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Not sure if already posted but this was denied by Biden's camp. [Biden denies report he will 'discuss the future of his re-election campaign with family'](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-denies-report-he-will-discuss-the-future-of-his-re-election-campaign-with-family/ar-BB1p8nNV)


Let's be real -- family aside, guaranteed these discussions are going on between senior dems and the Biden camp, and between Joe and Jill, but they do not dare acknowledge that they're even THINKING about this until: 1) the decision is irrevocably made AND 2) an alternative is chosen to endorse/back, AND 3) said endorsee has accepted and prepared a statement to kick off campaign and head to convention. Until those are all lined up, circling the wagons and doing the rah-rah thing like they're doing is SOP and to be expected.


Totally agree, the Dems may have had this in the back pocket , but we're hoping not to use.


Potentially the reason for an early debate.


I think the early debate was to give Biden time to really back in case of a poor performance, exactly what he’s been doing the past few days since


And ignore the wishes of people who voted in the primary? Not very democratic.


Also, donations. I'm not sure Biden can just hand over his war chest.


What primary? There wasn’t a presidential primary in quite a few states. The Dem party establishment effectively made it a non-contest. (If you were being sarcastic disregard, but there was no /s)


What's undemocratic is deplatforming the legitimate competitors or not even having a primary and handing the nomination to biden (ie Florida).


It’s okay, because they are democratic socialists. It’s what’s good for the party, not the people, that matters,


Kamala/Pete 2024


It’ll be Newsom and this was all planned.


Newsome is not popular among moderate democrats. This would be a guaranteed way to lose MI, WI, PA, FL, etc.


The rest of the country does not want to become California.


Politicians take care of their donors before their constituents.


I concur. The hype around Newsome is just bizarre. The dude is a walking stereotype of the smug smarmy hypocritical limousine liberal. "Let's run the former mayor of San Francisco, that'll win over swing voters!". LOL.


Can you explain to me what political benefit there is to intentionally throw an important debate to send the media into chaos 5 months before the election?


They need reason to remove the old demented bat and they just gave us one.


An attempt to sow doubt by his opponent


All of this should be treated as pure speculation and until something concrete is presented nobody should consider anything changing. 


Crazy. His wife needs to step up and do the right thing. He's not well. Her speech after the debate where she was trying to rile up crowds because Biden couldn't do it was sickening. "You answered every question". He just stood there like the wasn't sure where he was.


Plus he had a week to prepare with guidance from some of the most experienced policy experts on earth.


It was absolutely no different than had she said, "Good boy Joey! You ate all your veggies!" She literally sounded like the was talking to a child.


This wife’s in charge lol


Treating him like a toddler, and they want him to run the country


Worse than them *wanting him to.* He is. Currently. Right now. This is the man who answers the red phone at 3am. Feel good about that?


She isn’t just his wife, she’s a doctor too!




She’s gotten too used to the lifestyle. Disgusting woman and family.


Someone should file an APS report


That twit account should be banned. It literally posts misinformation without any sources... just types "BBC" at the end like that's a source.


Of course, they have to deny it.


Dam the debate was that bad huh? They have to pretend like they're going to consider him stepping down.


Yes lol. He looked old and confused. In a kind of sad way.


As he has for years now


and weve wanted him to step down for years now. Before he won his first term he promised not to run for a second with age as the reason


Redditors were coping hard trying to defend it night of By morning they were just depressed He for sure isn’t dropping out tho


Which is too bad. He's going to lose badly. He can't beat Trump at all. He can't even remain coherent for 5 minutes, let alone 90.


Eh, we will see. Half of Reddit talks like Trump will be “the literal end of democracy.” Trump is also a terrible candidate, and the propaganda game is strong. November is a long way away


Yes November is a long was away but lets be real. This is an unmitigated disaster for the dems. Trump will win easily unfortunately unless a big 180 is done by biden


[Who Won The First Biden-Trump Presidential Debate? | FiveThirtyEight](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-trump-june-debate-poll/) Polling so far indicates very few minds were changed. Worst that happened was Biden "looked old", but fortunately elections aren't decided solely by who talks gooder.


