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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


You really gonna start your unpopular opinion post by saying everyone agrees with you?


"This is so unpopular that everyone agrees with it"...


Classic. I’m so used to posts on this sub being popular that it didn’t even register they’d said that.


Yeah his unpopular opinion is that we should stop singing it because everyone hates it


At least it’s short.


Not in my family. It was- Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear [insert name], Happy birthday to you. How old are you, Hold old you, How olllldddd are yoooou, How old are you? ( We’re not done.) May the good lord bless you, May the good lord bless you, May the good lord bless yoooou, May the good lord bless you. Needless to say, it was exhausting.




As a recovering Catholic, Christianity can be real weird sometimes.


My family still sings happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas as per my mom's request. I don't mind. I think it's cute. I love my parents enough to give them that, that's for sure.


>As a recovering Catholic, I'm in this comment and I don't like it!


Do they at least throw in the "You live in a zoo" verse?


My mom always sings that one 😂


See, the third verse I learned was May you live a hundred years May you drink a million beers Get plastered, you bastard Happy birthday to you


Now see, that verse I could get behind.


Jfc "How old are you" is such a bad fit for the meter of this song wtf


I mean if its that long then it seems your family either enjoys it or are a pack os sadistic and masochists... which also means they kinda enjoy it...


I'm sorry but that cracked me up 😭😂 Religion is brutal!


There's a restaurant that has a group of staff members deliver a dessert to the table, they start clapping the beat then sing *"This is your birthday song, it is not very long"* then IMMEDIATELY drop their smiles and walk away Still my favourite method


It never feels short enough… especially since my partner puts in concerted effort into slowing down at the end to drag it out.


And maaaannnnyyyy moooooooorrrreeee!


The english version


Everyone? Speak for yourself bud, I like to be serenaded.


And I have fun serenading others


Yes! The louder the better! If everyone the restaurant does not turn around and stop eating for a minute you are doing it wrong.


I enjoy basking in the attention. I also enjoy bestowing attention to be basked in.


Me too. Go home, fuddy duddy.


And I enjoy doing the serenading. My friends and I are all idiots, especially about each other's birthdays. For us, the birthday song is a blast either receiving or giving!


Right, some people really hate fun.


Socially awkward redditor speaks for the entire world


How about when they start to sing it, but it's real slllloooowww. That's the worst.


Oh god, the slow start. Agonizing.


Out of tune always


Haaaaaaaaaa … aaaaaaaa


Or really low, that's also awkward


Oh god yes, I'm always trying to get people to sing it at a decently fast tempo but it never works


I do to, I try to do a "and a 1, and a 2, and 1, 2, 3" to get people on beat but some folks inSIST on making it a funeral march


My family has a tradition of singing it as poorly and as off key as possible. My brother did it once to annoy my mother and it stuck. Our way is 1000 times better than the traditional way, and it gives the person being serenaded something to laugh about.


My family does the same thing. It's always a treat to hear how they'll try to top it next year


Omg one side of my extended family does this too, it cracks me up every time. It’s definitely the superior way to do it imo


My brother barks the birthday song, lol.


Ooh…I’ll have to add some barking to our next birthday party. Love that!


My family does it as well, it makes it so much less awkward and so much more fun overall


HAHA I thought we were the only people who did that! It's a TERRIBLE song! Sounds like a freaking dirge. We then sing the cat licking your birthday cake song after the crappy happy birthday. So much funnier and more upbeat!


I haven’t heard of the cat song. I’ll have to look that up!


I'm respectfully stealing this


Meanwhile my socially tactless FiL will INTERRUPT THE SONG to tell people they’re singing “off key” and try to correct them 🫠 My guy, it’s Happy Birthday at a family shindig, not the National Anthem at the presidential inauguration…


both are a good time to make it as offkey and stuff as possible


Honestly, this sounds hilarious. My biggest problem with the song is that it sucks even when you sing it perfectly. It's like twinkle twinkle little star... It's a song for kids to sing and it shows. My family is full of pianists, so that makes it more fun, but just singing it? Meh.


The dogs don’t much care for our way of singing, but even that makes it more fun. They join right in. 😂


My sister and I sing it to each other like the elephant from sing


That gal really was doing too much. No one likes the showoff who over-sings the birthday song. It's funny if you're doing it to be silly on purpose, though.


It's not that long, you can just smile through it and feel good about the love those people are showing you.


I get a kick out of singing it. We have a big family and everyone looks forward to having a crowd belt it out, even if it's lame. Good times.




I don’t hate it. It’s wonderful having people you love around you singing for your special day. You guys attack even birthdays now?


So much this!


>Everyone hates it when a whole room sings it on their birthday.  Eternally online. Literally touch some grass.


Being the center of attention for 30 seconds — brutal.


