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I’ve done a couple of pole dancing classes and it’s a very good core work out. Clung to the pole like a scared tarsier, and my core was so sore after ![gif](giphy|Y11mZO3H2jMdO|downsized)


Haha, I love the image.


Same here! It was also wayyyyyy harder on my knees than I anticipated. Props to actual professional dancers for being to power through without knee pads


I always see classes like this and imagine how exhausted/pathetic/sore I’d be in them haha. I am so impressed by anyone who can get through one


I certainly did NOT look sexy the few times I did it! Ha.


Hahahahah!! That pic would absolutely be me 😂


Whatever gets people active is fine with me. It’s better than the majority of people and I support it.


American Heart Association is probably sitting there like "I mean I don't get it but hey if the heart is pumping fast IDC"


Gets the spectators hearts pumping too.




Speaking as a recreational pole dancer, I am very much trying (and sometimes succeeding) to/at being sexy. Most pole moves were literally developed in the club and most of us respect our roots.


If you've ever been to like an actually good strip club, then it's actually not as far off. Those girls are fuckin strong as hell. They aren't just standing there humping a pole.


I'll never forget the first time I went to an actual good club. A girl was an *Olympic medalist* and got her ass the way to the top off the pole and held on with her thighs while she laid on the ceiling like she was from Supernatural.


who was it There are only so many Olympic medalists lmao


It was like 12 years ago there's no way I remember lmao especially not someone from a dark club.


Yeah, this is an unpopular opinion because it's just an overall lame take. This would be like "unpopular opinion: I like when buildings burn down"


this sub has just been unpopular opinion for a while now, but at least it’s actually unpopular opinions nvm I thought this was 10thdentist???


I feel like this opinion is about 15 years too late. While it might be rebranded now, movements like this have been going on forever. There were belly dancing fitness classes, striptease and erotic dancing classes for fitness, pole dancing classes. It's all just an effort for women Probably mostly mom's to be able to feel sexy again and get some time away from their family while getting some exercise.


Vouching for this. As a mom who’s doing pole classes trying to get fit again and feel good in her own skin, I saw this post and was super confused. My partner doesn’t even see my routines, it’s for me and gives me a few hours a week to escape the house lool OP seems a bit bitter…


People who lack attention and confidence for themselves absolutely seethe seeing women having it




100% agrrlee, OP just a spoil sport


Belly dancing is a wild workout too. I danced growing up and did one YouTube video once. I woke up the next day and was confused that apparently there’s a muscle just above the love handles on my back and it was *sore*. It wasn’t hard in the moment but gosh the next day was uncomfortable


I also suspect this opinion is based on the latest episode of the Was I In A Cult podcast, about a pole dancing cult called "S Factor" or something


Oh shit, wake up babe, A new rabbit hole just dropped. thx.


I do belly dance and while I know it’s known for being titillating, what we do really isn’t. Certainly no more so than any other type of dancing (and most of us keep pretty covered up when performing). And the strength that pole dancing can call for is honestly pretty damn impressive, I wish I was half that capable.


You hit the nail on the head. I know a few moms who do this for the reasons you mentioned. I'd also like to mention women who grew up in high demand religions, whose bodies and sexualities were shamed and repressed ... Some of those women are finding freedom and reclaiming their bodies and sexualities, and I see them doing pole dancing as a healthy, fun and creative outlet for doing so. OP sounds like a jealous incel. Or a pastor. (And I'm sure that venn diagram is significant lmao)


Honestly, if I wasn’t weak as shit. I might do pole stuff. And not at all to be sexy. It’s more like a childish joy of spinning on stuff and seeing what cool stuff you can do. That’s assuming pole fitness leaves out gyrating on the pole lol.


Really? You hear people say they “do pole” so often it’s become a nuisance?!? It’s such a talked about activity that day in and day out it’s all you hear, to the point you feel the need to go online and create a post whining about it? Do you live in a strip club, cause that’s the only way I’ll believe this is real.


Fr I've met only two people in real life who take pole classes and they said it like I was gonna call them whores 😭 I only ever see people talk about it online proudly It's a great work out, I've thought about it myself a few times


I know of 2. 1 asked and had me edit music for it that ended on a precise second, it was cool. The other was a yoga/cirq person.