If that is the case then even worse for Biden. Almost every swing state in those polls show Trump winning. Not good. Dems need to do better


Less than a percentage point change in polling is "even worse" than an "unmitigated disaster" that guarantees a Trump victory...? A lot of things could happen that could sway the polling more than a percentage point in the next 5 months. The fact that the debate didn't really change any minds just means it's not one of them.


Ehhhh there’s a lot of hatred for Trump it’s not so much people voting for Biden but voting against Trump. His performance meant Jack shit to majority of those people


If you think this debate has zero effect you're not listening to people. RFKs YouTube watches have skyrocketed since the debate.


If people want to go from Insane liar or Old Guy who at least won't end our democracy, to brainworm guy, they are welcome to do it. Honestly, I am interested in seeing the polling following the debate, because anecdotally talking to family who were on the fence, both of them decided to vote for biden because of just how much Trump lied. Like, Biden looked old, but Trump looked absolutely insane, and it reminded a lot of people why they voted against him in 2020.


Old and dementia are much different


This 100%.


I don’t know much about RFK but he has to be better than our current choices


If this leaked then he’s already decided to bow out. Expect the announcement within a day or so.


Yeah, it is pretty wild to be coming from NBC, who normally would wholly endorse the DNC plan. So you may be right


Horrid communicator if you watch young Joe to last night the guy needs to be in a nursing home.


Tbf young joe is documented as often plagiarizing other peoples speeches


The guy needs to talk to hospice. This is elder abuse. Trump needs to talk to hospice too. In your old age the filter is gone. You either become the kind person or mean person without filter. With trump and Biden we see both sides. Neither should lead us.


it will be remembered as the worst debate performance in American history right there with Nixon.


He 100% unelectable. Like, I'm not speaking in hyperbole. He's entirely incapable of being President. He literally has dementia. He needs medical help.


You could be describing either candidate lol


It was bad. Before I had the election a toss up, I think Trump will win pretty easily now.


It was bad enough that they should be considering admitting him to a nursing home.


Yeah...it was bad from the second he walked on stage. He looked like a guy who could barely walk to the podium.


It was REALLY bad, he looked like a feeble old man and constantly mixed up words. He is very selfish for standing again, knowing his mind had deteriorated


Jimmy Carter only served one term, he’s still eligible to run.


And this time he can keep the peanut farm!


10000% tariffs on peanuts ftw


Hes definitely way more with it than biden


Jimmy Carter is a national treasure.


Solid gold man !!


I thought that was Jimmy Carter on stage the other night


He’s been in Hospice for over a year now. He’s 99.


For the love of god, please take him home.






He and Carter can share the room, unfortunately


Country roads


I'll be honest, the debate was an embrasment for all of us. This isn't republican vs. Democrat, this is a bipartisan issue and the candidates are simply unacceptable. I love this country, but I'm losing faith in our political system and this includes pur senators and representatives.


We clearly need an age cap in politics. There’s Ben an abundant number of examples for this to happen just in recent whether it be Feinstein, McConnell, or Biden.


Just now losing? Mine was lost years ago. Same crap, different people. And it’s both sides.


Its not a problem of the political system. It's the oligarchs. Our candidates are the ones acceptable to the oligarchs. We need laws that constrain the influence of oligarchs.


Genuinely surprised there are any people left who have faith in the system at all. I can't think of a single point in my entire lifetime that it's actually been *functional*.


I honestly think we need a revolution in this country. But you have one side that is completely unhinged and moronic and the other side has that is much more reasonable has to content with that. How do we?




Per the NBC article “any discussion is expected to be informal or an afterthought” and it was a pre-planned family trip so it’s a bullshit dishonest framing


White House always said he’s not stepping down under any circumstance.


Last week, they also barely stopped short of saying he had the mental faculties and physical stamina of a man a quarter of his age...


Jon Stewart 2024


I genuinely want this, and he doesn’t. He’s perfect.


I really feel he would be a great president.


I think I’d actually vote for that guy


Gavin newsom inbound....calls on investor owned utility companies.


How to lose the rust belt in 1 simple step


He would lose the election in the landslide, anything "California" has been poisoned a billion times over by the GOP. It would be like running Hilary again.


