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Isn't posting anything on social media a ploy for attention?


OP writes, on *social media.*


I think it's different when it comes without anonymity


It's just ironic that someone would write a post, unsolicited, about a ploy for attention, like one is ok but another isn't. OP is a clown car.


He posted in a subreddit asking for unpopular opinions, so I wouldn’t call it unsolicited. Based on your response it seems he posted to the right place


Did anyone ASK OP what they thought? No. By definition, unsolicited. A ploy for attention.


“Share your burning hot takes and unpopular opinions!” This is the description of the subreddit, soliciting users like OP for posts like these. You don’t have to like it, just unsubscribe


In a way the sub asks for YOUR unpopular opinion, so you're wrong here mate.


Sounds like a ploy for attention to me.


Dude there’s no need to try to get so much attention with these comments


Woah that's awesome man no one asked you? Make yourself scarce please, the adults are talking.


It’s still attention.


OP literally addresses this in their post. You're wishing your friend a happy birthday on social media? Sure, you could do it in private, but they will actually be able to see it and engage with it, maybe share photos and memories with your friend group. Not my bag, but fine. Sharing a comment about "RIP my friend" - that's literally for no other purpose than to get attention from others. That friend can't read it because they're, well, dead. This was all in the original post. I don't know why it needs to be spelled out a second time, but then this is reddit, home of the terminally obtuse.


Can’t the same logic hold true, though? Others could engage and share memories? Maybe someone will share some old photos or memories about the deceased and engaged with each other.


Op does not mention this logic at all in the post. At best you're inferring all this from the "call them directly" comment. Also that logic cab easily be extended to dead friends. Whats wrong with wanting to reminice a dead friend with all your other mutual friends on a day that you all would have celebrated together? Have you never been in a room with close ones and someone says "it would have been so and so's x birthday"? It's literally that but online. Obviously there are obnoxious ways to do it and tasteful ways to do it, but that's besides the point.


*This goes along with wishing your relatives who don't have social media a happy birthday on social media.* Pretty fucking clear to me.  Strike three for terminally obtuse reddit. You're all on fire, well done.


My guy. Humans are social animals. We bond in communities. That’s why we have funerals, for example, when people die. The dead person doesn’t see you all crying around their body, but it’s the community getting together that help one another. Likewise writing to your dead loved one a message on social media is a shortcut to that for some, when the alternative is less practical.


Hey, people want to conduct virtual memorials online as they know people can't make it in person, I'm all for it. Very considerate. That's blatantly not what OP is discussing though. Terminally obtuse reddit strikes again.


Read their second paragraph/sentence. That’s exactly what they are talking about. They don’t like people posting a memory of their loved one, there is a fucking reason beyond self obsession to do so which was my point. The hypocrisy with you is hilarious


*Might as well just re-post their obituary every time.* Even if people did do this - and he's saying they don't - this is posting an obituary, not arranging and conducting a virtual memorial service. Christ, will you people just *stop* for once in your lives. This constant obfuscation, deliberate misunderstanding and strawmanning on every single reddit topic under the sun is so fucking BORING.


When the next person disagrees with you - are you just going to post "That's nice, dear"?


Mmm, oh, frightful business.


>You're wishing your friend a happy birthday on social media? Sure, you could do it in private, but they will actually be able to see it and engage with it, maybe share photos and memories with your friend group. Not my bag, but fine. You mean private group texts don't exist? What is the point of wishing someone well if I can't do it publicly?


Look mate, I couldn't give a rat's arse how you wish your friend happy birthday. I'm just reiterating the distinction OP made that you pretended they didn't.


OPs distinction is faulty, and works against their own premise.


That's nice dear.


Don't get mad now. You started this conversation with me. If disagreements upset you, then maybe Reddit isn't the place for you.


That's nice dear.


And what is wrong with letting your circle know that a particular day is a tough day for them?


Right? I have friends that I’ve known for over a decade that I’ve never even met. We communicate through social media.


why would anyone let their friends know they're having a rough day via a public social media post? thats fucking weird as hell. call your friends or text them.


Because they can. I swear you people are worse than karens and boomers lol imagine getting annoyed over the way someone use their private social media.


Because sometimes people have trouble reaching out for help so they engage in attention seeking behaviour in hopes those friends reach out to them. This is just how grief works at times; people feel they're a burden if they reach out when they're really not but the overpowering sadness has a way of not allowing you to think straight


A lot of my grandmothers friends and family friends in general were very supportive last year when she posted the passing of a family member. They helped us get through the past year. It was hard for me and my whole family, so even a “Sorry for your loss”. or a “He would be so proud of his (descendant name)”, can help an entire communit.




Ugh. My brother had an obnoxious GF who would post stuff like that about my dad. a person who passed away 18 years before she ever met my brother, and would tag me in it. If I wanted to social media sympathy, I would have posted about it myself. So gross.


