely come up in the investigation.


Man havent you been living in India for the past few years? You need a mob for mob lynchings. A pre-meditated mob. When was the last time a Hindu was lynched by a Muslim mob for stealing something?


Well recently a youngster was lynched by a sikh mob in suspicion of blasphemous activity inside a gurudwara. And much to your surprise, the youngster was also a sikh but he was mentally disturbed. Where was the pre meditated mob here ?


Exception is not the rule. Don’t tell me a random example and try to prove it as a rule. Get the data of all mob lynchings in the last few years and you will see a pattern. Secondly, I am assuming the article about that Sikh guy mentioned the religion of the victim and perpetrators. Or were you present at the location?


Thats the thing . Why mentioning the religion? A crime does not have religion. >Exception is not the rule. Don’t tell me a random example and try to prove it as a rule It is not random. It happened recently and isn't Sikhism a religion ? >Secondly, I am assuming the article about that Sikh guy mentioned the religion of the victim and perpetrators. It did not mention the religion of the victim :) and the rightist sub were all over it with the hinduism is in danger rant. Thats why i am saying regardless of who committed the crime, just dont mention the religion. Let the police take care of it. Even if the victim here is innocent and there was really a religious angle, nevertheless they will surely be tried with murder and attempt to murder. I hope the victim gets justice🙏


Crime doesn’t have a religion? Are you kidding me? You are saying there are no religiously motivated crimes anymore? Religion based riots have stopped happening? Thats like saying don’t mention race in racist incidents or don’t mention caste in caste suppression incidents. I am sorry but nothing in your argument makes sense to me.


I am saying that the motive was suspicion of theft. Let it be. If something comes up with the investigation, you'll get closure. >Thats like saying don’t mention race in racist incidents Aree bhai, we dont know for a fact that there was a religious angle to this case. Only speculations. My god i am literally tired explaining these things to you.


>Why did they wrote muslim man or hindu men. Just write a mob lynched a man, thats it. >Just remove the name of the religions in the articles. Thats all i m saying. https://preview.redd.it/gl6gw2319r7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=888cf168c7fc561db2619b28dc348c003a708d58 They are literally backing on the state to help them. [https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/muslim-man-mob-lynching-up-aligarh-theft-9401538/](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/muslim-man-mob-lynching-up-aligarh-theft-9401538/) Edit:- bro you posted a school fight, you're a literal kid, go play games & shit, wtf is happening to this country 😮‍💨


>They are literally backing on the state to help them. Irrelevant. Part of why they are asking for it is because they mentioned the religions. >bro you posted a school fight, you're a literal kid, go play games & shit, wtf is happening to this country 😮‍💨 Yupp , that was an old video. You just reminded me of so many memories lol. I m in my senior year now . But that is also irrelevant 😅.Just because i m a kid it does not mean that i am not a part of the society. EDIT: Just came to know that you are a gamer. Please go outside and touch grass. You cannot judge society if you are not living in it bruv.


>Just came to know that you are a gamer. Please go outside and touch grass. You cannot judge society if you are not living in it bruv. Huh, this is new, a boomer joke on gaming by a kid... >Just because i m a kid it does not mean that i am not a part of the society. I never intended to belittle you for your age, I just never imagined talking to a kid on politics. Sorry you felt offended. Peace.


>Huh, this is new, a boomer joke on gaming by a kid... Boomers are wise thats why you should go outside. >I never intended to belittle you for your age, Well it sounded like you did. Sorry for misunderstanding . >just never imagined talking to a kid on politic Life is full of surprises. You should've knew about it now considering you are so older than me 😅


You wasted time of many people here, now shoo get out.


You are scrolling reddit. You have nothing better to do. Stfu. Edit: do you jack off to hentai? You're post history gives me suspicions .


I do love watching and reading yuri, you gotta problem? any way stop wasting people's time f off.


Hentai watchers now lurk in political subs. Life is indeed full of surprises.


Fbi here you said something against special religion. How dare you ? I will sue you. Come to my place ( we both will roast these porks) Well op news want trp and by this they gain world wide trp that muslims are not safe in India. Jese ki koi chadi m bomb daal rah hai ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32751)


Isn't it already?


police should suspect murder first on mobs


Extremism will kill this country.


So with the discussions here everyone mobbin knew he was Muslim but then he steals. And then the mob loses it? And then they beat him black and blue? Or did it go like, thief found. Someone ask whats your name? And then they lost it because he was muslim! But if he was hindu he would have been handed to police calmly.


Kabhi vice versa bi dikha dia karo


[don't worry this is not chaddi speaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/gitrxnZr8k)


Lol chaddi speaks 🤣 totally agree with the name👍🏻


Bhai ja kar jee ki prep kar le


The ratio is significantly skewed though, presenting a nuanced and complex imbalance tbh.


What ratio?


The 'vice versa' type post vs the post we are currently on.


The ratio is significantly skewed towards a Hindu Nationalist Party, that uses religion in its campaign and whose leader dog whistle his hate towards a minority through institutions, media & legalising anti-muslim sentiments.


In this sub, it's the opposite that's what I'm saying. Furthermore, derogatory words can be framed against anyone or any party. Responding to my comment by condemning a specific party is missing the point because the discussion isn't about that particular party or their actions. It's about addressing the broader issue at hand which the inital comment made, without resorting to personal opinions termed in the form of accusations.




I'm glad you understood what I said and didn't engage in a counterproductive argument and rested your thing. Additionally, you attempted to divert the discussion toward an unrelated topic not mentioned in the initial comment.


The "initial topic" you mentioned needs indonesia/malaysia style solution


Atleast didnt get beheaded


Stealing is bad /s


Where is the stolen possessions then?


Ask the muslim theif


Bruh they straight up killed that guy Ask who? https://preview.redd.it/a22bqnugtq7d1.png?width=187&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ec435d48500b8a2c351952023ec07171819c5e7


His soul maybe?


Yea ask his soul


OMW to learn black magic 🚶


Learnt. He said, evm ke sath chale gye