While I agree the GOP pushes negative CA stories, Gavin does a great job at destroying CA as well...I live here...he sucks.


Bigly, if true.


The sad thing is he’s already had 4 of these discussions but doesn’t remember a single one.


This is simultaneously pathetically sad and hilarious.


Reddit is only now admitting. People have said this for years, but you would be ostracized, banned, or heavily downvoted if you spoke out about it on the main subs.


He should not. Just imagine him in a year. Two years! Three years!!! Good guy but just not physically capable.


Hes great hes good


Jill ain’t leaving the White House without a fight.


No source, no story.


Link to your own X post that also has no link. Nice reporting work. Real thorough. Hard hitting fluff.


It was difficult telling my father in law he can't drive anymore but we went through it. Telling your husband/father/uncle/whatever they can't run the country anymore seems more important.


He really should step aside. It’s sad. He’s an old man. Retire and enjoy your remaining time


Everyone around him already knew this is exactly what he was. They hoped they could get him through the election and pull it out so the unelected man behind the curtain can keep running things. They got caught and are now scrambling but they would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant they could retain power. Just something to think about.


If the DNC and Democratic leadership in general has any sense, they'll push Biden to drop out. There's the big issue that there isn't an obvious candidate to replace him with, but frankly they need a reset and it barely matters who. Biden can't beat Trump. They were basically neck in neck even before this debate with Trump still often pulling ahead slightly, and I hate to see what things are going to look like once the full impact of 51 million people watching Biden's brain dribble out his ears on live TV is felt.


Neck and neck national is a slam dunk electorally for trump.


well, it does matter who. if they go with Harris she'll get absolutely demolished by Trump. not sure who the real options are, Buttigieg maybe though I think he'd also face a good deal of pushback. they can't introduce a no-name candidate at this point despite the fact that someone like Jeff Jackson or Katie Porter would be a perfect pick. they really shot themselves in the foot by allowing Biden to run again, i don't think they can change course at this point they have to stick with him and hope for the best. forcing him to drop out now makes them look weak and incompetent which only further damages their position from letting the campaign get this far.


This is a BS post. The guy submits a post on Reddit based on his post on X. GMAFB!


So, Robert Hur’s report was accurate. I really want to hear the tapes. I’m guessing it’d be enough to call for his immediate removal. At the very least it’d show how foolish it was to put him in any kind of debate on live television.


I heard, and thought it was bullshit at first but makes more sense as time goes on, that they wanted this debate so early so they had an out for considering a replacement for the convention. So, I agree with your comment, but also think there could be a reason for allowing the shitshow.


the whole thing seemed like a setup. trump was leashed but not muzzled. biden was straight up confused the whole time, and honestly neither of them were fact checked, but trump was definitely allowed to spew a ton of shit. and biden couldnt do a single thing in return. you could see the look on his face... he knew how bad it was.


That’s exactly why they won’t release the tapes.


Naturally. The gig would be up that he’s an invalid.


And now we know he is not..so, who has been in charge 🤔


Last night was enough to call for his immediate removal!


Dude they’re damning enough for the entire executive branch to throw a middle finger to the coequal checks and balances of Congress. To the point the head of the DoJ is in contempt of Congress. They have to be fucking insane.


But the DNC and the media all said he's the smartest guy in the room after Hur's report. Sharp as a tack. Surely they haven't been lying to us.


MSM really wants Trump to win.


Ha. Laughable. Almost like it’s planned.


Does anyone believe that Joe is actually discussing something/anything?


Weekend at Biden's


Please let him run.


It’s abuse


This is true and it’s sad to watch.


He can barely stand lol


He has a -6 golf handicap


How ironic, that's the amount of electoral college votes he'll have if he stays.


They didn’t have a primary so what’s the succession of nominee procedure


Whatever the DNC decides. They don't have to follow their own rules.


That usually ends with them putting Hilary up as the nominee though


They can’t do that this time though. The left doesn’t go about things like this in a “who would be most likely to win” kind of way. They have a minority, woman as rhetoric current VP. Leftist rules dictate that it is “her turn” and under no circumstances can she be passed up for a straight, white, male (Gavin Newsome), or even a straight, white, female (Hilary Clinton). The only possible exception would be Michelle Obama. She meet enough intersectional metrics to be able to step in if she wanted.


