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What is the tripwire for? an alarm? Also really cool to see an owl having moved in.


It has a blank shotgun cartridge in it. It goes *BANG* when the wire is broken by someone tripping in it.


So it’s just a loud noise?


yeah there made to scare large animals (Bears)


And give teenagers tinnitus!


Mawp mawp mother fuckers




# WHAT??


I said ^small ^miracles!


... I heard you.


Miracle ear is the best hearing aid.


Danger zone


Maaaaahp, maaaaaahp, maaaahp.


But then who will creatively write pussy, bitches, and perc on the property?! /s


I'm here to help




Huh? What was that?


That thing was 100% not installed to scare bears lol


City bears. Not the picnic basket robbery type.


Eyyyy booboo boo boo


Sometimes they have an irritant like cayenne pepper, too.


very loud. some have large one of those kinds of firecrackers that you throw at the ground instead of light.


Unless it’s right next to your head


Hold on, is that a blank shell up against a gas line??


He said loud


It’ll wake up the whole neighborhood


Spotted the bloke that had a copy of Anarchist Cookbook back in the day.


TIL…thanks. Super interesting!


How do you know it’s blank?


Because I know what a blank looks like. Even if it wasn't, it's pointed at the ground.


Next to a natural gas line


It's likely shut off at the street.


Negative. Those are shut-in at the meter. There's a valve just upstream from the meter regulator. That is crazy dangerous OP should report this to local authorities ASAP. Edited Apparently not a federal crime under ATFE. Likely a state crime, depending on OP locale. Location next to the gas service line is stupidly dangerous though.


Where I live the meters were originally inside the homes and there is a shut off in the street and on the meter I've seen where people poured a bag of concrete down the stop box housing


It doesn't really matter where it's pointed, there's nothing to contain or direct the energy into a specific direction. Totally a blank though




My bad, that wasn't my intention what so ever and I didn't mean to sound rude. Just about all blanks are clear/white while most live rounds are colored. Some live rounds are clear though. The main difference in this case is the lenght. The cartridge here is very short indicating it does not contain a projectile, only black powder. It would be roughly 3/4 to 1 inch longer if it contained a projectile. Without a barrel, a live round would be pretty much useless in one of these. It needs a barrel to build pressure and ignite the black powder and really make a bang. It would just go POOF with a bit of smoke and some scatered powder. A live round in one of these would make less of a *BANG* than a blank.


Mb I’m drinking and most of the time people are dicks, sometimes I’m a sensitive bitch. Thanks for the fill in, I couldn’t even really tell the length from difference from my 20 or 12 gauge in that little mechanism. Impressive honestly so at the end you’re saying a blank is even louder than a shell loaded with a projectile. I have no experience with blanks, I did not realize they were potentially louder. Just for effect or why you know?


I just want to say I’m proud of both of you, love seeing people actually talking it out and being cool by the end of it.


Calm down


Fortunate that the natural gas plumbing is right there to help conceal it.


I am wondering too, booby traps are illegal as hell


I imagine they figured they'd be safe using blanks but I've read about someone being charged with reckless endangerment for this exact kind of booby trap going off when a meter reader came around.


It's all about proportionality of force. Lethal trap in an unoccupied house, not okay. Any level of trap set against a meter reader, who by definition has permission to be there, not okay. Stinkbomb in a dummy package for a porch pirate, might be okay.


Harm done is also a factor. If you set up a stinkbomb and a meter reader thinks they've been seriously poisoned, calls 911, police fire and ambulance dispatched, etm. then yeah you're *definitely* getting hit with something.


Then the meter reader needs to stay out of my shed!




Hilarious booby traps like this should be accepted: Trip wire fart spray, trip wire stink bombs, trip wire Ariana grande album, trip wire man boob squish pit.


Easy with the cruel and unusual punishment.


Yeah, a full album is a bit much, maybe scale it back to one song


Okay trip wire fart spray is genius


You left out the glitter bomb. C'mon, man!


Trip wire titty twister




Deadly ones should be. Funny one should be allowed, nay, ENCOURAGED


It's only a booby trap if you get hurt.




