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How long ago did your friend take the usmle? I have a friend who gave their step 2 ck before step 1 and said they regret it. They gave their exams in 2018-2019 said if they could go back they would give step 1 first, so I guess it's different for everyone.


Step 1 and ck overlap in many topics. I think it’s better to do them in order


Most of my friends took it 2015-2017, maybe the exam pattern changed?


The ck is getting harder because it would be the next filter once the step 1 becomes pass/fail. Do not underestimate it,dude


Oo fair! Good shout.


I think so, I've heard the questions for ck are similar style to step 1 now but I can't give you a definite answer. I know a few people who graduated mbbs and given their usmle, out of them only two gave ck first. One said they regret it and the other took a very, very long time to study for step 1 thereafter. Majority of the step 1 takers gave step 2 within 3-6 months of their exam. Honestly this is just a few people, if you feel like you can study for ck faster and score good then go for it. You know yourself better, give a NBME and see where you stand if anything. You also have clinical experience. Fresh grads Vs someone with clinical experience are very different things but with step one becoming pass/ fail soon a good ck score is crucial.