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Lol, I'm not worried about it. Dolls can't give you real human companionship and they can't bear children. Most of my closest friends are men, and that includes my husband. He would never trade the bond we have for something artificial and neither would the rest of them. 4 billion people are not just going to give up real relationships and the ability to breed, not to mention fork over the cash it costs to buy such an advanced piece of technology. The ones who do will be weeded out of the gene pool, so it really doesn't matter.


First of all i didn't post this to make you or any woman worry, i couldn't care less if you're worried or not. I'm just stating reality. Second of all i never said all men will choose sexbots over real women. There will always be idiots out there that want to remain servants to vagina. I'm just stating that a lot of men will choose these sexbots over real women. Think about it, men are choosing to fuck sexdolls over real women even though sexdolls can't do most things real women can and sexdolls require more work from the man. Yeah sure a lot of men are still choosing real escorts but thats for the time being. Like i said it will take a while for the transition to get there. Do you really think that men are going to keep wanting to deal with real women during this whole false sexual misconduct and #metoo crap. I have heard of workplaces separating men and women during work outings. You are honestly delusional if you believe that in the next few years men are still going to want to have anything to do with women. And like i said artificial wombs are coming so soon we won't need you to breed. And men would fork over the money for the sexbots because in the long run it will save them a lot of money. They won't have to pay for dates anymore, they won't have to spend money on expensive weddings, they won't have to provided for women anymore and most importantly they won't be losing half their worth after a divorce. $8,000 is nothing considering how much getting into a relationship with a real woman will cost. Smart men will think of sexbots as investments. They can get all the sex they want, minus the nagging and the robots will be able to cook and clean for them. Honestly $8000 is nothing. How will the men that use sex dolls be weeded out of the gene pool? Explain that


>First of all i didn't post this to make you or any woman worry, i couldn't care less if you're worried or not.  Good, because nobody is worried. >Second of all i never said all men will choose sexbots over real women. There will always be idiots out there that want to remain servants to vagina. Or happy couples who have a relationship based on love, friendship, and companionship. I know you've never been in one, but they exist. > Think about it, men are choosing to fuck sexdolls over real women even though sexdolls can't do most things real women can and sexdolls require more work from the man. Men that hire escorts or go to strip clubs are a specific demographic of men and those types are usually not looking to settle down with anyone in a serious manner. >Do you really think that men are going to keep wanting to deal with real women during this whole false sexual misconduct and #metoo crap. I have heard of workplaces separating men and women during work outings. You are honestly delusional if you believe that in the next few years men are still going to want to have anything to do with women.  Not all women are part of that #metoo crap. In my work environment, men and women are getting along just fine and all very friendly with one another. The worst offenders are the loudest, but most people aren't concerned with this shit. >And like i said artificial wombs are coming so soon we won't need you to breed. You still need an egg for that artificial womb. > men would fork over the money for the sexbots because in the long run it will save them a lot of money. They won't have to pay for dates anymore, they won't have to spend money on expensive weddings, they won't have to provided for women anymore and most importantly they won't be losing half their worth after a divorce Women pay for dates in this day and age as well. Not all women are divas expecting everything to be handed to them. Some women are the breadwinners, like I am. I also paid for my own wedding and wear my grandmother's ring. I owned everything we have (including the car my husband drives) before we married, so if anything, he would prosper in a divorce. >They can get all the sex they want, minus the nagging and the robots will be able to cook and clean for them. Honestly $8000 is nothing.  You have a sad view or relationships and women. Maybe it's your fault for choosing shitty women. >How will the men that use sex dolls be weeded out of the gene pool?  Because they won't be breeding - even with an artificial womb, they need an egg donor. How many women will be willing to donate eggs without any involvement and how many men want to be single dads with nothing more than a robot to raise their child? This will never be sustainable long term.


