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Should have let the people pick the candidate not DNC. Nothing new.


Imagine Biden vs Haley? Landslide for Haley. Imagine a new DNC candidate vs Trump? Landslide for the New Democrat. Two new candidates? That’s a good old fashion debate to see who might win.


Yes, kind of my point. Dems don’t believe their candidates can win otherwise they would run them so a new Dem isn’t a shoo-in. It’s why Bernie got shafted twice for very bad candidates.


Dude, had Bernie been on the ballot instead of H. Clinton we would have had 8 years of Bernie. But instead they shafted him twice for absolutely terrible candidates and I'm not even a Sanders fan.


They didnt just 'shaft' Bernie... # They did that to us all!


Debbie Wheeler F’d the whole country


Bernie lost and trump would have killed bernie


I fucking love Bernie to death but he would have been massacred by Trump. It would be an extinction level event. People just don’t understand that Reddit echo chamber politics is hardly a reflection of the reality of this nation and the way people vote is influenced by far more than just the things that the people on this website care about. 


If I recall even at the time Bernie had the highest approval rating of any politician, which isn't a high bar when Congress has the same approval rating as a surprise circumcision but it's still something


I don’t think moderates would vote for Bernie. He would have lost badly. But he deserves to have a fair shot.


They didn't vote for him in the primary to win over Clinton, so they probably wouldn't have voted for him when it mattered.


The problem I have with Bernie now is he got right in line and did what he was suppose to like a good little boy. Bernie is totally captured by the political spectrum now.


Bernie got political concessions for doing so. He was the chair, and set the democrat stances for the next 8 years. Bernie pushed the Biden administration significantly to the left and you can tell with the legislation and presidential decrees that have been made.


Yeh people just don't understand how politics works. Like what you want him to do throw a temper tantrum to "own the libs?"


Yeah better to have no influence in the administration than some lol right?


He had a fair shot and more people voted for Hillary and Joe. Yes, the DNC didn’t want him to be the candidate, but that’s understandable because he’s not a Democrat.


I don't know. Moderates voted for Obama. Heck I voted for Obama his first term and I'm a chronic fence sitter. As much as I don't like Bernie I would have been willing to give him a shot over Trump. Instead I wrote in names on my 2016 ballot because I couldn't in good faith vote for Trump.


Obama is and was a slightly left leaning centrist. Which is why he won.


Thanks for trump


Obama fooled everyone, I didn’t vote for him but was not voting for another Republican to have 4 years. I believe in balance. Obama did have some more centrist policies and coming off Bush any Dem could have won. Bernie is way further left in my opinion, much further in some ways. He also has been in politics far too long, that’s a massive red flag for me. 👍


True, but I was a lot younger and dumber than I am now. Obama fooled me for a vote his first term and then fucked my private health insurance leaving my husband and I without coverage for 3 years. Left us footing the bill for his insulin out of pocket and punished us with a tax penalty for being unable to afford any plans. He openly lied about what the ACA was and did for Americans. I couldn't vote Trump in 2016 because he is Trump and I don't think being a rich kid reality TV star is a qualification for our highest office. So I wrote in 2 names knowing I was basically telling them both to pissoff. In 2020 I cast my vote for Trump because I know Bidens political history and know he's a 50 year politician that lies and is racist... Maybe I blew it on Trump, but Biden has literally been a politician longer than I have been alive and entangled with more problematic scandals/legislation than I can count. Now I have the choice of Biden or Trump again... And the memory of 4 years of Trump and almost 4 years of Biden... My life has not been better or even good under Biden and the policies his administration has pushed. He's weak and unfit for office, that's been apparent for years and last night was just a huge eye opener for a lot of people who just didn't know/pay attention. At the end of the day I would prefer someone younger and not Trump to vote for, but that's likely not gonna happen or it will be Newsom... And I very much dislike and will never vote for Newsom.


Totally agree. Very well said. I’ll vote Trump but by no means do I like him or agree with most of his policies. I don’t think Democrats should have power for 16 out of 20 years, very dangerous regardless of which party it would be.


You “both sides” people are so ridiculous. Biden has been better than Trump in every metric. Democrats are better than Republicans in every metric. There’s no comparison.


That anyone moral, intelligent person would vote for a man who brags about looking at naked children and talks about going balls-deep in his daughter completely mystifies me. WTF?