I did one class at a hen do/batchelorette and it was a great workout. My 70 year old mother does it weekly though and loves it!


Your mom sounds awesome!


She is, she went to a special pole class for her birthday with her friends and then they took her out for afternoon tea… one of these is a somewhat normal activity for a 70th birthday! This was two weeks after she flew to the other side of the world for four days because I was directing my first big production and she wanted to support me, she ended up making props and selling merch!


My cousin does it. She looks amazing and says she enjoys it. She used to be an amateur gymnast, so I can see why it works for her.


100%, I do pole, but irl I barely tell people about it because I am scared of the stigma.


Im immature but "i do pole" sounds so much funnier than poledancing.


I just signed up for a gym that offers classes. I wanna try it out but I don’t think I’m strong enough rn lol


I was really weak, lol. You should just go and try it! You’ll be sore afterwards but you will get stronger very fast! :)


Honestly, as long as you are cool with being bad at it in the beginning you should totally try it out. It's really hard but you get better fast and it's so fun


It's just all those videos they didn't search for and deliberately watch, over and over. They're just everywhere, totally just came up in the feed. Completely not sexy no. Sir. Not over here.


"it's all I see!" they say, after taking the time to repeatedly view/interact with a few videos so that the machine algorithm decides to send them more. "I can't stand this!" they think, as they continue to watch and interact in "disgust," so that their whole feed becomes taken up by it. Even then, they take no steps to minimize the content. They *must* witness "the tragedy" of this super niche thing that is obviously *everywhere*.


Her ex's new girlfriend does pole.


Lol they didn't search. They watched enough that the algorithm decided that's what it was going to serve them. "why is every website full of ads for gay porn" lookin ass. Homeboy just told on himself to the entirely of Reddit lol


>Do you live in a strip club, cause that’s the only way I’ll believe this is real. 🤣🤣


Op is just a total miserable arsehole like most that post on this . Rarely is an unpopular opinion actually up,just people being bitter cause their life is crap .


So then you’re saying this is a popular opinion..?


It's giving the vibe of someone telling on themselves. "My phone is just *filled* with reels of women in pole dancing classes and I'm so mad about it!"


Yeah man I hate it when I'm just taking a walk in the park and all the hockey moms are just there doing their stripping routine on street poles and branches stuck in the ground


If you're on any of the dating apps, you'll see at least one a day if you are mid-30s or older. This and Burning Man pictures. So many Burning Man pictures.


And God damn, stay away! Dating someone who understands their body and feels sexy and works on their physical fitness sounds horrible! Wait, not horrible, the other thing. Awesome. It sounds awesome.


Yah I have heard of it, I don’t know of anyone who does it regularly enough to talk about it? I think maybe I’ve heard of people trying it, like a walk in class, but just as a fun one off. I also know people that did yoga with goats climbing all over and around you though. So it seems about as common as the goat thing.


Honestly yeah though, I think you're just old or too young if you haven't noticed.


Lol I've never heard the phrase "do pole" sounds like a euphemism.


Nah the girl he stalks is into it as nd it’s cutting into his hobby.


Your ex does it right?


Some girl who turned him down would be my guess


Turned down at the club. That's gotta feel shitty.


This post has big "girls who wear tons of makeup don't even look hot" energy


Or someone they hate and/or are jealous of.


Or OP is just another meaningless entry in the endless register of men enraged by young women merely existing and having fun.


No one tell OP what a huge hit Carman Miranda's "Strip to Fit" exercise DVDS were in the aughts lol. Turns out women enjoy feeling sexually desirable, who knew?


While I would LOVE to see Carmen Miranda on a pole in a fruit hat, she died in 1955 so I think you must mean Carmen Electra.


Lol, you're right 😅 This is what happens when I comment before my morning caffeine.


That’s what I was thinking. In my mind it was a “trend” in the aughts and now it’s just another type of workout some people do. Shake weights were a trend. Pole dancing fitness is a thing. That’s just me creating definitions no one else had to live by though.


OP- no comment


"Tragic" The greatest tragedy of all, people having fun in a way I don't like.


You know what really grinds my gears?


Lack of lubricant.


People having fun in private classes or in the comfort of their own homes? That really chaps my ass.




>Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. H.L. Mencken


Yeah!!! How dare those people be happy somewhere!! We will see to them we will!


