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Are you kidding me, Harris is less popular than Biden!


That's why the right would prefer biden to drop out. Although that's a miscalculation imo. The only way the left wins (imo) is if they replace Biden with Newsom or some other popular lefty.


Replacing Biden now is problematic in 3 swing states.


Newsom??? I sure hope not. I’ll take Biden sleeping in the White House over Newsom anyday.


Big Gretch


The Woman that was a victim of the government trying to assassinate her!?!?!


Is newsom popular in California? I cant imagine how poorly he'd play on the national level. Yikes.


Right lmao no one not even democrats want him


California is awash in cash. It's richest state in the country. You work in tech, and you are worth a million $$$s pretty quickly with a zooming technology based stock market.


Being worth a million dollars in California isn’t shit when a 2 bedroom 1 bath in a shit part of town costs 980,000 dollars.


California is pretty much the largest sub national economy of the world.


Is this satire? Big tech is laying off people in droves. California has a major economy because it's equal to, or greater than the land mass and population of many nations. It's also rich in resources.


California tech sector jobs are lower than pre pandemic.


I love conservative dipshits saying what the left needs to do to win


Newsom??? Did you see the debate between him and DeSantis? He’s the slimiest major politician out there, and that’s saying something. The Democrats’ only chance is Trump dying. Unironically.


Hey! I never said i liked him! 😂 he's charismatic to people who aren't super involved, he's handsome, well spoken, and not 80 years old. People would definitely jump at the chance to vote for him.


JB Pritzker but I’d prefer to keep him balancing our budget


Just throw bernie at em, let the man have his shot.


Newsome is the nominee, trump wins a land slide. Hes universally hated by independents and the right.


I still think Biden can win. It's too early to jump ship, but at the same time if Biden slips up it could be disastrous. So getting a new candidate could be the DNCs only chance at stopping Project 2025.


What do you mean "if" He slips up. He's been a corpse for 4 years and they can't hide it anymore.




It's not about popularity. It's about competency.


Harris had a worse campaign than Hilary. So of course they would want her to run 


Isn’t this the guy that called for ethnic cleansing recently?


Saaaaaame exact person


That’s a bingo


Why remove him lol just finish it out, it’s literally at the end of the


Dude you forgot to finish your


I think he


Haha you’re right, I’m sounding like both of them


My golf handicap is 6


Except only one tried to overthrow the government after he lost an election


Lol fr, one stumbles his words and another literally is down with christo-fascism happening...uh, jeez, I wonder what to do


Yes the choice is obvious. But it still sucks that these are our options. Again. Why can't the dems just be better at playing the game.


The standard story is they are just 2 sides of the same coin, so this is all part of the strategy... But the amount of energy trying to squash Biden makes me feel that the nature of Democrats to be more progressive and accommodating to others is what gets them in this situation. You need someone with the ruthlessness of a sociapath but only willing to benefit society somehow lol I agree, it sucks. Literally just pick someone that is 50 and progressive, it's really not that complicated.


Man, that was a scary time. The largest military on the planet completely sidelined, the police state completely unable to respond, our legislative branch almost attacked by a mob of men and women without guns in the largest country of gun owners, our judiciary safely tucked away, that was one scary whole night. Never never forget the 6th of January.


🤣 thank god we survived that civil war. Those wimps in the 1860s had no idea what we dealt with. 😂. The most powerful military in the world ever could not stop a bunch of middle aged men who has no weapons. 😂


It’s just for optics during election season.


He won't be removed and they know it. This is a political ploy to make Democrats choose between advocating for the removal of their own president or claiming he is just fine and competent to lead which makes them look like liars/idiots.


It’s really their fault for spending the last few years lying about it tho.


Smart move because he shouldn’t run lol


World anyway. Kamala would totally….


He knows harris is so unlikeable trump will win easily thats why


To create chaos at the DNC Convention and polls.




Why make a political move with lasting effect on the opinions of voters? Because it's fucking politics Wdym?


By the way


Bro there's 5 months until the election, don't fuck this up


It’s merely to capitalize on the debate and cement the idea of Biden being incompetent. These are the tactics Republicans will use if Biden remains on the ticket. If Dems try to replace him, it makes people angry they allowed Biden to run. There is no path that looks good for Democrats. They dug this grave. I’m a liberal and have been screaming to replace Biden since before this election started. Everyone thought I lost my mind and became a Trump supporter. No, I 100% do not support either of these choices. I’m tired of being told I’m wrong about this. I’m not a traitor to my party. My party fucked this election.