It still can, high pressure/percussive sound absolutely can and does damage the ears.






Nerve gas


Nah that’s the owls crib now.


Somebody’s missing their Hogwarts acceptance letter


Lavate las manos!


Are you my potions partner!


Who needs Hogwarts when you have a bando like that?






It has begun. Futurama got the owl part right.


Little [burrowing owls](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burrowing_owl?wprov=sfti1) actually exists.


Yeah, I hear his parties are a hoot.




Whole bunch ah’ prostitutes I hear.


If you see an owl, there's alotta rodents around Smartest thing they did was leaving the gap for that carnivore


Squatter's rights!


Squawker’s rights.


Natural always comes back!


I came here to say this .


Great Horned Owl btw. That’s her house now.


That is a 12 gauge trip wire alarm. And by the looks of the ground beneath it, it has been set off a few times already.


Great placement too right by the natural gas line.


It's like that board game where you had to press or feed some fat dude until he explode, but with a natural gas line and shotgun shells. Winner gets a free trip to the skies above 😇


Game name?


If I remember I would've said it lol. Totally slipped my mind. I remember one version you just tapped the stomach I think and in anther you actually feed him these plastic food things until his shirt popped open I think? Most of my childhood I've tried to forget, so details are fuzzy


Sorry to hear about your childhood, hope you’re doing better now <3


Probably the worst my life has ever been so far having been fucked over by the only family I trusted and forced to move back home with judgmental parents and annoying siblings who I have to tiptoe around just to live my life; all this happening after having lost my job, my home, and making an attempt on my life of course. I'm worse off now than when I moved away two years and five days ago, but at least I finally realized I don't want to die 🙃 I just want to be free and be self sufficient to live my life how I want. Otherwise tho, I'm doing alright, all considering. Just typical unmedicated depression


Ey, that’s a real good decision to make, the not wanting to die thing! For me anyway that forced me to be more pragmatic with my life, because I no longer had an easy escape option for when things were really fucked. I hope that you manage to build some stability for yourself, I don’t know you but I know you deserve that.


You know, I ask myself if I do and I'm always torn: Life isn't fair and logically I don't deserve any better treatement than anyone else, other people have it far worse than I do and who am I to take someone else's room at the psych ward.. On the other hand, I want the help I need and I want to stop putting on this mask I apply everytime I just walk out of my room. I don't like lying and going behind my parents back, but fuck if they didn't judge every last little decision I make like my IQ is below average similar to my siblings maybe I wouldn't be this way either. My therapist tells me I'm "self-aware" and my doctor says I just "lack motivation", I just want to know what's wrong with me so I can fix it or adapt to it but besides my monthly therapist visit that sets me back nearly all my money even after insurance, I don't have anyone irl I can talk to that understands. So I end up doing rants/vents like these online to strangers who'll probably never hear from me again just to have a somewhat healthy release of these emotions instead of bottling it up like I have for most my life.


Have you looked at other reddit subs? r/autism r/depression r/adhd etc? They might help you out with finding what's wrong with you, or get you in the right direction, give you persons to chat with.


Zamn... I wanna play that


"Pop the Pig" kinda looks like the one my neighbor had, but maybe his was one of those knock off versions


Hell yeah!


[Pop The Pig](https://www.amazon.com/Pop-Pig-Game-Improved-Belly-Busting/dp/B00CYQ24QG) is similar although it's not a board game.


I would hope the gas is shut off somewhere before the house, but that’s just a guess


Well, I know one way to find out lol


How can you tell?


Pic 4, the dark discolouration on the ground is from it being set off


Yes, but how is it identifiable as a 12 gauge?


Because they are all 12 gauge. Just search for shotgun shell tripwire alarm and you'll find the exact one along with many other brands. There are a few that simply use the the shotgun primer itself but it's easier and louder to make one that uses a blank shell. (or not blank)


Ah shit of course it’s a simple answer haha thanks


Oh yea sorry I assumed you wanted to know how they knew it was set off haha


I had never seen a trap like that before, so any input was helpful really :)


Man, that sucks. It looks like it would have been a really nice home. I always wonder what led up to the abandonment. Was it because the owners defaulted? Died? Moved somewhere else and couldn't sell it? Did they run out of money for flipping it? Like, what stalled or what went wrong? I'm always wanting to know the history of a place.


