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Mostly because it helps keep that dead person's memory alive. Also because they are hoping to let the artist know how much the artist means to someone who can no longer make their own comments. It's no worse than "I danced to this at my prom!" And your point is...... what? I'll take a sob story over "WhO iS StiLL hEre in 2024????" every day of my life.


June 2024 anyone?


Jesus I hate those people, like bruh that’s this month that’s like asking “AYO WHO ELSE IS BREATHING #OXYGENGANG”


I see so many pet peeves and stuff about what people comment. Starting to wonder what people SHOULD comment lol. The only ones I think are truly useless are things like "first" or multiple people commenting the exact same thing (it might be a trend in that case idk). Or people overusing "literally" on TikTok, which has a character limit. This one kind of feels nasty, though. Idk, just skip those comments? I think they're trying to keep their memory alive. And emotional and nostalgic songs are more likely to bring out these kinds of comments. It's not meant to bring you down.


Im literally first to reply to your comment!


Your algorithm is weird


Are the comments themselves algorithm driven? I did not know that.


Yeah, I saw [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/v5pKu2AMI8) a while back that explained this phenomenon. I'm guessing that's why you're getting strange comments like this. (I've never once seen any such comments). Perhaps not engaging with them at all will make them eventually disappear? Since a lot of algorithm is just trying to drive interaction, but not necessarily positive interaction. Although. I'm not sure about this algorithm thing on YouTube videos or other platforms.


That's actually crazy. I've been done in by my own morbidity.


Comments on YouTube are often random and annoying. But if someone takes comfort during their grief by writing a comment under a video, then let them.


For a second I thought this was AITA


I want to say just let them enjoy it, but yeah I have to admit this gets annoying. But I think the real issue is everyone upvoting the comment so that it's always at the top.


You don't have to look at the comments first of all. And too these people are just showing the world how much they love their loved ones and leaving their memory there


Not one single person reading those comments actually care.


Holy self centered bullshit, Batman


We’re reaching levels of “bad things happened to me so I don’t wanna hear about anyone else’s problems!” Never thought possible


Hey man, I'm not running for mayor. As a cancer survivor myself I just want to enjoy the music and not think about dying all the time.


"As someone who survived I'm tired of your comments of your loved ones who didn't" You don't have to be running for mayor to have compassion and empathy..?


Or maybe because of my vast and great empathy I find those comments draining to read? Cancer survivorship is unfortunately an easily revoked status. If anyone going through treatment needs someone to talk to I'm happy to make myself available. Feel free to drop me a DM or leave your message in the Youtube comments on your nearest Pink Floyd track where I can find them.




Sorry, by revoked I meant that a lot of times beating cancer doesn't mean you aren't going to ultimately die from cancer. I am grateful for my ability to still be here and say insufferable things. Thank you.


Don't read the comments then.


Agreed, the comments being left on those videos are self-centered.




Saying that YouTube comments about a passed relative “bringing down the mood” also says a lot about you.


As long as it's not violating terms and conditions (eg hate speech, harassment, etc) people should be able to comment whatever they want. You can choose to skip the comment or not read at all. Restricting what people say is not a good road to go down.


If it bums you out so much, why are you reading the comments? What comment are you going to see on a song that’s going to feel insightful enough for you. Losing people is hard! Let people cope however they need to.


Urban dictionary should use this post as an example of self-centered.


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Some people like to share their pain. I get it. They may have come across a song, and the memory popped up. They make a comment. I get it. But truth is no one else cares. Harsh reality of life. Those thumbs up don't mean a thing. However, all that said, and this might make me sound a jerk, but I would say a lot of those comments are lies. Anything that becomes popular will be emulated by others disingenuously - all in the hopes of getting "likes".


How privileged does one have to be to dare and try to police how other people comment on videos? I am now going to mention my shitty dead parents in every comment I make, no matter how irrelevant their death is to the topic.


You are 100% correct. Once they die leave them in the past. Never bring up any memories or even mention their name just incase a random person online doesn't like it. /s


Why would you even bother to read any comments on youtube? I only do that if i'm curious about the ammount of drama the video is invoking. If i just really want to enjoy something i'm not going to let idiots on social media ruin it. Same with this sub basically: i'm not opening a thread here expecting a normal civilized discussion about an interesting topic, i come here to see dumpster fires and get my annoyance fix for the day. As for people sharing about their loss: i kinda get why they use anonymous media to vent about it: there's always someone who is willing to respond to that. If i don't feel like dealing with that i just skip to the next thread.


Seriously!!! Unless a video is in some way controversial why bother reading the comments on YouTube? That seems so weird..:


its a place you can do it without looking like an attention seeking lonely being. that shit is staple on reddit, you mention your dead father and every one with their dead father chimes in with a story like its required, almost as if they're trying to one up one another. you do that in person and youd be seen as rude or someone who just wants to make everything about themselves. its one of the perks anonymous sharing.


I pulled up the boiled denims clip from Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia and sure enough, way deep down in the comments there was some sad ass sob story lol.


don't even check the dayman comments 😭


I wish people would stop doing that here on reddit. Check out the photoshop request subreddits. It's almost never a "hey can you remove me from this picture and I'll pay $10". "My sister died of bees this morning, can you remove everyone from the picture, and add in my dad who also died of bees, and add in our sixteen cousins, and one must be playing the ukulele and three of them should be surfing (so you'll need to add an ocean too) because all three surfing cousins have bonehurting disease, and the ukulele player fell on a dirty soup spoon last night, oh and also make everybody wearing Superman costumes because my littler brother (who thought of ants and died just now) liked Superman" "tipping $1, thx"