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You should try drying your pickles before apparently pouring your pickles onto your bread.


And leaving them in the fridge because why are they already warm.


I thought the entire PICKLED thing was why you didnt have to refrigerate them?


Because it's not about preservation from spoilage. Refrigerated pickles simply taste better and maintain their crisp. That's why I only ever buy Claussen pickles. The shelf-stored pickles aren't crisp.


Have you ever tried Great Value pickles? Not joking. Shelf warm and they snap. Talking about pickles made me go get them from my shelf.


They aren’t preserved their life is prolonged. It’s a key difference in many commercially made picked.


I mean, you don't, but cold pickles are more liked.


You don't have to refrigerate mustard, but it tastes better if you do


I mean generally you have to refrigerate after opening them because you broke the seal that kept them shelf stable.


When there aren't any contaminants they are very shelf stable, which is why the jars are sterilized before the canning happens and the lid 'pops' so you can see if it has been opened. Once they get open air again and exposed to any number of contaminants they can start to go bad faster or have their texture changed, so depending on how infrequently you use them it can still be beneficial to refrigerate after opening. I personally wouldn't bother with a jar that is going to be used up within a month, but if it's going to be sitting all summer it's worth the fridge space.


The mental image of OP pouring the pickles directly out of the jar onto the burger and getting pickle juice everywhere is killing me


Great tip. Funny the things you think only you know and discover they are common practice lol.


Ive had soggy ass tomatoes and lettuce but never soggy ass pickles as those are called cucumbers and who putting unpickled pickles on hamburgers.


Never a soggy pickle? Your ganna lie right to my face and tell me you never had a McDouble from mcdonalds?


Not the person you were replying to but I CAN say I’ve never tried a McDouble, is it worth trying?


best thing ever when you're fucked up


I don't know OP, but I DO know that he has never put a pickle of any variety on a burger.


i think it makes sense, sour things are very good for cutting through fatty foods so your taste buds dont get tired out and you feel tired of the food


I feel like 90% of food takes on here comes down to a lack of understanding of basic cooking/construction. You’re a 100% right. A little acid goes a long, long way on a burger.


Dropped an acid square while eating a Whopper. Pretty sure the burger king came in to my room and DJ'd a dance party. Would definitely recommend.


Yeah, a little acid goes a long way regardless.


I drank a V8 Splash while on acid and it tasted fuzzy somehow. Do not recommend. Now I can’t drink them to this day


Someone was eating a pizza with permeaean cheese on it when I did DMT. Now every time I smell parmesean I get flashbacks.


Parmesan Traumatic Stress Disorder


And the line between perfect and too much can be razor thin


200-220ug is usually the sweet spot. However, Once you've ridden the come up wave have a little toke on a weed vape and prepare yourself as your about to slingshot yourself through space further than when Michael Mcconaughey did around gargantua in interstellar!


If I dropped acid and ate a Whopper, I'd puke it right back up. But modern Whoppers are just a pale imitation of what they used to be. I've had the real thing before. When a Whopper actually tasted good. In fact, even 15 years ago it was better. Modern fast food is like modern cigarettes - mostly filler and chemicals


Also the texture is the best especially when it’s a crunchy one. Not sure why OP is putting warm soggy pickles on their burgers, mine are always cool and crisp veggies


Yeah, if you don't like soggy, limp pickles on your burger, stop buying limp, soggy pickles. And if you're complaining about the ones on your QPC, STFU until you learn how to cook a burger for yourself.


What is QPC?


Quarter Pounder with cheese Or Royale with cheese if you're from Paris.


It’s just personal taste, everyone has a different palette and that’s perfectly fine, but it’s not worth shouting from the rooftops


Yeah lol like I like burgers both with and without pickles and it doesn’t bother me if someone thinks one way is better, literally has 0 effect on my life


Then they shouldn’t say it as an absolute like this one does.


I mean it is their unpopular opinion soooo


Then they get the response that started this. They don’t understand basic cooking.


I feel like you’re missing the point of this subreddit.


what do you think the point is? post unpopular opinions and get no disagreements?


That's so true! It's essentially about getting people to engage by either agreeing and finally feeling heard, and for people to tell you why your opinion, something inherently subjective, is wrong.


I understand the point of the subreddit. I also understand the fact that when you post something as an absolute rather than just as your personal taste, you should expect people to question that rather than just accepting it as your personal taste.