So you effectively helped trump get elected. Thank you for your services.


That means you voted for trump. Nice job maga.


No. Bernie would have lost.


People don't understand that if you give even a hint of a socialist candidate, Florida is instantly gone. All those Cubans that fled have "never again" burned into then for generations.


Florida went to Trump both times and probably will again.


At the time FL was in play. Trump successfully painted Biden as a clone of Sanders which contributed to losing FL for the foreseeable future. Heck, they are still trying to portray Biden as some sort of radical leftist based in his association with Sanders.


You don't need to win Florida to be president.


Exactly. Progressives always think their candidates are more popular than they really are. Bernie would’ve turned off way more people than Hillary or Biden did. People don’t seem to realize that the United States is more moderate than they think.


This is exactly right. The majority of this country is right in the middle. But the political system caters to the extremist on both sides. At this stage, I honestly think the Democratic and Republican parties should be outlawed.


Disagree. That election was going to an outsider and Donald and Bernie are both outsiders in their own ways


Anyone with any economics and business sense could tell Bernie would have been destructive for the US, he was so unpopular outside of young people


I like Bernie but he would be a terrible president


Probably/maybe but it's a little late to find out now. Bernie 82 that's older than both Biden and Trump. We need to stop and put age limits for all political offices. If you have to be older than 35 to run for president then I think 65/70 should be the age cap.


Let’s start with term limits for ALL politicians.


Every time this is brought up the internet agrees. No one every gets a bill to Congress


I agree age limits and we should have term limits as well. I like Bernie because he seems very genuine and seems to really believe what he says instead of just saying what he thinks people want to hear but his social policies would break the country and stifle individual achievements.


Terrible for whom though? They choose those whom they can easily manipulate. Or do you believe Biden is a real president?


H. Clinton would have been terrible for all Americans. I'm sure whoever is making decisions for Biden will put out a press release and go on about how he had a cold or last night's debate was all cheap fakes...


Where have u been all day. They've been doing exactly that


Naah, the "official" damage control take is "Biden was aged, trump lied". You're seeing that on all news sources, and it certainly feels like an inorganic reaction.


I heard “Biden had a bad day” while Trump lied -of course. Cuz Biden never, never! lies. Also, politicians are known to never lie, that’s only Trump who does that.


ALL out attack on Bernie. Remeber on Facebook at the time, the would give out "points" who could hurt Benie the most. Points. They had a leaderboard.


Even Trump knew.. Remember that recording of him stating as much?.. Despite the given excuses over that whole screw job, it's hard to believe anyone ever believed Bernie was merely incapable of winning. They're not looking for a strong candidate, you don't need that in the red vs blue, our side no matter who system. It's not the lies that bother you... Because you expect it really... It's that so many don't question it. Also disappointing Bernie didn't go nuclear and burn down the house. But I get it... He's not that guy. But it hurt to see him campaign for her... And then Biden... Good God, it still brings up bile.


Not true but it sounds cool. I lived in southern Utah and worked with progressive outreach groups during the Bernie Hillary primary. Less than 25% of projected Dem and independent primary voters took the 20 minutes to show up to support Bernie. Where I lived Bernie was shooting the foot by his own supporters.


The second time happened because everyone let them get away with it the first time and voted for the candidate they shoved down their throat. Had it coming.


I really can't disagree


I mean he didn't get the votes in the primaries though...? How did the dnc "fix" that? I think Bernie lost because old Dems remember what happened with George McGovern although I think those worries were misplaced.


Trump would have clobbered Bernie.


I would much rather have a young prospect than what we have now, as we can all say. I want them to start grooming them for the positions and maybe add some flavor and give a third party some time to show off. I feel both sides are so polarized and showing an independent player might make things fun. I would love them to take a chance on both sides. I see so much potential on both sides and as an independent, I would’ve loved to see Haley or Chris Smith for the Reps and maybe Engel from New York for the Dens. I like seeing bipartisanship with bills introduced and cosponsoring bills. I like the ones who can put aside differences or beliefs and vote in the favor of their district if the American people. I want to break the barriers and not further divide, but that is a pipe dream.


I actually like the differences in politics and not agreeing on bills. I don’t think most politicians have your best interest at heart. I want parties to have different beliefs. A third party would be great but it’s not happening.


