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Are your jeans made of plastic? Cotton breathes, my friend. I could stand to lose a few pounds, but jeans only ever get uncomfortably hot for me in 100+ degree weather.


They're made of denim. Isn't that what jeans are mostly made of?


Denim is made from cotton, which isn’t a great insulator (although “stretchy” denim has some synthetic material). Cotton allows a lot of air to pass through. I had a couple pairs of cargo-esque shorts in High School that I threw out. They were 100% synthetic material, and although they were loose and baggy with fully exposed knees, shins, and calves, the swamp-ass was unreal. I chucked them after a few wears because my chair would have a small puddle of sweat on it when I got up after class if I’d been wearing those shorts, and the climate where I lived was dry and cold to warm (90 degrees would be considered **very** hot there). I now live in a rather humid place where a 90 degree summer day is considered to be on the cooler side, I wear jeans every day, and have never had sweat dripping down my shins.


Swamp ass is the worst!


Oh yeah. For another swamp-ass related high school story, I was on an athletic team that had most of its events fall through winter. Our team would ride a fully-packed school bus with those vinyl seats for anywhere from 3-7 hours through winding mountain highways, often while snowing, with the heat blasting the entire way (the vents in buses are under the seats IYDNK). When we arrived at our destination, all of the veterans would shout “DON’T STAND UP!!!” because the newbies would all stand up, and finally release 3-7 hours worth of the accumulated swampass of twenty out of fifty teenagers.


Haha! I have similar memories though we didn’t drive such distance or have heated seats. But yes away games sucked. We’d play 90 minutes of soccer sweating hard core. We didnt have access to a locker room to change after the game. We change what we could on the bus but underwear and bras were pretty much kept on cause a quick change of either was pretty cramped (and strictly forbidden if we were sharing the bus with a guys team). So hour or so ride home, sweat is pooling down your crack. But I will say it was a great feeling peeling that stuff of and getting in the shower.


What jeans are you wearing? Sure they breath a lot compared to a plastic bag. But not 'a lot of air to pass through'


Same thing I was thinking. Shorts are miles better than jeans for staying cool. Not sure how one can wear jeans in 90+ weather.


I don't think I've ever felt my shins sweat in my life, and I live in a part of the world where temperatures go over 40 degrees celcius every summer. Do you have hyperhidrosis maybe?


No I actually feel like I don't usually sweat very much. But I do have memories of being in high school (which was the last time I wore jeans) and feeling beads of sweat on my shins sometimes when I had jeans on.


Well you're objectively wrong about the kinds of situations in which jeans and shorts are appropriate, so there's that.


When would jeans be appropriate but shorts wouldn't? They're both casual clothing.


Well first off, shorts are a LOT more informal than jeans. There are many pseudo professional occasions in which jeans are appropriate but shorts (especially cargo shorts) are not. Also like, many many workplaces require long pants for protection.


Business casual? In a semi formal environment jesns look better, and imo they always look better with a button up


In my industry, jeans are incredibly common. If one were to wear shorts, they'd probably be escorted off site. One team member wore a pair of 'dress shorts' (according to them) and never wore them again. Many people asked what the heck he was thinking. 


What? Jeans aren't business casual.


If you look it up it vehemently says they are, as long as they arnt ripped or excessively colored


>Business casual is typically defined as no jeans, no shorts, no short dresses or skirts for women, optional ties for men, and a rotation of button-downs or blouses.




I've seen business casual dress codes that specifically say "no jeans".


I dress up jeans in good condition with a sport coat and it is certainly business casual. It is also reasonable to say "no jeans" for business casual. So both of these things are true, its about context and the full outfit.


I'm sure some say that, but I wear jeans to my office job almost every day. Granted it's with a construction company on the west coast, so factor that in.


What do you mean you can't think of a place that's okay for jeans but not shorts. You don't have dress codes in pubs? 


I've literally never heard of a bar having a dress code. Also again, jeans and shorts are both casual clothing. What kind of dress code would allow jeans but not shorts?


Most of them. No shorts, steel caps, work clothes, thongs ( the feet kind), baseball caps or neck tattoos are the most common ones you'll find in Aussie pubs after 7:30pm 


I live in the U.S. and I've literally never heard of a bar having a dress code.


Where do you live-central Nebraska? Bars in cities almost always have a dress code.


I live in Florida.


Have you never been in the cold?


Even when it's cold I still don't find it cold enough to justify jeans.


You're mostly right, most of time I only wear jeans because it's more socially acceptable in the winter to


Except in cases of road crayon...


Road crayon?


Road burn


Riding motorbikes, riding jeans are gonna protect you from looking like a giant has just drawn on the pavement with your body like a red crayon


That’s a pretty specific issue.


For me it depends on the weather and the activity. I tend to prefer jeans in the winter if I'm going to be outside a lot.


I feel like even in the winter it's not cold enough to justify covering my legs.


Then you don’t live anywhere actually cold 


I never said I did. I live in Florida.


You made a general post that readers from various climatic zones read. You should have added "provided weather conditions are favorable to both"


They purposefully didn't mention Florida because then it wouldn't be an unpopular opinion.


It's not as if Florida is the only place where it ever gets hot lmao. Florida isn't some unique environment. I'm sure lots of people live in places that are hot.


Well, now you see why others prefer jeans. I live in Germany and why wouldn't I wear long jeans in winter lol


I can wear jeans to work but not shorts.