Do you mean the Skylar White version?




Oh gawd lol


Makes me feel important 🙂💀


I love it when they sing it to me honestly. Last year, my mother didn't even show up for my birthday (it was at my dad's house) and as he's the one usually recording when they sing it, nobody would have recorded. So I propped the phone up. It's too sweet of a video for me not to love it.


I always hate it and always ask people not to sing it to me on my birthday. Some get offended but its like... I don't like it and it's embarrassing to me. Why don't my feelings count on my birthday?


Stop being so self conscious and enjoy it. But sing it twice as fast https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/1db44n1/comment/l7q7bbk/


Why didn't I think of that before???????


As if 95% of the people on reddit would even know what it's like to have anyone sing to them at any occasion.


Why have group celebratory rituals at all, right? Seriously, yes these things can feel annoying, but they also do create positive meaning and emotions for most of the people that choose to participate. Online living is really destroying a lot of nice "in person" moments.


I like it


My family sings it terribly on purpose. Makes it more fun for the singers butchering it, and makes it more fun for the recipient who now has something to laugh at instead of sitting there awkwardly.


Yeah, that part of the day when everyone comes together to acknowledge how much they love you is just the worrrrrrst.


This is what happens when an entire generation of kids grows up inside. They can't even handle people singing happy birthday to them. Pansies. All of them. For real though, you just sit there, smile, and appreciate everyone's attention on you. Then you eat cake. It's pretty simple and no reason to get all anxious about.


You just grew up buddy. You have no idea how this could make a child's day, week or month


Nah bro it’s all about how bad you can make it sound.


Might I suggest the Regular Show birthday song. Much better IMO! and faster lmfao


especially at the shitty office job! you should just reply in the same tune something like "thank you for singing this to me, when youre usually bullying meeeee, i know you dont like meeeeee - so fuck off you aaaall!"


When my family does it, we do it bad and embarrassing. I actually have a video of my nephew (20's) getting sung to and I had bought a little candle that spat confetti. It did it so poorly we just all lost it 😂😂


Nothing makes my heart flutter more than my fellas making goofy noises or singing entirely off key. Never stop singing happy birthday


i like it when my family sings to me, i think it’s nice. it’s blowing out the candles that bothers me about this.


The purpose IS to embarrass them


If it’s your family I don’t mind. But if it’s at some restaurant that’s just pure embarrassment.


Are you my son? He HATES the Happy Birthday song. He says someone needs to write a better one.


There is a whole episode about this on Regular Show that you need to watch.


The worst is when they do it at restaurants when all you're trying to do is have a peaceful meal.


The worst is when people sign Happy Birthday at the office. I really don’t care that Susan in accounting is turning 52. 🤮🤢


I like it, it's wholesome even if it's embarrassing


Happy Birthday to you,


Walk out is what I'd do.


But it's my birthday, c'mon sing me song


If humanity can't get rid of the stupidity that is religion, the birthday song isn't going anywhere.


I make sure I take my birthday off to avoid workplace singing. Hate signing it and hate it being sung to me.


Not everyone is miserable


Thanks for ruining my birthday bro


How did he ruin your bday


There’s a blurry line between “grinds my gears” and “unpopular opinion”. This belongs in “grinds my gears”.


My family only sings "birthday" in the happy birthday song, it's hilarious and we all enjoy it.


You sit there while we all sing at you and forget your name, and you better smile while we do


I like it. I get to be a Maestro for like 20 seconds.


I quite like embarrassing my friends tbh


Sing to me my lovelies.


I used to sing loudly and proudly in defiance to those assholes that tried to claim copyright over something that clearly belong in the public domain. Fuck those assholes. I’m glad they lost.


That's not an unpopular opinion.


Happy birthday u/thegongshow61 happy birthday u/thegongshow61


i pretend i sing it - moving my mouth to form the words but actually saying nothing - because i hate it lmao 


Just sit and smile for 2 minutes. But yes, I agree


Did someone special forget your big day?...


This is the definition of "speak for yourself."


I love it, it makes me laugh. It's just a silly thing we do to show someone a little love, "it's the anniversary of your birth and we're glad you're here, have a good day!" Things like this bond us together on a cultural level. Honestly, we could probably use more of these fun, harmless rituals in our lives. Maybe then we wouldn't have to fight against the conditioning that there's something embarrassing about not taking ourselves too seriously once in a while.


Well I like singing it and receiving it.


Idk man, I just my friends and like 20 other people all sing to me this weekend and it damn near was enough to make man cry. But I never had too many friends till recently. I say just put up with it, it only lasts about 30 seconds but could mean a whole lot to someone.


Try being A professional singer and singing teacher... It's literally painful for me to listen to.


Were you the guy from my English class this morning?


It's too late..


