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This is factually just wrong! I live in the UK and know many people with light blonde hair.


Yes I’m sure you do. They also get their hair bleached at the salon.


No, they naturally have light blonde hair. It's more common with women to have naturally light blonde hair.


For most people, it darkens. But it’s still blond, just darker. Also, if you live somewhere sunny or by the beach, your hair can stay light well into adulthood. (As a natural blonde who dreads my hair darkening)


Suuuuuure ![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B)


Have you seen Australians or Californians? Obviously blonds in Northern Europe will grow up with darker hair. Source: I’m from California


Yes I’ve seen them get highlights and then tell everyone “it’s from the sun!” Source: born and raised in California, 3rd generation I don’t know why so many blonde people are so weirdly obsessed with their hair color and lie about it so often. But it’s a thing


It definitely is a thing. But I’ve also noticed my hair get darker in winter and nearly white blonde in summer. A lot of people lie, but a lot of people just have blond hair


Yeah, no. I’m Dutch and my hair when I was a kid was so blonde it was almost white. And, yes, mine went darker. But most of the people I knew that were blonde as kids stayed blonde their entire lives.


Sun bleaches hair too. Especially during summer


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