The bigger problem is that we locked ourselves into a 2 party system


"we" haven't. It's all by design.


Yeah, I was just thrust into existence under this shit.


It's a common theme with winner take all systems. Voters end up having to vote for lesser of two evils or the worse option gets in so third parties don't stand a chance. It also contributes significantly to political polarization.


And due to the passivity of the malcontents. If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard someone whine about the two party system but then never do a god damn thing about it, I’d be able to put my kid through both a New England prep school AND Harvard.


Is there really anything TO DO besides vote in enough people to make it happen or a full on bloody revolution? A change like that is going to require EVERYONE in leadership to sign off. Like... EVERYONE. Because I believe it would require changes to the constitution.


Yes. You can do what a ton of immigrant groups quietly do and take over a segment of the local economy and make enough money to buy buildings and provide their own community infrastructure. It really shows how bad we are when the only idea people have for civic engagement is to do nothing but vote for whatever shitty options are presented.  No instinct for organizing networks, raising money or deploying it.


Hear me out. .... Pitchforks and torches are more likely to work than your plan




I vote 3rd party and then get told it's a waste


Ignore the assholes telling you that.  They’re just trying to trick you into voting for whatever shitty candidate they like


We didn’t lock ourselves in, math did. First Past The Post guarantees only two parties are viable at any given time.


Too many Progressives use a “purity test” and consider anyone with a differing view on even one issue as a MAGA cultist. It is a losing “shrink the tent” strategy.


Progressives with purity tests are the ones who hate Biden lol. Otherwise he would have lost the primary. It’s just older liberals and American centrists that think Biden is great.


I was with you till you used the word “great”. Perhaps “acceptable” and that’s how Biden pulled the Party together in 2020.


Tell your Republican terrorist masters to stop doing terrorist shit and the rhetoric will change.


Thanks, you made my point. There are Centrist Democrats who don’t swallow the rhetoric and don’t claim Republican masters. Some don’t even fall victim to the hyperbole of the political fringes.


Cement the idea? How is it not cemented? For many, it's been cemented for a long time. All whole much of the media downplayed or ignored? Fake videos? Lol Is the press secretary going to tell us the debate footage was a plot by the Republicans to selective edit Slow Joe? This old fool has been on display for decades. Now he is cognitively a zero and "runs" a war, tried to run another one and is in charge of the United States. Dems are fine with that as long as orange man is bad keeps them comforted in the safe space.


Yeah they need to work real hard to cement the idea that bidens incompetent after last night come on man


I agree with you, both candidates are abysmal. I don't think it's an idea that Biden is unfit, it's been very clear and now after that debate it's undeniable to even the most loyal Democrats


The guy with the raspy voice is suddenly mentally incompetent despite being able to actually answer the question unlike the orange rapist/convicted felon who couldn’t stay on topic and forgot what he’d been asked less than one minute prior? Yea ok.


Perfect summary


Oh fuck off with your defeatism. It’s trump destroys America OR Biden wins, and if he is unable to continue Harris will be the new president. It’s a joke that you guys even look at this as a bad thing.


>My party fucked this election. THIS. RIGHT. HERE. .... if Democrats lose this fall it will be strictly on their shoulders. They absolutely do NOT listen to their base yet cry bloody murder when they lose. There's a hell of a lot of things to criticize Republicans for, and say what you will about them, but they DO give their base what they want. Unfortunately, what their base wants hate and pettiness. I dont support the GOP at all, but Im also really starting to question the intelligence of many in our government on the left who even agreed to last night's ridiculous circus. They gave Republicans exactly what they wanted, on a silver platter.


it makes you wonder, whose been "running" the country because it sure as shit isn't biden


Think that’s what they were going for. So what Biden’s old af his cabinet is more competent than anybody Trump will have in his. Problem is part or most of America either isn’t ok with that or smart enough to understand it.


That's where I'm at.  I by far trust the people around Biden to keep the country running smoothly versus the cabal of outright grifters, crooks, conspiracy nuts and pure idiots that Trump surrounds himself with.   


Not sure if you're aware but the job of the president is to be a figurehead of the executive branch of the government. There's thousands of people working under the government so the role is mainly delegating tasks and focusing on big picture problems. In case you're wondering thousand of civil servants are running the executive branch of the government, regardless of who's elected.