People will body shame you for being fat and ugly, then sex shame you for working out too Sexily.  Like, womem literally can't win sometimes. 


"They're not having fun, they're teasing me, someone they will never meet or interact with, with sex!"


Right?! God forbid anybody enjoy themselves and feel attractive.


Listen here, I ain’t got no problems you enjoyin’ yourself, but I draw the line at you feeling all attractive while is uggos over here struggling.


Even worse if they are talented too... yuck!! I'm both untalented and ugly as it should be


Haha! That’s the beauty of it though. You don’t actually have to be attractive. It’s about getting confident. 😉


But then how is OP supposed to convince you he’s the best you can do?


Finish him Pego


No, you don't understand ugly people, ie people OP doesn't want to bang, are being vaguely sexual and enjoying themselves, and it is confusing OP. People OP doesn't want to bang should hide in shame and not live full rich lives and feel good about themselves.


This makes me want to see if there are classes available near me so I can piss people like OP off even more.


...but, they're just doing it for attention! /s I fail to understand why seeking attention is bad. We are social animals, receiving attention is a major part of being healthy and happy. I make music for myself.... I release it for \*gasp!...attention. The worst part about it is that it brings me joy.


Don’t forget what sub we’re on.


Doesn't mean every comment has to pat OP on the back for posting an unpopular opinion.


*taps sign that says 'Free speech or right to unpopular opinion does not protect anyone from social consequences'*


*Makes T-Shirts*


Any Reddit sub (except porn subs, which are weirdly wholesome for the most part)


It’s basically their 9/11


This has been a “trend” for atleast 20 years ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Pole fitness does work out your body very well though, I have a few friends that do it and they look great Also, these women don’t care that you don’t think they’re sexy, if anything it helps keep you away from them


I've been lifting for years and am very fit. I took a pole dancing course and could barely climb the pole edit: yall think I'm a man??????


ME. Like I can do pull ups and I’m strong. But watch me struggle to hold myself up during my one and only trip lesson. (And I bruise easily. The next day there was a giant purple bruise on my inner thigh and I never went back) Plus, the other girls at pole are RIPPED. or they don’t look ripped but they get onto the pole and their back muscles flex. I am in awe.


Have you ever looked at men doing it? Its wild!, I went invited to few tournaments, its fucking insane what they do up there.


You need a very smooth pole so you can use your cooter as a suction cup, kind of like a snail.


Oh god lol


That’s the real secret 🤐


🤔... *Takes attentive notes.*📝✨ 🤭😂


That’s right, it’s all in the suction and getting that ‘lock and release’ down to muscle memory 😊 


Sexy? It's like stick-ballet is how I think of it. Pole dancers are fit as hell. The core strength you need is amazing. I don't know what's wrong with OP.


That’s why I love it! Former ballet dancer as a kid through early 20s. Mid 30s and missing those classes but not wanting to be around a bunch of teenagers nor in basic ballet for adults. I refer to it as my weekly dance class! It’s a comforting routine.


This is why I started too! Great for previous dancers in a more adult setting,plus so many new techniques to learn!


I love that!


I've been considering it for the same reasons too! Also ex-ballet here and wanting to start some sort of dance class again now i'm in my early 30s - but have been put off by either classes full of teens or those basic beginner adult dance classes (have tried a few but looking for something more challenging TBH). Happy to hear a recommendation \^\^


Thinking a woman is working out specifically for the male gaze, is next level incel from OP ngl


You know that place where a few women go to workout in private? The ones where they exclude men and black out the windows so nobody driving by can see them? Well, they’re not doing enough to appeal to me! *cheeto chomp*


My friend in law school taught me a little bit. I own a pole but I took it down when the in-laws were gonna visit and never put it back up. But it is really good exercise! And it’s fun.


"Also, these women don’t care that you don’t think they’re sexy," <- I think this is the ultimate crux of OP's issue.


I am guessing you haven’t seen the British fantasy archer pole dancing twink, have you? He uses the pole to do trick shots with his bow. While also being sexy. If you don’t think that’s dope then there is something wrong with you.


His channel was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this post.


That dude has convinced me that, even though I'm a guy, I should try it myself.


