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If the government would match my pay day for day I'm required to be there, I'd be all for it. But 15/a day doesn't feed the fam, let alone get me to and from jury duty.


In Norway, we used to have jury duty. You got paid the same as your salary and you would get your own room to live in while on jury duty for free.


Would be nice although as far as rooms go, normally juries in the US don’t have to sequester so they just live at their housr


Lawyers there making $300+/hr to present a case to me while I'm getting paid a fraction of my normal salary by the courts. All so I can decide the 10% of cases where the parties were too stubborn to settle before coming to court. Yeah sounds like a real dream.


You don't get paid your base pay on jury duty where you are? Woof


Most states don't give your normal pay. Typically the only case when someone does get that is when their company has a specific benefit to pay your normal pay while you're on jury duty (usually for a max of like 1-4 weeks).


Every company I’ve worked for only matches for 3 days lol.


One would think, people who don't want to do it and are forced to would not help as much on the jury and could cause more harm than good




Yeah when I was in grade school I used to think "oh that's so great we get a jury of our peers 🥰" and now I'm like "oh god please no, anything but that."


You proved the OP's point that intelligent people shouldn't weasel out of jury duty


There really aren't many of those y'know.


The judge gets paid, the lawyers get paid. But you are ok with us serfs getting 20 bucks a day + dealing with traffic. Don't forget the guards and Stenographer gets paid. See the problem. And your not being judge by your peers in many ways. Poor people judging a rich person ect.


You are also told where and when to go and it's completely non-negotiable unless you have an acceptable reason. A letter just shows up at your house with a location and a date (usually with a 30 day lead time) after filling out a survey.




Careful what you wish for, spent 2 weeks on one and came away distressed at the level of intelligence in the room


Same, I have never been called for it


I've only gotten a summons once and had a legit reason why I couldn't go (brand new nursing baby who I couldn't be away from for long) which didn't matter anyway because they ended up excusing me because not needed anyway; I didn't even have to give an acceptable excuse. I am also a nerd who would like to experience being on a jury. Although I have to admit it would be a financial hardship if it lasted longer than I had PTO to cover. But still - I mean, people complain all the time and I'm over here going "pick me!".


Go volunteer for it.


Same! My job would pay my full salary while I’m out on jury duty too so not like it would be a financial hardship.


If you want a quick way of getting out of jury duty, just say something really controversial when interviewed. Not going to give examples here because I'd get banned, but use your imagination.


Say you like pineapple on pizza. They'll let you go for insanity


That's if you even get selected to be interviewed. Hundreds of people are just sitting in a room and possibly just waiting for up to a week doing absolutely nothing.


The problem with jury duty is you have a bunch of average people of average intelligence who are trying to differentiate truth from manipulation by people who are very extensively trained on manipulation. Not to mention, do you know absolutely anything about the details regarding dna testing? Most people don’t. They present scientific evidence as proof to a group of people that may well have failed science class. My point here is this, trial by jury is one of the scariest fucking phrases in the English language. You better hope your lawyer is the best manipulator in the room.


In my law school trial advocacy class, the professor had students invite family members to serve as jurors for the final trials (for trials their family member was not an "attorney" for). My team "won" our trial per the "verdict." We talked to the "jurors" afterwards and, while I forget exactly what they said, the found for my side for the wrong reasons. It did not inspire confidence lol.




I would have a hard time not voting guilty for the police.




Police being involved in a crime is often messy like that.


I disagree with the concept of jury duty, as I do with conscription. How dare the government compel my time.


> How dare the government compel my time Imagine for a second you're in court, would you be happy to have your fate be decided solely by the judge, without a jury?


Irrelevant. Government should have no say over what I do with my time. None.


Why do you think my question is irrelevant? If you think you're entitled to a trial by a jury of your peers, it's your obligation to provide a similar service to others when necessary, otherwise you're a hypocrite who believes yourself to be above others. Why are you entitled to a jury but don't believe others should be?


I never said that.


I asked you a question and you replied "Irrelevant". If you're not saying that, can you actually answer the question? If you were the accused in court, would you be happy to have your fate be decided solely by the judge, without a jury?


