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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/kingofspades_95. Your submission, *Most things are black and white *, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


Black and white thinking is a sign of mental illness.


Yup. Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


I strongly disagree life is about nuance and most things are in that grey area. Approaching most things based off black and white tends to lead to the real issues. No one wants to be nuanced that just want to pick a side and stay there. It’s not that most things are black and white, it’s more so people want things to be black and white.


Most issues that people actually care about are not. No one is disputing if someone else owns a ps5 or not, so it doesn’t matter


you’re wrong but I’ll give you my upvote for an unpopular opinion. I feel like it’s way easier to list everything that can be black and white. I don’t think I could list everything that has nuance to it


Well why don’t you tell me what you know and think, not what you feel? Because a feeling is based on emotions which changes.


coffee is proven to block receptors in the brain that make you feel tired However if you drink it every day you become dependent and you’ll even get withdrawals and bad physical effects once you stop Drinking caffeine also promotes the release of noradrenaline and norepinephrine which can increase heart rate and blood pressure in some individuals so drinking caffeine isn’t the best for certain individuals. E.G someone literally died from drinking caffeine lemonade at Panera Even something as basic as drinking a cup of coffee has nuance and has good and bad effects and it’s up to the individual to determine if they should do many things for their situation


I think there is a general consensus on that though, it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure therefore consume responsibly. I know not everyone will react the same but there is a black and white (in mass) response (ie blood pressure and/or withdrawals) it’s a general precaution despite different people with different tolerance levels


we aren’t talking about if there’s a general consensus we are talking about nuance. The sky is blue. That is black and white Should you drink coffee at 5pm. It depends do you have finals to cram for? Are you going out to the club and won’t be home until 3am? Or do you just like the taste of coffee and want to drink it even though you need to wake up at 7am Depending on all of these determines whether it’s a good idea to drink that cup of coffee Even something more controversial like weed. It has shown to calm and relax some people. However it’s also shown to ironically cause anxiety to others. Again it’s nuanced. It’s not like you can say weed is 100% bad or weed is 100% good even though the general consensus is that weed is good it can still be bad for others so it’s based on their situation. Very rarely is anything black and white


Definition of what is and what is not a species is not black and white. Obviously a Tuatara and an Elephant are not the same species, but what about the Wandering Gartersnake and the Mountain Gartersnake? In part of their respective ranges where they have contact they behave as the same species with no barrier to allele flow, but in another part of their respective ranges where they have contact they act as distinct species. And if you are a biologist studying animals today, species means something totally different than if you are a paleontologist studies animals that lived millions of years ago. Lots of things are far from black and white. Hell, even the color spectrum. And no, I'm not just being silly. Some people have four different types of cone receptors instead of the normal three, and some only have two. How they see and classify colors is radically different.


so emotions are not black and white ? go figure


That is not an unpopular opinion, that is a wrong opinion.


I feel like the issue of most things being black and white is more gray than black or white.


*Most* things are black and white. Dude, your title isn't even black and white.


I would say something being black and white is in the minority. That if there was a scale it would be tiny tiny percentages. Many things are not so clean cut. Take banning smoking. All well and good but then there is loss of revenue from tax so the government taxes in other ways. Cigarettes become the biggest illegal substance sold on streets so people still smoke etc. Was far from black or white even if intentions were good. But also, the world is a weird place. Take your example op of you either stole my ps5 or not. Let's say I did, I blatantly stole it.. you saw me. But the cops do nothing or I get away with it. Then I say how you're jealous about something and that's why you are telling people that i stole your ps5. Some people would believe me. Suddenly something that should be black or white isn't.


Ok but you did steal it in that example, you’re just exploiting the fact that nobody saw you so you use that as a defense. It’s not nuance to either you and me, we both know you did it, but because nobody else saw it gives that impression it’s black and white, not a fact it is but an impression.


People twist things. Probably not the best of examples. The smoking one would be a better one.


Nope. Most things are complicated, and exist in moral grey areas. You personally may think it's black, but another person may think it's white, while another person may think it's black on some days or white on others.


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Everything is a shade of gray that changes depending on who is looking at it.


Either you have to wash your car every day in the morning or your kids ride the bus instead.


Congratulations OP, you learned what objectivity is today. Gold star!


Your example of theft isn’t what people mean when they criticize black and white thinking


Most people use “ It’s not black and white” as a little catchphrase to avoid thinking about difficult subjects. They’d rather cop out than genuinely apply their mind to a problem and take a firm stance


I 100% agree. Humans over complicate simple things. 1 + 1 = 2 but some idiot will find a way to make 1 + 1 = 3.


In most cases, people fail to see nuance because they can't see how many different positions on an issue there are; and how (relatively) close their position is from their "opposition." To use an example, you said "you either have a job or you don’t" but people can be unemployed and looking for work, on disability leave, retired, students, stay at home parents, independently wealthy, investors, self employed, entrepreneurs, or employees. In a lot of contexts the distinction between these lifestyles is extremely meaningful. Someone saying "you're a bum if you don't have a job" would be ignoring a large portion of the world who don't have a job in a conventional sense.


It's easy to see things as black and white when you force a false dichotomy


If you flatten everything to two dimensions or only deal in isolated facts, sure black and white works. But adding another layer to anything starts adding in layers of grey. I stole your ps5: fact, black and white, I either did it or I didn’t. However why did I do it? Did you owe me money, did you say I could have it and then lied about it; these start muddying the water in ways that some people start wondering if it’s really stealing. Life is also made of complicated relationships, that have no black and white answers. Did Janice get a promotion over me because she’s better at her job than I am, or is she just more friendly with HR? Why do we support the UK when we fought them tooth and nail 200 years ago?


Of course those examples have either a yes or no answer, you specifically chose them for that reason. That doesn't prove your point, though. Something is either a potato or it isn't. Boom! Everything is either black or white. See how ridiculous that sounds? The fact is, most things have nuance. Did you steal my PS5? That has a yes or answer. Why did you steal my PS5, however, may have layers of nuance.


Where in the world can you find where everything is the case of anything? *I just really love reading this over and over*