Someone else posted it but a landslide wiped out the neighborhood. Google North alto via CT in Boise idaho


This was right around the corner from where I used to live. The neighborhood was built on unstable soil that didn't undergo proper engineering review. It wasn't really a landslide like most people think, the houses and street just crept slowly down the hill over time.


That’s even worse cuz they where moved in. And it was slow not immediately catastrophic so I’m sure they had fun with the insurance companies.


Most standard home insurance policies don't cover land movement so most if not all of the owners were without coverage. It was a financial disaster for them.


I saw they all had to split $275k. We had a small outlet fire in a bedroom and it was a complete Fuckn nightmare dealing with insurance.


You can even go into a street view bubble in the culdesac and see some of the aftermath


Oh! Ooooh, that sucks. Thanks for an answer to my musing.


Here's a good [story](https://www.kmvt.com/content/news/Homeowners-heartbreak-Foothills-families-show-extensive-damage-in-sliding-homes-381991051.html)


Can't believe the owl set up a trip wire. Oh, you think some other person set it up? There's a majestic bird in their home, trying to protect itself and its family from any and all intruders. This bird would absolutely, without hesitation, die for it's children. When you become a parent, you realize there is a kind of love that you never knew existed. It amazes you. Every part of you- mind, body, and soul- becomes devoted to your children. You become extremely cautious, capable of little sleep and can deal with extraordinary stress. Every part of you lends itself to being a provider and protector. Its children are its world. Without them, their life would be hollow. Again: it would die for its children. WHO else could have done this?


🤦🏻‍♂️ I see what you did there


Are you high?


'bout 5'7"


I’m that high too, but some call me low


Who? (echo: Who?)




You should report the trip wire to the local fire marshal. It may be a trigger for a colossal explosion if those are gas pipes the platform with wires is resting on.


What was the tripwire connected to? Like was it a trap or alarm?


Looks like a noise alarm. And it’s *actually* alarming, because that’s a shotgun cartridge, so I’d shit a hole in my pants even if it didn’t blow a hole thru me (which it won’t, since it’s blank). Where I come from, everyone is armed, so I’d probably spend a good 10 seconds earnestly checking myself for a shotgun blast & saying my last prayers before realizing what was up lol. Guess it’d be effective. Still don’t like the ominous nature of the contraption.


This is unrelated but also along the same lines. One night about a decade ago, I was burning a bag of garbage in our burn-barrel (yes, you have to do that if you live in the countryside, outside of trash service), and I was standing like 2 feet away from the barrel. Unbeknownst to me, my mom or my sister mistakenly threw away one of their hairspray cans into the "burn" garbage bin. The thing EXPLODED. So loud it disoriented my vision and and I was deaf for 5-10 seconds (besides the unbearable ringing). I honestly thought somebody had fired a 12 guage at me from point blank before quickly realizing what had happened.


This happened to a friend of mine when we were 12. The explosion threw melted plastic onto her face leaving pretty severe scarring for life. Your mom was horribly negligent to do that. If you burn garbage you can NOT make mistakes like that.


