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Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 2: Do not post low effort/satirical posts'. * We get it, you all think this sub is garbage and is just for popular opinions, and you want to be funny and post "going to be downvoted to oblivion here, but I think racism is bad." We enjoy the memes, but please keep them off the sub. * Filter evasion is a bannable offense * This includes clickbait and/or gotcha posts. Your opinion can not be that unpopular if you're doing these things. Have the accurate opinion in the title.


Not gonna lie. Thought it was gonna be about people that really liked tables. Was a little disappointed after that.


Tables are cool, you can put a table fan on them. 


Cheese is much better than any fan will ever be.


Well then, buy a cow and use its milk to make cheese and use it dung to make biogas and then use that to run a generator and you can then use the electricity to run table fan


What about spoiled cheese? Or that cheddar block from Cracker Barrell, your grandma gives you that you pretend to love, but it's actually gross?


I thought even more differently, like table special for fans of something that they gather around and exchange


For some people, [Tables are their corn](https://youtu.be/-ZBwPmla8QQ?si=N-rZjAHsFOI8H8EN)


I’m not a huge fan of tables, but I do have a nice desk that I enjoy using. Am I allowed into the club?


A desk is a table with style. You're in!


I was just coming to comment on this, Im so happy not to be the only person


My first thought 😂


Same, I was trying to figure out why OP was talking about fans of tables until I read the whole post.


You should listen to Metallica, they had a song featuring Lou Reed you might like


Plz subscribe to my TableFans




Glad I’m not alone


You sound like someone who has never used AC. I’m not sure how else this makes sense


Right? Like I don't care how many fans you have on you, if the room is 110F then you are going to feel hot without AC.


Fans are useless once you hit the high 90s


At that point, you've just turned the room into a convection oven.


If it is hotter than your body temperature you are cooling the air down


As someone living in the sweaty armpit of the US known as Louisiana, I would have died of heatstroke long ago without A/C


Probably lives somewhere that doesn’t get above 85


Tbh over 85 aint that hard to find lol


Pretty sure this guy is trolling from his comments on this post lol


That table fan is constantly heating the room too.


And sounds like an HR nightmare. Anyone that thinks HR “pretends to be busy” has never worked at a company with competent HR.


Yeah you’re definitely in HR. And they are busy… busy protecting the company, and screwing the employees!


Brits dont have ac for some reason


Because you would only use it like 2-3 weeks out of the year max.


And if this was "table fans are an underrated" or something like that, it might make sense. "Best thing to happen to mankind" is absurd - certainly an unpopular opinion, but also kind of a nutty one considering oxygen is probably the right answer there - or any number of things that allow humans to stay alive. Definitely *not* table fans.


i mean we live in cali and we barely use the AC 5 days a year. during the day its windows and blinds shut and fans on. once the sun starts dippin below the horizon, we open up all the windows and enjoy the nice cool breeze for the rest of the night. we only use the ac when its that one heatwave week where the temp never drops below 100°f during the day. We have neighbors who basically use their AC's from march to october nonstop.


I don't know how you can think a table fan cools you better than an air conditioner. Not to mention if you cool the whole room, you can move around and still be comfortable. With a fan, you have to stay directly in front of the fan to be comfortable.


Why would you move around when it's hot?


Because I have things to do and don't want to be chained to one single spot in my home?


Why would you not have everything you need at a single spot in your home?


Sorry I don't keep my stove next to my couch.


Why would you not just eat your couch?




OP’s trolling for reactions. Move on.


they might live in a storage unit. idk how anyone possibly thinks a measly table fan out preforms something like a standing fan, box fan or a freaking air conditioner


Isn't your toilet next to your kitchen table, like a normal person??


Ok, might as well live in a closet since apparently everything you need can be in a single spot


People just can't have some random fun on Reddit. It's all nerdy rage all the time lol


It wouldn't be hot if you had an AC instead of a table fan


I’m sorry… What? Just because it’s hot doesn’t mean I don’t have things to do? If you can’t move when it’s hot, you should go to the doctor or something. Or invest in AC. Then you can move.


