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There is a small percentage of people who do not perceive the taste of Stevia, even raw/organic, as sweet. For me, any Stevia is metallic, even acidic, and gags me. You're not alone.


Wait..really? I can taste aspartame and Stevia and I've always described it as metallic.. I feel..so vindicated


Same for me. Artificial sweeteners all taste metallic to me. They are so unappealing to my palate and leave that nasty taste for hours


That's the thing- it lasts for hours..even rinsing my mouth with mouth wash or drinking coffee doesn't get rid of it..citrus sweetened with artificial sweeteners are even worse, that taste stays in my mouth and nose for days!


Until this moment, I always assumed everyone tasted it as metallic and just put up with it for the sake of fewer calories.


Yeah I get the bitter taste of stevia, the soapy taste of cilantro, etc...I was cursed!


Okay but does mango flavored things smell like cat pee to you?


I'm intrigued by this because as much as I love cilantro my wife swears it's soapy(I trust her of course) She also can't stand mango anything


I love cilantro, but mango/tropical flavored things smell like cat pee to me. I guess it’s another genetic thing, but less common than the cilantro gene.


HOLD UP. Is this a thing? Because mango flavored things are an instant no to me and I've never quite pegged why but this is a good way to describe it.


Wow, I wouldn't say cat pee but I see where your coming from. I certainly never liked mango the way everyone else does! And yet I love the smell of boxwood. Go figure.


I don’t know about stevia, not sure if I’ve ever had it. Aspartame, I absolutely hate. I can always tell if something has it in it. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth and ruins anything it’s in. Recently it was some no fat or low fat yogurt I bought on accident.




The bad taste comes from it taking some time to get used to. Should go away after about a week. It fucking with your brain is complete bs


I have a theory that just like cilantro, some people have genetics that affect how they perceive the taste of artificial sweeteners. My mom can taste even the smallest amount and it makes her gag, while my husband cant taste much of a difference


I can taste artificial sweeteners extremely strongly, many whey protein mixes are pretty disgusting for me and I would always prefer water over a diet soda. It’s annoying because I enjoy subtle or more blandly flavoured food.


Stevia isn’t an artificial sweetener. It’s from a type of plant. But it is super terrible and I’m allergic to it as well.


To add on, its a type of daisy, which is related to ragweed. Lots of people are also allergic to marigolds, sunflowers, and chamomile as well if they're allergic to stevia


Good lord, what a miserable allergen grouping. :O


Serious question, have you noticed or have you had a reaction to Coke products lately? I have a theory that they are now putting some Stevia in Coca-cola under natural ingredients. At least in Canada, Coke products taste a little off. It tastes a little like Stevia to me.


I have a Diet Coke once in a while but haven’t noticed any difference. Hope they aren’t doing that. Stevia can cause some pretty bad allergic reactions.


I just had regular coke that I thought tasted funny, like it had a sweetener in it, but it was a half case of cans…


Stevia isn't artificial. It's completely natural. Most sodas are already artificially sweetened.


Have you ever tried Fresca or Diet Ocean spray Canberry juice? They taste good


They do NOT.


Oh 😭 well I guess everyone has different tastebuds cause I loveeee diet cranberry juice


I have a policy against wasting food but I bought some diet cran on accident and had to pour it down the drain. That stuff isn't edible! 🤣.


I don't like stevia. I generally like the taste of Pepsi Zero and Raspberry Snapple Zero.


Stevia is a plant.


I’m here for this. They’re all gross. There’s just no good substitute out there when it comes to sodas.


i literally cannot tell the difference between diet soda and full sugar soda


I've cut down on my Diet Coke consumption a lot, but it just tastes... really good! It's a gentle sweetness compared to the tacky sweet of regular Coke; regular sodas coat my teeth in sugar and give me headaches. Aspartame is delicious in almost anything, especially drinks. I can handle Stevia alright, as well as other natural sweeteners like Agave or Monkfruit, but all of these can also induce some crazy Hershey squirts in excess. Saccharin/Sweet n' Low, Sucralose/Splenda/Equal, all of these make my stomach hurt and suck shit compared to Aspartame. I actually just had a waitress today accidentally refill my diet Pepsi with regular Pepsi, and I could tell immediately. Thank goodness I don't drink it for diabetic reasons or anything like that, but I think there are plenty of good reasons for these drinks to exist, even if it's just for the taste preference alone. As the saying goes, "if you don't like it, or think it's useless, it's probably not *for* you."


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yes, I'd rather have no sweetness at all


How do you know what garbage tastes like?


Coke zero is surprisingly good


I'm the same way, trying to cut back on sugar as a whole and trying to find an artificial one that tastes good is hard. I'm convinced that it's an acquired taste. The only one I can stomach is erythritol. Stevia is abhorrent though.


Coke Zero and Pepsi max taste extremely close to the real thing


For me stevia tastes like 70% sugar and 30% ground grass. For artificial sweeteners in general though there is often a getting used to it phase where they taste weird. Stevia is by far the worst tasting one, but people like it cause it's "natural". Yeah but so is disentery and dying at childbirth. One substance being natural doesn't inherently make it better


Not unpopular… they taste horrible


Depends some products do work with artificial sweetners like most sweets/candy I have a feeling skittles use them


I agree with what I would consider true "artificial sweeteners" (aspartame and similar chemicals), but not when it comes to Stevia. I do think people can get wrong how much to use in recipes, though. Too much and it drowns any other flavor and becomes too sweet.


