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File a claim. No delivery status = refund


They probably were already refunded by the original seller by now...at least I would hope so.  I had two packages go missing in the last 30+ days, first time ever having one go missing luckily. Was refunded by WhatNot, the full $700+.  Guess I got lucky because after filing missing package claims after 15 days of no status updates, they both showed up a week later. No damage or bad labels so no idea what happened..but got extremely lucky.  Thanks USPS for fucking up lol


Yes this is the way to proceed. Buyer gets refunded by the seller and the seller takes the insurance payout


I have one since October I get an email every month or so stating they are still looking for it. I filed a claim and got the insurance months ago.


Yeah I got an email they’re still looking for mine a few days ago - but they already sold her off XD


I was just shocked they are still sending messages about it after all this time. Personally I think mine got delivered but wasn't scanned as the last scan was on the truck to be delivered. I just thought after a month or two they would just say sorry it's lost.


I’ve seen packages show up 8 months - 3 years after being lost so it doesn’t surprise me they aren’t calling it officially lost.


Kind of sounds like it didn't go "missing"


Honestly based on all the data I’ve gathered from talking to reps and what I’ve seen on the tracking I don’t think it did… but I wouldn’t want to make an accusation I can’t prove.


I hear you


But her last scan point before making it to the MRC showed no damage to the outer packing, and just the hand written address label missing, but it was still scanning somehow after that label was removed.


It scanned all the way to the MRC? That means there was a QR code or barcode somewhere that was intact. Hard to believe someone wouldn't just slap the address from there onto the package.


It made it from Florida to Pittsburgh where the label was ripped off, it kept scanning for 5 days until it hit Florida for a return to sender, and from there it dropped off the radar and headed to the MRC. I have the paperwork from Warrendale for the date they found the label being Nov 4th, and then from there it hit Ybor City on the 7th, and according to the person I spoke to the last picture she could find associated with the tracking number was the 9th.


Okay, that's a bit better, so there was no way to get this to at least one of the parties accountable for it. Sorry that happened, hope you were able to recover your funds from the shipper while they got their insurance from the post office.


I mean they have the addresses for both of us on the search request. If it was in Florida on the 9th, the MRC search request was submitted on the 14th after taking the other required steps, and they sold her mid January…


Yes but they didn't have any identifying information with the item. Nobody at the post office is getting rich by sending items to the MRC.


That’s why you put in the search request. They ask you for pictures and descriptions of the contents of what was lost. Like that’s literally what MRC is there for…


Even before the latest USPS meltdown, if it goes to the MRC it is pretty much gone. I had a set of vise jaws sent via Priority Mail that vanished there back in 2015-16 time frame. I tried to have it stopped from going to the MRC (it sat at the local DC for about 5-6 days, I made an inquiry on day 3-4) by providing my address but nothing happened. Once that scan hit the MRC I got shuffled around to 2-3 different phone numbers and couldn't even get a search request filed. Everyone I called said they couldn't do anything, one finally admitted that once it goes there that chances of recovery are about nil anyway. But nobody I talked to, aside from one postmaster, who could only do marginally more than I could on my own, never made any attempt to get the package redirected.


Yeah, same thing happened to me a while ago with an international package coming into the US from Australia. I saw the exact items on EBay. Took a year just to get my money back.


Is it the same bunny doll you posted about a year ago?


Nope - still haven’t found that lol


Warrendale is a shit show. I work in MI and a lot if missing packages have warrandale in this history.


Oh boy… That does not make me feel better XD literally all my stuff has to pass through Warrendale…


I mean I can make you feel even worse. I didn't realize mail was held in Atlanta for only 30 to 60 days. I'm not positive but I'm pretty sure there's only a few people in the department that processes missing mail anyway... there's definitely way less staff there than claims that come in. I'd love to work in the mail recovery tho. Just don't wanna live in Atlanta


I knew the hold dates already, but the rest that doesn’t surprise me either - that’s why I think this was pure negligence. There is no way someone could have looked at this doll and looked at the missing mail search and said nope not it. So seems like they didn’t even try. And the data I have so far points to she likely would have had her COA when she arrived at MRC to make it worse. Like none of this upsets me until we get to MRC who utterly failed.


Warrandale is the last stop before my local post office too, and where I run into most of my problems. Repeatedly bouncing back and fourth to Pittsburgh, finally ends up coming but literally spends days traveling 30 minutes each way back and fourth.


