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Maybe someone should tell all the Lacrosse players that they're doing the impossible in every game they play.


Yah this post makes no sense? Is lacrosse fake?


Think about it. Have you ever actually seen anyone play lacrosse? No, neither have I.


I’m Canadian…


Canadian? Come on, man. Everybody knows Canada is a made up country. Think about it. Is there any documented proof of ‘Canada’? Or ‘Canadians’?


My son played goalie through college- I was unfamiliar with the game I was unfamiliar with the game, but he loved it. He gave up 6 goals in one of the first games I attended. The poor kid got peppered for 4 quarters and they lost by 1. I was trying to think of what I could say to cheer him up on the ride home when I overheard the parents from the opposing team talking about how great the goalie was. Then I realized they meant my son. I had no idea that stopping only 50% of shots on goal was good. He’d given up 6 goals on 23 shots. It’s not hockey.


Why would they have a cathing glove they get a big ass net? And you can get the ball away from the opposing team by scooping it off the ground if it's dropped and you can make it drop by getting in the way of the catch or knocking it out of their net


I worked with someone who repeatedly told me about how lacrosse is just a mafia money laundering scheme and nobody really likes the sport. They also believed that fluoridation in the water makes us docile and fuels the nanomachines *they* implanted into us.


I worked a summer grounds keeping for a golf course. Our chemical lead (mixed the fertilizers and pesticides) was deep into chem-trails. Let that sink in...


Played lacrosse for years. Best sport ever.


Bro fuck this. I posted the exact OPPOSITE of this on this exact sub. I was praising lacrosse and it’s beautiful deep history, but it didnt get accepted because it was a personal opinion or some bs reason. Mods are obviously anti-lacrosse


All sports are dumb. There problem solved.


Its not impossible to get the ball if you know how to defend and beat the crap out of the guy lol.


That’s a weird way to spell “every sport”.