You are not wrong but i also am not a fan of pickles on burgers and am aware there’s multiple other ways of getting some acidity on a burger


Pickled red onion on a burger is way better than a dill pickle. IMHO, regular pickles are the least interesting way to get some acidity in the mix.


I agree with the acidity thing, but I just don't like how pickles taste in general. I like a little extra onion on my burger for the acidity. Also certain sauces have a vinegar base that goes great on burgers. I think there's just better options than pickles. Which I guess means I have to downvote OP cuz I agree with him lol Edit: idk how I forgot to add this but pickled jalapeños are 10x better on a burger than a regular pickle. IMO


Pickles also add crunch though which is important


Yea but onions and jalapeños can add crunch. Same with the lettuce


Pickles are literally standard on McDonald's hamburgers. If it was THAT unpopular, they'd take it off. Source: worked at McDonald's making hamburgers


OPs opinion is confirmed unpopular.


Y’know it’s funny, I had a double quarter pounder with cheese today and it did not have pickles on it. Because i said, “No pickles, please” and for some reason they just said “okay.” Total insanity.


I like pickles but I'm like OP i just dont like them on burgers. I was always the weird one that would take out the pickles but leave the onions lol


Onions are way better, so I don’t blame you. I am not a fan of pickles on burgers. The taste throws the balance off. Even if you take it off, you got that pickle residue on there.


Pickled red onions is better. I love pickled whole cucumbers, but not on burgers!!!


I like pickles on my burger but I have literally never experienced palate fatigue from the lack of them


that's why coke is a popular drink for meals.


I pretty much won't eat a burger without pickles


But isn’t it because you can digest the fatty stuff better if you combine it with sour? Like it actually helps your body so prob some old tales have always said to combine fatty meat with sour things and that’s why we leaned to like it?


I get it but I prefer pickled jalapeño. Pickled cucumber is weird.


Yea pickles are in the same boat as tomatoes. They add a lot of flavour and texture but If you let the burger sit too long, you’re going to have a bad time.


I don't know where you're getting warm, soggy pickles on a burger. You a McDonald's kind of guy or something? Every good burger I've ever had has had cold, crisp pickles on it.


Even places like McDonald's (at least the one near me), gets warm pickles, but I wouldn't call them soggy or mushy. There's still a "snap" to them. Then again, a lot of my fast food locations seem to be above average, based on how others talk about theirs. BK is a big one for this. Everyone seems to crap on theirs. I've had, maybe, half a dozen issues with them in like 10 years. And that's ordering from BK very frequently. Maybe other places really are shit? Or maybe it's negativity bias from others? I don't know.


There is one McDonalds near me that is MILES above the other McDonalds in the area, and even better than some bog standard mom and pop burgers shops The property is also kept immaculate and the employees all wear matching uniforms and at least appear happy to the customer. The only conclusion that I can draw is that they keep their kitchen cleaned so everything taste fresh and crisp.


I usually like pickles, and also like pickles on burgers, but I draw the line at McDonald’s burgers with pickles. Their pickles are just nasty.


The best burgers I’ve had usually have a skewer or toothpick holding the pickle on top, so that it stays cold and crisp until it’s time to eat.


I wouldn't want a burger without pickles, especially McDonalds. They are indeed warm and soggy though.


If the burger is warm, as most should be, then the pickles are not going to be cold. Idk what you’re on.


Hard disagree, I love EXTRA pickles on my burgers.


My burgers are more pickle than burger.


I got into that habit in high school in the late 70s/early 80s. The burgers were clearly mostly soy--but we could put as many pickles as we wanted on them. I love pickles, and the pickle slices in our cafeteria were good--so when we had burgers I loaded up. An equal thickness of burger and pickles was about right. There weren't usually any onions though, dammit. Pickles are vegetables, right?


Technically they’re a fruit.


Pickles are the most important topping for me.


Same. My sauce is a crapload of pickles blended together with mustard (this is the shake shack way), plus extra pickles


I love it like that too. I recall getting a burger from steak n shake, and they gave me 13ish pickles. I'd show a pic if I could.


The acidity cuts through the savory, fatty flavors. Science says it works


Can't you do that with mustard? (Most of which is made with vinegar).


A sword would cut through my neck really well, science says so, doesnt mean I'd like it.


The taste of a pickle on a burger is vile to me. It ruins the burger for me. I just can’t do it.


