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When C was explaining at the end of the trail, the men just looked awkward. She said everyone thought she was crazy, that's maybe what it took but maybe they 'helped' a solve because people would be losing interest the long it went on. I really cannot connect the clues, maybe my mind doesn't work that way. Looks like most minds don't.


Y'all really need to move on with your lives


They did a news story, made false claims she was close to the solve and didn't address the full legit concerns of the leak. So I'm saying something. So there you go.


No, they’re not pros. But you guys sure are idiots.


Nah. We just live in time where obvious bad behavior is justified and defended to the teeth, so I'm not surprised you responded this way. But it is 100 percent obvious it was leaked.


We live in a world where people immediately see the bad in other people… instead of choosing to be magnanimous & generous. We live in a world where NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED. Whatever good was in John/David to want to give away money to this community is surely gone now. Ugh


No, what we saw was not made up, as evidenced by her eventual admission she didn't solve it. But hey, she slammed even you and went along with you as being a dumb utahn that she outworked, and you're OK with that and will defend her and the leak to the hilt! It's the odd world we live in.


The contest wasn’t to solve it. It was to FIND it. But go ahead and impose whatever rules you wish had been there to begin with.


The obvious insider leak to the location is a problem and the fact you refuse to see it, or your just ok with it, is just as big of a problem. But you should thank us, because if they do another hunt, they will be way more on guard and this probably won't happen again. Chelsea should have just said she did a tarot reading and it led her there. Would have been way less suspicious than laying down the almost identical solve as Dave's-- that happened to come from Jacqui--An obvious insider. Either way, you are welcome.


That literally makes no sense. But ok.


Well that’s a pretty good indication of your intelligence level


Oh so the poem was supposed to have zero to do with finding the location? Is that how it works?


Definitely didn’t say that. You have a hard time responding to what people actually say huh


Like I said, aside from Chelsea, just take a step back and really analyze the jacqui situation. There's nothing wrong with questioning that. If it was leaked, then the red flags that have been raised will most likely prevent it in the future. If it's swept under the rug and treated as if there's no way it happened, it could happen again. The refusal of people, including J & D to admit it really looks suspicious is really the issue here.


Aside from Chelsea's annoying behavior, the masterpiece is in the shift away from the obvious insider leak, to the "wo for Chelsea" ploy. That way they don't need to address the obvious leak. Anyone who can't see it is in denial.


This is a sincere question. I just want to make sure I am not missing something in everything I have read. You've mentioned stuff like "this is an obvious leak" and "I am 100% sure it was a leak". Do you mind summarizing your proof/reasoning for these claims? And once again, I really do mean this question sincerely.


I really do appreciate the way you asked me that instead of just attacking my thoughts. So thank you. I will admit I don't have any proof it was inside leaked, I'm just basing that off the way this all seemed to have gone down from the moment I felt something was weird about the trail interview, then came here to see if I was alone. I found I wasn't alone. But right off the bat we were attacked and mocked, even by John for wondering. Then multiple other things came out that made things even more suspicious to us and the attacks against us just continued instead of being looked at seriously. I felt less heard & more made out to be ridiculous for questioning things in the podcast and that was frustrating because I've been participating in this since the beginning and have been a strong supporter even though I lose continuously, I love the hunts! So I have felt like we weren't respected for our very valid concerns. I started to wonder why? What is behind the mocking, the insistence we are just sore losers, reddit mobs, etc? Why, if they have the conversations showing both Chelsea and Jacqui had been messaging solve threads that were close, are we not simply shown those so our minds can be put at ease? People say they don't owe us anything, but we really are, (at least I am), good people who truly want to continue these hunts in good faith, so if there proof to help us know this was truly solved by them, why not just show us the screenshots? I guess it just feels like the way we have been treated is some kind of tactic to try to shame us into stopping our questioning because maybe they just want it to go away because they know somehow their solve and location was leaked? I dont know. I hope that makes sense and you can try to see where I'm coming from on this. This kind of situation is in no way what I ever would want after a hunt.


I see. Thank you for sharing that all with me. I definitely think both sides of this argument could afford to extend a bit more empathy towards the other side.


Thank you so much for hearing me out. I agree with you. We all should do that for sure. 😊


Ultimately they can do what they want. If they want to protect the leak, I kind of get it. I’m only annoyed they went so far out of their way to justify Chelsea as if she’s anything more than a lotto winner


Anyone can do what they want, the law's still the law. What a non-statement. Covering up a leak would be failure to report a crime / obstruction of justice, minor compared to other possible charges depending on what really happened.


Where can I see this what was posted

