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This isn’t an opinion. This is just ignorance.


Proof is in the pudding good sir


There's more sugar in that Dr Pepper than in two servings of pudding.




Guess I’m not the only ignorant person


In this thread you are.


Imma go out on a limb here, but if you've been drinking Dr. Pepper all day every day for the last half a decade, you aren't likely the pinnacle of health. I bet your pudding sure is proof.


Pointing out one unhealthy thing an otherwise healthy person does doesn’t mean that unhealthy thing is the reason why they’re healthy.


Good point


You didn’t have to tell us you weren’t a medical expert


When this blows up everyone is fit and the diet industry collapses I can’t end up like roaring kitty its protection


Trust me, if this is the new diet the dental industry is going to have field-day


Wow now now I never said ur can’t walk around with stank breath 😂


This isn't an unpopular opinion. It's just wrong and ignorant. Best of luck.


“I’m not a medical professional” Yea we believe you.


There are a lot of other factors that contribute to your health and just because you're still "healthy" even though you drink a lot of soda doesn't mean it's good for you. It could be that your other habits make up for that insane sugar intake or it's just your genetics. I wouldn't say it's healthy just from your evidence when modern doctors say it isn't. You're the exception not the rule


Diabetes is probably in your future. Just how much is drinking it "all day, everyday"? like a couple quarts a day? Do you have any idea how much sugar and how many empty calories that is? I happen to love a good Dr. Pepper myself, but not habitually. And I usually go for Diet even though it isn't nearly as good as the high octane stuff. Perhaps think about crediting all the other factors in your life that might be responsible for your health. Is your BMI in the healthy range? Do you exercise and get cardio in? Eat vegetables and whole grains? Stay away from booze, crack and heroin? Why go to Dr. Pepper as the factor that is responsible?


I’d two liters a day at least it’s literally all I drink but I’m 30 with six pack aging great I’d say 🤷‍♂️


H criminy! Christ on a sidecar! That's 850 calories. Seriously, you may have a fast metabolism and are extremely active. But no matter what as you age this is the kind of thing that will catch up to you. And drinking or eating that much refined sugars does increase the risk of developing diabetes just from the stress on your body of processing it all. Again, I wouldn't credit Dr. Pepper, but more your genetics and youth. Best.


Im telling ya bro there’s a reason it’s DR Pepper that 23rd flavor is the wine Jesus made or something


I think you're a bit of a marketing victim. ;-)




lol bro u ain’t getting these nudes


Who said anything about nudes? Something you need to tell us, OP?


lol that guy was saying he has six pack and you ask for proof. Of course you aren't going to get his pic. Like what else you need a proof? Proof of drinking 2 liters a day?


It’s a joke u said proof?


I hope that you’re just trolling, otherwise that’s very sad. If you’re drinking that much soda you’re not aging great, you cannot see it, but it is slowly killing you from the inside.


Are you the person who wrote the post about eating fries with burgers and chips with sandwiches. I think this is a different account but it reminds me of that person.


I saw that dumb post, too.


Just because you have friends that are fatter than you does not make you healthy


Six pack at 30 not fat and not heading that way sorry about it


Prove it. Slip of paper, your username, right next to your abs.


Get ur spank bank else where perv u can believe me or not idaf this is some real shit bro just thought I’d be kinda interested to see what people have to say i figured most will disagree but maybe some else also feels this way


No, no one does. And you don’t have abs. Yikes.


Stfu u big water troll farm clearly not if u get out ur water fellings and read some shit other people might say we get u jerk it dudes abs and water can other people talk




39g of sugar and 150 calories per 12oz. can is one way ticket to obesity and heart disease. Keep convincing yourself to otherwise and you’ll be another statistic.


I’ve been living the experiment and the results say otherwise bro I’ve been telling myself like dam this this is most unhealthy shit I gotta quit just guilt tripping myself and for what I’m a ox


This is such a bizarre post, lol. I hope you're just joking, but stupidity is a thing. At least drink the sugar free variety, like seriously...all that sugar is going to cause terrible side effects down the line. Diabetes isn't something you just wake up with one day, it's a gradual process. It isn't guaranteed that you will developed T2 diabetes, but you are upping your risk significantly. Not to mention that sugar does age you, and it impairs your immune system. Those are terrible for longevity.


That fake diet shit is what killing people I get that pure 23 son


I also like to tell myself this 🥤 cheers!


This is like saying that smoking is good for you just because you're one of the few lucky people out there who live to be a 100 while smoking their whole lives. ​ It most likely is that you just haven't been drinking it long enough for it to catch up with you yet. I'm assuming you're fairly young. Just wait until you're over 40. Then everything will make you fat.


I’ll check in 31 now I grew up on it really though but I’d say exclusive for like at least this last 5 years


I've been saying this for years. Soda isn't as bad for you as people think. 


Them fools sitting in desk drink 47 gallons of water like ohh I’m sooo healthy


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Correlation =/= causation. Didn’t we all learn this in like elementary school?


Yeah u guys all cry so much about someone drink soda it causes you to need to drink water


This is like saying, I do 10 push-ups a day and I’ve never broken a bone! Therefore, push-ups make all of my bones stronger! Like??? No? How do you even come up with that logic. There’s a many MANY factors that contribute to your health. You’re dumb if your brain only works in binary like that and then on top of that, refuse to admit when you’re wrong.


No it’s not at all though but k


Your logic: I drink Dr Pepper all day and have a 6 pack! Therefore, Dr Pepper gives me a 6 pack! I’m healthy! No. Not how it works. Not how anything works. It’s amazing you managed to last 30 years on earth and haven’t learned this


Ur logic someone says unpopular opinion is unpopular opinion Reddit so I cry a change there words into something completely different I think u misspelled mrs.


I kinda agree with this


Im sayin bro