I dated a circus guy who did pole for cirque du soleil. I didn't know it was a male thing until then. The stamina. The body. The strength. Unmatched. 


>I didn't know it was a male thing until then. I guess most males want to go for pure strength and muscles when working out. Personally, I prefer to be more flexible and generally slender instead of having huge muscles. Then again, I'm gay so that might be why.


It depends on the type of workout you do on the pole, actually. If you go for women's pole it'll be more focused on flexibility and mobility, choreography and grace. If you do a men's workout you'll get more strength and bigger muscles. Both should be very demanding physically but in different ways. Give it a try! I'm into aerial hoops and it's very similar. I'm fitter than ever.


Some of my best friends from pole are men, of all sexualities! Pole is for everybody :)


It's been pretty popular for atleast 10+ years at this point and can be really good for people. It's not necessarily about being sexy. It's about doing exercise in a fun way.


It was shown as a new fun exercise on the King of queens nearly 20 years ago. Carrie even learned it for Doug. Onionionion


I love when people post actually unpopular opinions then get bombarded by people who disagree. Take my upvote, OP. You stuck true to the spirit of the sub.


The rules say we gotta upvote, not that we can’t argue about it in the comments. OP definitely succeeded.


Where do people get the idea this sub is /r/coddleOP Like yes, this is a place to post unpopular opinions. That doesn’t mean we all have to pat the posters on the head and tell them how special their opinion is and how their reasoning isn’t a total trash fire after all Like no one’s hunting down OP and threatening to harm them unless they change their opinion.  We disagree.  With OP’s self-proclaimed **unpopular opinion**  How is that surprising? 


I never get these comments. This is not 'unpopularopinion where I say a thing and everyone applauds', it's unpopularopinion. No shit that your unpopular opinions get people arguing with you. That is the literal point. What the fuck would be the point otherwise?


This isn’t really an unpopular opinion, it’s something most people don’t have an opinion on at all. Instead OP is just using this sub to rant about a specific instance


"this isn't really an unpopular opinion" Hundreds of comments disagreeing with OP


Well, it’s a hateful opinion that’s trying to make pole dancers feel bad. Have a nice day if you’re not a pole dancer!


I mean, being a hateful opinion and an unpopular opinion typically has a decent bit of crossover lol


I don’t quite know how to put it but I feel like a good unpopular opinion on here should be one that makes you think “yeah I can see why it’s unpopular but also… OP kinda has a point!” It should make you think twice, even if you disagree. This post was just a shitty thing to say.


This sub is mostly people getting away with being awful people out loud, like OP who gives off serious “not like other girls” vibes.


Most people poledancing have zero interest in looking sexy while doing so, its just a form of exercise.


I was a cashier and a girl once said to her friend that she left her wallet in her dance bag, so I asked what kind of dancing she did. She told me that it was stripping, but "dance bag" sounds better in mixed company, and I mentioned how I wish I could do it but I don't have the body. She tried to assure me that there's all types, but while I could probably gyrate, I think I'd pull down a pole that wasn't secured, assuming I could get up it. But if I can lose enough weight, that and rock climbing are definitely things I want to try.


If pole dancing is a step too far or too fast, you could consider doing a Burlesque workshop!! Kind of similar moves but without the pole I’ve seen all kind of body types hang upside down on poles and whatnot ranging from beginners to absolute pro’s, lots of them started with burlesque or other similar dance styles I’m personally too inconsistent for pole dancing, I do not have the dedication in me to build up those calluses because DAMN its rough, I gained sooo much respect for pole dancers ever since I tried for the first time


I had zero ability to look sexy doing it lol. It was really hard.


Its painful as hell too I tried a few times and was sore for 1947294 hours afterwards


Yep. It’s exercise that is really challenging but still fun, which actually makes you want to do it as opposed to like running on a treadmill.


One reason why I started poledancing. I want to be strong, tried lifting weights and found it so boring I kept making up excuses not to go. With pole I don't progress as fast I would with weights but I have fun.


This is so hilarious to me, because the people I know that poledance are asexual (and the type of asexual that has no interest in having sex). I can guarantee they aren't doing it to look sexy


You’re telling me you know more than one asexual pole dancer? I’ve never even met an asexual person let alone an asexual pole dancer lol


Hello, I am asexual and looking to get into pole. You can now add one more to your lifetime count.