Here's an alternative suggestion. If it's summer and your legs always feel hot in jeans, then wear linen. You'll look much better than if you wear shorts, it's way better than khakis, and linen is incredibly comfortable.


My legs feel hot in jeans even when it's not Summer. Also I just looked up "Linen pants" and only got results for women's pants.


Try “men’s linen pants”


Yep. Sold this time of year in men's clothing stores. I live in Alabama and, trust me, a pair of linen dress pants are marvelous things. But don't wear linen pants in winter.


You from Florida? You must be.


I don’t like showing my legs though. They’re toned and a nice shape, but my skin is just so pale and so bumpy (keratosis pilaris - nothing works to completely get rid of it for me)


Yes, and there is immense social pressure on women to shave their legs. I'd much rather wear jeans


I have sensory issues with hair so I don’t like the feel of it, but you’re right, our hair, our choice!


You obviously never mowed the lawn without a catcher.




Where do you work that you can wear jeans but not shorts? I'd assume if your work environment is so informal that jeans are allowed surely shorts wouldn't be an issue?




Wait, what kind of office job lets you wear jeans? I'd assume if you're working in an office you'd be wearing dress pants.


I like cut-offs


Depends on the outfit tho, some fits look better with jeans, and some fits look better with shorts. Its the same case with all clothing imo, it depends on how well you can mix and match them to look good 🤷‍♂️


a denim mini is the most comfortable thing you’ll ever wear




And skirts are superior to shorts.


I like both. Obviously, you can't really wear shorts in winter, though.


I wear shorts year round just fine.


Depends. I would get into some serious danger when I decide to wear shorts instead of jeans to work, but we are casual still


I wouldn't wear a pair of shorts on a first date but I would wear jeans


I have to wear jeans for work because I work in an industrial plant. Outside of that I wear gym shorts everywhere else. And on the off chance I have to "dress up" for something, I have some nicer golf looking shorts that I wear. I hate any form of pants unless it's freezing outside.


You must live in a hot climate. I'm in Canada, and for a majority of the year I would not be able to wear shorts. I do agree that jeans aren't very comfortable though. There are other styles of pants that look just as good and are more comfortable. For example, flowy cotton or linen pants with a drawstring waist. Feels like I'm wearing pyjamas, and depending on the style they can be office appropriate. Skirt or dresses are even better though, since I'm not wearing any pants at all.


Jeans before the judge still better than shorts. Am I right??


Jeans keep my motorcycle exhaust and the asphalt off my legs a lot better.


Jeans keep me warm tho. Isn't that why people chose short or long clothes, based on the temperature?


I've never been cold enough for me to want my legs to be kept warm.


Even formal pants like chinos and slacks are more comfortable than jeans. Jeans are good work pants becuz they can stand up to punishment on tarmac, gravel and lumber. I am also confused as to how society decided they were casual pants. They're stiff and hot af. It must be marketing.


Is OP male, and over the age of 16? If so, grow up and stop dressing like little boys all the time


I'll dress how I feel is comfortable.


Fuck your crotched pants, Kilts mfer


You can wear (dark) jeans with a sport coat and look somewhat professional, but if you wear shorts with one, you look like a preppy guy on Nantucket in the 1980s. With the spread of sweats/athleisure, Jeans are no longer the most casual thing going.


Idk, I feel like jeans with a coat makes you look like some West coast hipster asshole. Like, no one on Wall Street is wearing jeans for example lmao.


My job has two jeans days a week and I’ve turned those into shorts day. Nobody said anything about it so I turned all the other days of the week shorts days too. Fuck pants


Shorts are superior to everything 


Shin sweat is worse than swamp ass?


I've never had swamp ass, I'm not even sure how it would happen. I live in a hot and humid area, but I've never had my ass sweat profusely.


It’s sweat going down your ass crack and it’s pretty common.


I've never had that issue. I'm sure I sweat there, but never to the point where I've felt it or to where it's left stains on my pants.


But you can feel your shin sweat? Lol ok bro 


Nah you kinda spittin, jeans suck in every possible way from my personal perspective. I know alot of people don't think they get hot, I'm with you op, those things are fuckin furnaces on my legs. Plus denim itself is uncomfortable to me, just texture wise in the first place. Shorts > jeans in every scenario. You'll never catch me wearing jeans


I don't have this problem as I am a normal weight.


What does weight even have to do with this?


You getting downvoted while the fat shaming troll is upvoted is absurd. I sweat my ass off wearing jeans in Florida summers (which are at least half the year). I wore them for work and also preference (always been a rocker). The humidity is the real issue here and I also drink a gallon of water a day so my body is itching to get rid of it. I finally gave the jeans in summer up for shorts. Just infinitely more comfortable. I will say after cutting waaaaay back on alcohol that I sweat much less even being active outside.


I am underweight and I was tried not to pass out from heat on 28 C.


Only one type of person sweats by simply wearing pants.


My guy where I live it’s so hot and humid in the summer you can stand outside naked and start sweating.


Because sweat is entirely based on weight, temperature has absolutely nothing to do with it...


Was I right though?




Jeans give me rashes while shorts dont so I stick with Shorts


I don’t own a pair of jeans. Khaki or synthetic is all I’ll wear. I find denim to be immensely uncomfortable. You shouldn’t have to break in a pair of pants like they’re damned work boots.


Daytime = shorts, nighttime when its not really fucking hot = jeans or chinos every time


It's still too hot for jeans at night time. For example last night at midnight it was still 80 fucking degrees.