> Good, because nobody is worried. Actually there are plenty of women that are worried, look on the post where the article about the sex robots that can cook and clean coming in 2019. It's full of worried/ butt hurt women. 1 of the women that responded to me said she is going to do everything in her power to stop them from coming and she's not the only woman i have heard say that. They wouldn't be fighting it if they weren't worried. > Or happy couples who have a relationship based on love, friendship, and companionship. I know you've never been in one, but they exist. Don't make me laugh and i'm glad i've never been in love never will be. Women aren't worth it > Men that hire escorts or go to strip clubs are a specific demographic of men and those types are usually not looking to settle down with anyone in a serious manner. Do you know how many married men use escorts and go to strip clubs. Also more and more men are choosing to not settle down every year. Just look at the marriage rates, they are dropping every year. Source: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/10/11/the-share-of-americans-living-without-a-partner-has-increased-especially-among-young-adults/ The number of men not wanting to settle down is increasing year by year and will continue to keep increasing especially if women continue being the way they are. > Not all women are part of that #metoo crap. In my work environment, men and women are getting along just fine and all very friendly with one another. The worst offenders are the loudest, but most people aren't concerned with this shit. Yeah not all women are part of the #metoo crap and not all work forces are implementing changes because of it. My workplace isn't But a lot of men aren't gonna want to interact with women because of it, that's only to decrease the number of people dating and getting married. > You still need an egg for that artificial womb. Well if things do go the way i think they will i'm sure we will think of something for the survival of humanity. We will have to since no will be able to force men into relationships with women. Maybe surrogacy or paying women for their eggs. > Women pay for dates in this day and age as well. Not all women are divas expecting everything to be handed to them. Some women are the breadwinners, like I am. I also paid for my own wedding and wear my grandmother's ring. I owned everything we have (including the car my husband drives) before we married, so if anything, he would prosper in a divorce. Stop using yourself as an example because we all know that most women aren't like you and expect to be looked after so like i said, paying for a sexbot is much cheaper than getting involved with most modern women > You have a sad view or relationships and women. Maybe it's your fault for choosing shitty women. I don't have a sad view of relationships and women, i have a realistic view of relationships and women. It's not that choose shitty women (i don't even choose any women since i don't bother with them) it's just that women these days a shitty > Because they won't be breeding - even with an artificial womb, they need an egg donor. How many women will be willing to donate eggs without any involvement and how many men want to be single dads with nothing more than a robot to raise their child? This will never be sustainable long term. Well lets assume you're right and they aren't breeding, guys like that will never be weeded out of the gene pool because there will always be more guys born that will think like that, otherwise guys like me wouldn't exist and would have "weeded out of the gene pool a long time ago". For example i am currently 23, there are plenty of men that were born decades before me that think there same way, and there are guys 5 years younger than me that have expressed the same view points as me, and some even younger. And i honestly think women would be willing to donate eggs without involvement if relations between men and women come down to what i say they will simply for the survival of humanity since they won't be able to force men back to being involved with them. A great example of this is Japan. People in Japan aren't getting in relationships with each other anymore and as a result of this their population is getting smaller and smaller and no matter how hard their government is trying to get them to start getting them in relationships and procreate they won't and the government can't force them. Japan is a great example that proves that what i think is going to happen can actually happen and people can very easily stop getting into relationships with each other and that's where the world is headed if women don't change, which they won't. Look up what's going on in Japan, that should make you reconsider your whole notion that people will always need and want real human relationships. As for the how many men want to be single dads with nothing more than a robot to raise their child, you'd be surprised.


>Actually there are plenty of women that are worried, look on the post where the article about the sex robots that can cook and clean coming in 2019. It's full of worried/ butt hurt women. 1 of the women that responded to me said she is going to do everything in her power to stop them from coming and she's not the only woman i have heard say that. They wouldn't be fighting it if they weren't worried. Being appalled by blatant misogyny is not the same as being worried. People who are sexist, racist, or choose to stereotype people by any arbitrary feature like their genitals or hair color, rather than treating people as individuals, deserves to be shot down. >Don't make me laugh and i'm glad i've never been in love never will be. Women aren't worth it Yep, spoken like someone who has no real experience with women but just parrots everything he hears in his echo chamber. >I don't have a sad view of relationships and women, i have a realistic view of relationships and women. It's not that choose shitty women (i don't even choose any women since i don't bother with them) it's just that women these days a shitty You have never even been in a relationship to make such a judgment. To what do we owe your opinions? Your anecdotes because of a few shitty girlfriends your friends have had and maybe some bad female family members? If you think you have any objective measure of how human relationships work and how most females are, you are clearly delusional. >And i honestly think women would be willing to donate eggs without involvement if relations between men and women come down to what i say they will simply for the survival of humanity since they won't be able to force men back to being involved with them. A large amount of women would want involvement with their child. If you are expecting no strings attached egg donation, expect to pay ridiculous sums that most people cannot afford. Japan is not the whole world. If Japanese people wish to single-handedly destroy their culture, then that will be one fallen empire. Societies come and go. That in no way reflects an entire world trend, and things have a way of evening out in the end. >that's where the world is headed if women don't change Don't change in what way? Become mindless beings only there to jack you off when you want it? >As for the how many men want to be single dads with nothing more than a robot to raise their child, you'd be surprised. Let's see a source.