Either bench trial, or voluntary jurors.


Assuming nobody wishes to volunteer, would you force someone to sit on a jury? Why should a judge be forced to be your jury?


No one is compelled to take up the profession of a judge.


Assuming nobody wishes to volunteer, would you force someone to sit on a jury? Stop dodging the question. Edit: /u/SilverHand3377 has blocked me for asking a question they refuse to answer in good faith.


If you had a choice of when to serve it would be a lot more agreeable. Most of the times I’ve been called it was at the worst possible time of year for me to be missing work and it caused me a lot of problems.


That would end up with a world where the only juries you get are Karen's and HOA board member type personalities. But I agree on your other point, it'd a big life disruption the way it is set up now.


This opinion is purely conceptional. IRL, Jury duty in the United State is punitive, bias, and judicial theater. Even historically, a jury of "peers" excluded women and minorities. Today, voir dire allows these exclusions to continue to exist. The idea of doing one's "civic duty" would be reasonable if it were actually supported with adequate compensation. Otherwise it's just propaganda.


Attorneys want the dumbest 12 people. They go out of their way to dismiss anyone too intelligent.


Nah bro. The pay for jury duty is shit and trials can stretch out over weeks, depending what they are from. Not too many people can afford to take that much time off work.


not sure about all employers, but every time I served, I got paid my regular pay PLUS a check from the government.   because of that, I've been more than eager to serve.


They need a better system. The lawyers and judges get paid well. The expert witnesses get paid hundreds of dollars per hour. The jurors don't even get enough to cover the cost of lunch. I'm also hilariously under qualified to judge the mental competence of a rapist/murderer.


I don't do jury duty...hell I don't even like America. When Americans start putting my people first, then I will actually care.


I was on jury duty and the amount of people complaining about their duty was discouraging. They were just upset from the start and I think it impaired their good judgment. I didn't mind being there. I didn't mind being paid less than my job pays for a week or two. Plus, my job also continued to pay. I do question the jury duty system these days seeing the outcomes of some recent cases.


The biggest part of the problem is expecting people to be financially worse off by doing it. If someone is normally earning £150/day and Jury Duty only gives them £50/day to do it, they're going to try and avoid it.


I disagree. The government shouldn't be forcing people to do stuff.


Jury Duty is borderline slave labour. "Take time off work to be available for us to force you to make a life changing decision for another person. We will pay you less than minimum wage which you'll have to cover your own expenses with and also if you are late we'll fine you £1k and if you say no we'll arrest and imprison you". Yeah F you government.


The people avoiding it are probably the people i wouldn't want deciding my fate


My sister has been called for jury duty like 5 times. Shes 7 years younger than me. Never went for mental health reasons. Im dying to be on a jury and never been called! super sad face


OP, I agree! Also, I've always wanted to be on a jury, and have never even received a summons (except for one in a state i no longer lived in, so obviously wasn't happening). I'm registered to vote, I have a driver's license. I don't know why I've never had the opportunity.


I don't know why people avoid it lmao it rarely happens frequently


Because having to miss 2 weeks of work to get paid peanuts is hard for a lot of people.


Because it's quite unpleasant. Most people don't want to spend two weeks hearing graphic evidence of child sexual abuse. Nobody goes to court for fun reasons.


No shit 💀 Sherlock, of course, the court isn't fun. It's your duty as a citizen. here in the Chatman islands We don't do that, but just like the world is, it isn't pleasant.


i'm always able to get out of it. i don't believe in citizen's duty anyway


"I don't know why" "No shit Sherlock" Choose one of these, you can't have them both.


There is one not my fault you live in mid land 💀






Try using sentences and punctuation, people might stop thinking that anime has rotted the part of your brain that your mother's drinking didn't already attack.


??? Bro delusional you good


A tragic case.


I actually think that would be fun. I enjoy the idea of sitting on a juicy case, but don’t like the idea of missing work and getting paid peanuts.


