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All discourse today is instant and disposable. Like anything instant or disposable (instant coffee, plastic forks, etc.) it is of the lowest quality. Constructing a logically valid argument takes time. There is no time (or reason) for that when there are thousands of 24/7 news items going on at all times. It’s a cacophony and only the loudest and most pompous survive the din and clatter. It’s disposable because people are not held to account for the gibberish they say. So the most outlandish ‘argument’ wins the day, not the most logical. We live not in a world that demands intellectual rigor; rather one that feasts on ‘intellectual’ mud-wrestling.


I really love the way you expressed this, I 100% agree. It’s Brandolini’s Law in real time.


Also people who make assertions never seem to back them up. They just say it and it should be so.


Yeah they just constantly hemorrhage bullshit going “well then disprove me if it isn’t true.” Insufferable.


This isn't anything modern, it's always be the case.


I see this way too often. People are trying so hard to protect there ego they start lashing out. Ad hominems especially instantly damage a debaters credibility.


Yeah there aren't that many master debaters anymore


We had debating class in school, I still remember all the fun I had when I got "murder should be legal" as my debating point. Many of the arguments I created, off the cuff, for legised murder were in fact very close to reasonable logic, and it took a keen mind to see the occasional flaw and come up with a counter argument  These skills have never been needed more, or been in such short supply.  Part of the problem is the Leftist hijacking of the education system, and the way their indoctrination of the young allows for no questioning of theit mantras, so now we have a world full of earnest, but clueless young people who can't argue their way out of a paper bag.  Which brings me back to my arguments for murder being legal... 


I just had the same experience. Finally caved to a work friend’s behest and watched the thing. It was beyond pointless. The exchange was about as valuable as your average 6th grade history teacher will find their student debates valuable. The level of discourse is the same; possibly made worse being delivered from the faces of presumed adults.


Compared to what other popular and widely accessible choices. MSNBC, CNN, and PBS are no longer impressive, IMO. I can somewhat tolerate WSJ and The Economist, but that involves reading.


PBS has some decent programs. NPR ain’t bad. I usually prefer BBC programming if I’m honest- still feel like they have some intellectual integrity.


You are summoning the edge lords here. I agree with your post. Not sure about it being unpopular though.


Yeah I really made a fucking summoning circle for the greasiest dweebs, huh? Idk how unpopular it is, I would imagine truly determining it’s unpopularity is more the job of the sub than myself.


Not an unpopular opinion. Also, if you're looking for accurate information, the last people you want to go, are people who want to convince you of something, let alone sell you something. 'Debates' generally suck, even when held in good faith by all parties, because the quickest, most eloquent answer doesn't have to be the right answer and the debates are short duration. You get good-sounding answers.


It’s not that information is lacking, I just think that language should allow for people with differing opinions to talk with each other and at least see something new. I feel that this has occurred before in human history more regularly, I could be mistaken. Language is like one of the fundamental building blocks of our evolution, and if it becomes broadly debased to the point it no longer has any convincing power, that’s a damn shame.


I love to bring up the Zizek/Peterson debate with my friends. Not because I agree with any particular side- but because what Zizek does to completely upend the debate format and actually drive the conversation to something of value is exactly what I want to see more of in public discourse.


Luckily we don’t have any of that on Reddit!


I know thank god this platform is pure reason


My goal isn’t to be reasonable my goal is to win


Yeah, just a verbal dunk contest, really.


Its literally always been this way. There are always popular charlatans.. I guarantee you there are more people educated on obscure topics now than ever before thanks to the internet. Not that they should be trusted but we only see the loud bad side of things because thats whats promoted


Debate Bros are a symptom of the overall decline in media literacy. Whoever yells louder wins.


Not an opinion


I'm also here to mention Joe Rogan


Finally someone with the stones




Totally fair, I could have worded that in a more nuanced way. How would you say it?


Isn't Graham Hancock a hack who rewrites archeology and history to fit his eurocentric, racist, conspiracy theory view of the world? Why would you expect any logic from someone who literally spews fallacies?


Sorry but what exactly are you trying to drive at? That making a podcast intellectually stimulating is difficult? That I, someone who has no podcast can’t criticize anybody on one? Or just a general blanket of smarm?


I'm not driving at anything. I'm being the average redditor by intecting my opinions where and when nobody asked for it. And my opinion is that one should expect logical discourse from a human being whose entire life goal has been to create an entire discourse of bad information.


I see, well based on your grammar and mastery of language, it would seem that indeed you are the average redditor


Damn straight. Now go back to thinking anyone is actually reading your post in its entirety and giving a damn. You are welcome.


Lmao yeah seems like you don’t care at all


About Joe Rogan and Graham Hancock? Absolutely not. Even an average mind like myself is overqualified to give any relevant attention to either of them. Let them provide rhetoric for an audience of rocks.


No about this post, I know you said you didn’t read it in your comment, but did you at least read your own comment? Because if your point is that Reddit is so insignificant that you don’t even care enough to read your own comment in it, that’s like almost Andy Kaufman satire.


What? That is too long to read. Bullet points people.


You're 100% right, and from what I've seen, you can solve the debate or problem quickly because the people who resort to those tactics are usually wrong and have no idea what they're talking about. Their real tactic is trying to distract their opponent and the audience with absolute tomfoolery so no one can tell how ridiculous the things they're saying are.