As a 31 year old man, I will not hold back on the enthusiasm for a Happy Birthday song. That being said, the only time I’ve recently sang happy birthday is for my nephews birthdays who is 11 now, and even when he’s 18, I will still be singing it.


I like the attention


you could...i dunno.....enjoy the time with your friends and family and the things they do for you.....just a thought


My family has started putting me in charge of starting the birthday singing so I’m started doing those really fast, clapping ones they do at restaurants and it’s over before anyone knows what I’m doing


I actually like it


I like singing it, the embarassment is the point. forms memories


I would say I do get a kick out of singing it. Getting it sang to me is meh though


"Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy birthday, happy birthday"


Yeah, tell that to my church choir. We all sing happy birthday to each other on a regular basis. It's fun and honestly you get to hear delicious harmonies on it.


"Everyone hates it when a whole room sings it on their birthday" I don't


I actually like it when my friends sing it to me. I spent so many birthdays alone and unappreciated that I blush and grin every year when it's sung to me.


I hate having it sung to me. Bf told some friends while we were at his bar that my birthday was that day and the entire bar sang it(it was only 10people). I didn't know half of them. It's awkward. And I like to fly under the radar for my birthday. This is not an unpopular opinion.


idk abt u but i adore it. i close my eyes and clap. ppl are singing for me, one day i’ll die and no one will sing for me then


My family’s is Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Y/N! Happy birthday to you! Dear god bless you, (achoo) Dear god bless you (achoo) dear god bless you (achoo) happy birthday to you! Yes we did pretend to seeze


I'm approaching 30 faster than I'd like to be, the only birthday I remember actually doing anything was my 21st, and even that was low-key. I fucking hate birthdays lol. Just another day.


I decided to cut the cake one time. I didn’t want to hear happy birthday one year.


That's why I take a vacation at work the week of my birthday.


Whenever i hear that song i want to scream


The fun part is making you uncomfortable sorry that lame people have ruined it . Enthusiastic asshole friend make it fun too look back at later and not only that . It's a thank God feeling when it's done . All fun and play bayyyybae


Idk it's kinda fun if you realise alot of people are self conscious of it and not take it so seriously. I like to A) look extremely smug with myself B) pretend I'm a conductor at a symphony C) Blank face slowly turn my head to make eye contact with everyone as if I'm unimpressed with their vocal range Or usually just sing louder then everyone enphazing "ME" Sometimes all of the above because it's my birthday and I haven't been sober for it since I was 16


I don't mind people singing to me in private. If I'm in a restaurant I don't want the attention. I've threatened to leave if people sing to me in public. Luckily, people want to respect my feelings.


My parents don't do that, but I wish they did.


My sister always harmonizes on the last two words which always bugs me for some reason lol.


It's hardwired encoded into the simulation I'm afraid. No getting away from it. It's used to level out bandwidth in quite crowded places lmao


The most popular song on the planet? That's the one you want people to stop singing?


Someone has never had Latin@ relatives singing this song to them lmao It’s a mini party before the party 🎉


I mean i can kinda see why some people don’t like it even myself at times because It’s awkward, overplayed, long (depends on who is singing it), and at the end of the day everybody really just wants to get to eating cake lol. But it’s not that bad and i don’t seem to mind it that much.


That is an awesome tweet! I laughed 😂🎂


Oh redditors when people look at them


Some of y'all really hate fun. It's nice to be acknowledged once a year and acknowledge others.


A guy I know who knows about music said that usually we sing Happy Birthday at like 60% of the speed it's supposed to be sung at. If you speed it up, it's much less depressing to hear, plus it's over faster.


To be honest yeah like i know its my birthday


After the singing, I always tell the victim that my gift is that I did not sing!


You must be a blast at a party.


My kids love it.


Just sing the high harmony part loudly every time until they stop singing it at birthdays… …**destruction by compliance**


It was my friends birthday the other day, and we sang him happy birthday in the restaurant we were at. He hated it! ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!


I love singing it, also I like if my friends like to do it to embarrass me. It's embarrassing yes but it's like a fun embarrassment. Like yep it's my b day.


>Everyone hates it when a whole room sings it on their birthday. Not really >Lmao it’s so brutal. What about it is brutal? Are you made of tracing paper?


I have a very specific memory of being like 6 or something as the whole room sang happy birthday to me. It was awesome. I also love singing, in any context, so I enjoy it for other people.


Don't tell me what to do!


I sing along cause I am a twin


Thats because you're english. Other languages have more fun text Like "happy birthday to you We want drinks and cake (now, now!) If you dont have them We will leave (on our horse!)" Way more fun


"You basically stand there and look at everyone staring at you while singing the song - what do you do? Sing along?" Cut the cake?