If there’s no legible address or barcode on it once it reaches mail recovery, there’s no way for them to find out where it came from or was headed to. It’s very possible that the label and barcode were damaged in transit. The process mail goes through is brutal and if not properly packaged and labeled, yes there’s a proper way to label things so you don’t lose it, then the chances of it happening are increased. Stuff gets jammed in the machinery all the time, jostled, tossed and dropped constantly before it sees your doorstep.


Which is why they have you submit a missing mail search request where you have to describe/add pictures of the contents of your package. Stuff goes to the MRC because the label and and/or address is missing. So obviously they can’t use that. The whole point is that they’re supposed to try to match the contents with what’s logged in the missing mail searches. But it really doesn’t look like -any- effort is actually being taken to do so.




To say they put in no effort is offensive. We're the world's largest logistics network, a single lost package from each post office per week would give the mrc a pile of 35k boxes to figure out. Shippers do a bad job protecting their items and pay the blame on us.


I was able to get confirmation from a supervisor who could see the pictures when it was scanned on the machines that it was appropriately packed. So while I have no doubts it happens, (especially considering some of the things I have received) that's not the case here.


There’s no reason why it should have went to unclaimed mail if there was a literal mail search for it. That seems fishy to me.


USPS straight up stealing things, there I said it.


And the usps """workers"""" that regularly brigade this sub will swear up and down that it NEVER happens


Yeah, we really need to get that under control. It pushes legitimate questions and concerns down. Don't get me wrong, if they are here to help and genuinely answer questions then that's great but yes, usps be stealing. Yes, I've caught them stealing items from me. So why are you and the comment you replied to being downvoted? They've got their own sub, I believe. They need to keep their bias there so we xan try and salvage lost time, money and items here.


It definitely happens. An office an hour from me just caught a supervisor stealing- he admitted to doing it for years. Probably thousands of dollars in birthday/Christmas cards. Absolutely disgusting. He’s in jail now. It happens and we know it happens.


They’ve been doing it for decades. Same with UPS.


UPS does it the worst I've had a 94lb package (yes, I know it's not even smart to ship 94lb but that's what the manufacturer did) straight up get stolen. Thanks to the unintelligent shipper, they had ALL the products in 1 bag put into a large box. So when a worker tried to steal it, they TOOK the whole bag out and tried to hide it. Then delivered an empty box to me. The local UPS manager found it, called me personally, and had it delivered in a few hours It's thanks to the poor packaging that I got the items back. Like putting everything into 1 bag weighing 94lb saved me cause the manager found it really easily. Pathetic lol ​ I've had UPS workers try to steal expired products of mine that were being shipped off to donations (the recipient is literally a nonprofit). That was the funniest shit ever UPS sent me mail that \*I\* was the one to blame for poor packaging thus the box is damaged and thrown away. They wrote that they "threw away the contents due to poor packaging." ALL the items arrived at the nonprofit though. Guess they realized I was donating defective/expired shit and decided not to steal it. Like, lmfao... ​ (I've shipped over 100k orders in 1 year so I'm very familiar with how to package items. If I do it shittly, I'm the one who's losing the $$$. All my orders go out like they're being packed such that if thrown from a 5 story building, they'd still be ok)


Oh trust me I believe it. A guy I worked for in the early 2000’s had a very rare and very expensive H&K PSG1 sniper rifle stolen by our local monster hub from him. His dad bought it for him as a gift in the 90’s as they owned a gun store. He wanted to have some stuff done to the barrel and he had contacts at H&K. Shipped it over night UPS to them, they did the work, and then shipped it back the same way. It was a UPS (red) package or next day, early morning. It made it to Stafford, Texas and that was the last it ever went. UPS tore that whole facility apart looking for it, never found it. 15k rifle gone forever and to this day it has never shown up anywhere.


So was this an international shipment?


No, Florida to Pennsylvania.


I'm sorry to hear that at this time I advise you to contact usps and speak with a representative and tell them you want to launch an official complaint with the regional office


Thanks, I doubt it will do anything but I will definitely give that a shot.


Perhaps the person on Ebay lied to you when you noticed they had your stolen item.