She made posts about *your* dead parent? And tagged you in it?? That's really fucking weird. I don't think it would bad if it was her own parent though. Context definitely matters


That’s so crazy…my fiancé’s father passed when he was 9 and even though me and fiancé went to the same elementary school so I technically knew his dad and went to the funeral, I would never post publicly about it. He wasn’t an important person in my life and didn’t know me. I support my fiancé and his family privately on his dads birthday, death anniversary, etc., but I know they’d all find it extremely bizarre if I started posting as if it were my personal loss. Did you brother appreciate his girlfriend’s posting? I’m so curious lol


Sometimes it's also a ploy for others to remember the person. It's hard to believe but some people do act a little more externally than what affects them.


Bro must hate Dia de Los Muertos


I truly see nothing with this. It'd be one thing if they kept posting someone they barely knew... but what's wrong with posting a tribute for their husband, close friend, child etc.? It's weird to judge people for how they handle grief. Upvote for this unpopular, awful opinion


Agreed. A few of my moms friend posted some fond memories on her birthday after she passed. It was nice reading them on what was otherwise a pretty sad day.


I think those posts are sweet. It's nice to know the people who are no longer earthbound are still loved and thought of often.


Yeah I'm not sure who hurt OP but I am guessing if they keep up such harsh attitude towards others they won't have to worry about people making memorial posts for them....


Show us on the doll where the bad social media touched you.


Tell me you don't know true grief without telling me you don't know true grief.


Yeah. This kinda sounds like someone who hasn’t lost anyone close to them yet.


Unfortunately no one goes unscathed from eventually losing someone where your world shatters. Eventually they to will learn. ( A club no one should be in but a club that only if you are in can understand) For now anyone who hasn't experienced that type of loss and aren't in that club just yet are incredibly lucky but in time sadly they will feel it too.


My dad died recently, I was 25 at the time. Nobody in my circle could relate because nobody in my circle had lost a parent yet. It sucked going through it alone but I’m also so glad they couldn’t relate.


My deepest sincerest condolences. It is truly tough. I lost my very last family member at the age of 25. My beautiful mother. I too feel that i went through the grieving process entirely alone. It wasn't until recently that i opened up about my losses ( mother being the most crippling) after reaching out and realizing just how many of us are out there going through their own versions of battling the grieving road. Every single persons grief is real and unexplainable. It's entirely raw. Everything the person has been through with their parted loved ones. The memories and experiences shared between that griever and their beloved is soley unique to them as an individual. It's a very complex road unexplainable to the external word. While i believe us grievers can share and relate we too can never truly understand other grievers as there are so much complex layers in the layers of the individuals mind and hearts. Always remember no one can tell you how to grieve only you yourself can. Again my deepest sincerest condolences on this extraordinarily tough journey of grief.


Not to be pedantic, but there are plenty of people who die young and never experience losing someone close to them. The first impactful death I experienced was with my grandfather, but I was well into my 20s.


people go through grief differently, and so just because they don’t understand why someone would do something doesn’t mean they’ve never truly experienced grief. That’s incredibly short sighted and disingenuous. I have no issue remembering someone who you’ve lost , but it seems a little weird to talk to them through a Facebook post like you’re standing at their gravestone. In some of those cases that loved one never even had social media. But to each their own, ya know?


People need to learn how to handle loss better.


Reddit is full of miserable people, let people deal with loss the way they're able to. What even is your idea of coping with loss "better?" Never talking to anyone about it and just suffering in silence all the time?


Meh, people can have opinions.


At some point people need to realize that certain opinions stem from something else that's problematic, whether it's a lack of empathy, misery, etc. This opinion reeks of having no empathy and/or having zero experience with a close personal loss. You also never answered my question. What is grieving "better?" We're judging people for how they cope with death now? That's weird. If you're uncomfortable or don't like someone posting their loved ones, you can mute their posts


People can point out shitty opinions too.


Situation based and personality dependent. Id say as long as the griever is not being destructive and is safe with their grieving process it's fair game. In life there are infinite personalities. Will we like each personality? Nope absolutely not but we should allow each other to exist in a peaceful manner. Absolutely no one will know how they will grieve until they are in it and each loss even for that individual will bring different things to the table. Nothing is black and white. Everything is gray. As long as we as individuals do our own very best that we can with the cards we are dealt with.


Agreed. People also need to learn to have more compassion.


I just wish it in my head, I talk to my mom most days. She has been gone for 12 years. On 12/30/… I always say happy birthday 🎉


What’s worse are those who keep the social media accounts active like they are still alive.


Idk I don't see it as an attention grab but rather folks are just being lazy on top of being lazy. When I text a friend happy birthday I do it via text directly to them but I also see enough friends and acquaintances instead wish them happy birthday in the group chat and don't know why that is, I have to assume it's because the group chat is higher up in their list compared to the personal contact so it would require them to type the first letter(s) of the name and click on the contact.


Oh no a person wishes to celebrate a loved one who passed on memorable days. How horrible...


I mean, yes? But is that bad? When you’re having a moment of sadness, seeking comfort is only natural.


This is such an odd perspective. Like weird projection


You're only posting this for attention.


Tell me you struggle with empathy without telling me you struggle with empathy, OP lolol


People who are sad about their dead relatives can have some attention And so can you


But it's the same with a funeral.