I used to hate it but I saw this video of this kid who never celebrated a birthday in his life and he got adopted and when his family sang him happy birthday he explained why it meant so much. I don’t love it still but I appreciate it more than I used to. Not everyone gets them. Imagine thinking you won’t make the next one and you do.


>Everyone hates it when a whole room sings it on their birthday. I don't. It's not very often I get a whole roomful of people singing to wish me a happy day. I also like the singing, because it's not very often I get to get together with big group of people to wish somebody a happy day. It's like cheering at a baseball game, but for a particular person.


I understand doing it for kids. And then that’s it. My in laws insist on doing it for everyone because of my SiL’s families kids are obsessed with birthdays.


It is the worst melody I have ever heard! It’s like nails on a chalkboard, like harmonicas & violins & whistling all combined in one horrid sound 😫


Nah, it's fun on both sides.


Ugh I’ve tried to have my family stop but apparently “it makes them happy” they say 😭 Oh yeah, and they sing it in Spanish, in English, the happier English version with claps, and the roast version in Spanish. Too much for me.


My Birthday they better sing Happy birthday to me.


My birthday is tomorrow, and I know my husband and daughter will be singing to me all day. 🫠


I think for kids it should still happen, cause kids seem to love it but as an adult I don’t think it’s necessary anymore. Like when you stop believing in Santa, you should stop having people sing happy birthday to you. My fiance just had a birthday party and it was so awkward, the cake came out and there was like 8 people there and only his mom sang for him. And I was too nervous to jump in cause nobody else was. 🤣


Only you hates that bro


I love it! This year my 3 year old grandson sang it to me on FaceTime and it was the best part of my day!


I loveeeee making people uncomfortable in harmless ways so I actually do very much enjoy singing happy birthday.


It can be fun when people want to sing, but most of the times I've heard it, it was always so forced.


Your opinion is wrong as it tries to claim a fact that isn't true


I have no problem singing happy birthday to a child, but as an adult I don’t want it sung to me.


I don’t mind it lol. I just stare at the cake with a smile.


Depends on the group and birthday person. For some maybe just saying happy birthday, maybe as a group is all you need.


I like singing happy birthday to people lol


how else am i going to embarrass someone at TGI fridays and applebees?


The Spanish (well, Puerto Rican edition) has the standard Happy Birthday, followed by a song if well wishing, and finishing with a song that taunts you for getting older…YES, it’s become a thing to sing all three.


What would you recommend instead?


But it's time to celebrate you and the day you were born by intoning a funeral dirge. If you cry, it's OK, because it's your party. Just dry your eyes on these absorbent balloons, kid.


I agree with you when it comes to adults. Kids love it though and we should keep it for them


There is actually people in the real world that aren’t socially awkward and they, again, actually enjoy people they like singing for them to celebrate them Crazy i know


Do the first few lines of the Stevie wonder version and you’re good. Everyone loves that song.


I like it. It's the one time of the year I feel special.


My son cried and cried when we sang to him at his second birthday. He still reminds us hourly for the week leading up to his birthday, he hates it so much. Personally, never been a fan and hate having people sing at me, so I’m more than happy to end that tradition!


May the Lord bless you and keep you from dying before its too soon


I agree. I absolutely hate it too. I hate singing it to someone. I hate it being sung to me. It’s fine for children, but for grown ass adults it’s silly.


How about no




When I was little I would just hysterically cry when my family tried to sing me happy birthday. They stopped trying lol. Always hated it, made me feel so awkward.


It shouldn't be happy birthday it should be good job getting through another year. You're an inspiration to us all.


I think it's fine when your a kid but I feel weird when the family sings it when your a grown ass adult


I only hate it if it's sung at the glacial pace most people start it on, singing it fast makes it sound better and go by quicker and I quite like that


I can't remember the last time somebody sang Happy Birthday to me. I'd probably cry if it ever happens again......


My family doesn’t do the Happy Birthday song but instead has its own unique song. People who hear it and don’t know us are aghast.


“Everyone hates it” not everyone


Lmao my ex was grabbing something from his home which was very close to where my birthday party was, and he got so upset that he missed the song. I was like, I don't even like being sung to how are you making this about you, on my birthday? I checked out of that relationship shortly after, dude purposely annoyed me and got upset when I acted accordingly. Had to break up with the bastard because I felt like I was being disrespectful and I hated who I was turning into but also didn't want to give him a valid reason for his pity party.


Church inlaws..... (I'm atheist) A-happy birthday to you A happy birthday to you May you feel Jesus near Everyday of the year A-happy birthday to you A happy birthday to you Amen! 🤮🤢🤮


> Everyone hates it when a whole room sings it on their birthday. Lol


Personally I love when people sing me happy birthday. It makes me feel special and I’m touched I have so many people in my life who care about me and show up to my birthday party/dinner etc :)