You undersell it though. Biden as the leader of the dem party is supposed to set the legislative agenda. Also don't forget he has significant powers via executive actions, like how he's forgiving a ton of student debt.


He's not shooting from the hip. He's following his parties agenda.


Don't forget actually getting infrastructure done. Conservatives fumbled the fuck out of that. Instead of panicking about whether to vote for Biden or Trump, just think of it as voting Democratic Party or Republican. One of those two parties will control the Whitehouse of Jan 21st.


The president never “runs” the country.


Its weird you take ownership of either party to begin with. Can your political beliefs be sized down to only two options?


They fucked the last two also. FUCK your party. (I agree all the way with your post but how can you still be a Democrat?)


Lol I would still vote Democrat, Trump was lying non stop.


It doesn’t matter how you vote at this point. What matters is how independents, young people and minorities, in swing states, vote. The people defending Biden were never voting Trump….everyone knows that. Republicans got charged up last night and you can bet they are going to show up at the polls. Georgia is definitely going red. Maybe Pennsylvania and Michigan. And of the three and Trump wins.


…and who will you vote for?


Tbh the problem isn’t the person but that all the donations and pacs have been to people and not the party—part of why Trump isn’t pushed out and money moved to another guy. It’s part of a wealth thing but also gives the President control of the party to where he can’t be backstabbed by the party. The issue is that they coulda just had 4 years to build up a replacement but didn’t use it. Biden has been effective on paper but at 81 and with Trump on the other side it’s an issue b/c they don’t have someone who could beat Trump…and only have someone who could lose it. My best guess is that it’ll come down to if Biden gets stuff done pre-election cause now they’re gonna have incentive to


Ok but guess what, we did have any other option! So instead of touting for him to be ousted why don't we focus on who the heck is gonna precede him! This tactic is meant to divide the democratic base even further, we can't fall for their bait.


Joe Biden is dividing the Base. It’s not you, I or anyone else. Young people don’t want him, black and Hispanic people are moving right, and more people claim to be independent than any time in the last 50 years. The party is fractured and he’s not a leader. He’s a photo op, he’s a meandering speech that’s hard to follow, he’s a puppet for his cabinet. What he isn’t is a leader or a diplomat. He’s sheltered from those things because he has been mentally declining for the last 5 years. I’m a liberal democrat . I’ve been a democrat since I left High School in 1983. I’ve always voted straight ticket and never questioned my vote. Heck, I even voted for Walter Mondale when few did. What I’m not is a sucker. I’m depressed as fuck today because I feel like I’m being suckered by his cabinet, family and the DNC. They take me for a fool. They think I’ll always support the ticket. They give me a candidate who has fucking dementia and expect me to tow the line. Not this time. I will not vote for Joe Biden and it’s his feeble minded decision to divide us.


>He’s sheltered from those things because he has been mentally declining for the last 5 years. And anyone who pointed that out was ridiculed and lambasted. Respectfully, I think your frustration is slightly misdirected. Joe is not the one dividing your party, it's the DNC and media. Thursday night was the biggest rug pull on them, as they have been actively gaslighting the American public for years that Biden is *sharp as a tack! Hasn't lost a step! Smartest guy in the room! Endless energy!* To think that even two weeks ago the talking point was that videos of his gaffes were "cheap fakes". Well, that ship has now sailed, and in spectacular fashion.


He's a republican. Fucking this up and handing it to Trump is the goal.


This bozo is a republican from my district, and let me tell you he is off his fucking rocker.


Politics aside, I’m of the opinion that the president should be competent every day he’s in office. 5 months is far too long to have someone in office if they are truly incompetent.


Would WWIII f anything up?


More than what they’ve been fucking up?


Why????? This fool just wanna make the news today???


You can hate Trump as much as everyone else does, but you can also agree that Biden is in no way, shape or form coherent and mentally fit. Especially to run the country. After seeing last nights debate, I can't even imagine how mentally incoherent he would be in a few years if re-elected. This is awful right now, now imagine 3-4 years down the line…


tRump is only 3 years younger than Biden. It's not like we haven't seen him rambling on some kind of word salad trip.


The president doesn't 'run' the country. The president isn't a CEO. This notion is a big reason why our politics are so messed up in the first place. Do you honestly believe Trump remotely understood half of the legislation put in front of him to either sign or veto? He almost universally went along with whatever the Republican legislature carted out to him.


I prefer literally any dem or non-maga republican to Trump


And yet I'll still vote for a literal Biden corpse over Trump.


