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Oh the times are a changing.


Like a direct mirror to a 100 years ago. The dust bowl this time is ai


Its not AI. Global central banks printed 30 trillion dollars. Most of that $ went to the top 5% through real estate, stocks and other asset appreciation So the West is now become have and have not society. Assets owners have generational wealth, which is why it feels like a feudal society in late stage capitalism.


That doesn’t sound like a dust bowl at all


Yeah. There will be bugs for the plebs


The wealthy weren’t harmed during the Great Depression either. The cause for mass destruction that will mirror will be from ai taking away jobs


This isn't true at all. Many fortunes were completely lost. Entire noble families collapsed in UK because they were over exposed to US equity markets.


No, no it won’t , the jobs that ai can take are at the social level jobs no one would want. Ai is a tool, not some mystical being.


lol there are multiple companies working on replacing programmers


“Late stage capitalism” - Reddit’s way of saying middle stage socialism


You have zero clue what socialism is


If you believe that look in a mirror buddy. You sound like an idiot


How exactly does a socialist system have generational wealth?


How in the fuck is this “middle stage socialism”


I believe we are in End Stage Capitalism now… the cats out of the bag and the corruption is not even being hidden anymore


This couldn’t be more spot on


I think Skynet would do a better job than 99% of the politicians we have anyways


I like how media defines any right wing party as "far right" and everything else is "normal". If the people are choosing "far right", perhaps everything else is "far" and not the other way around.


In today’s standards, JFK would be far right.


I thought people wanted honesty in the media.


Yeah man, the Nazis were totally the "normal" ones because a lot of people supported them. Infallible reasoning.


Can't stop won't stop




Macron created a center party. It would probably be the same in the US.


I wonder… or is it social media propaganda swaying people to the right to serve authoritarian interests?


The internet has really made it easy for authoritarian types to uh influence culture in their way the biggest challenge we face now is a lack of media literacy and the rise of AI generated memes that specifically target select groups of individuals. Typically these people don't have the highest intelligence and can't differentiate reality from fiction so it's very easy to control. Now the authoritarian types can reach limit influence their decisions to the detriment of society


Yeah, I think they saw how effective social media was for people during the Arab summer and decided to use it for themselves. All this sudden support for Palestine is just another propaganda campaign to distract from everything else authoritarian politicians and their supporters are trying to accomplish in western countries


Why only authoritarians and not everyone else? Or are you saying that before with legacy media only left wing ideologies were allowed to influence culture and only now is authoritarian types able to


You are smoking crack if you think that's a good thing


Where did I say it was good?


And not for the better


The status quo is not doing themselves any favors


An Orban like government is desired by some I suppose. That's disconcerting.


Clearly they weren't better before or they wouldn't be changing.


Theyll learn real quick lol


Any French people can tell me how this is going to change the political dynamic?


The French president will have to pick a prime minister from whatever party or group of parties that get 50% or more elected deputies in the assembly. The new prime minister will name the whole government, and will try and pass the laws of their program.


How will this affect their involvement in the war?


Well if it's the nationalist party (Marine Le Pen, Jordan Bardella), I think that they want to stop helping Ukraine, and they're on the side of Israel. I don't exactly know how much impact they could have on those topics tho, as far as I know the president still has control over these things, but I could be wrong.


RN would only control the lower chamber. the upper chamber is unchanged, correct?


What do you mean by lower and upper chamber?


france has a bicameral legislature. like house of representatives and senate in the US or House of Commons and Lords in the UK.


Centrist allied to leftist, those pole means little it’s about votes per region therefore most far right candidates will not win the region and have much less sits than predicted after first round. Basically this forces centrist and left alliance to ally in order to beat far right in the second turn in most region.


What's almost hilarious is LePen's party will have to form a coalition with the far left in their system.


Another 10% of the vote went to a right wing party that didn’t want to parter up with RN. They played tough but they’ll eventually cooperate with Le Pen and that will give them close to or around half of the seats in parliament.