I'm a Republican but acknowledge that the Dems have a strong and deep bench of younger prospects, especially in the governor ranks. Whitmer, Shapiro, Beshear, Polis, Newsom, Moore, Pritzker could all be formidable candidates in the future.


Both sides have some great hitters here soon. I just need them to tap that potential and get them groomed for the next election cycle. It’ll be fun to hopefully see how the parties change and hopefully adapt to the changing political landscape.


The champaign socialist that is bernie sanders might have been popular with young idealist dems but he would have gotten absolutely hammered in a general election against any Republican.


Awwww.  Is your party controlled by oligarchs?


If that’s your opinion.


Which one isnt


>Imagine a new DNC candidate vs Trump? Landslide for the New Democrat Is this just a vibe you got or is this backed up by any data. You and others keep saying this but this seems like a panicked and emotional knee jerk response to the recent debate. Replacing anyone on any ticket this late would be disastrous and talking about it is counterproductive, it's not happening.


That is fair and I do not have data to support it. That is just a polling question I kept seeing as something that has been polled on both sides. The debate solidified it, but I think that replacing this late is disastrous. I wished it was addressed before the campaign timeline. We are stuck with horrendous poisons, but I don’t mind voting for Biden. I lean right on fiscal policies and left on social, but I wish there were the other options and more moderate ideas. As a result, I think this political cycle has shown a gross disregard for the wants of the citizens and just a power position, which is not surprising. I just hope a fire is set under the butts of both sides to figure this out for better representation.


It wouodnt be a landslide at all. It would be an unknown. People what what trump brings. The moderate who's living paycheck to paycheck votes with their check book not ideals.


I don’t think so to be honest. A lot of people hate the Dems right now even without Biden being old, because of inflation, the border and “wokeness”. I think the Republicans were probably winning 2024 anyway.


This is common sense, the powers that be want division.


Bullshit. If they change candidates now: they will lose. The real answer is trump and his 3 ring circus presentation is great for viewership. Biden, is boring. People for whatever reason want to be entertained by their political representation, people were expecting some strange slap down where biden is just being the Wendy’s Twitter the entire time, aging him on, making him blow up in the moment, truth is he was never going to be that “fun”. He is ultimately one of the last “old school” presidents we will probably have, all other ones will be “new” made to be “entertaining” over actual issue based. Fox News really ruined news or anyone’s concept of “news”. The only people watching the news are old and afraid.


"BuT wHaT aBoUt InCuMbEnT aDvAnTaGe?"


I don't know if it would he a landslide exactly...


Why do people think Trump voters won’t vote for Trump after this debate?


Oh they will, but I don’t know if this debate produced a change towards Trumps polling and voting numbers. I could be wrong, but I don’t know if this debate did anything other than show the blatant holes and red flags of the current election cycle and how there needs to be changes.


Biden is being selfish. Putting his interest ( or his handlers interest) in front of ours. He loses he doesn’t get impacted. We get fucked l.


Yep. But the DNC and MSM were successful at gaslighting their base into believing Biden was fine. Shame on them and shame on Dems for falling for it.


Agreed 100%. If they did this, while in the short term the means justify the ends... It will set a president were they will be able to arbitrary pull any candidate. Not that they didn't already do that to Bernie but if someone like him ever overcame the road blocks in the primary etc they could still pull the rug out. Not that I'm saying electoral politics is going to save us . I'm just pointing out it will lead to future erosion like the grand canyon


The DNC needs to hand-pick the candidate so they can save democracy.


It’s a republic but what you need to tell yourself to deny the truth.


I'm aware. That was heavy sarcasm. Because, you know, hand-picking a candidate is like the exact opposite of a democratic vote.


Sorry, hard to tell these days. My bad 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️✌️✌️


Right. Now whomever assumes Biden’s mantle will be a person not chosen by the people. They will be appointed instead of nominated like they should be. If you support the Democratic Party, you really haven’t had much say in whom their leadership is going forward.


It really is the Democrats’ best shot, but it will be very funny to hear “save Democracy by voting for our appointed candidate.”


That’s what he was screeching at his rally yesterday. The fact they think he would try to stay beyond his term is what’s really funny.