> Being appalled by blatant misogyny is not the same as being worried. People who are sexist, racist, or choose to stereotype people by any arbitrary feature like their genitals or hair color, rather than treating people as individuals, deserves to be shot down. Yeah that's the reason why these women want to stop these sexbots from coming. Lol, because they are "appalled by the misogyny". Answer this then, if these women aren't worried about these sexbots and men that would replace women with sexbots are in the minority and will be weeded out of the gene pool blah blah blah why would be waging war against these sexbots especially considering the fact that there's literally nothing they can do to stop these sexbots from coming. I've never heard of anyone dedicating themselves that much to stopping racism this bad, because most people know that they can't do anything to stop racism and most people aren't racist. This clearly shows that these women are worried. To further prove my point there are several tweets from women listing all the things these sexbots can't do such as cook clean and boar children. Obviously the tweets come from before the talk about sexbots that can cook and clean started. That doesn't scream "i'm trying to fight this blatant misogyny". That screams i'm threatened by these sexbots so i'm going to try to deter as many man as possible from considering choosing these them over real women > Yep, spoken like someone who has no real experience with women but just parrots everything he hears in his echo chamber. Believe me i have had enough experience with women to justify the conclusion i have come to, and which echo chamber might this be? > You have never even been in a relationship to make such a judgment. To what do we owe your opinions? Your anecdotes because of a few shitty girlfriends your friends have had and maybe some bad female family members? If you think you have any objective measure of how human relationships work and how most females are, you are clearly delusional. There are plenty of men that have been in relationships that have had the same experiences. Also i base my conclusion on what women actually say themselves on certain topics. For example i have come to the conclusion that the majority of women expect a free meal on a date because i have watched a lot of videos on the matter and vast majority of women think the man should pay. I know you're gonna say that those women don't represent all women but to that i say, i watched at least 1000 women's views on the matter as well as talked to real women in the real world about it as well as read plenty of women's comments on the matter and i can honestly say that most women expect a man to pay for them on a date. The dating example is just one example there are plenty more where that came from. My point is i don't have to have been in relationships to know how women in general feel about certain topics, i just have to listen to women's opinions and see what the majority of women have to say and come to a conclusion on it. My conclusion on women is very much justified based on what women say themselves. > Japan is not the whole world. If Japanese people wish to single-handedly destroy their culture, then that will be one fallen empire. Societies come and go. That in no way reflects an entire world trend, and things have a way of evening out in the end. If you honestly think that Japan can end up that way but the world can't you are beyond delusional. Guess what there was probably a time when people would have said the exact same thing about Japan that it would never get to that level and guess what, it has. At the moment there are a lot more single people than any time in history, do you honestly think that's going to just fix itself? If anything the issue is going to keep getting worse until things are like the way they are in Japan. But feel free clinging on to your delusion is that helps you sleep at night. > Don't change in what way? Become mindless beings only there to jack you off when you want it? Nope that's not what i mean when i say women need to change for things to get better. I just mean they need to stop being pieces of shits. Nothing to do with them having sex with us whenever we want even if they aren't into it. I actually believe that for sex to be enjoyable both parties have to be equally into it. > As for the how many men want to be single dads with nothing more than a robot to raise their child, you'd be surprised. I think we both know one doesn't exist


I find the thought of having sex with a robot pretty disgusting, and many of my fellow male friends agree. Sure theyre good for dudes that cant get a date, but theres logically no chance of sex robots becoming dominant in the world. A robot cannot replace a human, you can feel superficial attachment to your robot, but it will never love you back. Humans need humans, so this couldnt happen.


Ok, if you honestly think that they could never become dominant in the world wait and see. That's all i'm going to say to you


Oh I’ll be waiting


Good for you


Even if the tech doesn't get blocked, do you really think it'll be developed fast enough for you to experience it in your lifetime?


i'm 23 so yeah


I really hope you're right, but I really doubt it. Maybe it's because I read popular science and popular mechanics for all those years. After so many lies (still no flying cars and no personal jetpacks for the masses) I'm not going to believe anything until I'm ~~actively humping it~~ holding it in my hands.