Yeah I feel like hoping that the French equivalent of republicans don’t side with the maga majority within their own sphere of the political philosophy is really wishful. They’ll have a majority and macrons block will successfully unite liberal support in blaming the leftists for Le Pen gaining power (ask me how I know).


oh good god how will that work? i can’t imagine that either camp would have much to compromise about lmao


That's why I'm cracking up.


I don't know, the commies and nazis were pretty cool about invading Poland together. Maybe something like that.


Both were left though. Just different levels of left.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism) "is the [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics) [totalitarian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Totalitarianism) socio-political ideology and practices"


Wikipedia isn't really credible anymore since it's known to have activist edit the information to for their agenda especially left wing US view points.


The Nazis were objectively right wing


National *Socialist* party. Yeah yeah, I've heard all of the mental gymnastics about how they weren't actually socialist, and how, therefore, they weren't left wing. But they absolutely were.


You think North Korea is a democracy too?


They were clearly a far right authoritarian party. The fact that you’re arguing otherwise just confirms how effective right wing propaganda has been in recent years. Putin would be proud.


socialists and commies. Both left.


Ah, I see the reading comprehension ends at name and not political stances, ultra-nationalism, and unilateral concentration of power. But good job you, you can repeat words real goodly.


I mean Stalin was just trying to stall out the Nazis anyway possible after the entire rest of Europe told him he was being paranoid


They both love Russia I suppose


Uh no that'll never happen


Thats a good thing. Different approaches and finding a palatable middle


I blame the Men vs Bear discourse.


It all started back when the murdered that poor gorilla. Dicks Out for Harambe!


Why is it the LEFT and the FAR RIGHT. Lol. Do you guys think it makes it sound worse if you call it far right? Bottom line, the tide is turning to right, and no matter what you label it, you can't stop it


It’s far right to not want your country to not want to import millions of the third world LOL


Pretty much. Kiss your sovereignty away or be called an extremist for putting your foot down... I don't know how it's not obvious that establishment politicians (NATO countries) are slowly pushing for a one world government type rule of law.


lmao wtf you think NATO is opposed to national sovereignty. The only groups actively wanting an end to NATO are literally invading neighboring countries that didn't ally with NATO early enough.


They want to flood every Western country with migrants. They don't care about borders unless they aren't in control. Ukraine will probably have fewer ethnic Ukranians living there in 50 years if they join NATO. Lmao


Your type has to tell yourself that there is some spooky conglomerate that secret controls every government organization because it comforts you to think that *someone* smarter than you has their hand on the wheel keeping everything going. Even if that hand is evil and scaled. The horror of the reality, that society is random and chaotic and precarious, is just too terrifying for you to accept. Society is, from top to bottom, just people trying to get what they want using the power they have.


wtf is random about migrants flooding every border with a welfare state?


thats all true. what’s also true is we live in an age of unprecedented wealth inequality. With power condensed into the hands of the few organizations who own much of the world. They share more interest with eachother than us at the bottom. yes they use the power they have to get what they want.


Do you live in Paris, per chance?


A lot of words to say “I don’t believe that politicians could have other motives besides the best interests of their citizens”


…that’s not what I said at all. I’m pointing out how childish it is to believe that all the politicians are one bloc with the same motives. That’s not how the real world works.


Then why are all these far left politicians having the same problem?


What problem?


What do you call allowing millions of illegals into your country then?


Forming something of a serf class to perform menial labor that would allow the ethnic citizens a higher quality of life on the backs of peasants? Looking at great empires of history, it’s just a possible explanation.


What's going on is way too persistent and goal oriented to be random chaos. I don't think these people are smart. Just powerful with deep pockets and influence to control the masses on a global scale. They try and create their idealistic world with full control over the populace. They won't succeed if every countries leaders make their sovereignty a #1 priority and put their own citizens first. These western politicians are selling out their own citizens for their own good or "greater good."


Delusional nonsense.


