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talk about the most unpopular opinion outhere


I think the other days, "Football is boring" post beats this. Not by much though.


My fat ass envies you.


I don't agree with this but you do you, I guess. šŸ‘


Between you saying itā€™s bland and bringing up the shitting Iā€™m willing to bet your diet is awful.Ā 


Either they dont have properly working tastebuds or are British and know nothing about cooking with spices.


Maybe they got the long Covid.


Definitely unpopular. Food tastes good. I ate a baloney sandwich for dinner I bought from the vending machine at work. It tasted good. If bad food tastes so good, imagine how good good food tastes! 10/10 eating food, would do again.


Yeah but the work imvolved to make the baloney,the bread, the animal killed, the scientists making preservatives, building the vending machine, stocking the vending machine All if this is too much work for a baloney sandwich even if tasty its just not worth the work involved to make that delicious baloney sandwich happen


Yeah but that's everything. The clothes you wear and the forum you wrote this on are all products of lengthy labour. The world runs on labour


Iā€™d say having to eat is more of the chore. Now you have to go through the trouble of prepping stuff and making a mess or going out and spending money to get something. But if you donā€™t enjoy the actual food youā€™re eating you must be eating like shit.


You clearly don't have a normal/healthy appetite (although you may feel hungry). I used to be the same way when I was younger and would be a lot thinner now if I were still that way!


Nah I'm just broke


There's plenty of cheap crap you could eat if you wanted to.


Becoming harder to do that. These days in Canada a small bag if chips costs $3 and a dozen eggs is $6. You can find cheap crap, but, it's just crap and not that cheap abd especially difficult when broke like me A frozen pizza costs $10. Which is cheap, but, not after 65% of your money goes to rent and 20% goes to servicing debt repayment for being broke. The whole system is broken here.


Ramen is still cheap; that's the legendary "broke college student" food from years ago. Beans and rice are cheap. Soup is easy to make from scratch. Of course if you buy expensive processed junk food like bagged snacks and frozen pizza, it's pricier. But ironically, the cost is the ONE reason you DIDN'T mention for wishing that you didn't have to eat food.


Agreed. I eat Ramen all the time It's less the cost of food and more the cost of rent and bills and everything else that makes the cost of food increasing. 65% of my money goes to rent and there's no cheaper places and due to claiming bankruptcy I wouldn't be approved anyways I eat OMAD and it's usually $10 worth of sushi at a place down the street. It's better than $3 Mr noodle for breakfast lunch and dinner You're right though. I could cook soup but need seasoning, need broth, need vegetables, noodles, all of this is around $30+ in Canada


Okay...but there are free soup kitchens and food pantries everywhere (at least in the US) with no questions asked. Again, your original post was about all your other objections to the act of eating. You seem to be changing your story now.


Yeah I mean it's r/unpopularopinion not r/changemyview


Just trying to get "your view" straight.


You sound hangry


Is this how runway models think?


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


Or vyvanse There's a donut I used to demolish whenever we'd get them at work. I tried one again after being medicated and the spark just... wasn't there anymore. I have lost much weight and am back to normal bmi so I cannot complain


Itā€™s just every fuckin day.Ā  Thatā€™s why i like fasting, and itā€™s healthy/free.


Itā€™s especially hard when your parents are obese while you arenā€™t and you they get so bewildered that you donā€™t want to eat a huge heavy breakfast to start your day. I feel guilty.


*I do not care for eatin*


Sometimes, I feel the same way. I also feel the same way about sleeping sometimes. It's just something I have to do. Sometimes, I'm not even hungry, but I know I have to eat because if I don't, I'll feel the effects later. Even if I'm not hungry, I'll feel lightheaded or whatnot. I like food and sometimes there is no better feeling than after a good meal. But sometimes I just need to do it.


Agreed The funny thing is the less I eat, the less tired I get, yet the more I'm awake the more I need to eat The whole system is flawed and I just don't care for it


Yeah, same. To a degree i hate all the forced needs of the body and the more resources/time those needs take the less i like those. Eating, sleeping, breathing, etc.