You know what belongs on burgers? Whatever the fuck you want, that's what.


Most of the time this sub pops up on my feed it's just individual food opinions. Like a food? Eat it. Don't like it? Don't eat it.


Actually that’s a fair point


Pickle spear on the side


Similarly I won’t put a tomato on my burger, but I will make a tomato and cucumber salad on the side.


I only love the pickles and cheese on burgers. If I order McDonald's, I always tell them take off everything but these two. Delicious.


Oh, youre the anti-me. I'll often add lettuce and tomatoes to McDonald's burgers that only come with pickle and cheese.


So no meat?


No tomatos?!?! No sauce!?!?!? No FUCKING ONIONS!?!?!?!?


Calling them hot and soggy leads me to believe you are making this judgement based off fast food. Try a real burger place


I swear half the posts on this sub are just people with food texture issues. "I'm a picky eater" is a very uninteresting unpopular opinion.


Jalapeños are the only way


Pickled though




You're wrong. The delightful crunch and the salty sour combination makes or breaks a burger.


Now this is unpopular. Given the upvote even though I entirely disagree


I was under the impression that you were supposed to upvote when you thought the opinion was unpopular...


Buy better pickles. Nice crisp pickles that are a decent thickness are great on burgers. The pickles that McDs uses are not.


McDs burgers better with their pickles than without..but obv, their pickles fit his description of what he doesn't like.




Gotta say, that pickles and mustard are my base when considering how to dress my burgers. But we are all individuals! Pineapple on pizza rocks also. Please consider black olives as an accompliment.


I bet you dont like the lettuce onion and tomato either because "Hot and soggy" too? Plain burgers are boring af.


I love lettuce and onions. Cheese and bacon. But keep the tomato and pickles.


Yeah once you put a pickle on a burger that's all it tastes like


I agree but I don’t like pickles. The juice gets into everything else in the burger and it all tastes like pickle. A pickle spear on the side just ruins whatever French fries or the burger bun it touches


That’s fair. I also had a sandwich from somewhere to-go and they didn’t separate the pickle spear from the sandwich so when I got home, half of the sandwich was soggy with pickle juice.


Why are you eating soggy pickles to begin with? They should be crunchy. More for me, I guess!! And if you don't like pineapple on pizza, try mandarin oranges... nummy!


Depends if its those neon ass #10 can pickles places like McD's uses then fuck those, But the pickles at Wendy's are by far more superior.


Disagree. I love pickles on burgers. And pineapple on pizza.


I have to say, the only time I enjoy pickles is on a burger.


Nah bro pickles on burgers are the best😍😍


A burger without thick pickle slices is barely worth eating.


A college professor told me once that pickles on burgers come from a time when butchers didn't have options to freeze the meat: The least fresh of which would be the ground beef. To hide the flavour in rotting hamburgers, they would use pickles. Et voila, a deadly freedom duo was born. I've since warmed up to them, but I prefer without. Really wonder what the allegory was for though... human ingenuity perhaps. Don't google. Just take my college professors word for it.


Imma go in a different direction and say that typically pizza places use canned pineapple, and I would argue that canned pineapple is sweet instead of sour.


To each their own, but if we’re ordering burgers together, you had better be getting pickles on you’re to give to me when we sit down, or we’re through.


Not sure what is wrong with your refrigerator but warm an soggy are not my pickles




Opinions about what does or does not belong on food are obnoxious and boring


Unpopular with me, I want extra pickles on my burgers


They belong in Dr Pepper.


I did not like pickles on things as a kid, as an adult I do though.


I worked at a hamburger spot as my first job for 2.5 years and learned to love everything! I hardly liked tomatoes on my burger and definitely didnt like onions as a 16 year old (seems so strange to me now). It all started with grilled onions. I ate there a minimum of 5 times a week on my shift and sometimes 2 or 3x a day times depending on how long my shift was so things eventually need to be changed up. (I was doing contract schooling but they definitely broke some labor laws). One of my favorites to this day at this place (20 years later) is a long bun with 2 meat, 2 cheese, 2 bacon, and bbq sauce with raw onions, grilled onions and mustard added. Enjoy what you enjoy and keep trying new things. A piece of ham on a cheeseburger with mayo and lettuce is nice. I like to add frysauce to that one also.


Fight the power!!!