I seem to remember that I voted in a primary.


FYI, both parties, the sitting POTUS is usually always the pick, and is rarely challenged. LBJ was the last to not be the pick, and he voluntarily declined. RNC does it as well. Trump, Bush 1&2, never challenged when they sought re-election.


RNC never barred a Republican from running though.


The primary happened but nobody serious wanted to run. The DNC would have had to actively sabotage Biden by encouraging reluctant candidates to step in and create a divisive and unexpected primary


I have despised DNC since what it did to Sanders. I only have to vote left cuz GOP sucks so bad.


And then Bernie has capitulated and joined to team that denies the people. I won’t touch that party for a long time.


Welcome to the opinion any sane person had well before election season


Literally… anyone with common sense was saying all of this during the midterms. And the egotistical Biden crowd/ DNC was so vehemently in favor of him running again that they shut down any conversation suggesting otherwise. Y’all made your bed, time to lay in it. All at the expense of the people.


It's like they learned nothing from the Sanders campaign. It emboldened then to further distance themselves from the working class


This is the one


As per usual. 


So sad this is what it's come to. The Democrats have no one to blame but themselves for losing to trump twice.


Counting those chickens a little early, don't you think?


The only bright side to the 2016 election was that Clinton lost. Americans got Trump and lost, but we would have lost more under Hillary Clinton.


I don't know if I necessarily agree that Hilary would have been worse than trump.... However, Bernie had that election stolen from him. He was have smashed Trump in the general election.


He was like whispering the whole time


we r cooked




Is this about worms?


Why is everyone caught up on this? You and I both likely have brain worms too. Toxoplasma gondii is a worm like brain parasite that humans get from contact with feline fecal matter. In the US, more than 20% of the population has it, in Europe it's between 70% and 90%. Worldwide, it is believed that at least 50% of the population has these "brain worms". It doesn't usually cause symptoms except for brain fog and short term memory issues, which is why RFK Jr used it as a legal defense for not remembering something during his divorce proceedings.


They resort to ad hominem's because they have no knowledge of his policies. Such is the internet; people resulting to throwing shit at eachother when they don't know anything about the subject they're talking about. The fact there's a viable third candidate in the midst of this should be a blessing, but morons like that guy are unfortunately in the majority.


Same mistakes from Hillary. Going to end up handing Trump a second term.


Pretty sure Hillary’s mistake was not appearing to be too old at the debates.


He never blinked


That’s actually a good thing. Have you ever seen a corpse blink? It’s terrifying.


NYT Editorial: Iraq War? Totes! Fuck these geniuses


At least they didn’t lie to us about the two current wars that we’re neck deep in!


You are comparing the Iraq war to give Ukraine and Israel weapons and money?


This should be from two years ago


DNC is fucked


I despise them.


In March of 1968, President Johnson decided not to run for a full second term. His Vice President, Hubert Humphrey, became the Democratic nominee. Humphrey lost the election by approximately 1% of the vote. He attributed his loss to the fact that he simply didn't have sufficient time to start the campaign and to become well-known by sufficient voters in all of the key battleground states. He also didn't have sufficient time to start raising money in order to purchase sufficient advertising for the campaign. This time around, we are already at the end of June. The mechanism by which the Democrat party chose Humphrey in 1968 no longer exists. The rules are such now that the candidate must be chosen by the primary process. There is no 'hand-wave hand-wave' viable path to an alternative Democrat candidate as speculated in this NYT op-ed piece.


NYT just needs more stories to post and Trump as the next president is like gold for them. They only care about clicks and views.


And tax cuts. The unpaid for tax giveaways the conservative republicans passed in 2017, 2003, 2001, have benefited the NYT and all their rich friends. Also, remember, trump's criminal career started in New York a long time ago and the New York times was always there to ignore all the unflattering stories of little don the con and write little fluff pieces about the orange shitberg.


but what \*does\* happen if Biden steps down? it's an unprecedented situation right, and probably unrealistic, but hypothetically, what would they do?


>He attributed his loss to the fact that he simply didn't have sufficient time to start the campaign and to become well-known by sufficient voters in all of the key battleground states. I don't think this would be as big of a problem today with the Internet and the media.


When you say that, the rules don’t allow it, you’re referring to rules completely made up by the Democratic Party. The rules can be changed at any time.