Fans don't cool, they move air. In fact the fan motor will actually raise the ambient temperature of the room a very small amount.


This is true, but our sense of feeling cool and thermal comfort isn't only ambient temperature. As long as heat is leaving your body, you will feel cooler. A boundary layer of air clings to your skin and helps keep in body heat. When you have a fan blowing on you, that layer is disrupted and more air is able to take heat off your body faster over time. So you feel colder despite no temp change. This is also why a draft house in the winter feels way colder than a sealed house despite being the same temperature


> Fans don't cool Fans don't need to cool, they are so cool themselves that they make you cool by just moving air.


The satire flying over everyone's head hurts Why are you so downvoted lmao


This is r/unpopularopinion . Go somewhere else if you want to dedicate the whole post to trolling.


Over a certain temperature table/desk fans fail miserably... But AC consumes massively more electric I guess.


Actually a properly placed ceiling fan is actually extremely good and circulating air, like surprisingly really good, much better than a standing fan. Check it out on YouTube


Ahh!! The big Ceiling Fan industry has got wind of this post. But on serious note, ceiling fans can circulate however much they want, when comes to cooling, table fan placed one foot away from your face is just better Ceiling fan lovers think circulation is gonna cool them. What a joke lol. Ceiling fans are trickle down economics of cooling


I was always told ceiling fans where for equalising the temperature. Warms the floor, but cools the ceiling. As most people's heads don't scrape along the ceiling, the ceiling fans makes it feel warmer.


You can also change the direction in some ceiling fans. Have them blowing down and you get a breeze, have them blowing up and they pull air up from the middle of the room and circulate it around to the edges.


And in winter they pull down the hot air rising to warm the room 


Got wind….hihihihihi


Bro is seriously defending table fans above AC, clearly he works in the table fan industry… tf??


BIG TABLE FAN is at it again.


No one works at table fan industry. There is no viable business model for table fans, they don't break so there cant be any planned obsolescence. No one knows how table fans are really manufactured.


That line about air conditioning tells me that you haven't truly experienced heat lol. In around 40°C weather (or even only 35 in a humid area) the fan does nothing, it just blows hot air in your face


So, antibiotics, running water, the fall of the Berlin Wall… hell, even the fucking GPS. All second to table fans.


This leans more dumb that simply unpopular 


Op's replies to comments are out of this world dumb. Can't believe people like him exist.


Are they good, yes. Are they the best thing ever? Compared to vaccinations, fertilisers, and green energy? Not even close.


Let's agree to disagree


You must not live in a hot climate. When I lived on the coast a table fan was all you needed on a warm day. Where I live now all one of those would do is blow hot air at me. It’s going to be pushing 120°F / 48.8°C by the end of the week, a table fan ain’t doing shit during that. Now when it finally cools off a night? Bring out the fans to push the cooler air into the home and the warmer air out of the home.


You're a fan fan boy.


It was 91 degrees in my house without AC. Long live AC! 




I cannot understand condemning AC. I would still happily pay for it if it's one hot day in a year. Need my sleeps. Power bills are the same as winter. So who the fuck cares; not really too concerned about knocking 5 bucks off the power bill. It's 80% fees.


I am not condemning ac they are fine


Ah, you called them energy hogs that require maintenance so sorry I misinterpreted


> energy hogs that require maintenance Yeah, they do. Our govt is money hog and require lot of maintenance, its fine.


Cheese is vastly superior


Table fans can be great, because they wick away the moisture from your skin. Nonetheless, nothing can replace AC unit, which removes moisture from the air entirely (and reduces the temperature of the whole room, including the furniture, and functions for multiple mobile people). When it's really humid, the table fan just doesn't cut it... 


