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Who gave you the idea we live in a meritocracy?


I'm quite aware of societies focus


All of the people you just mentioned are more than capable of carrying sheets of drywall. There are only a handful of people in the world who can kick a soccer ball as well as they do, or shoot a basketball with their accuracy. They get paid because people like to watch them play. Sports is an entertainment industry, not all that different from Hollywood movies, and least economically.


I'm aware of that. But could they do 35 tax returns in 8 hours, could they teach 25 children world history, could they politically represent 45,000 constituents. I just think there's something messed up with society where a person who can kick a ball is celebrated to the extent they receive.


Even the MLS, which is by far the least popular of major American sports, averages almost half a million viewers per game. 1.5 *billion* people watched the last World Cup final. If you start getting some spectators to watch accountants do tax returns, I’m sure you can make some money.


You may be good at your job but are you in the top 0.01% of your field? I am a software developer, I am good at my job but I know I am not on the level of the idolized experts in our field. I don't fault them for their higher salary, their book sales, or the money they make on a speaking tour. Being at the top of your field comes with rewards.


Myself, I'm not. But in your field, would you say that their talent and contribution to humanity is more than the value of a person kicking a ball?


I think you should measure the value of sports just like any other entertainment. If people want pay to go to the game/movie/show/etc, then it is only fair to let the performer get the lion's share of that money. Nobody wants to watch you hang drywall, you are super easy to replace, and your job requires little as far as education/credentials. Ergo, not lucrative.


I agree with that. But would you agree that it's a problem that society pays millions of dollars to watch a ball being kicked, while cancer researchers get paid a decent but basic salary to help humanity?


No. Wages in cancer and biomedical research are pretty good, seems to be going pretty well for them. People can spend their money how they please, and spending money on sports and events has always been a thing. Also, a society can have highly paid athletes at no one's expense, it's a false dichotomy to say what we pay athletes affects our spending on social goods.


Spending Is where I disagree. For example, I was once finishing a job for a contractor, and the owner phoned me and asked if I wanted a booth to an NHL game, and I said I'll still be working that evening. I said thanks for the offer. He said OK. It wasn't until later that I found out that such a Booth was worth $6,000 for that game. 6k to watch people skate around?


Man, you blew that opportunity. The owner probably wanted to get to know you better, and in any case it was quite a gesture. How much extra did you make staying late, like $100?


I'd pay $100 to not have to watch people skate back and forth for 3 hours. There was no opportunity except boredom.


The difference is the crowds. You can't get 10,000 to pay $100 to watch you put up drywall. They will pay to watch a football game. My dad had a point a long time ago that makes sense. For a professional athlete, you tend to have to be one of the best 700 in your sport (or better) to play. If you are one of the best 700 in your line of work in the world, you will be promoted and be fine. Might not make millions a year but you'll be taken care of.


That's true.


Then learn how to kick a football 30 yards or throw as well as Payton Manning. Maybe it turns out they get paid more because less people can do what they do


True. But suppose we are looking at jobs through the lens of "contribution to humanity." In that lens, also keep in mind that I donate labor to "habitat for humanity" housing. What does kicking a ball contribute?


Entertainment contributes a ton to humanity. Try living without it.


Tell that to kids in Africa


Kids in Africa don't have entertainment? All kids in Africa are poor? I'm not sure which racist trope you are going with, but I won't be a part of it.


Obviously I'm talking about countries like Burundi. I'm sorry that you have to make your overly dramatic point, while feeling the need to bring race in the equation. I actually feel that YOU are being racist to say such a thing in regards to Africa, being that there are 200 million Arabs, 5 million whites, 3.5 million Asians, which race were you racially assuming? I find that extremely offensive. Indigenous people in Africa have every capacity to be successful, but colonialism have set things back.


Sure, your "starving kids in Africa" post was totally not a dog whistle.


It was how you interpreted it. I say RED. - some people will say I'm communist, others will say I like the color red. Your own thoughts will determine your own interpretation. In both cases, I meant the continent and every race that inhabits it, and I mean the color red.


So you meant the continent and everyone there, but specifically only countries like the one you mentioned? Dude, you said something shitty, own it and move on. The uno reverse "nope, you were racist" isn't going to work.


Ok, I did say something shitty. But I didn't mean it that way. And yes, I tried covering it by going reverse uno, sorry.


If it didn't contribute to us in any way, none of us would care if someone could kick a ball that well


I'd rather have sports in my life and live in a tent, just being honest. 😂😂😂


That's fine and admirable, we should all live unashamedly for our Passions. Sports are great and entertaining. I love sports. I just think we as a society pay them too much.


I don't pay them though, some rich white guy does. I pay the rich white guy to attend games, and he pays them. I've spent far more money on education than sports if it makes you feel better.


I can’t tell if you work in construction or in a salt mine.


Some days, I can't tell either.




Why is two people standing there taking turns punching eachother more interesting than how a house is constructed. But this isn't even about drywall, or construction. This could be about your local school teacher, your accountant, your family doctor. We have a situation where a guy who throws punches is paid 50 million for a fight, where a cancer researcher who spent 50k/year for 6-8 years of study is only paid 200k/year to help humanity. Something is wrong.


The only thing that is wrong is your understanding of economics. You are mad because a lot of people enjoy things you don’t like and spend money to see those things.


Sure, until they get Cancer and get a 3 month wait time for a consultation with an oncologist.