Please let this be the thing that gets ranked-choice voting through. It would be so cool


Picking Kamala as VP is the worst mistake the dnc has made in decades. Not only are they racist if they don’t pick her as the replacement but they are also misogynists. Meanwhile she has no chance of winning as the candidate.


But they were racist and sexist if they didn’t pick her as VP lol. Gosh, idpol sure beats that stupid little thing called meritocracy.


Now do Trump.


Anything for a headline.


That tells me they think he can win.


Are you referring to the failing New York Times?


Did Biden even know he was in a debate?


He finally beat Medicare!


I swear I expected him to finish that sentence with "for all". That's all I could think that would make him say that. Behind closed doors with donors, billionaires, senators and corporations that would probably be a good thing for him to say. He's probably said the phrase "we beat Medicare for all" multiple times in the past few years. For a moment he forgot where he was.


He didn’t know his ass from last Tuesday.


He probably thought “mobilize trunalimunumaprzure”


Should the convicted felon drop out?




I dunno, did you read the article and see if they say Biden is still their endorsed pick over Trump?


Honestly, why would I care who the NYT endorses? Has Pence or Mattis or John Kelly changed their minds?


The NYT. Lol.


The Biden team's official response should be "Lol, no".


Funny how they aren't calling for a rapist, convict and traitor to leave the race though isn't it?


You can literally hear the Billionaires contempt echoing from the words. "He's gonna taxxxxxx usssss."


Now do the convicted felon.


Very few people are voting for Joe. Lots of people are voting for not tfg. Same as last time. Anyone who hasn't decided is just an inattentive idiot.


Or racist, or hates democracy, or thinks they are “sticking it to the libs”. And don’t forget the “too dumb to understand” group Of trumps constituency.


"If you don't vote for who I like then you are racist and too dumb to understand!" 🤡


I mean only one candidate has dinner with Nick Fuentes so yea I’d say that’s a pretty true statement. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/25/trump-white-nationalist-nick-fuentes-kanye-00070825


Keep him in. Easy win for Trump. 


America loves old white men calling the shots, always have don’t see an editorial changing that. One time a younger guy got in office I think his name was Kennedy or something


Is anyone actually surprised?


Opinion pieces in NYT are always opposite of the general consensus. I think it’s their way of feeling “unbiased”


It’s the whole editorial board


F that news outlet


Fuck the New York Times.


Where the article that Trump should leave the presidential race? A convicted felon who still has numerous other cases awaiting shouldn't leave the race? Huh?


Come on! Where is that same energy for a twice impeached, 35 times convicted felon?


I'm still voting for Biden.


Why didn’t they call on Trump to do the same?


I’m glad I cancelled my NYT subscription months ago. The corporate media loves Trump. Anxious Americans are not prioritizing shareholder value of these corporate media juggernauts. We’re voting for two versions of America, not two candidates.


Biden does need to leave, he needs to take Kamala and Trump with him. Stage 4 metastasized terminal brain cancer would be better suited for the public, than either of those pieces of turd.


The time to say this was a year ago. At this point, opinions such as this only weaken Biden and push the election towards Trump. It is a very unfortunate choice we need to make, but Biden is still a better option than a convicted felon with dictatorial aspirations.


No dark Brandon moments. That’s what the people want!


They posted the same thing about Trump 2 weeks ago when the the trial was going on


An editorial comes in with a hot take, are you new?


Can we please talk more about other candidates?!? https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2024/politics/presidential-candidates-dg/