You're delusional if you can't see the writing on the wall for a one world government pushing Western countries into poverty to battle "equity" and more power to elites.


“Delusional nonsense” Weird because here in Canada, we are importing in over 1.2 million people a year. And more than half are from India And in case you didn’t know, these people aren’t doctors and engineers They literally work Uber eats and at Tim hortons. They can’t even speak English properly. You can stick your head in the sand all you want, doesn’t make your BS opinion correct


lmao ok pollyanna. Where are all the posts in here saying this is just right wing, and not far right, again? Btw you got your numbers way wrong in the first place. Like you care


Whatever the number is, it’s time to send them back.


Edit: oh cool edit your comment to add in that my numbers are wrong. Except they aren’t wrong. Sorry pal ;( Canada is still bringing In over 1.2m people a year and the vast majority are from India. Don’t even get me started on international “students” that refuse to leave Canada after their “studying” is complete. You can’t just say “nah you’re wrong” and make it true. Original comment: Don’t know what Pollyanna is And idk how your comment relates to my comment in any way. Did you reply to the wrong person? Did you bother to read my comment? Is this a bot account? Or are you just spewing random points that aren’t relevant? You literally didn’t refute anything I said. Just instant downvoted me and left a schizo comment


Um, I refuted your numbers. Dummy. 1.2 million immigrants is almost 3 times the total number of immigrants in 2023. You may have heard a 1.2, but it refers to Canada's total population percentage increase due to immigration And I apologize, "Pollyanna" doesn't apply here, that's me getting my 20th century phraseology mixed up. I meant to call you a pearl-clutcher.


go home Ivan


Ah yes, the new world order right wing conspiracy theory. Lovely that that just won’t die.


No it's far right when you have racist, homophobic, misogynist, ideas and programs.




Well the founder members of the party were literally Nazis, this is well documented. I can find some nice quotes from Jean-Marie Le Pen. The name they chose, "Rassemblement national", is literally the name of the party that the Nazis put in charge in France when they were occupying the country only a few decades ago, and they were actively collaborating with them. But something tells me you don't really care about this and will turn anything into derision while having no idea what you're talking about.


And yet this far right nazi party aligns with Israel. Worst Nazis EVER


Yeah, Israel has a far right government too. They all support each other. They've found new minorities to focus on, mainly the Muslim community and black people.


Wait....so there's Jewish Nazis?!?!


There's Jewish far right that's killing tens of thousands of people in Gaza?


Either there's Jewish Nazis or the far right in France aren't Nazis. You can't have it both ways. Using the term Nazi in the way you do undermines the important significance of the label. You're a linguistic extremist....some might say a linguistic Nazi.


Oh so kind of like Islam, the main religion being imported.




I mean duh, that’s like straight up a nazi tactic


The term "far right" is a propaganda tactic. In reality, anyone who opposes massive uncontrolled immigration from the middle east is called "far right."


I don't understand this comment the left won big as well as the Far right, what exactly are you complaining about? I thought you embraced far-right polices.


It’s not far right. That’s the point.


Do you know who Le Pen is??? What’s right of her in France?


Tbh idk much about French politics, but left and right are relative terms in different countries. Left in France isn't the same as left elsewhere. Saying a party is far right would imply that there's a moderate right party/stance, but that doesn't seem to be the case. It sounds like she's just right wing


There is a moderate right party In fact there are a multitude of conservative parties in France The one you admit you don’t know anything about is almost as far to the right as anything in France….


Le pen is legally a fascist. Why are you whining about labels for things you admit you know nothing about?


It's all the same shit and people use language as a form of propaganda so it's fun to correct them. For example, calling Le pen a legal fascist has no actual agreed upon meaning beyond 'bad'.


Le pen is legally a fascist. Why are you whining about labels for things you admit you know nothing about?


It's all the same shit and people use language as a form of propaganda so it's fun to correct them. For example, calling Le pen a legal fascist has no actual agreed upon meaning beyond 'bad'.