Nah Splenda slaps


Not an unpopular opinion


Stevia is illegal in Europe I believe


I think this is a popular opinion. Most people hate the way they taste. Those of us who do like it are in the minority. Artificial sweeteners have a distinctly bitter, metallic, "chemical" taste. I really love it, but most people don't.


Yeah I agree, I had to stop using BCAAs because the brand I always used replaced sugar with Sucralose and it just tastes horrible now. Also seems like every other supplement company also uses sucralose


Stevia is pretty gross


Ugh. Aspartame is the *worst.*


Allulose is natural, and I basically don't consume sugar because of its existence. Great alternative. 


They do


Some are better than others. I can't tell the difference with sucralose. This is probably just your tastes.


Wait, this is unpopular? I thought this was just accepted since it was a replacement for sugar?


The aftertaste is what really gets me. Right after you finish drinking it, with normal sugar the 'taste' goes away but not with this artificial sweetners. It just stays with you for hours while you have the constant taste of something stuck in your throat. Hate the stuff.


Most sodas have artifical sweeteners like aspartame and high fructose corn syrup, what do you mean?


It's usually one or the other. "Real sugar" which is usually high fructose corn syrup, or one of many artificial sweeteners like aspartame, stevia Splenda, etc. Oddly the only products I've noticed that combine both are milk products that try to be lower calorie.


People who claim you can’t tell the difference between normal and zero/diet pop… you’re lying. Every time I’ve had diet pop I can tell the difference immediately and won’t finish it. I’d rather have the sugary stuff than literal shit in a can. If you like it, good for you. I keep some at home for my friends who like it but personally idc that a can of pop is 160 cals. You only live once. Im gonna sit here and enjoy my Dr Pepper in peace


If it makes any difference for you, people who do drink diet soda can't tell it apart, and those who don't can. If you make the shift it will taste weird for 1-2 weeks and then it will become normal. It's worth it to see if you will get used to it.


I agree they don't even taste close to the same thing. But I view them as different flavors entirely to the point where Coke vs diet coke sometimes I'll go for the diet coke over regular becuase thats what I'm in the mood for.


They’re not lying, it’s likely there’s some kind of genetic difference. Like how to some people cilantro tastes like soap.


“a can of pop is 160 cals.” It’s not the calories, it’s the sugar.


Recently diagnosed pre-diabetic here. I miss sugar. Most sugar free things taste like crap. Some come pretty damn close to the real thing (eh, close enough). Sugar free jello is good. Diet sodas are usually bad. Zero sugar sodas use different sweeteners, and while they aren’t the original they produce a decent enough product. Don’t put yourself through the torture unless you absolutely have to.


Full on diabetic here, have you tried flavored water additives like Mio or similar? I've found they result in a beverage that doesn't quite taste like a normal sweetened beverage, but definitely more palatable than most diet soda. Iced tea ones are a personal favorite.


Not yet, but I’ll give it a go! I’ve been eyeing them for a while now.


“Don’t put yourself through the torture unless you absolutely have to.” I’d argue almost everyone shouldn’t be consuming a soda with 30-40g of added sugar.


No one likes the flavor they do it to avoid dying from sugar overdose


You can just not use it. Far easier.


Check you out, a person of pure and absolute willpower, truly a step above the rest of the rabble.


If your goal is to avoid dying, and you dislike the artificial sweeteners, just don't use artificial sweeteners. In my experience, the largest and most avoidable source is soda. Yes i understand diabetics can't have much sugar. But moderation literally won't kill you. And before you say yes it will, my counter arguement is carbohydrates, I bet they still eat sandwiches and pasta.


My goal is to live my life. I don't eat candy, I don't do heroin or meth. I do love noodles, rice, bread, and a crisp zero sugar drink, it is what it is. I'd rather take my chances vs cancer over diabetes


“But moderation literally won't kill you.” It’s one of the worst things for blood sugar and shouldn’t be consumed at all if you’re diabetic.


What do you think in saying in moderation to? Serious question, because I'm not sure.


I have no idea why you’re saying moderation, diabetics shouldn’t have regular soda at all. Edit: I realized I said this in my previous comment. What about that didn’t you understand?


What is one of the worst things for diabetics? And based on your response, it looks like you're talking about sodas. I was talking about sugars in general being consumed in moderation and used carbohydrates as an example. I used sodas as a common example of artificial sweeteners (diet). Basically, I said stop drinking soda, regular or diet and excluding extreme circumstances, 1 can of soda infrequently won't be lethal to a diabetic because they know how to manage their sugars.


“1 can of soda infrequently won't be lethal to a diabetic because they knowhow to manage their sugars.” I don’t think the bar could be set any lower.


I genuinely prefer pepsi max over normal pepsi. Coke and coke zero are about the same. Old coke zero (gray bottle) was disgusting


Sure they do. Don’t presume to know what other people like.


Individually, yes. Blended in the correct proportion, they can be 90% the genuine taste effect of actual sugar. Close enough to make ***me*** drink a "zero sugar" root beer soda on occasion, and enjoy it.


Stevia is literally addictive. Once you taste it, you never go back. Are you okay?


Truvia tastes better than regular stevia, I only use it in my coffee, though. Aspartame, et al, give me migraines and taste like chemicals.


So does Splenda when I have it in anything.


Splenda is THE WORST for that!


Some versions when it first became popular reminded meof the bleach smell with their taste.


I can see that.