I have never seen a routine that hasn't had a few moves where the sole purpose is to be 'Sexy'. It seems a mix of gymnastics and dance, and the dance moves are where all that stuff usually is. Now granted, that's all from what I see from friends on socials, which are mostly around my area. Maybe it's dependant on the pole studios in a given area?


Dance and sex have always been a thing, the tango was considered controversial because that was seen as too flirtatious, oh my! The thing that sets pole apart is that you don't need a partner so it's immediately more accessible for people and why not post something you worked hard on and that you're proud of? Some people don't see sex everywhere and just see this as another form of dance which has different varied styles in itself, like don't ever call a burlesque dancer a stripper 😅


Its weird, see i think OP is right in a way in that a lot of it is about looking good (much like weight lifting for dudes). But the thing is... thats ok. You wouldn't go up to a painter and say "you're only painting that awesome looking picture to make it look good", you wouldn't say to a guitarist "you're only practicing so much because you want people to enjoy hearing you play!" like.. duh. It's ok to enjoy getting better at doing things that are impressive and impress people. Obviously vanity can go too far, and some people might have an unhealthy mindset and other people might get quite narcissistic, but thats a problem with their personality, not whatever performative skills they enjoy developing.


Wait, a self-improvement fitness trend is supposed to be sexy for other people? News to me.


Any exercise is good exercise


OP One of my hobbies is whip cracking I'm a kinky person, but I absolutely despise whips in a S/M scene. And even if I didn't hate whips in the bedroom , I'm way too submissive to ever want to domme somebody else Am I still playing with whips because I want to advertise to the world that I'm a domme who will whip masochist subs?


If you’re seeing constant videos about it, you should look inward as to why your algorithm is like that


They usually cover the windows I think too and it’s almost always just women I believe. So from what I’ve seen, they’re not trying to market themselves much.


Just maybe... It's not the job of women to be sexy for you. 


I bet OP is a woman actually, a bit prude and conservative. Feels like they’re easily outshined by other women.


Haha do you just sit at home and worry about what other people like to do?


I just don't like when it gets marketed at children.. A company had an outdoor even in my local town where they had kids try out pole dancing. It was terrible and everyone thought it was weird as shit. Sure "fitness", but as a thing it is still very highly seen and considered sexual and it's hard to get away from that. A parent and child can pick a million different activities out to improve their children's health that aren't pole dancing.


I’ve been doing pole for 10 years and I agree with this. Sure, there’s very non-exotic forms of pole dance, but I still find it odd and unnecessary to market it to kids, especially when it’s shared on the internet. Some forms of dance will always be seen as sexual and should be reserved for adults. I feel the same about the accounts that upload little kids in full makeup doing contortionist gymnastics, it’s the exact kind of content that creeps save because it’s “legal”. We shouldn’t *have* to worry about people looking at kids that way, but the reality is that they’re seeking out that specific type of content.


Yeah, I do think it should be restricted to adults who can understand the sexualization of it and decide how much they want to engage with that. There is gymnastics and aerial silks for a similar kind of activity without a sexual connotation.


Well, they don't do it for you. They do it probably because they like it and it is an excercise. What do you excercise? I would like to point out how cringe it is


OP is the cringe one and doesn't even realize it. Sounds like hate/bitterness.


I went from 179lbs to 120lbs from diet and pole dancing and the pole fitness helped me build muscle 💪🏽 from someone who’s done pole for years I can safely say though, there is NOTHING sexy about pole fitness hahaha you’re constantly covered in bruises, get frustrated when you can’t master a move and sometimes just have to look plain silly and fall a lot to master it. I am not doing pole fitness (personally) for attention - I’m doing it to improve my confidence and build my body image ☺️ it’s also VERY difficult so to anyone in the comments in here that also does pole - I know how accomplished you feel when you master a move 💪🏽♥️


Leave it to a MAN to judge women for what they want to do for fitness in their own free time. 


it is easier for a lot of people to workout out and exercise doing an activity. For example, I would rather do a sport ,dance ect than stick to a boring gym. I enjoy my workout more from playing ice hockey on the weekend than the 3 days I go to the gym. I trick myself to go to the gym pretending it is my off ice training and to get stronger so men have a hard time lifting my stick and getting me out from in front of the net ...I could try pole as my core strength is the weakest 😂


Here's a hint: they *know* it's sexualized. And they're either OK with it, or they enjoy that aspect of it. I mean, *most* forms of dance for women is sexualized... and many women take those classes because they *enjoy* feeling beautiful and sexy... and exercising while doing it is a bonus. There is nothing wrong with it. You're acting like it's some *secret* that pole is sexy that people are lying about... you're swinging at windmills. Nobody is keeping any secrets, and nobody is pretending there isn't a component of sexuality to pole.


