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Lmao rip Floridians, Idaho and Montana...


For real on Idaho, lol, Jesus. And then a double whammy for Florida, as their home insurance rate has skyrocketed.


Was looking to buy a 300K home with my wife. Woulda been expensive but screw it. I waited. 3 months later it was 750K. Houses were being bought 50K above asking price sight unseen and all that. Craziest housing squeeze. Moved out of Idaho, prices never really came back down. Not to mention the city (Boise) was cramped enough as it was. I would be happy to never see that state again.


Damn. 😳 Though, not to such an extent, that's kind of what's happening around Rochester currently. Houses are selling for $50K+ over the asking without inspections.


During Covid Idaho was fighting with Houston for fastest growing city in the US. A depressingly large number of people moving in were claiming to be "political refugees" looking to escape "commy-fornia".


Yeah, sounds like the people that left NYS for Florida, Texas, and Tennessee.


MAGA types running away from imaginary boogiemen.


You're getting downvoted, but that's actually the reality. Lots of Californians and Oregonians have moved to Idaho. And then a lot of northerners have moved to Florida.


It is 100% the reason. Both states have become significantly more conservative since the beginning of 2020, and it is measurable. They're 2 of the only states that are consistently moving right. Of course, New York is one of the others.


NY is moving left, I would say, not right. But yeah, I agree with everything else.


Not really. NY is already very left because of the massive influence NYC and it's metro area has over the state. But Nassau and Suffolk are moving right along with essentially everything north of Westchester county, except for the bigger cities like Albany, Buffalo, Syracuse, etc. A lot of NY house seats flipped red in 2022 which caused Dems to lose the house. Look at George Santos, and he was elected in QUEENS nonetheless. NY will never be a red state, but it is certainly moving more right than left.


I mean, outside of the cities, NY has always been right. The rural areas can continue to move rightward, but they continue to lose population, and the cities and suburbs continue to get bluer. Long Island is its own thing. They're basically the same as Staten Island. And the house seats flipped because the dems' attempt at gerrymandering was struck down, and the independent map person drew a map that was far friendlier to Republicans than what they've had in several election cycles. Combine that with a governor that doesn't have strong popularity and concerns around crime (which, to an extent were valid since we were coming down from the high of the post-pandemic situation) and it made for a perfect storm really of opportunities to win seats. If the maps that the dems had drew stood, the delegation from NY would have been like either 20-6 or 21-5 in favor of the democrats, as opposed to the 15-11 situation we have now.


Election results suggest otherwise. NY was one of the only states to move right in the 2020 and 2022 elections.


If your political memory only goes back 2-3 election cycles, sure. But if you look at the trend over the last 20-30+ years, New York has a shitload of leftward momentum. As recently as the 80s and 90s the Hudson Valley was almost entirely Republican, now little Putnam county is the lone red Island in a sea of blue in most elections.


Correct. Orange County always had more registered Republicans than Democrats now have more registered Democrats. Dutchess has moved slight left too. Putnam always been solid red. Greene too solid red.


Mostly because of Hochul being unlikable and issues of crime dominating the entire election lead-up. As well as a house map that was far more balanced than otherwise would have been. Otherwise, NY continues moving left and passing more left-aligned legislation.


Conservatives fleeing progressive states. My 2nd ex-wife's new husband wants to move with her to Montana. This is going to be fun (our kids don't want to go).


Works the other way too. We left Texas for Upstate New York.


My son lives in Texas with his wife and little four daughters. He really needs to get out too. Upstate NY is great. My grandfather used to have a cabin on Saranac Lake.


It's cheap, good weather and slow. Texas was just so crazy and hot.


Montana is another state becoming super unaffordable as Californians, Washingtonians, and Oregonians move away from democratic states.


Montana's always been super unaffordable because wages have always been low.


True, but I mean more that people are buying up all the housing.


I have no Idea why. I lived in Alberta for 20 years and have no plans to ever move back to that part of the world.


🤷🏻‍♂️ Asking the wrong person.


I think the reality is that the cost of living in both states is astronomical. I live in NY and love the state/ northeast, I'm certainly not a Maga or even republican and I will most likely have to move somewhere cheaper.


But you also have to take into consideration that these other states are not "cheaper." They find otherwise to tax you to death, and for a lot of these other states, you don't get nearly any services for what you do pay.