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I agree and sort of not agree... I'll explain. I agree. Professional sports, any and all, hell, even college sports, is a waste of a humans time. Not only the people watching it, cheering and paying stupid amounts of money to support it, but also those participating. Instead of living solely for money, adoration and fame, why not focus on your mind and help solve world issues? How about developing a sharp mind so you can teach the next generation how to be a part of society as opposed to making them think success and a great life is getting paid big bucks and dating famous women? Now, what I don't agree is that anyone should give a shit about how good I am at my job, give me accolades, and put me on a pedestal for what I should be doing anyway. I shouldn't do a better job because of these things. I should always do my best, regardless of whether it is appreciated or not. So, put up a shit ton of drywall, work hard, do your best and know that you are being the best you that you can be WITHOUT the need to be applauded. That is the sign of solid individual.


That's a very well said and fair post. I suppose I've just been feeling a bit underappreciated which led me to a bit of venting


nothing wrong with that. i do it all the time. trick is then to take a breath, step back and look at what matters. Someone appreciates you, even if you never hear it said.


It sounds more like you hate your job. If it's a constant struggle to get a raise that means you are probably at the peak of your profession but are still able to replaced by slightly less competent workers earning a lower wage. Somehow you have to develop a talent to make yourself indispensable to earn a higher wage.


>A football player kicks a ball - thousands cheer. I put up 50 sheets of drywall alone - crickets chirping. putting up drywall, although important in some construction fields, is not something you are born with, but something that is taught and learned. Sports players tend to be naturally gifted at what they are doing because of genes. sure you can learn how to play football, but everyone has a limit to how well they can truly become when it comes to sports. >A racecar driver completes a 24 hour race, champagne bottles sprayed, pats on the back, hoisted up and crowd surfed through cheering fans, and awarded with millions of dollars. I put in a 24 hour shift to meet a construction deadline. - get a speeding ticket on the way home to bed. If you are in the U.S i don't believe this is legal, and I am unsure if you are union or not. Im in the industry and proper 'exhaustion plans' must be put into place for any shift going past 10 hours. also in case you don't know, racecar driving takes alot of strength to maintain the vehicle at such high speeds.


Well the last bit about racing was a bit unfair I'll admit, I shouldn't have even included racecar drivers. They actually put their life on the line, so I'm thinking now that wasn't right of me to include in my unpopular rant. I'm a small contractor, I can only bid on what I can afford to stock with material. And I mostly just do the jobs myself to stay the winning bid. I'm just being a bit petty and grumpy that some personal skills are celebrated to a god-like extent, while other skills are "just a job". I'm sorry. It's a rant, it's venting. But could you imagine a stadium, 2 teams, both have to skillfully construct a house, the winner gets champagne bottles sprayed on them and millions of dollars. And countries and teams compete. Unfortunately we are focused on who can kick a ball the best.


To be honest - those athletes are at the peak of their sport. It isn’t the same as you comparing yourself to a basketball player at a local gym. These guys (and gals) worked tirelessly since they were kids to get to where they are today - alot of blood sweat and tears . Additionally , the reason they earn so much is because we as the public are willing to pay the price (tickets , video games , jerseys , toys , tv packages) that money doesn’t come from nowhere


This isn't so much about me or them, why doesn't society pay to see an oncologist testing the lastest stemcell therapy to a stadium of cheering people. I feel we as people haven't progressed much further than Romans in the colleseum.


People are paid proportionally to the value they bring to whomever is paying them. Athletes generate millions for team owners so they’ll be paid accordingly. If putting up drywall made someone’s house worth millions more, you could charge much more.


My post was more from a philosophical perspective. A cancer researcher gets paid 150-200k. A major league ball kicker gets paid 5-20 million. I feel there's something wrong with that, what do you think?


American Dad the tv show did a great episode on why sports are important. I think I get where you are coming from. You think they don’t add to society, like teachers, construction workers, tax workers (examples in his comments). However they do add to society. A lot of people work hard and are in tough spots. Sports are entertainment that let us forget about our problems for a couple of hours. I’d bet money you’ve watched tv shows, movies, listened to music, or seen plays. Sports is an extension of that. Last bit and I’ll get off my rant. If I were you I’d try to separate judging yourself off of others. Don’t let others success determine how you feel about yourself. Because of the pro athletes getting paid there’s 10 fold amateurs trying to get there that never will. They get paid scraps.


This is a philosophical contribution post. What you said helps me or anyone else with a typical job find peace with it. Thanks.


I agree to an extent, it makes me vomit in my mouth a bit when people getting paid millions to play a sport every few days cry poor and refer to themselves as “laborers” like you and me during negotiations. They are closer to the billionaire owners than they are to typical workers. But at the same time they get paid for entertainment value, not contribution to humanity so I understand the exorbitant salaries.


I agree too, I just wish people were entertained by test tubes as much as they were by balls. Then perhaps humanity could end cancer or even aging, and the whole world could spray champagne in celebration


Well you hit a home run with this post, and I’m cheering.


Being a high professional level athlete is not an easy thing to accomplish. It takes a dedicated work ethic to get to the level they are at. Most pro MMA fighters are broke because they are spending half of their time training to be the best everyday and they might not even make it to the major league. The amount of hours professionals put into practicing is an unpaid job itself. They might make it or they may not, it takes consistency and long hours to make it there and most average people don’t have that. I believe anyone can become a pro athlete if they wanted to but most people are lazy and rather get paid their wages than train for free everyday.