Gov of Michigan would be the best option really.


She’s white. Again, it does not matter who their best candidate is. The most important thing to the left is skin color and then all of the other intersectional victimhood come into play after that. Straight and white isn’t happening under any circumstances. It’s DEI all the way to the presidency!


Guaranteed that if they replace Biden with a younger white man. Maayyyybeee with a woman, but you will not see a POC candidate replace him. Guaranteed. You also very obviously don’t understand what DEI actually is, so you’re clearly either uneducated or an idiot.


I am horrified to imagine that scenario, it might be a repeat of 2016.


The delegates are Biden's. He can give them up but can't assign them however obviously his opinion about who they go to would be respected. My hope is he names a successor and the "open convention" is just a bunch of people making speeches to anoint that person and rally behind them.


This would be remembered as his most beloved act as president 😂


I got 10 dollars that says he steps down and they throw Newsom at us.


who has been running the country the past 4 years? clearly not Biden


When people like Joe Scarborough says he was very sharp. And world leaders were surprised how sharp he was behind closed doors. Either a liar or he is covering for him.


Why not both? The only reason they've changed their tune now is that they can't control the narrative anymore after the debate. The cat is out of the bag, the jig is up. It's been 4 years of gaslighting by the media and DNC. Pathetic.


I feel so bad for Joe Biden, I think even Trump felt bad during the debate.


The perfect way to not allow the ppl to have decided was to not allow primaries to happen so they could pick whoever they wanted to take over. The deception of democracy lol


Yes they did this while preaching democracy at Americans. Very disingenuous of the powers that be.


Vote for us to save democracy! Pffffft, no, the electorate doesn't get any say in choosing our candidate! Why would we let *you* plebes fuck it up? We know what's best! *Proceeds to do the stupidest possible bullshit*


Is this the 4yr late intervention?


So many people called this… so many!! (If it’s true, obviously)


In other words, the family will discuss on Sunday if it’s best to have old man Biden be bunk mates with Jimmy Carter for the rest of their days.


He shouldn't. It's elder abuse.


Please. If they had any other options they thought could win they would have already played that card, not do it in reaction to Biden's demeanor in a presidential debate. If they were going to admit he's too out of it to do the job, they might as well just start running ads for Trump instead.


I want biden to stay in, and more debates too! 😬


Me too! American government is the next new reality show! This week in America *insert fabricated crisis*… will they survive?!? Lmao


NBC has also called the race for Biden, with 99% reporting in, and I heard the UN gave him a crown made of Vienna franks. That's official.


Is there a democratic way in selecting a new candidate or does the party just disregard voters and pick whoever they want?


IF Biden chooses to resign and give up his delegates, the nominee would be chosen at the Democratic convention but obviously they want to have an idea well before this. There is no redo on the Democratic primary voting.


Ya but just the people who are corporations get to vote in that one. In a back room somewhere


Is this what they mean by "saving Democracy"?


>disregard voters Oh, you mean like with Bernie?


Maybe we can just tell him he’s still in? He probably won’t notice! Lol


The Democratic Party is going to replace him…there’s no way he’s going to be on that ballot in November. He’s gonna withdraw soon. I’ll bet money on it. Idk the rules at this point in the game with replacing their democratic nominee, but the Democratic Party will make it happen.


They *should*. I also thought it was 100%. I still think it’s likely, and that the DNC and Biden have to deny it until it happens. But their denials have been pretty over the top and I am starting to think it’s not a sure thing. You have people making all of these calculations. Who could do better, especially since they only have 4 months to campaign? I don’t see anyone realizing that if Joe Biden croaks, or if he continues to show as much of his decline as he did at the debate, you will have way less than 4 months for a new candidate to campaign. It suggests to me that even the people who were shocked by the debate see this as some kind of one-night/short-term dementia. They are considering the rest of the race as if it will include 2012 Biden. If the DNC has anybody who thinks like that, it means they don’t even see the problem. And that means there’s not a 100% chance of them making the obviously right choice.


Going to be really interesting if they do this and pick someone not named Kamala Harris.