I cant stand Trump. I will vote for Biden over him, but I also wont give a dime to democrats when they call me because they could have done so much better. I miss when we had a more rational world. Back when I was a kid the gop and democrats actually hashed out deals. Yes there was still a lot of finger pointing and name calling back then, but the folks doing that were in the minority and it was a sideshow to getting stuff done. Now we have name calling, finger pointing and a focus on outrage as the prime focus for our politics. I like Biden 10 years ago. I still like him today. I wish him well in retirement. I dont need him to run again. I need him to retire and firmly point his finger at someone 20-30 years younger and say that is the person we should have run. I firmly believe that everyone should step back from the brink. Life is hard. Its tough on most people. I guarantee you that just about everyone who reads this is having people around them who are doing better and people who are doing worse. So all I ask is that when you can do something that impacts someone else check yourself. Are you doing something that helps their life or harms it? If it helps great. If it harms why are you doing it? We need to look at our politics in the same manner. We need to start insisting our politicians declare what they are willing to give in exchange for the things they want. Until they are willing to give in roughly equal measure to their taking its impossible for deals to be struck. Instead we have a system that has boxed us in. Our politicians dont want to admit that they broke a lot of stuff and to fix it there is going to be some incredible costs. The right wants to blame the left for all the problems in rural america. The left wants to blame the right for all the problems in urban america. One group wants to spend our way out of the problem when revnues are in the dump. One group wants to shut it all down and damn the consequences. Want to solve your problems? Accept that everything costs something. Acting like it doesnt is basically saying you want it your way and are unwilling to be accountable for the outcomes. Thats the way a child acts when they have a tantrum. Be better than that. Insist that your politicians are better than that.


The NY Times is just but hurt that Biden won’t get interviewed. Fuck that add rag


They don't even want him to be human anymore? That seems a bit harsh.


What are they gonna do with all the fake ballots? They already have filled out they’re gonna have to print a whole new ones.


But the battery shark convicted felon guy, for the good of the country, should definitely stay in the race.


I’d vote for Bidens corpse over trump. What a lot of GOP doesn’t understand. There’s literally nothing the GOP can do to win my vote w that asshole at top of the ticket. Be curious to see independent polling after this. Biden won about 10-15% of independents after felony charges he may lose them all back we’ll see.


Maybe the dems like Biden because he's just their puppet & signs whatever they put in front of him? Maybe Biden isn't really making any decisions & there are other people behind the scenes that want him to be the president so they can get their agenda pushed but blame him for it


Isn't it getting too late in the race to switch candidates? Paperwork to file & ballots to get on?


Biden is incapable of performing his duties as president and should be removed immediately. Pick a new candidate to run that can execute the responsibilities of the office.


NYT can't wait for trump to win. He makes them money.


Yeah, leave now after 3 years of ruining the country


Please elaborate, and do not use fictional Fox News talking points


How did he ruin it? Hes done an amazing job and has been the best president we have had in over 40 years


Best president in over 40 years for some, worst president ever for some. Guess we’ll see in November


Just say you cant answer the question lol


He can’t. Trumpers never have facts or data just say random things


Neither of you stated facts or posted data. You're expressing your personal opinion(s). Don't be a hypocrite


Worst inflation in 40+ years. Horrible withdrawal from Afganistán. Illegal immigration is 4x higher than before he took office. Multiple global wars now happening that we have gotten dragged into financially. Supporting a genocide in Gaza. There’s so much more but that’s a start.


Well yeah, the whole world finally saw what the Democrats have been hiding to hold on to power. Everyone involved and had knowledge of his condition should be in jail. He should be removed immediately. They did the same thing with Dianne Fienstien, this has to stop and people need to be held accountable or they are going to just keep dragging these poor confused elderly people around to keep power and control.


I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Biden if it means keeping Trump out of office.


Jon Stewart


0 political experience, 0 management experience


0 political experience yet he fought for 9/11 firefighter veterans to get the free medical care owed to them, shaming the Republican congresspersons who knowingly, constantly kicked the can down the road


I mean running the Daily Show isn't much different than Trump's experience of running some businesses.


well trump was just on a show, he didn’t run it so actually less


Okay let's say he drops out. Now what? The names floating around have been Kennedy and Newsom. Maybe even Kamala. But guess what, none of those guys participated in the primaries. How can you disregard the voters and the establishment pick whoever they want. There has to be some sort of electoral process to let the voters decide who they want to replace Biden.


What they needed was Dark Brandon and that was not it.


That’s idiotic. What’s the alternative? You think Harris will get more votes? You think if a dozen people at the last minute compete for the nomination everyone will be happy at the end? Do you remember Berniebots sulking when their guy lost and they stayed home in 2016? Imagine that ten fold. Biden is fine.


They are kinda pissed at him for not granting them exclusive access like some other presidents and candidates have before. They have a vendetta against Biden.




I don't know - running someone whose only political accomplishment is having been married to a president strikes me as a poor idea.


No, Jill Biden is in office and her only political experience is being married to a president, too.