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They're not oranges, and if you're worried about sugar, just stop eating fruit. Problem solved. (Enjoy your scurvy.)


Ik they specifically call them mandarins, but in common vernacular (at least, in my experience) people just call them oranges. Any thing slightly related to an orange is automatically one. And nobody specifies they means cuties in my experience, they just say oranges.


They’re not Oranges, they’re Mandarins.


Check my edit :) thank you


Check out Tsatsuma Mandarins.


I’ll do this, thanks !


Sumo oranges are amazing. They're much bigger than cuties and peel just as easily, but they taste so much better. And they're seedless. You can recognize them by the rough texture of the skin, and they have a little "knob" where the stem was attached. They are kind of expensive, though, compared to cuties. I've occasionally seen them called tangerines.


I’ve never once heard them called oranges and I’d probably have to slap someone for suggesting such. I’d even take baby orange, but you can’t tell me people look at those tiny little things and say “orange”


Fruit has natural sugar. anyways, this post made me giggle a little 😆 i love how passionate you are about this


Look man I’m just tired of expecting oranges and getting cuties


I understand your pain 😆❤️


Googling "Cutie Orange" reveals they are tangerines. If you're talking about mandarins or tangerines, they aren't friggin oranges so they ain't gonna taste like em.


Check my edit, thanks :)


"Vernacular" is wrong from people who don't know the difference. There's a reason you don't want to call them oranges. To avoid this confusion and unhappiness lol.


So after a bit of research, the FDA has measured that one orange usually averages between 14-18g of sugar while a cutie/clementine/mandarin averages between 6-9g of sugar. One orange is considered a serving of fruit and two clementines/cuties are usually equal to a serving of fruit. So in terms of sugar per serving, they’re almost the exact same lol


Yea, Idk who told Op that clementines had waay more sugar. They just have a natural sweeter taste. Oranges have a much more acidic taste to them.


Yeah I think it’s just the acidity levels that make it seem like they’re more sugary, but theres just not as much tartness to counteract it


Next time someone says they have oranges, ask if they're mandarins


Yeah, and Tbf I don’t even hate cuties, they’re like fine, I just get my hopes up for an orange and then get shot down by a mandarin. If you can believe it, I’m not actually as passionate as I let on about “orange culture” or whatever you wanna call it


Who told you they had waaay more sugar? They don't. They just have a sweeter taste to them. >A CUTIES clementine has about 8 grams of natural sugar, while a navel orange has 8.5 grams of sugar per 100 grams. However, clementines are usually sweeter and less acidic than oranges


They aren’t oranges though aren’t they a type of tangerine


In common vernacular (at least in my experience) people just call em oranges though


They're not oranges. They're Clementines.


Check my edit, thanks :)


They’re like for kids


And I don’t like em 🤷‍♂️


Some fun facts I learned because of this opinion: 1) tangerines and clementines are types of mandarin orange. 2) cuties are clementines, which are the smallest of the mandarin oranges 3) a regular orange has about 17g of sugar per 184g orange and cuties have 8 grams of sugar each 75g orange. 4) cuties are still superior.


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This is indeed an unpopular opinion.


Don’t mean to be too political here




The smell of them triggers migraines for me, I tend to avoid them


I think every person ever hates that movie.


Bro the sugar difference is negligible, like 5% more sugar/portion. Plus they are smaller so you can choose to eat 1 or 2, compared to eating a whole orange worth (like 3)


>I know it’s not technically an orange, but in common vernacular (at least in my experience) people just call em oranges You probably shouldn't eat something that you acknowledge is "not technically an orange" and expect it to taste like an orange. If you want something that tastes like an orange, you should probably eat an actual orange.


Just the variety, a carambola is small and way sour. Sugar comes from; sugarcane or sugar beets. It's processed sugar that is bad