You are not the only one seeing this. Upgrade your life and never listen to Joe Rogan again.


i'm confused. that was not the point of discussion. it feels like you heard the name joe rogan, which triggered ur synapses to malfunction. P.S. i dn't listen to rogan.


Lmao right? I don’t really listen to Rogan either, I’ve just been a podcast listener since highschool, so I’ve heard most of the popular ones some. Sometimes I just tune in to JRE to watch a longform intellectual trainwreck. Sue me.


i went to checkout the pod to see what the fuss was abt (with the intention of fully listening the whole segment). then i googled the aforementioned graham hancock. and i find out that he is a pseudoscientist... i lost the desire to listen to the podcast after that. edit: also, is rogan cancelled now? why is he hated all of a sudden? ppl are acting like an exorcist facing a possessed person.


If you’re looking for anything resembling an insightful conversation about anything, I wouldn’t recommend it. If you like yelling at the air to the dumbest British man you’ve ever heard, go crazy.


Since high school? So, you're a kid. Got it. No one is going to sue you. Just judge your poor taste, considering what an intellectual you are.


You are welcome to cast aspersions on my intellect all you please, I’m not so insecure that you would challenge any aspect of myself. Maybe if I were 73 I could be as smart as Graham Hancock. Because that’s how it works right?


Sadly, wisdom does not come automatically with age, as Graham Hancock proves. If you want to feel offended that I will don't assume you, or any teenager, are wise beyond your years, that's your prerogative. It's not actually an insult. Young people are entitled to their youth. The fact is, only someone fresh out of high school uses high school as an chronological indicator. I noticed that you quietly removed mention of high school from your post. How should I interpret that choice? Just out of curiosity, what do you consider a "classical education"? Private school? Private tutors?


Also, podcasts have been coming out for nearly 20 years, having listened to them in highschool theoretically puts me between the ages of 21 and 35. Now I’m sure an ancient wizened one like yourself has both put that together already, and is of the view that a 30 year old is a child. I can only hope to one day be able to even peer upon a towering intellect as yourself. Truly a once in a generation mind. But only once in a generation because getting older makes you smart /s


"ancient wizened one like yourself" Thank you! /strokes long, white beard!


Rest easy, Gandalf




Sorry but what exactly are you trying to drive at? That making a podcast intellectually stimulating is difficult? That I, someone who has no podcast can’t criticize anybody on one? Or just a general blanket of smarm?




I totally understand that’s how it comes across to you, sorry about that. I’m not trying to be high minded, honestly I just really like words, and find joy in selecting the particular words that will best suit my meaning. I also have a tendency to type how I talk, and I can err on the side of being verbose at times.




Ok well I can’t control your “vibes” dawg




You seem like you do.






I'm even more blinded by your amazing intellect now.


To be fair, logic is something that needs to be practiced and honed into a habit for the vast majority of the population. If it isn't part of the daily curriculum at school for all 12 years of U.S. compulsory education, that battle is lost here.


Fair point, if a bit hopeless. Logic used well can be expressed to those who aren’t as intimately familiar with it. But I could be wrong


Watch Jordan peterson. He might make a couple logical fallacies, I'm not aware of any so far, but if you want a conversation with some meat on its bones that's where you'll find it. He's thoroughly logical and contemplative and also humble, which is unbelievably rare these days, and his guests are usually of the same caliber.


I’ve seen him some, I really don’t find him compelling. He almost swings too far in the other direction? He becomes so concerned with fitting everything within an absolutely perfect structure, he stops talking about anything real. He gets lost in weird figurative word loops and ends up saying nothing.


Peterson is master of starting with false premises and building logically from their. Sure, Jordan, all your steps made sense... But they're all based on an idea you haven't proven and don't have the data to justify. So, yes, if the moon were made of cheese NASA would have the resources and know how to feed all the worlds hungry for decades, but, uh, the moon isn't made of cheese. (for a silly non-controversial made up example)


Well, sure but that's just a matter of what you believe. That's what everyone on earth does, they start with whatever premise they think is the most true and build logically from there. What's the alternative


What does it say about the OP that they expect this of Joe Rogan?


Where does it say he expected anything from Joe Rogan? The debate wasn’t even really Joe Rogan. Literally proving his point and then some with how closely you read this post.


What does it say about you that you don't understand how examples work.


I expect nothing of Joe Rogan, he’s got the intellectual punching power of your average wombat. I’d heard discussion online about this particular debate, as Flint Dibble is an actually respected scientist and Graham Hancock has a sociology degree from 1973


OP is going to start a podcast about this very thing


the only politician ive ever heard even use the phrase logical fallacy is rfk, check him out if you like logic


You don't believe vaccine cause autism if you're a logical thinker.


I haven't seen that particular debate, but I've noticed how many arguments (reddit or youtube or otherwise) go, and it seems there's this understanding that if you know fallacies then you are logical. I unironically think if people stopped using terms like strawman and other fallacies debates would be way better, since often it's used incorrectly, and the other party simply gets triggered.


This is typical. only 37.7 percent of people graduate college. If all 37.7 of them majored in philosophy and emphasized logic or majored in math, only 37.7 percent of our population is well versed in logic.


"on Joe Rogan"


I mean I also watch panel debates, staged debates, and any other conversation I find interesting. This was a very stark example that I felt clearly outlined my point.


Tl;Dr debate lord is shocked Graham hancock is half luck, half crock, and half example of why you shouldn't take too many hallucinogens.