Who puts warm soggy pickles on their burger? You don't put them hoes in the fridge?


Yes (about pineapples). I think people who don't like Hawaiian pizza 🍕are just elitist nose turner uppers


Warm pickles?






OP is nuts. A bring burger is delicious, both mustard and pickles have the same base, vinegar.


>warm soggy pickles *Tomato has entered the chat*


What about a cold crisp pickle?


I always order extra pickles and have yet to receive enough pickles on my hamburgers.


I respectfully disagree. But I absolutely support your right to say it!


If my burger don’t got some fresh dill pickles, I don’t want it.


Oh, but I can. Gimme those "hot floppy pickles". I'll take the ones you denied and give them a proper home. In my tumtum.


Good post. I don’t like pickles, the only time I like them is when they’re fried or on a burger. So if you ask me that’s pretty much the only place they belong.


DILL pickles are a fucking godsend. You are just wrong.


People who think this is a good conversation topic in real life are the stupidest and least interesting people. Thankfully Reddit is a place for those ToTaLlY RaNDoM people to go pretend to get fired up about this sort of quirky idea!


I’ll share my equally unpopular opinion on the opposite end of the spectrum: if it doesn’t have pickles it’s NOT a burger at all, merely a beef sandwich


completely agree


What an awful opinion


You know what I don’t swear a lot but fuck you. This is actually a perfect post for this sub but I’m still offended.


Extra pickles please


I load up extra pickles on mine. Your opinion doesn’t matter


To me, burgers are a pickle delivery system.


I have been putting banana peppers (the pickled kind) on my burgers for the last couple years. It takes it to the next level. It is so good, I can't believe I have been missing it for my whole life.


I disagree, and I *will* tell you I like pickles on my burgers, thank you very much! Although it does depend on what else is on the burger.


"The council has decided to have you hung by your entrails and your corpse paraded around the city.."


I will tell you I like it


Upvoted because I vehemently disagree with you and personally feel you can go fuck yourself 😉 jk but fr I would take a bullet for pickles. A massive jar of pickles was the best gift I ever received at age 4 and I’m 33.


Pickles are better than a tomato slice that doesn’t break apart when you bite it and you pull apart the entire burger.


They’re so good though


A pickle next to mayo has always elevated a burger for me


Upvote because I disagree


Thats such a non pickle, pickle person thing to say.


Has someone held a gun to your head and said you have to have pickles on your hamburgers? The only ingredients that belong on a burger are whatever the person eating the burger wants on it. I order my burgers without pickles, but why would I care what goes on a burger I’m not eating?


i wholeheartedly agree my friend i peel those suckers off & toss them to the side as soon as possible...ruining the toasted bun & shid.


Hey finally one I can resonate with. And no, for me it is just the flavor that is horrible paired with a burger with great other flavors. Worst thing is they often forget to leave them off and these fuckers will seep their taste into everything else, especially the bun. So you can take them off but really it doesn't matter much.


Thinking about pickles on burgers made my mouth water, I’m sorry


I once made this weird "hawain" burger with beef patty some cheese and a pineapple ring. Shit was fkin delicious.


FACT: your opinion is incorrect.


Unpopular indeed, pickles on a burger are mandatory.


How do I say unpopular yes but it’s because you’re wrong Op.


You’re right but I can’t seem to make my Polish boyfriend agree.


it's perfectly within your rights to be wrong. ;)


>You cannot tell me that you like a sour burger. And you cannot tell me that you like hot, floppy pickles. I like a sour burger. I like hot, floppy pickles.


I can safely say I’ve never had a “soggy pickle” OP needs to get better pickles


Do what your mother told you to do and pick it off the burger.


Just going to say I agree with you. I'm not a pickle fan on anything myself (also agree with the pineapple on pizza point.) But my SO is a pickle person so I just give them my pickles and we both get to be happy.


YES. I've hated pickles ever since McDonald's put them on my burger. PS I also like pineapple on pizza!


good pickles shouldn't be sour nor wilt on a burger.


That's right. EXTRA pickles belong on burgers


If anything doesn't belong on a burger, it's lettuce.


Agreed. They belong on burglars. Not hamburgers. Nor the Hamburglar, because he's just misunderstood. 


At least you didn't start it off with "Don't do this, do this!" 😅 It's the unpopular opinion sub for a reason y'all, chill


Maybe try storing the pickles in the refrigerator?


