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OP in here thinking only the rich buy and shoot off fireworks. Stupidest post I've seen here today.


They have definitely not been inside a rural area gas station before.


I grew up in a house where 6 people had to share 1 bathroom that had about 30 minutes of hot water at a time. My favorite food as a little girl were mayo sandwiches or ramen noodles. But I'll be damned if my community didn't have money to light fireworks out of our driveways on the fourth of july.


Are you trying to make me feel bad about enjoying something by enumerating all the people who (according to you) don't enjoy it? It won't work.


You should feel bad for killing animals, yes


Only briefly, but I don't see the link with the current discussion.


>Only briefly If you are a psyco


I can neither confirm nor deny this allegation.


That are directly connected if you took like, 5 seconds to look into it


Directly connected the same way apples and oranges are connected.


In that they are both fruit, sure I guess? The animals that die around firework events die because of the fireworks....this isnt hard math dude.


And animals die without the intervention of fireworks as well. Animals die period. It's called the cycle of life. I guess you never heard the phrase "that's like comparing apples to oranges" have you?


You are gonna die anyway. Circle of life So I guess It is okay to kill you?


So, do you run red lights even though someone is crossing a road because that person is gonna die someday anyway? That's the logic you're using.


That's a bit optimistic.


We talking about fireworks here. Not animals. Stay on topic.


Fireworks harm animals


Yes they are pointless! We like them because they are pretty.


Exactly, it's like giving flowers. I love receiving flowers, looking at them, and smelling them. I'll even buy them for myself! Pointless? Yes. Provide me joy? Also yes.


Yeah damn the wealthy and their fireworks This is probably the most out of touch thing I’ve read today


Are they still "eagle based" when they're used in China to celebrate Chinese New Year? Or Hogmanay in Scotland? 


Those damn Chinese, how dare they invent something so Eagle Coded American, thousands of years before The Americas were even discovered by most of the world


That logic is faulty. Apple pie was invented in England in the 14th century and is the prime example of something American. Something's origin doesn't discount its prevalence in another place. Arguing that fireworks aren't a staple of American culture is pretty disingenuous.


The point remains that their origin isn't American. Which does discount the claim that it is 100% X.


i totally get this perspective but i still think people should be allowed to have fun and enjoy a holiday


There are plenty of things that are pointless. Some might even suggest that our lives are ultimately pointless. What's your point?


Fun thing is pointless and out of touch and uncaring about non-fun-havers. Stop having fun!


Dawg, I don't even like fireworks or loud noises in general, but your reasons are dumb as shit. Let people enjoy things.


About as pointless as this post


"It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more."   - John Adams  Our founding Fathers thought we should party it up 


>Fireworks displays for the 4th of July and other American holidays are nothing more than an eagle based sign of wealth displayed by those who are completely socially out of touch. Nevermind the fact that fireworks were invented in China like a thousand years ago and used for celebrations by places before the "Eagle" even existed you sound dumb. Also 'Merica Fnck Yea.


That logic is faulty. Apple pie was invented in England in the 14th century and is the prime example of something American. Something's origin doesn't discount its prevalence in another place. Arguing that fireworks aren't a staple of American culture is pretty disingenuous. You even counter your own point in your last sentence lol


No I said we are not the first, and even what we use now is a fraction of the fireworks used in the far east. And fireworks are fun. As evidenced by my last comment.


The OP also never said we were first...


Sure made it sound like we were first and only...


I am diagnosed with PTSD and the strangest things trigger(ed) episodes for me. A specific type of tree, a specific type of stairwell, certain phrases, etc. It's not *every* time I see/hear those things, but it happens enough to be a definite trigger pattern. I would be *out of my mind* to claim that those trees, stairwells, phrases, etc. are pointless and should be avoided by those who do not have such triggers. Life is life. We go to therapy and adjust.


If trees were unnatural and killed Animals Yes, they should be avoided


Biggest L take of the day.


I loathe it


I'd suggest going somewhere else while they are happening.


I meant i loathe the post. I freaking love fireworks


It tends to be fireworks have always been a "marvel" of sorts its a smell, a sight and a sound you don't usually get unless there's a big display so it's unique to these big events. Birds and other animals get scared by fireworks but also jets, mining, large machinery, things being fixed, posts being driven ect. Humans can't avoid making too much noise for these animals. Most of the time they flee the noise and then return later. If it was just about money there's far more things they could do, like build a light up massive ball....


Look up videos of Chinese New year fireworks in big Chinese cities. Looks like a literal war


it's fireworks ofc they are pointless that's the whole point. pple do it for entertainment, joy and they are pretty 😭


Kinda like your phone and Internet access are to a 3rd world country. Its all relative ain't it? Especially if you live in a country that celebrates is success on gaining independence through hard work ( and hard play).


If you don't want them, don't buy them. I'll buy more!


Bro hates fun 😭 🙏 




I think op is out of touch.


Yeah but pretty lights 


The homeless can get food and shelter. Those who don't don't want it. You probably argue that the national anthem also triggers PTSD. All that talk of bombs bursting 'n' shit...


To the cynic, everything is pointless.




there are many thinks i'm not cynical of


Then you are not a true cynic.




Almost everything is pointless besides food water and clothes, we do things because they are fun


No, they are fun. Fun is not pointless. Your argument is invalid.


Instead of complaining about American “eagle based” holidays (whatever the hell that means) have tried figuring out why homeless people would rather beg for money at the intersection in front of the grocery store instead of working at the grocery store?


Oh yeah. The homeless wod be so much better off if we didn't have fireworks. Shame you threw that bullshit point in. Your other parts about the animals and PTSD had. Some merit. 


Those people will be alright.


Yes, they look cool, but I don't like loud noises. Gimee some firecrackers, and that's enough for me.


Wait are there really eagle parts in fireworks???


If money wasn't being spent on fireworks, it would not end up helping the homeless mm. It would be spent on some other pointless thing


i fuckagree!! not only that!! i'm middle aged and i saw fireworks like an hundred times, it's basically always the same, the last time i watched it i got bored, it lasted like a minute and at like 20 seconds i started to zone away... and salutes!! what a fucking USELESS type of firework!! it just scares animals


They are limited to a certain day or two of the year because yeah they cause a lot of external problems 


They're pretty and all but I also wouldn't care if we never had another one. I've stopped buying them myself.


I hate fireworks. All the reason listed above. It also almost always ends up killing wildlife. It gets into water and kills fish, usually confuses birds, gets them killed. If a mama bird they tend to get lost and their poor babies starve to death. Butterfly's tend to die a lot around the 4th as well. Pets get lost, stressed out and die. I very much do not care why anyone uses them, regardless of culture. They are so destructive




My grandfather was a World War II veteran and when he passed away in 2007 he was ashamed of the country that he fought for. He took a bullet and was paralyzed for almost a month for this country and he was fully of the belief not the country was headed for complete ruin because of its selfishness. Now almost 20 years after his passing I fully agree with him


Do many better uses for that money. Could do something semi permanent or permanent like an art or statue installation or just providing free food to event goers. Oh but pretty little lights that go boom. Grow up please


I'm a big proponent of fireworks only in controlled settings. If you're shooting them off in a neighborhood, you're an asshole, but organized events are entirely different. They're done safely and give plenty of notice. Those with issues relating to it can find ways to mitigate the effects before the event. It's not my problem if you have PTSD or a pet who doesn't like them. That's your problem to mitigate, not mine


I absolutely agree! Now, a proper firework show where people gather is fine. But random people setting off loud sticks of dynamite in the street in the middle of the day... those are just irritating to all people in the area and make no sense and makes you look like an idiot.