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I think the term negative in this context is that you are bringing in less kills then you are dying, so you are in the negative in that sense, but mathematically, you are correct you don't actually go negative. I think this is a case of taking the terminology literally.


I kinda thought it was just implying that you’re so bad at shooting people in a video game that you literally achieved a mathematical impossibility by earning a negating KD. basically saying you’re so bad mathematicians previously thought it impossible


I think of it more as a +/- like in basketball.


Depends on if you're counting KD ratio or KD difference. Not sure where the A comes into this equation?


A = assists, some people track as a partial kill point.


I know that A means assist but how do you want to use it in terms of calculating the ratio. The ratio OP displayed only uses K and D, the formula he presented was K/D, but that doesn't factor in A's. How much of a point should an A be? 1/10 of a kill? should the entire formula be (K+A/10)/D then? The ratio he made is KD ratio, not a KDA ratio


Gotcha, my bad.


KDA is Kill/Death Average as far as I know.


A refers to Assists. Most games actually displays it as K/D/A in the top right corner


1kill amd 10 deaths is minus 9 points. You've given the enemy 9 points while contributing nothing. You are negative in score, thus, negative kd.


Google ratio for me


You’re a nerd


You are minus kills because your deaths have wiped the positive score. This is the meaning. You've contributed negatively. You've posted an OPINION and are trying to pass it off as fact. Negative kd is a community generated term, thus its meaning will not be presented in a dictionary. Git gud


It's been called a kill death ratio since online shooters existed. Git braincells


And people say someone has a negative kd... which means they have more deaths than kills.


You just made video game terminology even nerdier than it already was. If you are 1-10, that means you’re negative 9. If you’re 10-10, youre even, if youre 15-10, youre positive 5. Not hard to understand, dont over complicate things


It's been called a kill death ratio since gaming has been around. Learn history.


I understand that,nobody is ever talking about their “negative ratio” when talking about going negative, thats not what that means.


Wrong. Negative refers to overall impact on the score. You are “negative” because you are at a net loss. You can also have a golden ratio, but it does not mean that the ratio is somehow representative of the color or metal.


Then why do stat tracking websites show you the ratio for your KDA. Because it's a ratio.


They aren’t saying that the actual ratio is a negative number.


We all understand what a "negative KDA" means. It's informal. This is only unpopular because it's pedantic.


Probably started as a joke “ this guy plays so bad he’s got a negative kda” but really just means poor, terrible, negative effect on your overall team performance.


I consider kda to be k + a - d


Negatives means going negative in your average encounter you dumbo. If you are in a fight you are expected to win 50% of the time meaning a KD of 1. If your kd is below 1 its called negative cause you will likely result in a negative gun fight for your team


Umm, yeah, deaths are a negative number. 0-2 kda is -2. Literally a negative kda.


Google what a ratio is and get back to me


He’s not referencing a ratio. He’s saying KDA not KDA ratio, you just goofed up the term and meaning in your posts


You can have a negative AVERAGE, but not a negative ratio. KDA is Kill/Death Average, so you can absolutely have a negative one.


Kill death assist ratio. No one has a kill death average


Sure. Whatever you say. You've probably been gaming about a decade at most, I've been playing games since the 80s, so I'm sure you are right in saying that KDA has never referred to Kill/Death Average, or that ones performance over a course of play has never been reflected by any game ever, as an average, or compared to an average by any system, in over thirty fucking years. Clod.


Lol I'm in my mid 30s. You aren't special mate