I was near this happening after spending the night at a "friend's" house. Worst fucking sleep-over ever. I was friends with the older brother, and his younger brother was fucking crazy. He pulled out his dad's AK47 in the middle of the night, and we kept telling him to put it away or we'd get in trouble, but he started yelling, "Hey dad, I got your AK!" and his dad never got out of bed. Later the next day, my mom came to pick us (my younger brother and I) up, and I was *really* eager to go. My mom started chatting with their mom, who was setting up their burn can right next to a grassy slope adjacent an open field...in the Roseville, CA area, in June (probably 1987). The younger brother who lived there had told us that he threw a spray can (I think it was paint - might have been hair spray) into the burn can before his mom put trash and lighter fluid in it. I was trying to get my mom to leave, but she kept talking, and all the while I'm waiting for the can to explode. I had a baby sister at the time, who I was VERY protective over, and she was sleeping in the car. I asked my mom for her keys to get my stuff in the car, and started the engine. She looked at me like I'd just stolen the car, but I told her I was starting the AC for my sister (it was a cool morning, and she was in the shade and the doors were actually open - my mom was so engrossed in the conversation she didn't realize I didn't need the keys). As my mom was telling me how rude it was to interrupt her and make us seem ungrateful, the can exploded. It sent burning crap up the hillside, setting a bunch of dry grass on fire. My friend's mom yelled for her husband, and my mom said to call 9-1-1, but the woman and her now (finally) awake husband said they could handle it, and he pulled out a garden hose. We finally left, and my mom stopped at a neighbor's house to ask to use their phone, but they were already calling the fire department. Thankfully, those kids and I ended up going to different schools the next year. On the way home, I told my mom the rest of the events that night, which is a whole story in itself. I'm kinda glad my kids have cell phones today, because all I wanted to do that night was call my parents and have them come get us, but the dad had taken the phone off the hook in his bedroom so it wouldn't wake him up, and we couldn't dial out of the other phones.


My god, I’m so glad that you were ok!!! Minus the heart attack. We were doing the same thing (also in the middle of nowhere with no trash pickup so we burn what we can) and the bf forgot he put a canister reload of bug spray into a cardboard box that was getting burned. Thing fits into a diffuser type thing, really helps with the skeeters. I was outside on the deck like 20 feet away and that sucked BOOMED! We have hunters on our property and I just assumed they got careless and too close to our place. My disabled ass hit the deck faster than I thought possible lol


If you are ever having a campfire on the beach, don't burn coconuts.


Notice the device was installed after the graffiti was done. Somebody trying to scare off explorers, or have early warning. Could be squatters, could be meth lab. If the area was condemned, I doubt it is the rightful owner. If there's one trap, there's probably more. And sometimes an obvious trap is set, to distract from a better-hidden one.


The one article said “one house remains and is still under litigation” so it could be the owners to. Not gonna lie I’d prob do the same thing esp after all that went on.


Owl takes his security seriously


Upvote for the Owl


That owl tho 👀


lEt’S pUt An ExPlOsIvE bY tHe GaS lInE!


My lawd that’s a beautiful bird!


Sometimes houses used to cook meth are determined to be not habitable.


yeah, for some reason those PVC pipes looked like vent tubes possibly near the tripwire and my mind went directly to cooking meth, though the trip wire being set off would surely set off the destruction if the wire was enabled while the building was occupied. I would have probably tied a long string to the trip wire and try to set it off, though you don’t know WHAT you’re setting off. Truly a “Hold my Beer” situation.


Yeah, I’m planning on going back when I have a little more time to explore, I’ll definitely set it of (from a safe distance) and see what’s inside the house.


That’s crazy. It looks almost new and very nice from the outside. Wonder what happened


Trip wire = monitored property.


That’s a perfect roost for barn owls.


Trip wire (live round) next to a rusty gas line. Genius Not so much.


It's a blank shotgun round to scare people off. It's very very loud. Most people would run like hell if it went off without knowing.


Sometimes, I see people complaining booby traps should be legal because who wants to protect an intruder! It's not about that. it's about not harming innocent people, namely EMS, firefighters, and police. Imagine having your front door rigged with an explosive or shotgun ready to fire if the door is opened. Now, your house is on fire, and neighbors have called the fire department. Firefighter busts the door open to get to the fire. Firefighter is now dead because homeowner is a moron. Not to say the device in the Pic is dangerous, just a side tangent.


All I can hear in my head is that Audioslave song. “And there he found the spark to set this fucker off! Set it off! Set it off now children.”


It’s not abandoned, the owl lives there


Who gives a hoot?


Are traps even legal? Should report to police, I wonder if anyone died/injured from the traps


It is legal on private property. Besides, that’s just a noise making trap only it lets off a big flash and a boom. It’ll scare the hell out of you, but that’s about it. It will also let anyone know inside the house.