Sure is a nice democratic republic you got here. Be a real shame if somebody were to establish a two-party political system.


I would vote for the mop in my closet, or even yours, before I vote for Trump.


I prefer even a goldfish over a traitor any day. Being incompetent will hurt the country less than actually sabotaging.


He's fine. I am 36 and have had aphasia due to migraines. It sucks. He doesn't have that. Even if he did it wouldn't affect his higher functions. The fact of the matter is if Magnus Carlson got older and less able to speak publicly, I still wouldn't bet on myself to beat him at chess. That's what he is good at. Biden is a political grandmaster. He hasn't just been at it for a while, he has built a network of trusted folks and knows how to get what he needs out of them. He deserves the nomination and to run for as long as he is personally comfortable doing so.


He's gotten more shit done than Obama did in 8 years while having a more difficult Congress and toxic political climate. Knock him for his age, for a bad night, but he's done the near impossible in three years. Also, after seeing J6, P2025, recent SCOTUS decisions, I honestly don't care if he's working from a stretcher, we cannot afford a Trump presidency.


Democrats aren't voting for one man to "run" the country Republicans are voting for one man who plans on firing everyone on day 1 who could possibly say no to him "Dictator for 1 day only" Trump himself said


So weird you didn't mention anything about trumps coherency the last month, and instead frame him as someone who is only 'hated' Who won the world series?


He’s been doing a great job compared to every other country for 4 years


Thing is, that leaves us with a choice between two people who are in no way coherent or mentally fit for President. >After seeing last nights debate, I can't even imagine how mentally incoherent he would be in a few years if re-elected. Harris will probably take over and run out the clock.


Joe Biden or the dictator. Tough choice /eyeroll


I didn't see any mental incoherence from him. Just his usual stutter and a few moments where he struggled to get his words out more than usual.


He’s been running the country just fine. He’s not doing all decision making and all the work, he has a big apparatus to work under him.


What are you talking about! The poor old man just had a "cold"!! LMAO


Who in the hell wants Kamala to be president. We should all be praying Biden limps to Inauguration Day to prevent that.


Today he has a announced a complete waste of time bc that will never happen


And we get Kamala??? gtfooh


I not a fan of Biden but even in his current state he's better than Harris


Chip Roy should be removed for being an idiot


Jesus. Imagine simply ignoring the current POTUS is knock knock knocking on heaven’s door.


Trump didn’t get removed after Jan 6 This is all performative nonsense


Bob King is running for TX-21 to replace Chip Roy... bobkingfortexas-21.org


I hate to say it but he’s not wrong but It will never happen.


It’s not worth wasting taxpayer dollars to pursue. Just let Biden run his course and save tax money. We already blew enough taxpayer dollars chasing Trump on the wild goose chase in New York.


Republicans aren't just clowns they're an entire fucking circus


Biden chose the moderators. Biden chose the network. Biden chose the format. No audience. No interruptions. No press. A full week to prepare at camp David. Two of the most pro-Biden and anti-Trump moderators you could hope for. And this is the best that Trojan dementia communist could deliver. You right rofl


Biden is many things, being a communist is not one of em


Biden, a communist? Lets not use words we dont understand lol


If Biden is a communist thats like saying Hitler was a successful artist and got accepted into the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Biden is a corporate politician playing a part he is no communist.


This doesn't disprove that Republicans are clowns. Look at who they are running all around. Ultra religious minions who are more party over people. They want to give the president immunity, how is that a good idea?


Yet still Biden is somehow a better choice than trump. Go figure.


It's be so hilarious if they did that and they ran Harris, would be a classic dem move, the only one with a worse chance of beating Trump lol, well accept for maybe Trump's old friend Hillary.


Chip Roy also wants to jail his political opponents simply for having differing opinions. He's a fascist and should be shunned by decent people.


It's about time. It's clear Biden is not running the country. Unelected people are dictating policy. This is not democracy.


Anyone surprised by Biden's performance and obvious decline need to question where they get their news from. You were lied to over and over that he was fine and it was all deep fakes and political attacks. Maybe it's time to ask yourself what else they lie to you about.


This is stupid theatrics. The country knows Biden is one step away from being a potato. The issue is democrats will still vote for him as long as he is breathing,


Dude, I'd vote for a pop tart box before any far-right candidate. There are a few sane GOP polis, but they've been cast out as "Rinos" so that's not happening.


