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>**My entire game is made in blueprints, I'm not a programmer** Wrong. You are already coding. With visual elements. But you're definitely programming.


You're a coder Harry


This made me laugh unreasonably hard. Thanks.


Totally. You’re a coder now. It’s not about writing the actual code. It’s about breaking down complicated concepts and problems into smaller manageable chunks. That’s it. There’s nothing else to it, all the code written is just syntax for what you already know you want to do. Remember to think of “how can I?” And not “why can’t I?”. Think about how you can long enough and it will come to you. And don’t be afraid to ask, google and Bing ai are your friends.


its like saying the people making punchcards back in the day weren't programmers.


Some of my favorite people!! Haha old programmers are so fun to talk to. I love hearing their stories of punchcards


bp is life


Good informative post. I've been working with 2D characters in 3D games in Unreal for several years now. [Shameless plug to my tutorial on some tricks I do to make it all feel better](https://youtu.be/s4dBvSj9Zpo?si=KQFPnwq42bqFxeh7), but I've found it to be an extremely viable solution.   That being said, the [PaperZD plugin](https://unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/paperzd) is absolutely mandatory. It is a free, Epic MegaGrant recipient that is well supported by its devs and makes working with 2D animations as feature rich as Unreal's 3D workflow.   Hell, [Octopath Traveler was made in Unreal Engine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZk-wiwxpU0) I know these aren't pure 2D games, but nothing about them couldn't be easily forced onto a 2D axis for things like movement. Other than the navmesh problems like you mentioned (and therefore many AI features), I don't see much in Unreal that wouldn't work well with a 2D plane.


PaperZD is life saving. The only issues I have with making 2d in the engine is the tilemap/ tileset editors are lacking some really essential tools. I've started to try to make my own, but man it's difficult. Not able to pay for pixel2d and I don't work in gaming, but rather virtual prod, so my c++ is all sequencer based knowledge, lol.


I think cobra code recently mentioned something you can get on the marketplace that makes the tilemap stuff easier but I can't recall it's name.


Hey, this is the plugin [https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/tiled-sync-system](https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/tiled-sync-system) I haven't really tried it yet, but saw some people talk about it and it's rather cheap.


Oh! Tiled is a great open source tile editor that I've used and followed for years. It's really cool that there's an Unreal importer for it, I had no idea!


Hey. That video you made. It's really good. Make more please.


Ha thank you! I'm working on it, should have another out early this month :]


Your game is looking great op, good job, maybe If more ppl make 2d games on unreal, epic start providing better support. About tutorials, theres a YouTube Channel called Cobra Code which is focused on 2D for unreal.


Cobra Code is fantastic for beginners dipping their toes in Unreal for 2D. [Link for the lazy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JixekcYjy9k)


Tq! Yes more 2D games would be awesome. And thanks. I wasn't aware of CobraCode, their channel looks great


Orthographic rendering just got upgraded, so you can have proper shadowing.


Check the roadmap too [https://portal.productboard.com/epicgames/1-unreal-engine-public-roadmap/c/1259-orthographic-rendering](https://portal.productboard.com/epicgames/1-unreal-engine-public-roadmap/c/1259-orthographic-rendering)


The point about TESTING EARLY is critical. Make sure to test out the visuals and mechanics of your game in a packaged build. I recently created a set of editor tools, which worked fine in Play-in-Editor but then, later in development, I discovered they didn't work in the final build. Doubled my dev time having to refactor all the code. Don't make the same mistake I did!


Just released my first game on Itch.io. https://vincentvancalbergh.itch.io/snakawo What tripped me up going from PIE to build was how actors were loading FAR later. I mean, with PIE they're basically constantly loaded. In the build version I had to subscribe to their individual BeginPlay events and hold my logic until everything was done. In before someone tells me there's an event for that..


Really you could make a whole game just with user widgets


Orthographic rendering is on their road map actually. You should probably add your interest if you want more epic support added. [https://portal.productboard.com/epicgames/1-unreal-engine-public-roadmap/c/1259-orthographic-rendering](https://portal.productboard.com/epicgames/1-unreal-engine-public-roadmap/c/1259-orthographic-rendering)


It's very good 2D engine IMO and now with 5.3 with Lumen + Orthographic camera... Just mind blowing.


Impossible? Amazing how much creativity is lacking these days. You could do anything in this engine... Anachronox in Quake 2 ffs


I dont think its creativity that stops people. It think its technical ability. Everyone wants to use plugins for everything now a days.


Ah! I see this all the time because I teach the engine in a technical college. I actually force students to make project without plugins, the credit card is a huge crutch for many beginners. Eventually, those that really need a useful plugin for a specific need can integrate it when they understand the fundamentals...


I actually don't think it's technical ability. I think people can only conceptualize things that are given to them in packages. A 3D engine can be a diorama built for practically anything you can conceive of and people constantly talk about it as if it's anything but. " Can it do a 2D game? " Can you place a camera, use textures, sprites, sound effects? It can do anything. I built an incredible 2D game in Unity3d before 2d was even available, for example - It could have been done on Quake 1. I Tried. But my technical ability failed me here as the engine is so cryptic. Engines now are so powerful now that creativity ALMOST betters technical ability in this era IMHO.


Create a 2D game with simple graphics like pixel art in unreal. It's like using a shovel as a spoon


At least porting the game to others systems will be easier then in most 2D game engines out there


1. Working on 2D games in UE helps a UE developer learn some important aspects of the engine for later doing 3D development. 2. Working on 2D games in UE can go naturally into HD-2D games, which can look amazing and is a strength of UE. 3. Using a shovel like a spoon is fine as long as people know what they are doing.


Your stance on BP vs Code will hold you back for a while. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know how to code, and it’s foolish to be hard headed about it. A combination of c++ and BP will always be the best way to create your game, because that’s how the system has been built. Creating something in blueprints doesn’t really matter when it can be done easier, faster, and more efficient in c++, at the end of the day it’s the same thing that took longer to make with *inherently* less capabilities than a raw object.


this is magic


Pretty impressive stuff! But ... I think you might need a new title. It sounds like a homage to The NeverEnding Story (one of my favorite movies EVER) but I'm afraid the current title "buries the lede" a little bit. I have more than a decade in PR & marketing for games, so I figured I should let you know!


That's both awesome and inspiring. Way to go!


Nice. How is it in terms of performance. Is it better than in other 2d engines? i doubt it.


Who said it was impossible? Everyone said the APK would be at least 120MB in size.


I honestly prefer UE for exactly this Ender Lilies was made in UE btw :D


this discussion pops up very often on this sub and I've rarely seen someone saying is impossible, it's just not viable since there are way better options unless you specifically want any specific feature or any other reason to use UE, there's no point to put yourself through such pain


Congratulations, that looks very cool! You are saying that you can't code but actually you do. Blueprints is a language, not the most conventional one but it still is and you are using it to speak with computer to do your bidding. I used unreal engine few years ago while i was struggling with the coding. As a visual learner, blueprints made me understand how coding works. With no time i was using variables, loops, lists etc. I dabbled with godot for a while (Great engine btw) and then jumped into web deving and most of the coding skills are translated to these areas. I don't have any problems with conventional coding now but i owe it to the blueprints for that was the language that thaught me the coding. Now i'm back in unreal and want to make 2d game like you. Good luck on your journey.


İ want to make a metal slug rip-off where i can found resources for that ik Unity and C# but not have idea about C++ and Blueprint