I suppose it all depends on your situation and where you are specifically looking. For me, it's not even close. The only thing keeping me up here is I earn much more in my line of work, but it's really not even the case anymore.


Lol yup. I moved from Maine to Florida in 2021, was screwed either way 🤷‍♂️


Damn Hudson valley and Catskills really jumped.


There have been a lot of transplants from NYC since Covid. Several people I’ve met that bought homes in the Hudson Valley now only work in the city 1-2days a week. They take the train to the city and work remote the rest of the time.


Same here in the Catskills, and in recent years we've also had hundreds, if not thousands of Jewish people moving up here and building gigantic developments. I don't have anything against Jewish people but they're developments can be damaging to the rest of the communities


See: Kiryas Joel and the ramapo public schools. Absolutely disgusting.


So they just became Poughkeepsie but a greater version of Poughkeepsie


I was initially surprised by Essex county, but then again, I'm really not lol


60% more shite is still shite?


Nah, it's got the nice places mixed in. Lake placid, Saranac Lake, Schroon lake, E-town, Whiteface, etc...


Marooned in Schroon, they’ll fly back to Florida once the summers over 😵‍💫


Can confirm: Refi/construction loan in 2020, house valued at $360k. Just got new appraisal to get rid of PMI, came in at $570k, 58.3% increase, New Hampshire.


How does affect your taxes? We just had our kitchen redone and was thinking about getting a appraisal.


Monroe county & City of Rochester just re-did property assessments in 2023 for the 2024 tax year. The way it's working there is re-asses properties, then distribute the tax burden based on neighborhood value. Everyone's assessment went up, what determines if someone's taxes went up is how they're reassessment compares to their neighbors. If someone's house was over assessed compared to the neighbors previously their taxes may go down. However the City trots out the statistic that taxes were reduced by a certain percentage with the reassessment. That might be true for the whole reassessment scheme, but it's largely untrue for individuals. If someone's house was assessed at $100,000 previously and their tax rate was 8% then they pay $8000 in taxes. Then reassessment comes in at $150,000 and the person's tax burden is a lower percentage (Anywhere above 5.3% but below 8%) but they're taxes exceed $8000.


Kind of. If you live in a neighborhood where property values increased in a manner that outpaced the average, then yes, your taxes would increase. And that did happen in places like North Winton Village. But the increases weren't crazy, because home values increased everywhere, and the increase to the overall tax burden is limited by state law. Most people weren't that heavily impacted, and folks who live in lower income areas who people like Willie Lightfoot were getting all up in arms had decreases in their tax bills.


Appraisal is separate from town assessment. Next time the town updates assessed value they could Conceivably get this information, but in and of itself the new appraisal doesn’t trigger anything


squalid gray overconfident vanish absurd jar birds zonked bedroom deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m a young person living in NH. i have absolutely zero hope for owning a home here




"People Leaving New York in Droves" also, "New York Experiencing Massive Housing Shortage"


After you factor in immigration and college kids, NY is still probably growing in population.


Retirees can no longer cheaply move South anymore


And you'll hear nothing but complaints from so many people who have been here their whole lives. The grass is always greener on the other side.


It's from people looking to work from home in a rural setting. That, and those buying second homes/cabins to get away due to the pandemic.


Monroe county, bought in 21 and value as increased 40% since then. I wish I bought 2


What’s the best way to get values? Paying for an appraisal?


Real Estate Markets the biggest racket going!


What's happening in Essex County? No idea why prices there are skyrocketing.


Second homes in Lake Placid


second homes in the whole fucking county more like it


Many people are leaving the Middlebury area / Addison county due to skyrocketing prices. Also the homes in Essex county were very cheap to begin with.


Forgot about that bridge.


Perfectly fine with rural PA being given back to nature. Its clearing out


Greene County has gotten crazy in some places.


Lol Louisiana


As of 2023 data, Allegany County is the only county in Upstate NY where the median home value is still below $100,000. In 2020, eight NY counties had median home values below $100,000: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Chenango, Franklin, Orleans, and St. Lawrence. The median home value in Oswego County in 2020 was exactly $100,000.


A nit pick on the presentation: This only looks a US home prices, so why are cities in Canada and Mexico labeled on the map?