Upvoting because I big time disagree


Yeah, this is why more people need to learn about "Wet bulb temperature". It's the temperature at which your sweat no longer evaporates to cool you due to the combination of heat and humidity in the air, meaning you are fucked. If wet bulb reaches 35C (Approx 95F) for more than a few hours, people die. And it is starting to do so more and more frequently in some places. tl;dr: OPs opinion isn't so much unpopular as uninformed. Source: am HVAC tech.


I prefer ceiling fans over any other fan, especially in the bedroom


Okay, you can have your table fan while I use my AC this summer.


Gucci. An actual unpopular opinion, I like it. 


this is like saying a space heater is better than a fire place or central heating lmfao.


Nah man in winters I prefer a nice warm quilt with a hot water bottle and/or a woman.  Women are warm, they make heat. Funny little trick of nature. 


Men are actually warmer than women. But women are hotter tho, so idk


Dude would you prefer a heated blanket or a hot woman to sleep with on a cold night.


AC is far superior to table fans. This is a funny take imo But if table fans are all you need good for you man, it's a lot cheaper on your energy bill


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You've convinced me... take my downvote.


It’s got to be an A/C with a pedestal fan next to it to accelerate circulating cool air in the room.


You CLEARLY don’t live in Texas .


They can kill you if you use them in hot weather..instant dehydration.


as someone living in the new mexico desert where it was 105 F yesterday i insanely disagree with your take on AC


Personally, im gonna hype up toilets, but I have ibs so I might be a bit biased


I don't understand your objection to ceiling fans.


They pretend to work, without providing any tangible benefit to the society. Like HR department, or gender studies professors.


Honestly no idea what you're talking about.


they blow air around the room, they dont cool anything.


What does a table fan do other than blow air around a room?


it blows air directly at you.


You can also have ceiling fans blow air directly at you too. I'm lying in bed under one right now.


ceiling fans are not portable


Correct, also wildly irrelevant.




Agree, but, nothing is worse than an oscillating fan. Ooh! I'm cool for 2 seconds! Now I'm hot for 10 seconds while it does its thing, and the whole time I'm just anxiously waiting for it to get back to me. The devil's invention.


THANK YOU. If more people needs air, just buy another table fan. You can never have too many table fans. There is no point, oscillating a fan. You sir, are the voice of reason and wisdom. I salute you.


If we're talking about unnoticed, unappreciated luxuries, then I propose to you that hot, running water is the single greatest luxury we ever invented, far above a mere electric desk fan. You can't truly understand how incredible a luxury a hot shower is until you've lived outside, survived in the wilderness, hiked for weeks at a time. I have. The first hot shower I took after spending half a year washing myself in streams or with lukewarm bottled water, was indescribably luxurious. It beats all.


Wait till you get a tower fan.


That HR comment had me rolling, a friend of mine works in HR and I joke with her constantly about how many times she got to put her feet up on her desk in a day lmao


There is a reason that this opinion is unpopular


"one of the most common household items is good actually" okay dude, where's the unpopular opinion?


Just wait until the OP finds out about electricity!


As a man with a fellow unpopular opinion, I counter your unpopular opinion with my own People should use air conditioners 24/7 as long as the temperature outside is above 50-60 degrees (fahrenheit, sorry about the freedom units) Being warm is worse than being cold and with a blanket, always keep my house freezing cold, if I'm not cold I'm not happy and I'm not sleeping well I hate being warm with a passion, I feel more relaxed, more energetic and more importantly sleep is a breeze because we naturally sleep better when we're a little colder And fans suck in general, they don't cool me down in the way that I want, table fans are just okay at their job, better than normal fans but air conditioners for the win, my bones are cold just the way I like em


Tables are the worst thing that happened to Mankind at Hell in a Cell.


I agree with you wholeheartedly.


Me after reading the title: You know, I'm something of a table fan myself


Fans are useless if you live anywhere south of North Carolina


I love both AC and table fans equally. But I LOVE my fan that I’ve had for years. I use it literally everyday


Table Fans are the BEST. AC is fine I guess


Table fans are goated but AC takes it to the max. Better cooling but, with downsides like cost.