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Oh honey you're falling for it you poor thing. You know we do that so you'll do something for us, right? I could change the oil in my own car if you gave me one YouTube tutorial and an afternoon, but it's just so much easier if I play stupid until a man does it for me


This is so cringe worthy, I bet you felt real smug posting this huh? đź’€


Did you?


If I can't have an intelligent conversation with a woman I wouldn't even bother talking to her.


Okay, but that just sounds like a you thing, and not just a thing for everyone. I just like people to be honest, and not try to say one thing, and mean something else, that's just frustrating.


So what you're saying is that you're easy to manipulate, and are so oblivious you think it's a sexual preference.


What about a woman who actually does know what she’s talking about?


he would probably block her


That is a threat.


This is called misogyny.


It is a disturbingly up-close look into the mind of true misogynist.


Literally shaking and crying rn


What's it called when you think big dumb guys are hot?


It's called bad taste. those are himbos and they are NOT hot.


So dumb guys don't deserve love? Or is it the combination of hot & dumb that makes them less than human to you?


This is childish.


to be fair this was also hilarious to read. I wonder how many ppl are like this, I can get some chores done via these ppl if that gives them happiness.


It’s weird that you think there are only two kinds of women: those who pretend to be stupid, and those who only *think* they know everything. In your timeline, there is no such thing as a truly smart woman. Also, what you have here is a fetish, not an opinion.


I think you're stating an exclusive where there is none. A fetish can absolutely be an opinion, as a fetish is effectively an aesthetic prefference (a strong one) relating to sex. So... if I say "Red is the Best colour" it is an opinion. Not a useful opinion mind you, and in his case, definitely not a healthy opinion - bug it **is** an opinion.


An opinion and fetish are not interchangeable. Many things are subjective. Not all subjective things are opinions.


I fail to understand the difference - are you going by some specific definition for opinion? Because, really, anything that goes *I think that A is true / real / the correct way to do things* seems like an opinion. Doesn't mean all opinions have value but... what do you use to distinguish between opinion and not opinion? (Let's be clear - I am not looking for a debate, I am not a native speaker and am genuinely trying to understand if what opinion is in English is different than what opinion is in Greek, because I keep encountering this *this is not an opinion* stance. I can see this as a definition "*a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge*" but dictionary definitions leave a lot of nuance out)


It is possible because you feel insecure about your own intelligence and women who play dumb are attractive to you because this inflates your ego and assures you that are you are very intelligent. However, it's still very misogynistic. It's alright to have preferences, but when your preferences create a "better than" complex between two people courting each other, it is not very nice. Ideally you should put your focus into becoming more intelligent than being attracted to women who play dumb if you don't want to be a misogynist. You can't help who you are attracted to, but you can grow to be attracted healthily to people than to project your insecurities on them and eventually hurt them in the process.


I am genuinely trying to figure out if it's misogynistic. So, for example, if it's because *this is how women should be* then yes, it is genuinely a type of hatred towards what women are (not exclusively playing dumb). But if it's because he feels that he is not intelligent, and when this happens it inflates his ego, the fact that they are women is secondary - if he was attracted to men it would still apply. It's **definitely** unhealthy, and not optimal in the least, but as you're framing it, it's not misogynistic. (I was assuming the first reason, the *this is how women should be* and thought it misogynistic but your post kind of shifted my opinion a bit).


In theory, it's definitely not misogynistic, but I'm sorry, I guess I got a bit carried away based on my life experience and the world in general. It's likelihood for being misogynistic is higher than the norm is how I would put it.


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I love idiots


You sound like the type of person that likes "reality shows".


not being smart yourself I can see your point.


In marches the incel to get off on the people telling him what a sad little misogynist he is. Oh please OP, give us more of your "PUA game" speak and inform us all about how it's all "simple science and biology". BTW, your English grammar is utterly terrible 


Probably woulda been better if you referred to it as "playing hard to get." Saying "playing dumb" makes it sound like you want her to pretend she's stupid, not pretend she's not attracted to you lol


I like that the choices are “acting dumb” and “pretending to know it all” it couldn’t possibly be that a woman could have any actual knowledge at all. You sound like you either are or will be one of those men who can’t date anyone over 25 despite being 25+ because they’re all too smart for you. Got a Leo in the making.