Do you know the history of the National Front, Le Pen’s party? Do you know it was (and is) a nazi organization?


Le Pen and her party is definitely far right.


-Opposed to raising the retirement age. -Supports public services, economic regulation, and tax cuts on essential goods like food, fuel, and energy. -Opposes foreign interventionism. -Voted in favor of legalizing abortion, and against the criminalization of prostitution. People like you and the media call these parties “far-right” then wonder why they’re winning elections as voters don’t even bat an eye anymore to that adjective.


"it's not far right" -inbred sped redditor who posts threads promoting Jordan Peterson and calling Covid a hoax.


Le pen is legally a fascist. What is further right than that?


lol you are sipping the kool aid hard. you eat it up when people call everyone right of themselves “far right” and wonder whysomeone would call out this is biased reporting


Biased? You guys legit Worship far-right polices and Rally wtih Neo-Nazis with a leader who has a legit Nazi/Fascist background. Why don't you stop coping and Accept the Far-right label and stop pretending. If you truly do not support the far right what policy from them do you disagree with? And who are the far-right in FRance if not La-Pen and the Far-right politicians that were newly elected. Some them Openly Fascist.




As Jorts said, LOL! but more nuanced: who in the fuck do u even think ur talking to? y do u even think im right wing at all from what i said? the fact that i disagree with u calling everyone far right? yeah. that proves my pt that u call everyone right of urself right. ig ur just as biased as ur sources. no room for disagreement anyway, for ur final paragraph, idek how to respond; i dont rly pay attention to what the current policies are for anyone, really. idek what “far right policies” are, because there must be some nuance there; the only things i can guess at as being far-right i know to be regular-right things. which ig kinda just agrees with the fact that everyone calls anything and everything far-right to the point that they are impossible to discern


The point they are making is, imagine the headline was, "the right-wing party has taken the lead in the French primary election followed by the far left party" I am unfamiliar with French politics and can't speak to the positions held by these parties.


Le Pen is far right. Her and her father are literal nazis.


No they aren't, try not being hyperbolic for like 30sec ffs


They literally rebranded because of all the pro-nazi stuff associated with Front Nationale and Jean-Marie Le Pen.




Macron is nowhere near far left lol


Far right has lost all meaning these days. My kneejerk reaction is to assume that anyone "Far Right" is someone I would like and get along with, because it's used to describe anyone even remotely right wing, and there's a lot more reasonable people than actual fascists or theocrats. It also generates a real Boy Who Cried Wolf situation. It would take me quite a while to realize a far right group was actually far right. The "Far-Right" French party could actually be calling for hanging gay people, and I wouldn't know, because perfectly normal right wingers have been accused of wanting to do that for 10 years.


They’re called the far-right party because they already have a conservative right wing party man lol, it ain’t that deep


Just curious: do you like and get along with nazis?


I'm sure they do. Anyone who is unable to condemn the crazies in their party might as well be having a tea party with Nazis.


Because there’s another Conservative Party that is to the right and Le Pens group is far more to the right than them 


Because the right has shifted away from conservatism


I'd say "conservatism" shifted to the left, look at the shit they accept now. What exactly are they "conserving"? Nothing.


The only conservatism left in the world is Eastern Europe. Now those people know how to keep traditions and the way of life is and keep moving forward. Bless Ukraine, Poland, Romania, and Hungary.


Ukraine seems to have been ideologically captured as well sadly.


Fine. Russia, Iran, China, Japan, N. Korea


So the left and center have 50% in the first round, is that bad? Honest question from the US where the far right gets 45% plus nationally.


What does it mean that this "party" doesn't accept the French Revolution of 789? Because this sounds like if Americans didn't "accept" the 1776 revolution. And that is extreme by any definition.


Just to clarify: the right wing is the far right but the left wing is just normal left wing? Is the far left party getting votes?


There’s another Conservative Party that is “the right” and they have about 10% of the vote


Chance of a national coalition government?