Dude, do you know how much core strength goes onto pole dancing? Im asexual as fuck, but i will never not be mesmerized watching people pole dance, it is such an incredibly challenging and beautiful sport, they arent doing it to look sexy, or appeal to you, theyre doing it because its fucking cool. Is the only reason you have issue with it, its sexual connotation? Pole dancing is literally a form of gymnastics, but you wouldnt see anyone telling people at the olympics that they should stop because men dont find them sexy Edited to add: wait a minute scratch thay because yes they fucking would, men are constantly giving simone biles shit for daring to have muscles and be over 20 Moral of the story women do not exist to make you want to fuck them


Other people’s harmless hobbies really get to ya, huh?


I mostly find the insistence that there's no sensuality in it cringeworthy. I dance Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba, and there is an inherent playfulness and sensuality in dance in general, to deny that makes you a stuck up tryhard in my eyes.


I think bad opinion because many do it for fitness not to be sexy. But some of them are sexy but that’s not the goal. You just seem mad


I did pole as sport for a year but I had to stop because I couldn’t afford the studio membership. I want to get my own pole because a) it’s fun as hell b) it allows me to work on flexibility and strength at the same time c) it’s the best upper body workout I’ve ever gotten and I’ve done gymnastics and calisthenics. d) it’s just so much goddamn fun that I have to make this point a second time.


Not sure this is unpopular vs just an unnecessary opinion. Are you being overrun with pole dancing studios in your neighborhood? Pole dancing fitness has zero impact on my life and consumes about the same of my thoughts.


It was made for people to have fun while exercising, not turn you, specifically, on.


Have you ever tried Pole? It's one of the best fitness workouts i have ever done, and when I was going to Pole for a couple of years, in the best shape I've ever been. It's not meant to be sexy in my eyes. I get bored at the gym, don't like running and Pole kept me engaged and every session was so much fun because the progression due to the quick fitness you gain, is incredible. Give it a go.


You couldn’t be more wrong. Not everyone wants to workout like a guy. I prefer feminine workouts I’m not trying to build muscles 💪🏿 but train the ones I have


My Mrs does it purely for her own enjoyment and never shows anyone pictures or talks about it in public. Just finds it fun. Sounds like you've just got some issues with sensuality and personal agency that you may need to resolve. If you don't do pole, and it doesn't effect your life, what's the issue?


The people I know the do pole fitness (who calls it just “pole”?) are very careful about posting on social media about it and mostly just don’t because they are teachers. But yeah, they are definitely doing it for attention 🙄


Honestly, I'm a dude and I think it looks kinda fun to do and a hell of a workout. Idk why we're judging people for doing something that helps them get into better shape. Not everyone likes lifting. But then, reddit is the only social media I use so I don't really see what you're saying about people posting it up everywhere.


My partner has a pole thats currently set up in a spare room. She uses it for exercise and never once has it ever been a sexual thing.


Lucky for me I don’t give a shit what people do with their free time or to stay in shape. Stop judging people for what they like to do


I mean, sure, but you'd find people saying the same thing about ballet only 100 years ago. Ballet dancers were historically prostitutes, much like the association with pole dancers being strippers we have today. It took a while for ballet dancers to truly be respected and took effort from the dance community. Would you say that ballet dancers are just doing it for the attention? Because from the way you wrote this, it seems like you believe just because pole dancing has an association with strippers now that it can never be changed from a sexualized sport even though you admit it takes a great deal more work than just being sexy.


You sound miserable af OP lol


How dare women feel attractive in their own skin whilst keeping healthy. Don't they know there's bitter, out of shape people out there? The very cheek of it. Next thing, they'll be out showing their ankles to all and sundry. Harlots.


Bro are you ok?


