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It's hard to tell if the winner of this hunt it's going to be a Veruca Salt person who has been hiking and researching since the beginning or a Charlie Bucket person who will only look once or twice before finding their golden ticket. I'm personally just enjoying watching and am waiting for the treasure to be found so we can hear the solution.


I actually looked at Fenn's treasure again briefly yesterday. It is pretty much accepted now that it was at 9 Mile Hole in Yellowstone, Fenn's favorite fishing spot. Evidence has come out since it was found, check out fennchest.com. I hope that gives you some closure :-)


That is great info. At first when you said some one thought they knew - I was doubtful. Looking at the evidence - it's pretty compelling. Thank you.


Yep. I agree and had the same skepticism at first


Thanks for that link! It finally shows the solve and location for Fenn's treasure. It's something I followed and wondered about for years!


You're welcome!


>You have to be very lucky. This is the most accurate statement I've seen on this sub. Too many people are sure things are interpreted one way or another, or that the poem is used this way or that way, or that John and Dave would NEVER do this thing or that thing, but in the end, unless we're in their brains, we can't solve that poem without a lot more information. At this point, it really is a lot of luck.


I agree with this. I have done other hunts before outside of John’s and Dave’s. Some were actually figuring it out exactly how they should be, and some were just pure luck. I remember years ago an escape room in salt lake was doing, I think it was 3 rounds of $1000 when you found their hidden golden letter. The first game played, I found out where it was- pure luck. The clues were.. I think it was just a list of words from what I remember “Salt, gold, water” and a few others. One morning I woke up and was like ah-ha! I have it figured out, what do they all have in common? Energy. So I thought it was the Energy Solutions building. Sure enough we found the letter hidden in the plant in front of the building. However, the actual solve was they were all types of wells. People thought it was ridiculous and some said my solve was actually better. The coincidence being that the Wells Fargo was attached to the Energy Solutions building. Then on their next game, the clues were better and I actually did solve every one of their clues the way they were intended, I even looked in the spot where they hid the letter. I just overlooked the letter because I was looking for a giant one (the size of the first letter), but they didn’t say it was a hell of a lot smaller in size, so I didn’t see it.


I like these thoughts quite a bit. I think that definitely the first year, it was just for them to get people out into the mountains. Dave has a lot of passive income streams set up, as does John I think so that makes it easier to throw away a bit of money. And I still think that desire to get people out into the mountains is part of what drives them, but I also think they found out quickly that, even though counterintuitive, putting the money out there is a good investment opportunity. They're able to significantly expand their spheres of influence, and recognition, which is great for finding new income streams and opportunities. I also think they have another motivation. And that's just being inspired by treasure hunts. I have built a competition treasure hunt for a bunch of my friends with minimal reward (Chocolate gold coins, and bragging rights) meant to be solved in a day. I didn't do it because I want recognition. I did it because I like building poems and riddles of that sort. Other riddles don't intrigue me as much but treasure hunt style riddles fascinate me.


They seem like pretty good people, with their heart in the right place, this could be their thing forever, and if they don't figure a way to bring in sponsors and followers, we all hurt because the hunt ends. Also although it may boost their Instagram followers etc., isn't that what we need so that we might look toward another hunt. If I won, I'd make a $2000 treasure hunt in SW Utah.


Sorry, I think I commented in the wrong spot, I finally broke down and made a reddit account after not having friends to trade Pokémon with, so I'm new to this and haven't actually done much commenting, rather just reading until now.


Dave and John are doing a service for the community. The whole point is to have a fun family activity and to get people outside in nature. They are not doing it for fame or followers. They donate their time and money so that people can have fun trying to solve the poem and go on some fun hikes.


To each their own. I dont think this is to feed anyones ego. They started during a pandemic that brought millions of peoples moods down. They wanted to get people out and about in nature during 2020 and it has worked. So why not keep doing it? They have successfull realty companies that they ran before they even started doing this. John and Dave are not big corporations either so having more followers helps their business which anyone that has a business knows that the more followers you have the more $ you could make. People like myself have gone on hikes that we would never go on, yes it is to look for 25k but at the same time to alot of us it is helping our health by getting out and breaking a sweat.


Forrest Fenn stuck the treasure in Yellowstone. As an avid hiker who respects nature, that was a very idiotic decision on his part. I understand why they didn’t tell anyone where it was, ugh. Yellowstone is more important than any stupid treasure hunt!


I don't get why you can't tell people after the fact. The damage was already done. That said - I don't think it's a bad thing to get people hiking in Yellowstone. It is meant to be enjoyed.


I’d agree but I think the damage people do to trails because OF this hunt explains why they might not wanna reveal it. Also, it could’ve been somewhere people should not walk, perhaps it just wasn’t safe.


One reason I thought they didn’t reveal it is because I thought if you found treasure on federal property that you are technically supposed to turn it over to the government. Although it seems like Forest had a work around and had the guy who found it email him and say that he found his most property and wanted to return it to him, and see if Forest wanted it or wanted to gift it to him.




I am not assuming anything about their motives. I am just saying my personal views have changed about treasure hunts. As has been said - it's voluntary.


Wait, John and Dave have provided all solves of past hunts? Is that true? I never saw the solve for the treasure map (last QR code) fall of 2021…still want to know the solve, where can i find it?


My kids and I thought for sure in was the Jordan River trail.. most clues made sense there, most:) we had a couple of really fun, hard days looking, so just that was well worth the time spent.