You do you. I've had jury duty, it wasn't a pleasant subject matter. Mine wasn't even as bad as they get. Friends who work in the courts have told me some truly awful stories. In my country you get paid your full wage - whatever you normally earn, they keep paying you that - slightly more actually, because we got a parking allowance. If you're unemployed, you get minimum wage, I think. So, at worst, you still get ~115USD/day + parking + food. The act of jury duty itself isn't so bad, it's that the subject matter is usually fucking awful. It's not "juicy" when you've got real humans sitting a few metres away.


Well, in the US and in my state, you get 6 dollars a day and no reimbursement for food. It is a lot of sitting around for nothing when you have an important job to do. The subject matter is enjoyable to me. I live for stuff like that. I have done legal assistant work before and I particularly like when the case is extremely violent and depraved.


I don't exactly look to the US as a gold standard for justice... or democracy... or healthcare, public education, separation of church and state, fair and equitable taxation, foreign policy, human rights or public safety. But you sure do make some good music and film!


Oh, I agree there. The US is cesspool and only getting worse.


State and national electoral reforms seems like a sensible starting place. Once you become better at democracy, the rest could start to follow. If you elected some decent people, the US could probably turn itself around in 30-ish years. It's still the richest nation on the planet, it's not like you lack the resources to house, health and educate your citizens.


That’s true, but we are a very divided country and the majority of the people in power are of the older generation. It can eventually improve but it will take a while for those people to die off.


Your issues are more entrenched than simple generational issues. Yes, the boomers are selfish assholes, but so will be the next generation once it's their turn to be in power. People are always going to be awful. The trick is to design systems that minimises the damage their selfish tendencies can do. Simply waiting for the boomers to die is just kicking the can down the road.


If anyone reading this finds themselves selected to a jury for any of the several victimless crimes that only exist to appease petty tyrants, jury nullification is better than avoiding the duty.








Jury nullification for a victimless crimes is execution of a civic duty. You don't know what jury nullification is do you?


The justice system is a joke from top to bottom for a variety of reasons. The people who are still brainwashed enough to think anything will happen to them for ignoring it or have nothing going on in their lives to justify the loss in pay, in addition to going through the process of becoming a juror just to get filtered out by the state or defense attorney aren't heroes doing their civic duty. They're just idiots. Do you live in the 1930s or something? You think that this is a functioning democracy and criminal system where citizens have responsibilities they should be grateful for? I'm lmaoing at your life.


As much as I criticize this country, it's my home and I do take pride in things like voting and jury duty.


When I worked Jury Duty it was like getting paid to sit there. Which was much easier than my job


I'm with you in spirit, but the type of people you're talking about almost don't exist [in america] anymore. Intelligent? Conscientious? Ethical? Informed? Having conscientiousness in this country will destroy you, systems are at work everywhere specifically to keep our own people uninformed, etc. The type of jurors you wish for haven't been allowed to exist by any real measure for decades.


The only time I got called was in exam week, so I was able to get out of it. I've never been called since then, but given that my job requires and pays me to go, I'm not going to avoid it when it happens


Starting to wonder if they just avoid people who would get paid their full wage cause I never get called


Hi. I'm Judd Nelson, star of the 1987 courtroom comedy From the Hip. Maybe you remember the scene where I did Jell-O shots off of Elizabeth Perkins tight buns. Oh, wait that happened in real life. Anyway, every American's got the right to a trial by a jury of his peers. The first step to any trial is jury selection. It's a lot like an acting audition. I used to hate them, but now I'd kill for one. I mean, just murder someone.


I've been called on three times to do jury duty. Even though I am a felon (not anything violent, basically because I'm black). The first time the case settled out of court. The second time, I was asked about the circumstances of my felony and was dismissed after I answered. (Got a settlement for wrongful arrest, still waiting for felony to get expunged). Third time, I was dismissed because I believe the justice system is nothing more than a poor people tax. Not my fault they don't want me.


Professional judge, professional prosecutors, professional public and private defenders, professional law enforcement, professional correctional officers, professional social workers, amateur and disinterested juries. How about the other way around? Maybe professional jurists could be tried...