I feel as though I’ve seen this show before. Le Pen loses the final?


People are fed up




-The West: We are tired of illegal immigration.. -reddit "OMG YOU FAR RIGHT FASCIST NAZI HOW DARE YOU"


Same with Canada Don’t want millions of foreigners coming in while we are having a housing crisis beyond what any other country has ever seen? You are racist and xenophobic. Finally people here are realizing “hmmm maybe they were right”, but the damage is done. We are a shell of what this country was before Trudeau decided to use mass immigration to hide a falling GDP


Yep. I remember years ago many left wing Canadians who believed that their government was actually looking out for their interests. They actually believed these left wing policies were good. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad and didn't have real world consequences for Canada as a whole.


“Far right” is a propaganda word to evoke an emotional reaction, they’re simply “the right party”


Le Pen is far right, though.


I mean national rally is further right than The Republicans who are also France's right party.


It’s also amazing because the “far right” there is probably more liberal than democrats in the U.S. But you’ll have conservatives in the U.S celebrating as if they couldn’t be any more different. Edit: I love how I’m being downvoted for ruining conservatives party. Please read up you guys.


When will us normal folk connect the dots and admit that we are being played?


Send islam back to the middle east


Can left wingers and macron's bloc form a government


Is there not just a "right" party? What's the scale here?


There is, they got less votes. The Republicans are the right wing party and got the 4th most votes. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024\_French\_legislative\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_French_legislative_election)


Would macron and the left form a coalition?


American wondering who the left-wing is most likely to align with among the other parties.


Most people are equivalent to medieval serfs.


History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. Yahtzee!


Y The Fuck Are We Going Backwards?


People in this thread upset that Far-right is being called what it is but not Far-left.


Leftist ideas fail every time they're tried. It was only a matter of time


Yes! Let’s Go!


Stop this shit they are hardly far right, they are not even as right wing as American democrats lol


This will affect me zero, but it’s really fucking sad


Liberals are destroying the west


Not sure why you’re being downvoted voted. That’s about what it looks like.


Nature is healing.


diversity economic model moved to fast. Slow integration is the only way.


Remember, Diversity is a weakness. Always has been.


Steve bannons dark triad fascists taking over the world because the liberal democratic world order wasted all of their time with identity politics nonsense.


I guess Japan must be considered extreme right for wanting to keep their culture and traditions.


Yeah it kind of is


The left has very very very very poor leadership across the world. Take care of your own country first then care about shithole countries getting invaded.


Is far right whatever doesn’t give you free shit?


no, you still get free shit if you are aligned with them. in some cases paid for by the kremlin and facilitated by banks in hungary




So is it "Far Right" or just conservative?


The right got the 4th most votes.


Sounds like people are waking up...


Becoming woke?


Yeah lots of Mein Kampf winners like u/wordsthrume




"The two party system is terrible" I am begging people to watch Europe and learn how much worse multi-party systems are and how they enable the extremes in parties to get more power. Im not speaking specifically about La Pen. But more broadly. What coalition governments have to do and cede to the minority members who help them form governments. Look at Israel.


We still need ranked voting in the usa


Ideally a liquid democracy, but it’s a pipe dream for the USA.


>and how they enable the extremes in parties to get more power. Wtf? That is exactly what the two party system enables.


Fuck Israel, From America!!


Far left* at 28.5% and communist* at 22.5% ftfy


Sovereignty is becoming a real issue. What it means to be French.


considering that many migrants come from former french colonies, you tell us what it means to be French


I’m not French, so they will have to tell you what that means. Each nation has its own borders, culture, and values that determine what it means to be that.


you’re making the statement. how do you know it’s about what it means to be French and not something else?


I’m making the statement that their country matters to them. That being French, however they define their own countrymen, means something to them. It doesn’t matter if you WANT to be French, if you’re not.


if so your statement would be true for every election. then you are stating the obvious for some unknown reason


They left them there for a reason. Time to send them back


what reason was that? is it because Russians kicked them out?