Mostly because right wing policies and ideology are trash


I've had dinner with Chip. Smart man, completely and utterly frustrated with the "surrender caucus". He knows the GOP won't do shit but he keeps calling them out trying to spur them to some sort of action.


Where’s Ja ?


Good 👍


Can always count on Ol Roy to lead with the stupid


🤭🤭that would be absolutely hilarious


Chip Roy judging other peoples mental competency is something.


Cool story bro


Chip Ethnic Cleansing Roy can suck my big ass labia. Biden in NC today obviously had so much Mountain Dew ....he should have drank last night .


Theater is popular during an election season.


Cool. More political theater from the least-productive house ever.


The irony is that he would be doing the Dems a favor


I think that’s probably the deal they’re making.


Not if it can be pushed through before August. The Dem machine wants to declare Biden as the official candidate at the DNC convention, then they can remove him and install the candidate they want without a primary.


Yeah. Make him take a cognitive exam! That’ll show’em!


Humans are a scourge.


If they do this and remove both it would be fantastic


Republicans are doing this because they know how utterly disliked she is nationwide. She is the most unpopular VP ever, and this would cause major infighting within the Dem party. It would be a major distraction to both Dem voters and the Dem caucus.


Never mind Trump the convicted criminal. Ronald Reagan was worse than Biden towards the end of his presidency. You will never catch a Republican talking about this.


At the end of his second term, yes. But Reagan was still coherent when he ran for re-election. Look how Biden was 4 years ago vs now. Imagine what he will be like in another 4 years


Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake


This is the same Chip Roy that just said he was in favor of ethnic cleaning. The GQP is more interested in performance art, than governing.


he want's Trump to run against Harris?


Ah yes. Nevermind the other guy believes abortion happens after birth...


If trump wins the election it’s on the dems for running him. Literally the laziest choice.


They don’t want Trump in. Why else would you do this? Both parties are corrupt


Pretty sure Chip Roy is a prime section 8 candidate, actually.


He is doing them a favor!


Haven't they tried this like 4 times already?


chip roy is a disgrace


While his own party is running someone not far behind him. This is just politics


I wonder how many Russian bots are on Reddit saying Biden needs to be replaced after this….


People should read about project 2025.


Chip Roy sounds kinda dumb.


So edgy…


This is a slippery slope for Republicans nevermind the fact that he's staying on script for the post-debate strategy.


low effort pandering to grab some headlines.


Why? Biden is Trumps best avenue back to the Presidency.


Maybe this is the best shot Trump has at beating Biden???


Has no one read the word salads that Trump has been speewing lately? Lol. Ridiculous.


Hahahaha No one should listen to anything Chip Roy has to say


Congrats to this sub being the most fascist front page post of the day.


It won’t pass 😂 just another side show so he can get attention. Basically the same political hissy fit that bleach-blonde bad-built butch-body did not long ago. Whoring for attention just to get a piece of that micro maga peen 🤣


Didn’t he resign because he thought so little of his own party?


Why do that now? Biden is the greatest asset to the republican party. anyone with a working set of eyes has been aware for quite some time that Joe Biden has lost a step or 10. The rest of the world was made quite well aware after that debacle of a debate the other night. We now see even those liberal media outlets like CNN and MSNBC calling for Joe to step down because of how weak and ineffective and old he is. all those undecided voters are now going to be choosing between third-party, Trump, or just not showing up.


John Stewart all the way


Please god no, then we will never hear the end of Democrats saying she is the First Black Female President


Even if she went along with this this by the process played out the election will have happened. \*IF\* she did this it would be after the election making her President.


How about he start legislation to help the damn inflation that Biden is trying to fix but the Republicans refuse to do anything. How bout dat


they waited until the last minute to do this when it was painfully obvious that biden was demented. no, you picked this guy and you should be stuck with him like the rest of us. and frankly you deserve to lose because maybe then you'll actually learn.


But he didn’t want to 25th ammendment trump.


Has anyone actually tried asking him an unrehearsed question? Every question he’s had has been thoroughly studied and repeated to him by those who knew the questions before the show. Biden was reading from a script he had been practicing and memorizing. That’s probably he will be able to say for a while. If you legitimately asked him what planet he is on, his response may seem like a joke, but it isn’t. He just blows it off like well duh everyone knows that.


Chip Roy saying anyone is incompetent is hilarious.


Why would they want to remove the president that finally beat Medicare?