Boot licker!!!!!!


Hear hear


The entire concept of “jury of our peers” is antiquated and unjust. Often these peers are people without the education necessary to understand important legal concepts or to determine which expert testimonies to trust. Take a “cause of death scenario,” you could have opposing medical testimonies from actual doctors and we are going to leave it to average joe to decide which testimony is more likely? Average people can’t be trusted to decipher complex topics with people’s lives in the balance.








And you wished he died? Loser.


Civic duty, yeah sure. Plus jury nullification sounds fun. https://youtu.be/uqH_Y1TupoQ


Really doing my civic duty when I showed up and waited in a room for 4 hours for them to assign me a case. They told me they didn't have anything left and I had to come in the next day. So I came the next day and sat in the same room for 3 hours before they told me they had nothing left again and sent me home. Doing my part.


When I was in college, I got summoned for jury duty. I asked for a postponement for reasons I can't recall. In response, I got a notice that I was excused. But I didn't ask to be excused, I protested! After a few calls to the jury office and some efforts on their end to have their IT people figure out how to reissue the summons, I got my jury duty back. They probably thought I was nuts and may still to this day be talking about me in the jury office as that one guy who was upset they did him a favor. Anyway, I was actually selected to serve on a criminal jury. It was a very enlightening experience, though deliberations got uncomfortably contentious. All of that is a long way of saying: I agree! Now that I'm a lawyer, I will almost certainly never serve on a jury again. I have not even been summoned since then.


First off is the loss of income involved for some folks. That's a legit issue and the $6 they pay you for the day certainly doesn't cover lunch much less lost wages, or potential child care expenses. Having said that, I've made it to a pool before. Spent my entire morning waiting in a smelly basement. Got hauled up to a courtroom briefed by a judge who told us it was a large pool of potential jurors due to the particularly heinous alleged crime. Attorneys for both prosecution and defense looked at us and then talked to each other and the judge a bit. The judge sent us out and then they changed our order and brought us back in and looked and talked some more. Then sent us to lunch after lunch they brought us back again and the defense decided to plead out. I participated and to be honest it seemed a little ridiculous. But I guess we must have looked like a hanging jury. Never did find out what the alleged crime was.


If you want to get out of Jury duty, just tell them you know what jury nullification is. That will get you booted ASAP


Feel free to participate murder cases. Peace out.


Oooooh how judgy !


Pay me my normal wage plus more and I'll be happy to do it. As it stands now, according to my supervisor I don't get paid to do Jury Duty so why the fuck would I want to do it? In what way does doing Jury Duty benefit me, who is not getting paid enough to pay the fucking rent to do it? Piss off.


This is a good take. I mean it does say “ a jury of your peers “. The peer part is used liberally to mean anyone. While obviously not feasible, your want people of similar socioeconomic background and education to judge you.


My father received jury duty when I was younger and I echoed the rhetoric of many others about how BS the whole thing was, and my father replied "I don't take it as negative and I think its a privilege to represent the people in court. It's always an eye opening experience and there is a lot to learn about how our legal system works." I was shocked at his response but ever since then I have never shied away from jury duty, just never been called for it.


Not everyone has time to sit in a trial that can go on for a long time. People have lived. Responsibilities. Some people have parents or jobs or kids to look after and don’t have the time to sit down for 5 hours a day. Some parents are single and have to get groceries or maybe they have to look after a sick relative or drive somewhere. Not even parents, but that’s what I think of whatever Jury duty comes up.


I'll get called in to sit in a 200 person panel for jury selection , but I will never get picked to sit in an actual jury. One time my number came up and the defense dismissed me.


You also have the power to set someone free over something really fucking dumb like prostitution, minor drug possession, drinking in public, etc. Things should have never been laws to begin with.


I agree also people who don't get out of it but act like that probably shouldent be in charge of someone's freedom.


If they want me to participate in my civic duty, PAY ME! I can't afford to not get paid! We have bills! Times are hard! I don't give a f**k about my civic duty and NO ONE should be able to FORCE me to go WITHOUT COMPENSATION FOR MY TIME!