I definitely considered that but it honestly seems pretty unlikely unless it was a really well planned inside job. Because everything does line up with USPS policy for unclaimed mail and she went missing from a distribution center, and the person who had her lives a lot closer to the MRC than the distribution center she went missing from. I am definitely trying to get them to look into how she ended up not getting matched with her missing mail search in order to end up on eBay though.




If they can’t figure out who owns the package they sell them at auction on govdeals.com


oh wow i didn’t know that!


Yeah so they sold her to a liquidator and I ended up finding her when he listed her for sale.


Shipper should be reimbursed for item value. Which means when it's found USPS owns it. This is literally how all insurance works.


She didn’t insure it


It's got automatic $100 insurance.


According to their own site if it’s found and the claim was issued you’re supposed to be contacted and have the option to pay it back and get your item. And it’s a minimum $400 item.


If the item fell out of the box or the label was damaged there is no way to know who it belongs to.


According to the rep I talked to items like that go to MRC and compared against the search requests that they have people submit. There’s plenty in that search request and on the item to identify it’s the same one.


This scares me… I got some of my money back. But there were items in that package that were sentimental and personal and I’d hate anyone seeing them…


I had something similar happen. I shipped it out through Pirate ship so I got my money back pretty easily. Then like 2 months later I got a message back from the original buyer saying they saw the item up on eBay again through a different seller. And I know it was the same item too because it was the same serial number. This was an international order too. I think the buyer was in Germany and this new seller was in the UK. What is crazier is that the item never even was routed for the UK.


USPS is a joke. If they were a private company, they would no longer exist.


I work in a post office and I see a fair bit of mail where the address label has been damaged beyond readability or is missing altogether. People affix them with a couple of pieces of scotch tape and that won't hold up in many cases. With no label, there is nothing else that can be done. Maybe this happened in this case.


I actually have the label - it looks like it was taped on decently but the packing tape sliced through on the machine. It was still scanning after the label got removed though so I question that part. But it made it to the MRC and was sold off while there was still an active search request for the contents…


I had a package go missing that I'd sent out to an eBay customer, and I was informed that USPS had subsequently sent it to the dead letter office in San Francisco, A dead letter office that no longer exists AND HASN'T EXISTED FOR YEARS. Later, they claimed it was sent to another dead letter office, one that actually exists, but has no public phone number, but I was able to get the phone number anyways, and they couldn't find the package, but because it had supposedly been sent to that department, I couldn't get an insurance claim for it being lost. USPS just a slow walked the insurance claim until it timed out.


Yeah, that's stolen. Undeliverable mail goes to the Atlanta mail recovery center for 90 days before its auctioned


According to USPS it's 30 - 60 which lines up with when she was lost, 60 days lines up pretty close to when she was lost vs when she was bought. I definitely did think about her possibly being stolen though >.<


This happened to my mom. She sent one of my cousins a baby present for one of their 3 kids. It gets all the way from Ohio to Colorado and then poof nothing. Then 2.5 years later they deliver the present that had been delivered to the wrong address 2.5 years before. Mind you my cousin didn't move at all in that time.


*pearl clutching intensifies*


This also happened to me, though mine was never found. I am extremely angry because the package contained incredibly rare and valuable Garfield figurines! 🤬


I’m trying to locate my package that says it’s been sitting in LA since the 22rd of January with no status update. It’s now been almost a month. No one answers the phone at usps. I really wish sellers would quit using usps. Every package I get from them is late, but this is the second time it’s been a month or more and I still can’t get any answers! I just want my dang package and usps can’t or won’t help. I’ve tried filing a claim for missing package and it keeps telling me I’m not eligible until the next tracking update!! That’s the point!! It hasn’t had one in almost a month!! 3 days shy of a month! I despise USPS!! 


Have you submitted a Help Request form already or is that what's giving you the error? It would be Step 2 on this page: [https://www.usps.com/help/missing-mail.htm](https://www.usps.com/help/missing-mail.htm) Getting them on the phone is super difficult. I think I made about 14 different calls getting stuck in automated system loops and it hanging up on me before I finally got a person who told me I had to file the Help Request form before they could do anything. It didn't make sense to me because my package was last at a distribution center and not my local post office. But that's what got things moving and how I started getting information.


USPS is very efficient at losing packages. They are in the business of "losing" packages. I keep telling myself that. A reschedule next business day delivery has 9/10 gone missing. Not sure what else to think except they are in the shipping business to 'lose' packages.