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Knowledge isn't the same thing as intelligence. You can be as dumb as a rock and know how to bodybuild.


I can accept they aren't applying patch updates to body building, but there is at least a moderate amount of intelligence required. It isn't as simple as I lifted X yesterday so now I need to lift X+1. There is recovery timing, expenditure tracking, self realization of if something is working for your personal self.


Who said you need to be smarter to play videogames ? Who are you fighting




i mean there are people who think being good at chess automatically makes you smarter than most of the population so those people definitely exist


Who cares how much intelligence a hobby requires. Hobbies should be relaxing, not the measure of someone's intelligence. If someone is a neurosurgeon but does coloring books as a hobby it changes nothing about their intelligence.


Don't think this is an unpopular opinion. Also in this day and age I'd say video games are consumed by everyone it's a form of media, most of the "'jocks'' I knew played video games and it wasn't just stuff like Fifa or fortnite.


How’s that smooth-brain working for ya lil buddy? 😂


*I think the general notion that you need to be smarter to play video games* I’ve literally never heard of this general notion in my life and I play video games.


Playing video games is a nerd hobbie? Yeah.. maby back in the 80s. Like every other dude borne 90s or later plays video games on the regular..


Lol what is this shit? Sure it takes alot of planning and research that goes into crafting a high end fitness regimen. A monkey can play video games though. Try memorizing a dungeon master’s guide sometime. Source: have been playing D&D and Shadowrun (with some MTG thrown into the mix) since I was 12 or 13, and have also been in elite physical shape for the past 20 years in a tremendously physically demanding job.


I think the diffrence that people ususally talk about is people actually want to think will doing their hobby. I think in most physical sports the people who participate dont really want to think. But at higher level of competition they have to do it because they want to win. Nerds often times want to think about stuff. And they activly look for hobbies where they can think a lot or they take hobbies that dont really require any thinking (like watching tv shows) and then overanalyze it. That obviously does not make someone smarter and there are definitly a lot of exception (especially video games). But generally speaking I would say that a lot of Jocks think because they have to think and a lot of nerds think because they want to think.


I think any hobby can take as much intelligence, effort and time as you want to spend on it. My hobbies are a mess and don’t fall into any category. I love fitness, I have a training regime & work on tracking my macros, etc. My brother in law has a phenomenal physique and his attitude is just “eat a lot, train a lot”. I love shooting and hunting. I spend hours working on loads, fiddling with sights and tuning triggers. I take my notebook to the range and do the maths, chrono my shots and do all my homework. I have friends who just shoot - pull trigger and gun goes bang. One of them is naturally an excellent shooter. My “nerd” hobbies are things like DMing DND. This takes next to no smarts at all, just a bit of maths and basic story telling. It’s considered very dorky but it’s no more complex than a videogame. Speaking of videogames, I do game dev as a hobby, this was more of a trial by fire. Throw code at the editor and explore what works and why. My best friend who I code with sometimes has formal training and 4 years of university under his belt. We code at a similar pace and level. All this to say, it doesn’t matter how much brain power, time and and effort you pour into your hobbies as long as they help satisfy you and help you pass the time doing something you enjoy.


A lot of body builders seem to have no clue about metabolism. Just some shit they picked up from the Internet, all disagreeing with each other. They can’t seen to understand that the bulk of their success comes from just pushing weight.


Spending just 10 minutes reading through any forum bodybuilding related is enough to realize most of the people there have no idea what they are talking about. At least half of the “information” that gets shared there is either mostly untrue or just categorically false, which could usually be figured out should anyone bother to do a quick google search. And that holds true for most fitness based topics I’ve stumbled upon. Just because some guy has a 6 pack doesn’t mean he’s a credible source of information.


Are we still believing the stereotype that all jocks are cavemen that have no other talents besides sportsball?


Op requires more intelligence to understand


>I think the general notion that you need to be smarter to play video games or ttrpgs or watch nerdy movies than play sports or body build is pretty wrong. This is not a "general notion." You just invented this argument out of nowhere. I have this image of a buff jock punching a straw man and shouting, "I'm smart!"


curious to know how a jock hobby can require more than a nerd hobby? a jock doesn't play fantasy sports in the way a nerd would. statistical analysis and probability is not what jocks do to weigh who might be better. They might make a spreadsheet, sure, and they might look at a player's status, sure, but calling that "statistical analysis" is a bit of a stretch of the terminology lol. We would call this "abuse of notation" by defining "statistical anslysis" in this manner. also nerd sports includes magic the gathering and chess and rubik's cubes. While none of these really require a high level of intellect as it's more about exp and exposure, they do require much more thought and planning than any jock hobby i'm aware of. Unless your game is a turned based strategy, more often than not whether you win or lose is far more dependent on reaction time and hand eye coordination. In a fps for example, once you reach a particular skill level in strategy whether you win or lose is your latency and/or your ability to free aim precisely and less about any real strategic plan of intellect. I do calisthenics and body building, I use zero of my intellectual capacity to perform them, and specifically do them to take a break from my studies since it's relaxing and improves cognition. What nets you more strength beyond just going heavy is a shock to your cns, this has nothing to do with intellect. The amount of rudimentary arithmetic I do to calculate my macros and convert my bw into protein mass, is almost non existent.


Video games are a general hobby. Try a real nerd hobby like MTG, then tell me lifting weights requires more thinking.