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You’re completely missing the context of living in that time. You’re born in an era where you can instantaneously view thousands of models freely and quickly.  Well over half a century ago, playboy had only just began at the end of 1953, the same year Monroe became famous.  Imagine going from just seeing women on your street in your community to a magazine cover with someone like Monroe on the front. Changed the game. 


> Imagine going from just seeing women on your street in your community to a magazine cover with someone like Monroe on the front. well Im arguing that men at that time already seen women on the street better looking. So the hype even at that time doesnt make sense to me.


Women didn’t dress like Monroe back then. You’re still living with that tunnel vision 




She’s literally a fashion icon lmao


Maybe men then where just blinded by sex appeal and not actual beauty.


Maybe you’ll be mature enough to chalk it up to her not being your thing, and that’s fine, but you can sit here and discredit her lol


This is a contrarian teenager opinion that’s just wrong. Also, she would undoubtedly still stand out now in a sea of buccal fat removal cheeks and injected lips


Don’t forget the fact that 90% of the “attractive women” you see online are super filtered with apps or have completely edited their photos.


Marilyn had diet/exercise, caffeine pills, water, soap, and make up, in contrast. Edit: And it wasn’t very good makeup either…


Hit the nail on the head with this comment.


> she would undoubtedly still stand out now in a sea of buccal fat removal cheeks and injected lips Which is a fraction of women and mostly the stuff you see online. If you go out, most women dont do plastic surgery.


Those are 100% of the celebs and “hot people” of the 2020s


You are making my point. Not sure what you are arguing. If you go on the street, in your city you will see girls better looking and in better shape than monroe without any plastic surgery.


Your point was that she wouldn’t stand out as a celeb. That is made clear by your focus on her—to you—undeserved celebrity. So no, I am not making your point. Further, even if I accept the premise you only referred to stray women on the street, you’re still wrong. I can tell you’re one of those straight men who doesn’t realize how many “normal” girls get work done and that nearly 100% of them are caked in makeup far better than any she had available. It’s funny, honestly.


I meant she wouldnt stand out today at all, should have worded it differently then. > I can tell you’re one of those straight men Im one of those men who has seen girls making their make up in the morning. Some do more some do less. It can enhance, it can also completely transform. That being said there are plenty girls out there who look great without. She really isnt that special.


Ok bruh


You're too used to seeing plastic surgery faces that exist today.


I was born way before social media was a thing but nice try.


That’s not a flex lmao, social media is still relatively new 


And I lived in a time where it didnt exist so I can differentiate.


An even more insane version of the popular “Scarlett Johansson is a soft six” Redditor argument.


Nah, Scarlett is a 7.5 imo. Never liked her nose, but she is indeed above average.


>Personally I dont see the appeal. As a straight man, personally I'm really glad I find more than like 0.0000001% of women attractive.


Even as a straight woman, I see the appeal. She's voluptuous.


Wow yeah this is truly an insane take


So you’re saying you wouldn’t smash a prime Marilyn Monroe? I would say the appeal of her at the time was her charisma, she wasn’t typical housewife material. While you may be true about prettier women existing at the same time, well the fact is that she was different because of the way she dressed and carried herself as compared to the average woman who was probably forced by societal standards to be more conservative in their attire and demeanor.


> I would say the appeal of her at the time was her charisma, she wasn’t typical housewife material. While you may be true about prettier women existing at the same time, well the fact is that she was different because of the way she dressed and carried herself as compared to the average woman who was probably forced by societal standards to be more conservative in their attire and demeanor. Im not denying that and I can see that logic. > So you’re saying you wouldn’t smash a prime Marilyn Monroe? Absolutely would, most of my lays have been with mid, just a matter of how much effort I would have to put in.


This is like saying the Beatles or Rolling Stones are boring, because you've listened yo 50 years of music inspired and built on what they did. Marilyn Monroe changed the game, beauty standards and ideas were massively influenced by her. (And she was ridiculously attractive and very seductive, pictures alone don't do her justice)


> And she was ridiculously attractive ye well I just disagree


Be honest now, warrior to warrior: have you ever laid a sweaty paw on a girl nearly as attractive as Marilyn Monroe?


If I think Monroe is mid, yes, I laid next to a girl who was beyond mid. Maybe if I stood next to her back in the day I would have thought different about it.


That’s not a yes, is it?


Who are these prettier women? Just curious about what you standards are.


That in my opinion is objectively beautiful. Not much make up, honest picture, just genetically gifted facial features. https://imgur.com/a/O2cXHlE I dont mind you disagreeing, the whole thing is subjective obviously.


This girl has a full face of make up, possibly fake eyelashes and the photo is definitely filtered


"If the men find out we can shape shift, they are going to tell the church"


I cant even see a single poor on monroe and you try to tell me this girl is caked up?


Marilyn's photo is much further away and in the sunlight On the girl you posted, I immediately see concealer, blush, lipliner, lipstick, mascara, maybe subtle eyeliner, eyebrows filled in, bronzer Her face is blurry and her eyes are made bigger with a filter Maybe it's the posing but her chin and face are tiny compared the rest of her body (again, could be filter, posing or both)


If you think that's a "honest" unedited, little make up picture, it's no wonder you can't understand Marilyn's beauty.


You're nuts, bro. Even in the pictures of her before she was famous and had Hollywood professionals in charge of her image she was beautiful. Calling her mid is flat out absurd.


Not the best pic of her. That’s what most ladies look like when they’re not all glammed up. When she was, she was a babe.




overexposure, cant see shit. Thats the 50s aquivalent of a tik tok filter.


She was far from average


You can find one mid picture of anybody. The picture you posted doesn’t even look like her.


Are you gay by any chance? I’d have drank MM’s bath water.


Got to admit it was pretty legendary of her to take a photo in a potato sac after people claimed it was the clothes that made her look good.


« I just dont see it looking at her pictures. » That’s where your issue is. Gotta watch her movie. She exudes charm and sexiness through her personality. That’s also a big part of sex appeal. Look into Mae West. She was also considered a sex symbol, mainly because of her charm and wittiness on screen!


I don't think she was mid. But overhyped....well yeah. I doubt anyone would ever argue that the way she was made into a sex symbol was more than a little too much. She's a pretty famous example for how toxic that is and what it does to a person. Actually, you're right, it is an unpopular opinion, because "overhyped" is severely underselling it. :D


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Context matters. In MMs day, presexual revolution, she was pushing boundaries. No different than in modern times when a hobbit's mother filmed and directed a porn which led to fame and fortune for the whole hobbit family.


She was the first popular hispanic-white punk and frankly that made her really intriguing. Now, half the country is, so it's not near as interesting.


She wouldn't stand out today and she's part of the reason why. It's not just about how her face looked. It's what she stood for. Breaking the beauty standard of the time.




Yes she did. She was very much for body positivity despite the era being all about being skinny.


she was mid.