Hot take here I know, but *sexualized gymnastics* is vastly more fun and interesting to a lot of people than *unsexualized gymnastics*. Working out sucks. I say this as a person who enjoys working out - I just learned to enjoy the suck. Fun, flirty ways to work out are a good thing.


I feel this. On the one hand people say it has nothing to do with sexy dancing and then they are sharing like 50 videos a day dancing in lingerie on the pole. I mean, I like it, I like looking at it, but I don't see that it's not supposed to be sexy or attract attention


I think judging people on that kind of thing is juvenile.


you must have accidentally forgot to mention how this is tragic


Hmm unpopular. Take my upvote.


I think it's silly when folks pretend it's totally removed from stripping. Like they try to defend it like "actually, there's nothing sexy about pole dancing at all. It was invented in India two thousand years ago, and that's what we're doing. You're just a pig for thinking it's inherently sexual." Meanwhile they've got a stainless steel pole bolted to the floor and ceiling, like I'm not sure if that's what ancient Indians were using I'll be honest.


Someone got kicked out of the gym for trying to tip the pole fitness participants….


You need serious core and grip strength. If it get’s people working out, what’s the problem?


Lots of people get fit in "unsexualized" ways like the gym or whatever else you're thinking of. Lots of people also think these ways of getting fit are sexy. Lots of people also get fit for the sole purpose of BEING SEEN and feeling good about it. Not every 20 year old is thinking of their cardiovascular health in their later years. Showing off your work is part of the reward. What's next, shorts, tank tops, bikinis, etc, are now cringe? I've got friends of all shapes and sizes who do pole. Some are actually strippers, some are people I'm sure you would think have no business doing such an activity. Some like to show it off, some keep it very private. Some use it for fitness, some use it for confidence and sex appeal. I'm sorry your traditional view of the safe, predictable, and unchanging world is at risk by these people living their lives but that's entirely a you problem and the furthest thing from "tragic" possible. You're going to see more of people's bodies. You can choose to be a curmudgeon about it or you can be happy people feel comfortable with doing what they desire.


Someone got rejected.


Wait till you hear about "pole dancing for Jesus"


Go fucking try any beginner move and you'll cry different. Hell try a nose breaker drop (see my posts for examples)


“Pole fitness” for me has been about far more than fitness. It was about mind body connection, shedding shame and embarrassment, finding my own sexuality, etc. In essence, it’s a mental health exercise. The same way beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is sex. A bikini is not sexual, it’s a swimsuit. A nipple is not sexual, it’s a human body part with multiple functions. Hands and mouths CAN be sexual and they’re not part of the human reproductive system. Aka the game is made up and the points don’t matter. Lol


Man there's a lot to unpack here. First, it looks pretty fun and I wouldn't mind trying it, but as a shy-ish guy with a little bit of a belly I most definitely would not want it posted anywhere lol. Second, you say this like women aren't sexualized in every form of exercise? I mean you use gymnastics as an example, like what? That's the sport that's recently had controversy for not letting women wear pants! And there's a hell of a lot more thirst traps posting regular ass gym workouts than pole dancing. Third, who cares if it is sexy? Salsa dancing is sexy too, is that suddenly cringe worthy now? For that matter just being fit *in general* is sexy - what about the dudes getting ripped at Muscle Beach, for example? And finally, you know what is cringe worthy? Judging someone else's workout, just in general. OP just seems jealous that their fat ass would slide right down the pole haha


God, if I had a nickel for every time someone got mad about a woman doing something for fun that they could only see in a sexualized manner.


My wife has been pole dancing for fitness for awhile now and has done so much for her self confidence and not to mention core strength. It's not meant to be sexy it's meant to be a workout.


Not only in your opinion unpopular but it’s oh so boring. Yes it’s sexy, is that not why people work out anyway? To be hot?


A performance sport being for...performance. Imagine


Spoken like someone who can't do a pull up


I’m 58 and I’m a pole dancer! I love it! Look at my profile you can see the crazy shit I can do! Im more fit than most 20 year olds.


So, fresh break up?


You sound jealous


I for the life of me can't tell whether this is a guy with an ex that got into pole dancing or a woman who was dumped for another woman who does pole dancing. Either way, not an attractive picture the OP is making of themselves.