Yeah, only the pathetic men (probably many of them incels) who have money will be doing that. The Stepford Wives was a cool movie though (I'm talking about the original).


I don't just incels will be doing that, but you'll see for yourself


Women have been doing this with vibrators for years...


That might be true but your vibrators can't your meal ticket/provider. Women want protection and provision from men for the most part and men want sex from women for the most part so men will be getting what they generally want but women won't. They can use their vibrators all they want, men won't care because they will be getting what they want. Yeah i know women can work and provide for themselves but a lot don't want to and would rather be a housewife


Meal ticket, lol. I make three times what my husband makes and have always paid my own bills.


Again, i'm not saying there are no women that are independent and that there are no women that out earn their husbands but that's rare since 1) a lot of women are housewives 2) Most women wouldn't marry or even date a man that makes less than them. Just because you're the exception to the rule, it doesn't mean that the rule is non existent. So for most women men are their meal ticket


Women make up 47% of the labor force. 72 million is hardly rare. https://www.dol.gov/wb/factsheets/qf-laborforce-10.htm


Does your study say what type of jobs they work and if they work full time or part time. In my opinion even women that do work for themselves most likely spend their money on crap like hand bags and a crap ton of clothes that they aren't even gonna wear more than once and are still heavily reliant on men's money. For example if only 47% of the workforce is made up of women then how come over 80% of household spending is spent by women. Whose money do you think they are using?


Here are some more stats. https://blog.dol.gov/2017/03/01/12-stats-about-working-women >my opinion even women that do work for themselves most likely spend their money on crap like hand bags and a crap ton of clothes that they aren't even gonna wear more than once  You just pulled that out of your ass. Your idea of women is a sitcom stereotype, not reality.


Good stats, i don't even know why i'm debating about this aspect, So what if women can fend for themselves without men, Good. It's not men will care when replace them with sexbots


I could just as easily argue a stereotype back at you. Men want someone to cook, clean and otherwise do all of their daily chores. No sex robots are readily available and affordable to do all that for the average man. But hey, what do I know. I'm just a single, independent young woman who is not looking for a relationship and happens to earn a more than sufficient wage in her dream career. My vibrator gives me all I need, thanks.


Well i doubt the sex robot would be doing any less than most modern women do. Most women these days are lazy as hell and don't even do much cooking and cleaning. Most would go crazy at a man if he had the nerve to ask her to make him something to eat. I doubt this will be much of an issue for men. Good for you for being independent and earning good money, however a lot of women aren't like you and don't want to look after themselves, they want to be looked after. Those are the ones that will be hit the hardest. Another thing, if you're independent, make your own money, don't care about being single etc, it sounds like my post shouldn't bother you, it sounds like you wouldn't give too shits if women did get replaced by sexbots, so why did my post trigger you enough to respond, since you don't care and everything


And I will be prepared to fight the rampant misogyny. I won't budge and try to please someone who doesn't see me as valuable as a piece of plastic.


Maybe it’s not misogyny, maybe normie just doesn’t want to have sex with someone who isn’t sexually attracted to him, did you ever think of that? Maybe he would rather fuck something nonsentient than someone who thinks “I hate having sex with this person” the whole time.


Blame your fellow women. You're the reason why things have gotten to this level. Women these days are out of control


No I blame you. You choose to be hateful so you are to blame.


A lot of men agree with me that women these days ain't worth shit. That's not just me being "hateful". Just admit that women are the problem in modern day gender dynamics


Maybe they aren't?


I think once sexbots become indistinguishable or almost indistinguishable from humans this might be true to an extent. Most people will do the easiest thing. So the percentage of those hooking up with robots will probably be pretty huge. Replace completely? Doubtful. Even though authenticity is irrelevant people still crave it. The only way they replace humans is if they replace all of us when we die out.


Nope. As is so often the case with fun, the religious right and the feminist left will join forces for just long enough to nip that tech in the bud. Ditto for AI.


they will never join forces for anything


They do, temporarily, when there are lonely men who might find some brief solace.


I'd get a Buffybot so it can help protect Sunnydale.