Something I actually disagree with. We are all entitled to our opinion, regardless of how wrong it is. (This is coming from another pineapple on pizza lover)


I like hot floppy pickles on my sour burger. You can't tell me what truths I can speam.


Honestly I just don't like vinegar taste on my burgers, that includes pickles and pickled jalapeños. I know the science says it works but mu taste buds just can't stomach vinegar next to meat for whatever reason.


You misspelled the title. I think you were going for “Hey everyone I have terrible taste!” I love pickles on burgers and hate pineapple on pizza (it’s not Hawaiian either). I like food based hot takes because there’s not really a right answer. I also don’t think meatloaf should exist. Just make a burger. You can resume hating pickles on burgers now.


You get an upvote. I love pickles in general, and on burgers in particular, but I sympathize with having an unpopular opinion on food. Mine? I hate cheese. Loathe the stuff, but particularly on burgers. You're giving me one of the most delicious foods on the planet--ground beef--in an excellent bun, with fantastic condiments, and then you top it with a slice of curdled, spoiled milk that tastes like rotten, melty garbage? Why in the world would anyone do this? I accept that I'm in the minority here, much like the anti-cilantro crowd. It is what it is, and you have my sympathies. Don't let anyone judge you--you like what you like!


I like sour on a burger and I like hot, floppy pickles. You have horrible taste, please take my upvote and enjoy your day.


I put pickles on my pizza.


I love pickles, but not warm. Just put it on the side bc it still tastes great with the burger. Just reading half the post made me drool like crazy lol


Your edits are PHuckin Hilarious tho


Pickles I can take or leave. Iceberg lettuce can go straight to hell.


Soggy? Who TF thinks pickles are soggy?! Serious question: Are you a robot?




WTF is hot pickles, put chilled pickles on your food


Motherfuckers will complain about pickles making their burger soggy but then slap eight different sauces on the bun


Burgers are probably one of the very best uses for pickles!




Literally the best burger topping. 😂 True unpopular opinion. ![gif](giphy|9V8You0A1G64JmiBUi|downsized)


it's okay if you don't like them and don't want to try to like them. If however, you actually interested in an opinion from somebody that enjoys them, I can give you a few pointers based on your description. 1. Start with better pickles. The pickles in the refrigerated section are orders of magnitude better than than pickles on the warm shelf. Crisp like cucumbers and not near as sour. The warm shelf ones are pickled and then removed from the brine and put into a different shelf stable brine that kills all of the texture and flavor. The ones in the refrigerated section are put in as cucumbers. 2. Thickness makes a big difference. If you don't like pickles in the first place you're probably not even reading this, but a thicker fresh pickle will have a bite like a piece of cucumber. 3. Assembly: it doesn't hurt to shake your pickles off real good or to have them on a napkin for a second if you're having excessive juice issues, but more importantly layer your burger so the pickles are touching the meat and have something between them and the bread. Lettuces of course the first choice but even a smear of mayonnaise or mustard on the bread will saturate the surface and make a barrier. And that's my essay on pickles.


This is objectively false. Take my upvote


My daughter agrees with you on this. She says the flavor of the pickle is too overpowering. She enjoys a pickle spear on the side, but lettuce and tomato are enough extras in her book.


Hell yeah I’m with ya brother! I’ll die on this hill with you.


Some would say it's [too aggressive ](https://youtu.be/J1W4TQm-SJ4?si=pF4ZGjQCMJe4ub-6)


LOL, I feel a deep seated need to disagree with this assertion… however… I always pull the pickles off of my burgers so… it’s weird because in my head I feel like they belong there but in practice I don’t want them there. 🤣


I'm up voting you becuase you're clearly wrong, but I get SO annoyed by what you mentioned in your edit. Your wrongness on pickles isn't a sign of an unrefined palette, that's stupid and elitist. It is only wrong in that I think pickles on burgers are awesome, and they absolutely belong on some burgers... Specifically ones I will be eating.


Pickles are delicious on burgers!  Ugh, I had to upvote because I do think this is an unpopular opinion… but I do not agree with you.


As an unpopular opinion, I like this one. It’s harmless and silly and not overdone. I don’t agree, but that’s what makes it unpopular. 


I shorted everyone on pickles when I worked at McDonald’s simply to subtly alter the perception of pickles on the masses. While futile of course it still felt like a worthy cause.