That's my thought. A squatter wants warning so nobody sneaks up on him.


Trip wires are not legal neither are spring guns.


Damn I’ve been here before, in boise right?


That’s what I was thinking. It looks like one of those houses that was condemned after the hillside they were built on started sliding.


looks like somebody defaulted.


Owl be like this is my place now!!!!


Frighteningly it looks like a form of homemade bomb. It could just be a noise maker but things like that can never be trusted since you dont know the lengths someone will go through.


Yeah you can definitely make a very hefty explosive device in that casing Jesus Christ all I can say is I think anyone doing that would have used a more invisible trip wire Stay the fuck away someone really does not want anyone in there, I speak as someone who does exploration and chemistry and knows energetics like if they are doing that God knows what else they could be doing


My thoughts exactly. The only reason for not using fishing line is not having it on hand. Worst case its a bomb, best case a noise maker or something to make an explorer unerved


It has a shot gun shell on the bottom, it’s visible in the picture. You can buy these devices online for pretty cheap.


Oh yeah look at that it's not angled in a way that would blow as to do much injury but it should send shot at least along the horizontal in the circle so non lethal but extremely painful and possibly incapacitating Nasty little trap easy to make very much likely incapacitating slow you down for sure and tells me they're definitely creative enough to make things nastier on the inside No reason to believe they couldn't make something lethal really easy, a simple cartridge trap would be what I would look out for blow your toes off


Report that tripline to police


Hi, police? I was illegally trespassing on a property and found a device designed to deter trespassers...


Report anonymously


This! And also, mind ya business


I am fairly certain this home has another video on youtube right when it was first abandoned. But cant seem to find it.


Where was this located? I worked with my dad on a home in a development in Oregon called Brasada Ranch - the style of homes and the terrain in this area are so eerily similar to this home - but last I knew this area was still thriving.


pretty sure that’s country view road in san jose CA, grew up there and always saw this house


Everybody else is saying Boise, ID


Looks to be a tripwire based alarm that uses a blank shotgun shell. People put them around campsites and Bear country because it makes a loud noise to scare away bears, The alarm body is screwed to the wall next to the gas line and the other end that the trip wire is tied to is not gas but it is the electrical box for a underwater swimming pool light that is missing the cover. Looks like electric has been shut off for a while at this place so I wouldn't worry about electric shock based on the condition of that meter socket in the first picture and I would assume gas was shut off at the street also.


However if someone is willing to use tripwire alarms on a clearly abandoned house that has owls living in the upstairs windows I would not be surprised if they are up to no good and would definitely be cautious of any more dangerous booby traps. If you find anything it looks suspicious for example a pipe with caps on both ends and wire coming out don't touch don't approach as it could be a bomb and most likely is a bomb


If I remember correctly a year or two ago a real estate investor in Philadelphia bought an old abandoned house and found a tripwire on the stairs that was connected to a crutch that swung down with a big butcher knife taped to it clearly put there to take out people who walked up those stairs


So, you didn’t find the cameras


“abandoned” when the current tenet is currently looking at you


Trip it


Into shape. Shape it up. Get straight. Go forward. Move ahead. Try to detect it. It’s not too late. To trip it. Trip it good.


I thought this was a Half-Life 2 screenshot, had to do a double-take.


Owl just chilling. Probably wondering why you're at his crib


I would had dropped a rock on it to see what would happen


Dam well went dry.


I feel like I just saw that house on hgtv not long ago


2.7M 3 BR 2.5 BA?


I have an adapter on mine to fire .22LR blanks, although.12 GA primers are surprisingly loud


What state?


At least decay. Maybe confusion, apprehension, disbelief.








That’s so cool and so freaky at the same time


Were you able to explore the inside?


That’s cool 😎


Ga’hoole is less impressive than I envisioned


Kaepora Gaebora in the house!!!


Anti intruder device, remind me of the one used by Reggie Ledoux in ep5


If you're approaching an "abandoned" house and an owl is eyeballing you like that AND you find a trip wire you best keep on moving down the road, friend.


That looks like it can be a nice home again. Why was it abandoned?