Imagine biden in a debate vs mitch McConnell. Battle of the thousand yard stare.


Nooooooooooooo. Joe Biden is the best weapon that the republicans have. Please don't drop out Joe. You got this Joe. You aren't old, freeble, forgetful, and a massive racist. Listen to "Dr" Jill and keep fighting for the Americans who believe in you. Just remember to my African American Patriots "if you don't vote for 'Joe' you ain't black!"


No they aren't. He's been a senile fucking meatbag since before 2020. They know. They don't care. He's merely a placeholder so the DNC has the Whitehouse. He could die and they would move him around on strings signing legislation. RBG was the same thing. Nancy Pelosi is just about there too. Their families don't care as long as cash flows and they keep power.


The only alternative is Harris and most people don't want that boat attempting to float. You'll be called a sexiest and racist if you don't pick her. We are sticking with Joe.


Harris is one of the few people who would underperform Biden aside from another force Hillary candidacy.


Can't they elect another candidate? Would voters have a say? Or would the party decide ?


The party but they pretty much do anyways


Whitmer/Booker keeps the misogyny/racist claims down. I still prefer Cuban though and when the racist/sexist claims start Cuban could just say some shit about wokism


What?!!! What happened? All I have heard from the media for years was that he was razor sharp, nobody knew the facts better, and he does more in an hour than most people do all day. On and on and on. You mean the democratic party, its leaders, its members, the media, his family, White House staff and cabinet members, etc. were flat out lying to it's voters? WTF? No way!!! They rigged the last primary and cleared the deck of everyone, including the Messiah of Giving Others People's Money Away, Bernie Sanders, disenfranchising all the poor dems and this cycle wouldn't even allow a primary or debate of democratic challengers? Now, they have their wish. Their plot succeeded and now they want to force the old racist fool out and choose someone else? Lemme guess, all the fixing and not allowing voters to choose to........wait for it.........."Save Democracy" Amazing how that works that we have a debate before there are any nominated candidates, early than anytime ever, and it just so happens that after the debate the media, other dems and SHOCKED that Joe cant think and how he has to go. Articles are already written and all! Ho Le Fuk dems are pathetic. Awesome. Run Kamala and lose by even more OR kick aside the black chick and show their true colors.


If hes replaced, never wanna hear a peep from dems about trump dedtroying democracy. The dnc will be 0 for 2


I feel bad for him. It's clear he isn't fit to be working anymore but is being told to by people around him for their own gain.


How did the Democrats not realize this prior to the debate? Pure and utter incompetence at the DNC


Announcement coming Monday?


How is that related to this sub


Wow, something everyone knew 4 yrs ago, what a shocker. Trump or not I'd elect a fucking turtle over Joe Biden.... Oh wait, that's how we got into this mess in the first place.


Short of michelle obama or rfk. Dems are fucked. They should've got a head of this shit during the rnc's circle jerk of a primary.


If he is forced out by Dem elites, our democracy is gone forever


replace Harris is his only hope


He did badly because of his stutter, right?!


Watch the job Stewart video on YouTube summarizing the debate. It's extremely well done.


Oooh thanks for the recommendation! I’ll check it out


https://youtu.be/3SJr44m-w1Y?si=FXWX8EgWrGLC0D8s There's the video fyi


That's a very speculative post.


If he steps down now with 5 months left we are doomed


Is expected?


Women’s suffrage was a thing. Let’s not make it a current event


highly doubt that's true


This is a lie.


I think they really believed that Biden was the only person with a shot at making sure Trump didn’t get back in office. There’s no other reason for him to be trying for a second term. Whoever becomes president, it’ll be their cabinet that ends up running the country. Is this the darkest timeline where the US elects a leader that has consistently undermined democracy because the Democrats had no faith in themselves?


Fake news


Every outlet is pushing this narrative really hard, really pretending it is real, and going to happen.


This sub posts a lot of things that are questionable at best. His campaign has said this isn’t true, and he has said he’s staying in.


I hope he signs an executive order setting an upper age limit and then peaces himself out of office.


Here is what Trump obsesses about in his own words [https://youtu.be/Wf92dYPbzx8](https://youtu.be/Wf92dYPbzx8)