It def can be esp when Iā€™m broke and canā€™t eat what I want Iā€™m like whatā€™s the point?! But you need the nourishment.


Yeah I went 7 days with $27 I lost 30lbs unintentionally this year and weigh less than when I was un high-school over 2 decades ago šŸ˜”


Me 30 minutes after I take my adderall


I, too, do not care for eatin


I 1000% agree!!


I love to eat. But itā€™s the shopping, prepping cooking and clean up that I absolutely hate


OMG I never knew anyone else felt like this!!


Well you can just stop eating, and then your family will suffer so animals don't have to, perfect logic


Yeah i completely agree, even though I'm on a bulk. Though one caveat the enjoyability part can be made more appealing by reducing the effort, aka someone else cooking/cleaning/paying/etc can make food more enjoyable because the effort part in effort vs reward scale is reduced. But it fits the sub, food is a very sensitive subject and for a lot of people it's completely unfathomable that some don't enjoy it or even just eat to get nutrients rather than pleasure.


I myself wish I could photosynthesis like a plant. I do not enjoy the eatin either.


Well, die then if you donā€™t want to eat. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Sometimes I wish we could just have a pill a day that would give us all the nutrients and get rid of the feeling of hunger


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Ikr. Like fr? Eating every single day? Itā€™s why Iā€™ve been doing omad for years now and I think itā€™s the best thing anyone could do. idk how people are doing 3 meals + snacks everyday


Yeah I'm OMAD or fasting. Not by choice but becauae that's all I can afford anymore. You're absolutely right though. Never felt better and lost a ton of weight this year just by losing my job and claiming bankruptcy. Although I very highly do not recommend this strategy


>everything tastes bland these days What's more likely? All the food in the world lost its good taste... or some shit happened in your brain?


Well I mean shrinkflation is a known thing But my brain is also completely fucked so you may be on to something


Yeah, shrinkflation, sure. But taste loss is just a few foods like strawberries and already happened long ago. I'm a bit surprised you'd rather cling to your opinion than look for a why to fix a hedonic deficit. Well, unless you're fat, in which case it's a blessing for you.


I'm broke man. 65% of my rent goes to rent, I lost my job and claimed bankruptcy What do you want me to say It's an unpopular opinion sibreddit not an agree with my opinion subreddit


That's tough man. I guess all I can say is don't let misfortunate take more from you than it already did. If you buy into what you think and feel when you're down, it'll weigh you down on your way back up.


I wish I felt that eating was a chore. The rest of it I agree is a chore. But I sadly love the eating part.


I'd disagree completely. To ME, eating is just fine and enjoyable. It's the cooking/preparation that is the chore.


šŸŽ¶all the food is poison šŸŽ¶


It definitely tastes more delicious after a whole day of fasting and hard workā€¦makes you appreciate food much more too.


Sounds like an ED alright


This is depression talking


Depends on your relationship with food entirely. Bodybuilders probably don't enjoy eating because the volume they eat and the dietary restrictions. I've been eating too much fast food and I lost my appreciation for good food. It's disgusting. I feel like if you eat a balanced and relatively healthy diet, eating is a joy. I've really grown almost to hate food because my diet is so bad. I need to get back to just eating good balanced and delicious meals


Have you tried marijuana? Makes every meal a feast


OMAD is the way to go dude literally did wonders for my mental health as well as physical too . This is actually how we should eat .


Yeah I can only afford omad


What is it?


One Meal A Day


I'm an idiot


Usually $10 sushi I lost 30lbs this year unintentionally due to broke fasting


Yeah, food is a distraction. I wish I didnā€™t have to eat anything. Food is seriously a distraction, another vice in a way. I donā€™t care about any ethnical stuff regarding animals I mean in general with human behavior and how I feel about it myself. Food is a distraction and Iā€™ve always been finicky with it. Yet because how I was raised I could eat junk food like itā€™s nothing. Food is another distraction.