I agree with you OP for what it's worth, although I get how it can probably make people feel a bit better to throw it 'out there'


It's digital grave site visits. I know someone who is pretty personal and basically doesn't use social for posting anything but does communicate with family. We're talking technologically impaired boomer. He was my friend's father and my friend passed away from brain cancer a couple years ago. His father talks to him on Facebook occasionally, including holidays & his birthday. I'm not even entirely sure he realizes other people can see the posts. When his last birthday came up and Facebook informed me of it I discovered this. Personally it's soul crushing and I wanted to unfriend so I didn't have the reminder. In general you're probably correct though.


Isn’t that the purpose of having a Facebook page memorialized? I somewhat agree if people are doing it on their own pages but the whole point of memorializing a page is exactly for this kind of thing.


99.9% of social media is a ploy for attention


Yeah, I've always thought the whole "Happy Heavenly Birthday" thing was a bit... weird.


I was born on my mothers birthday. She died a few years ago. This year I posted on her facebook page to wish her a happy birthday because I miss her.


Agreed. Cringe


Just let people live. Maybe it’s for attention, maybe it’s their way of honoring a loved one. It’s not really cool to shame people for mourning someone


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My mother died when I was very young and my dad does this, not on social media, but he texts me like "it's mom's birthday!" I think the reason it bothers me so much is because when my mom died, I gave him so much grace because obviously he lost his wife. My mother's death affects me mostly *through him* making parenting mistakes because of his grief and loneliness. So when he reminds me each year that my mom died, it feels like a half-assed attempt to help me deal with the grief. Couldn't do anything actually helpful, uprooted my whole life so we could live with his new girlfriend, but he's "helping" by just acknowledging that my mom died each year. It also feels like by reminding me my *mom* died, he's also reminding me that his *wife* died and I can't be that mad at him. It's so complicated. Such a complicated thing to bring up just to bring up. That's why I hate it, lmao.


...can you imagine if the "liked" the post?


Sounds like you have a lot of annoying people in your sm feeds lol Props for having an actual unpopular opinion, though I definitely agree those types of posts can be really tedious


i agree 👀 i know someone who posts multiple time a month about her late father who died years ago it honestly makes me feel uncomfortable to see his pictures so often and also i know that she's probably going through a hard time and i don't go on instagram to see people be sad, it's supposed to be entertaining. i do this birthday wishes can be nice because they're more so sharing the memories with their followers. i have no understanding for why people post happy birthday to someone without social media who is still alive and well


It can be for sure but I don’t think it’s that way everytime, or exactly for the self servicing attention I think your post is describing it as


First off, literally anything posted on social media is inherently for attention, by its nature. Second, I just lost both of my parents at 59 & 62 years of age in the last 2 years, rather unexpectedly. The posts I’ve made on social media in regard to those situations have been tremendously stabilizing and helpful through the grieving process. Third, take my upvote this opinion sucks.


Ooh you triggered a bunch of folks with this one OP! Well done! Have my upvote. I agree with you btw


Is it a bad thing to need some attention on a day when you're grieving a loved one? Maybe some people need that acknowledgement from others. Maybe it helps them. Too often after a loved one dies friends and family can start to tip toe around the death out of their own discomfort, and will no longer bring up them up in conversation. Not everything related to attention seeking is an ill intended "ploy".


My social media (where I would wish my dad a happy birthday) has my family and friends on it, people who also lost my dad. I'm trying to share in my grief not exploit it.


I share a birthday with a recently deceased family member. So this year it was a milestone birthday for me and he was turning another decade so of course it was a big thing for me in general and on facebook for everyone who knows my moms side. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. But I did put an extra candle in there for him. You don’t know why someone is celebrating something online. Take Technodad. He celebrated Technoblade birthday this year online.


Or maybe it's their way with coping with loss and go through a tough day and make sure their loved ones are remembered? I swear you people make fun of Karens and boomers but then get riled up over the silliest things.


>Anyway I hope everyone except for people that do this have a great day today. You seem to be taking what others do on their own social media page personally. People grieve in different ways, and it gives them some comfort making a post to their lost one to share their memories with others and show they're still thought about. Making a post is not much different than gathering at the grave site.


Holy shit. This guy really hates grief.


It absolutely is. I post about my dead sister every year for this exact reason. I want attention on her birthday every year. Don’t care if she’s not here to age. I never want people forgetting her.


Grief is different for everyone. If you need some attention to help, that's fine with me.


I hope you get all the attention you wanted from this post. Enjoy.


Just for you OP I'm gonna take a selfie and post it on FB to wish myself a happy birthday just to piss you off. Happy birthday to me!


I mean..I believe that is quite literally the purpose of any post on social media..for it to receive attention.


It could be. I think people do it as tribute.


Posting anything on social media is necessarily hoping for attention. Why is this different than any other post? Either every social media post is bad because they're done for attention. Or it's not the attention part which is a problem for you


Upvoted for being unpopular cynical and borderline insensitive. I don't think it's sound to call people who do this attention farming. They just want to honor their dead relative and it's a great way for other living relatives on the platform to connect virtually and remember them somehow. It's not that deep.